Stealing other people's intellectual property is not good. It can backfire, you know

Stealing other people's intellectual property is not good. It can backfire, you know.

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Intelectual property is just a buzzword. Copyright laws are far removed from its original purpose. I try to support the artists and ignore all the corporative bullshit.

How did you support that man who was robbed and laid his vengeance upon them?

So what did they steal?

If it were me, I'd support with with a rope around his fucking neck.

Since all of their papers were misteriously missed, we will never know the truth. But I guess it's the similar situation with Tanaka Romeo's AURA in 2012

this thread idea was originally mine, prepare to get your house set on fire tonight.

Q: Why did the KyoAni employee leave his job?
A: He got burnt out.

Ideas won't turn into an IP if it doesn't go through the legal process. You can get mad at people stealing your ideas but you can't really win anything unless you legally copyrighted your shitty idea. Killing dozens of people won't help you getting back your stolen goods.

The Virgin Kyoani plagiarism
The Chad Trigger reference

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Well, the retard who set the fire might tell police during an interrogation or something. They probably didn't steal and he's just a loon who thinks they did because one of their shows has a similar concept.

the virgin virgin-chad meme VS the chad original idea

I don't understand why everything inside the building is made of wood, even the stairs.

> shitty idea
Oh come on. I am pretty sure tons of Kyoani cultists cried over that idea when it was used in anime and called it yet another brilliant Kyoani achievement.

SSSS.Gridman isn't a Kyoani show you fucking retard.

>They didn't want to spend money so they just decided to steal that guy's idea
>they didn't want to spend money to fire safety so they decided to pay their people more instead
Too bad those money haven't saved them. Sad, right?

It's comfy
It's fucking Japan


The only thing plagiarized was what was in the killer's diseased head. CEO already said they never worked with or even received mail from the guy. Words of the CEO vs. the words of a raving lunatic at this point. Feel free to believe the lunatic that just murdered over 30 people though.

Of course they won't reveal anything

that doesn't mean I need to hop on the dick of a fat NEET who decided to immolate an entire studio, just because he made a vague reference about plagiarism when being carted away.

He should have just sued
I'm sure there are lots of people here who would be willing to pay his legal fees

It's impossible. Kyoani were big evil and their cultist would back them up no matter whet they do, even stealing poor people's intellectual property to save money. Also don't forget, that was not even the first case. That was the only option.

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