How is this good?

I started watching JoJo and god, the first episode is terrible, I always thought this was an amazing Anime, as people are always talking about it

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Maybe you're just not fabulous enough.

You have trash taste op

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It's literally Meme: The Adventure.

You either love it or you hate it, but you always respect its style.

First episode was great. get some taste.

The whole show is style over substance until the later parts when Araki got depressed and started making more interesting plots.

what was terrible about it? it starts up great in establishing a narrative of how Jojo is a good boy but Dio is a giant evil shit

I mean, it seems so fucking unbelievable, the guy delivers a letter and the father automatically believes in him and treats him better then his son? I mean...

I watched part 1 and 2 and sure, the story is ridiculous, but... it's somehow funnily ridiculous. It tooks me some time to realise this. Part 2 is better in my opinion.

I gave up after 3 episodes of part 3. I feel it's way too long and it's going to be too repetitive.

You can try part 1, it's not that long and the pace is nice. At least try to watch until episode 3.

Stop watching and go away then.

Yeah, the first half of part 3 is a slog, they really fucked up the pacing. It's just endless stand of the week shenanigans.

Part one is pretty shit, things don't get good till part 2

part 1 is unironically hard to watch. but trust me OP it only goes uphill. and the peak has yet to be reached.

>I didn't like [popular thing], could it be that my individual tastes are different from those who enjoy it?
>No, they must be wrong for liking it!.
We get threads like this every hour.

Yeah, Jojo is shit. Big surprise. It's only a bunch of ironic weeb underages who like it anyway.

>style over substance

Yeah, but that claim doesn't hold up when the style is intentionally shit. A fucking 3 year old picks better colors than the Jojo staff. Could probably make better character designs too.

This. It's the same story on any board regarding any media
>You guys told me X game was great, but I played it and disagree. Clearly you were all maliciously misleading me!
>I read here that X movie was great, but upon watching 10 minutes of it, I immediately interrupted my viewing experience to start a thread declaring it to in fact be a shit. A SHIT!
I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same for all boards, really.
>Hey /po/ I was folding a paper crane and realized that cranes are fucking gay. Fuck you guys and your cranes!

REDLINE is similar, but there you can at least respect their decisions because the whole thing is basically just a musical

We have that with aluminium foil as a medium

That's what happens if people overhype shit, you get into stuff with ridiculous expectations that will never get met.

My friend just doesnt shut up about jojo, i tried it and it's hard to watch at part 1. But he keep pushing me to finish it.
Now I am that friend

You are not ironic weeb enough.
Careful though you will piss them off.

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Have some discretion user, holy shit.

A challenger approaches!

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We should over hype being an OP. Then hopefully they'll be disappointed and stop doing it.
>Being OP is fucking awesome! Nothing will ever compare to the high of starting a thread! I can't wait to start a thread right now!

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Is this Rohan or Araki?

Part 1 starts off slow, picks up in the 3rd episode, becomes boring again, then ends pretty well at ep 9. Part 2 starts at episode 10 and it's fun throughout.

What's the difference?

Oh! That's A Baitball!

Parts 1 and 2 are literally the best parts of JoJo you ignoramus.

>thinking jojo is unironically good at all
fucking kek

Your shitposts won\t bring KYoAni back, faggot.

>I mean, it seems so fucking unbelievable, the guy delivers a letter and the father automatically believes in him and treats him better then his son? I mean...
If something this minute and dumb bothers you, then watching anime probably isn't for you.

It's a meme, it's actually total garbage.

Triggered Jojofag. One singular burnt kyoani hand could make something better than Jojo in an hour. Stay mad that your series never had any talent.

Somebody make another JoJo thread, I don't want to sit in this "I am a literal faggot" edition.

Better yet, a Jojolion thread.

Based as fuck

>the first episode is terrible

>I am a literal faggot edition

You mean a positive Jojo thread? You know Jojo's a gay manga, right?

It's not great. It's just safely above mediocre. It's one of the most overrated things in existence.

You're taking it too seriously. I was the same way for the first episode but then I changed my outlook and ended up liking the whole franchise.

I don't think I've met anyone who genuinely loves part 1. It's very important to setup up the overarching plot but whenever I ask which which part of JoJo is their favourite, part 1 never comes up.

I've watched anime for 10+ years and enjoyed JoJo recently.
if I've learned anything, it's that you should just enjoy something (anime or manga) as it is.
If you sitdown and nitpick every single detail, you're basically denying yourself you enjoyed it in the first place.
JoJo is anime/manga to an extreme. It has a lot of character and it's unique. I don't mind if people don't enjoy it, but dismissing it as ironic weeb trash and not watching it makes you the same kind of people who post
There are bad shows I drop because there's nothing interesting or new about it. JoJo stays fresh because it changes the story after every part.
If you've given it a try and didn't enjoy it. sorry for making you read this rambling.

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If Jonathan's throbbing, veiny arms don't make your biceps rock hard and spill your drink all over, you're not weeb enough to watch this show

it's pretty hard to get someone into JoJos nowadays.
i mean, someone that never saw JoJo starts the series thinking it's going to be good, without knowing that part 1 is a piece of shit.
if somehow that person actually does manages to watch the entirety of part 1 and 2 (which is infinitely better than 1), they'll probably stop at the start of part 3, because pre-part 4 stands fucking suck.

if you want to hear my opinion, just watch the last episode and then start watching part 2.

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I mean we're having threads like this for Eva nonstop since the dawn of time. Like daily or almost daily holy shit.

I begrudgingly watched up to the teen episodes of part 4. The stands are an interesting concept, but the writing is laughable a lot of times (and not in the meme way). The most positive thing I can say about the anime is the cast in part 3 was decent, and that's just relying on the manga anyway. Other than that the anime is trash, and the definition of ironic weeb shit. I can respect the manga to an extent but the only reason jojo is so popular is literal ironic weebs. I value animation, anime should focus on that paired with good writing. The jojo anime either had no effort put into it or the people making it aren't qualified to work at an animation studio. Based on what fans say I'm inclined to believe the latter.

fuck off back to r*ddit faggot.

I've never read this much bad taste in one post
>Ironic weeb shit
What does that even mean, please go back to plebbit

JoJo is only popular because of memes. the writing is usually good at the start of each season,but turns to crap with asspulls and inconsistent abilities nearly the end watch part 3 and part 4 to see what i mean.

Its the only part, I was able to revisit and finish.
It had an intimate villain that mattered to the main character. The protagonist (Dio) and antagonist (Jonathan) had a mutual bond of admiration formed by the end, because of their constant back and forth, and Jonathan constantly accepting Dio.The middle of it did suck but which part didn't suck at least 1/3 of the time?
If you've tried it then I have no argument against you.

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Reminder that David Productions is a small studio that was only recently established.

You can't despute any claims I made about the adaptation being shit, and you're saying I have bad taste? Lmao, quit projecting dumbass. Liking dumb stuff is fine but at least have the awareness to admit it's fucking dumb. The entire appeal of jojo is memes. That's ironic weeb shit. Prove me wrong.

>begrudgingly watched 70+ episodes of a show

Hey, you jojo's always say it gets better and that every part is so different. I wanted to give it a fair chance. Not like we don't all have time to kill.

So is Trigger. That's no excuse.

I was in the same position as him. I was ready to drop Part 3 at sethan because of the grating monster of the week formula, unoriginal stand ideas and disposable villains.

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What the literal fuck is ironic weeb supposed to mean

>The entire appeal of jojo is memes. That's ironic weeb shit.
>What does it mean?

It means reading comprehension.

I'm not gonna argue with you. I can enjoy JoJo without going on Reddit and consuming "memes", it's objectively creative and unique, and purposely outrageous. That's the appeal. The only people who say ironic weeb are people who are insecure about watching anime and need some kind of validation for everything they watch, just enjoy the anime and if you don't like it don't watch it. Seriously pathetic.

Sounds more like forcing stupid terms

>Liking dumb stuff is fine but at least have the awareness to admit it's fucking dumb.
Again, reading comprehension.
>objectively creative
wouldn't expect you to know the definition of objective I guess.
>need some form of validation
Is that why you're trying to convince me I'm wrong about it being bad?
>seriously pathetic.
Yes, this is very pathetic.

liking something is now ironic? few years ago it was sarcasm now you normalfags are butchering irony?
jojo is unique as far as anime and shounen stuff goes since there's nothing quite like it.

Jojo fags are actual fucking losers. Imagine watching and wasting your time on a long ass series that has only one good/decent part out of the like the 10 it has. OP just stop watching the show its such a huge waste of time, the amount of shit you have to go through just to get to the DECENT part is fucking sad. Invest your time on a better show.

lol this
i don't think we can change the eternal faggot op tho

Do you believe that anime is a singular genre or something?

Liking an anime solely for memes is ironic. People who actually care about anime aren't going to watch something with the only appeal being memes. If you'd read my above posts you'd know I have no problem with the manga. And you realize jojo anime is as normalfag as it gets, right? Holy shit you newfags are retarded.

t. moeshitter


Part 1 really was hard to get through. From the weird art style to the janky animation to the underwhelming plot.

Literally nobody is saying they like it solely for memes. You are bringing that idea here clearly from Reddit or some other shithole. The anime is an adaptation of the manga, the story is the same.
>Old man yells at cloud

It's basically a meme series, OP. Even more so now that reddit and tumblr have started to like it. No one on Yea Forums would actually say it's good.

>still hasn't read the thread

Okay, I'll break it down for you. Shit character designs that they can't keep on model. Stiff ass lifeless animation. Intentionally retarded color design. If someone that actually likes animation tries to watch it they'll quickly realize it's a waste of time. If someone's a fan of the manga, then they have that. Memes are literally the only reason to watch.

what if i told you that people here actually like and enjoy watching jjba? shitposting potential is just a cherry on top and just because they do it doesn't mean they don't enjoy it. now my question to you - what do you think irony is?

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Imagine consuming an entire series only to conclude that only one part of it is good and then calling anyone else a loser. At some point you could have stopped but no you kept going because you have nothing better to do but complain about others enjoying something that you invested too much time into being disappointed in. Take a shower, go outside, have sex, and give your parents a break.

JoJo is the Naruto of our generation—overrated and liked by casual normalfags with shit taste.

>fun bad
I bet you love the new lion King, all realism and no soul. Someone who actually likes animation won't have an autistic rage because the colors aren't always lifelike. I can't imagine being so braindead. Stop projecting about memes, no one gives a shit about memes and you are the only one mentioning this topic. Your criticism about inconsistent character models is just wrong and lots of anime are "stiff" like JoJo, not everything can have the budget to be constantly animated. JoJo can make up for it because of its unique stylization

That's fine. I have no problem with people watching it for shitposting reasons as long as they're aware of that and not acting like it's actually good anime. As I've said twice in this thread, liking dumb stuff is fine if you're aware that it's dumb. My problem is all the babies acting like it's an unironically good anime.

Do you even like anything at all? It sounds to me like you think anime is something you're not supposed to even enjoy.

>You're only allowed to like this thing that I don't like if it's for a retarded, fabricated reason
You aren't going to make someone who likes it not like it so what is your point. Your opinion is not truth that everyone must believe

What casual normalfag has heard of JoJo? Go up to your family, coworkers, and colleagues and just start talking about JoJo, how overrated it is, how it's just memes and only casual normalfags like it unlike true anime connoisseurs like you. Do this and watch as they have no idea what you are talking about. Watch as normies see you as a sperging weirdo nerd. This is the reality that you are disconnected from.

it's dumb but it isn't bad. you just don't like it although i agree that some parts are quality indeed.

Point proven.

sorry i mean to say Q U A L I T Y

>STILL hasn't read thread
>actually thinks budget equates to animation quality
>thinks my problem with colors/animation is related to realism
>was too busy staring at subs to see the inconsistency in character models
>thinks unique styliziation inherently equals good stylization

I like tons of stuff. You're either misinterpreting me or trying to misconstrue what I'm saying.

I was just pointing out whats bad about it on an objective level. Characters going off model unintentionally is bad animation on a technical level. So is stiff animation. The color thing is based on color theory but obviously that comes down to subjectivity. I'm only still here because retards keep misinterpretting what I'm saying because they're too loyal to jojo to think anything could be bad about it.

Shit thread

Mine, right?

I tried to give JoJo a chance. I really did. Turns out I'm just too straight to enjoy it.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is the shonen battle anime equivalent to cult movies.

Sorry, but normalfags love JoJo, especially parts 2 and 3.

No they don't. They've never heard of it. And what is your point even if they do like it? So what?

At least you stopped and moved on with your life.

I'm an animeonly fag and enjoyed 1 and 2. 3 was a slog and i didn't finish 4.

They do. I see western JoJo cosplayers, but I never see Gochiusa or Milky Holmes cosplayers outside of Japan.

I’ve watched part 1 and 2 and god they were awful, part 2 is a bit better because it’s more funny but I really don’t understand how it is so beloved, unless all its fan are literal faggots

>JoJo is the Naruto of our generation—overrated and liked by casual normalfags with shit taste.

I don't remember Naruto being in Louvre

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Funny enough, I finished rewatching part 2 today. I had forgotten just how amazing it was. I guess a lot of people are turned off by the awful writing, which is fair, but it's not as though there are gaping holes in the story, it's always just some small inconsistency that is quickly forgotten. I could go on and list all the things that make part 2 so great to me, but instead I'd like to bring up a different subject I think I've made progress on.

So often times people will rank Jojo parts, and I've noticed that those who would put part 7 first tend to highly rate 1 and 2, and those who rank part 3 first tend to show higher appreciation for 4 and 5, and the same applies vice-versa (6 lovers are absolute wildcards). So what I'm thinking is that the essential difference between these two camps is that 1/2/7 tell a focused, directed, and personal story with a clear beginning, middle, and end, while 3/4/5 are more focused on concepts, ideas, and a lovable ensemble cast. So the two camps would be split into "tell me a story" and "show me something amazing".

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Come stand a little bit closer
Breathe in and get a bit higher
You'll never know what hit you when
I get to you
Ooh I want you, I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out
Ooh I want you, I don't know if I need you but
Ooh I'd die to find out

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Jonathan is good, but part 1 is totally shit. Part 2 is good, part 3 is trash and part 4 is fabulous. I didn't watched part 5 yet, but seems good as well

I watched jojo completely unprompted a couple of years ago. I mean sure i had watched a few videos about it but it was months before i actually decided to watch it. I didnt know shit about it just that it was a cult classic loved by many. I was continually shocked by alot of things like the main character dying 9 episodes in and watching another main character slowly turn into an old husk of his former self with each parts progressions, fimding out dios even more of a prick then i originally thought the sheer amount of main characters and the willingness to kill or drop them all together.
But still i love this show to death, i love these characters, the story, the fights, the jokes,. I love practically everything
Im fully aware of alot of the flaws in jojo i find some decisions to be utterly retarded but i cant help but love it none the less.

3/4/5/ focused on boring "monster of the week" garbage

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Maybe its because they're lifeless generic moe shit with nothing memorable.
Jojo may be bad but it still has more charm than a majority of the shit today.

Hi, skip phantom blood, see if you get bored during Joseph's gay love story, everyone is required to watch stardust crusaders, diu gets better and then everything after it is really good, if it's not interesting start from Vento Aureo and read the manga

Part 1 is the worst part but I never considered it terrible. What did you hate about it anyway?

I've tried to watch it a few times, furthest I got was ep 20, I enjoy it but at the same time I don't really get the appeal

I think part 5 is more clear on having a beginning, middle and ending than part 3 and 4.
In 3 nothing really major happens in the middle of the story (like in 5 where they betray the boss) and 4's main conflict isn't introduced in the beginning it's introduced in the middle of the story

Part 1 isn't shit, not by a long shot IMO.
It's still a really good show, but the pacing is kind of ehhhh for part 1. But I advise you, for the love of god keep trucking through. It can only go up from here.

>I like tons of stuff
Name one thing you like

Burnt kyoanuses

What's your favorite Araki forgot moment?

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While I agree with your statement, when comparing 5 to 7 there is a more evident atmosphere of "fucking about". They set the goal of killing the boss early on, but end up running fetch quests while being attacked by random baddies. Since the boss was written to be a complete mystery they don't discover anything about him throughout the story, it's a mystery that is completely unsolvable and their solution is to just keep fucking about until they figure it out. Then they betray the boss but the only change is that the random baddies attacking them are slightly established prior to fighting. In contrast to 7, where every chapter has a clearly defined end point to work to, and we're shown several stories running parallel slowly drip-feeding us info about the end game, where characters that are defeated actually reappear later in the story and we get to see Valentines plot develop while the race advances, it's clearly much more purposeful and every encounter has some sort of plot relevance.
So when I say that 3/4/5 appeals more to people who want to see cool concepts, I mean that every enemy is short lived, mostly irrelevant to the plot, and take their powers all the way to their (il)logical conclusion in their allotted 20-40 minutes. The upside being that you can come up with some really crazy things if you don't have to concern yourself with "how do I keep this character useful/interesting for the next 100 chapters". Or you could just pull an Okuyasu and say he's a main character but have him not do anything.

That he forgot your existence

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You could even say..... its bizarre.

I'd love a part 5 revamp with 7 writing quality and noir style. It's nice to see Morioh with actual good writing, too.

consistent writing

>t. has never read part 6 or 7 or 8

That's true, but why should I care when 5/8ths of such a long series can't keep it together?

Damn he read you like a book. Sucks that a bunch of people died but dont hate on jojo because your taste is just underage women.

>lifeless generic moe shit with nothing memorable
Yet they're popular in Japan, but western normalfags hate them. They love JoJo though.

rent free

Japan has shit taste, everybody knows that.

jojo rebuilds when

Part 3 truly was awful, it was so bad and dragged on for what felt like an eternity after the nonstop awesome that was part 2 that I've only just now managed to convince myself to give part 4 a chance. Glad I did though because part 4 has been infinitely better than part 3 so far.

They have better taste than Americans for sure.