>always wanted to write a mystery novel
>suck at writing
>least creative person ever
what do
Have you Yea Forumsnons ever wanted to write a light novel or create a manga?
>always wanted to write a mystery novel
>suck at writing
>least creative person ever
what do
Have you Yea Forumsnons ever wanted to write a light novel or create a manga?
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>suck at writing
so do countless of Iskeai LN writers and yet they often got their anime. adaptation
Just do some ramdom shit, if you're lucky people could like it
>suck at writing
No one is inheritely good at writing. Stop being a whiny faggot and practice more
write, nigger.
Who cares if it's the most cringe and generic story ever. At least you are doing something that you want to do.
Come up with a simple plot, and add onto it every time you have an idea. Think about it in the shower or when you're trying to fall asleep. It will take a while but you will have more time to develop it and add on or edit it to make a good story.
>light novel
user, being the 'least creative person ever' is literally perfect for this medium.
This. Go for the gold OP, even if you create shit, there's probably a market for it.
The writing isn't the difficult part, developing the artistic skills to match it is. "I'll work tomorrow", he says for another year.
If you aren't Japanese you will never be able to do it professionally
>No one is inheritely good at writing.
I wanted to write a BL light novel and actually did it then had the retarded audacity to post it online.
I was 13, but what the fuck.
I wish something akin to LN industry existed outside of Japan. There's a fairly huge local demand for isekai-like historical wish fulfillment but that's it.
You write. Don't stop, don't edit, just write until you have a complete story. Then you can edit it if you truly want to.
Repeat. Repeat a hundred times.
That's the only way you'll ever become good.
Put me in the special thanks section
You can post ebooks on Amazon. They're just serialized novels for kids.
Come up with a plot and read other stories to see what they do right and wrong. I like to use other stories as a basis for describing areas and creating dialogue
I ended up make ng a comic I wanted to do because I wanted something that had the type of humor and setting that I couldn't figure bad anywhere. Do it OP! Also I've noticed a lot of people see mediocre stuff as interesting because it's not as sanitized as per popular media and actually has SOUL
I'm 100+ pages into my dumb isekai web novel. It's terrible, but a few people are still reading it for some reason.
Just do it. Writing is a skill like any other. You won't get any better if you don't put that skill into practice. The more you write, the better you'll get. But if you never start writing, then you're never going to improve.
no, only the japs in Japan should be making manga and light novels. Every non asian not in asian country can do comics with anime aesthetics.
This was an interesting video I saw on writing mystery using Harry Potter as a loose example. youtu.be
Give me the sauce nigga
Yea i pretty much have my own shounen manga series in my head i have been working on for like 6 years now i think?
Never tattered a single note about it down tho, mainly because i don't know how to really kick of the starting arc.
I had the ending planned out from almost the beginning and the middle arcs are pretty good at this point because i have had a lot of time to flesh them out a get new ideas implemented as i went along.
Can't draw for shit so i have "placeholder" character designs that take the from of my characters, so when i enact a scene in my head with the 3 main characters i have, i visualize Shofukan from Thunderbolt Fantasy, Lee Chaolan from the Tekken series and the Female Warden from the game For Honor.
It kinda wacky but i feel like those character designs best represents the look and feel for the characters i have in mind.
It's mainly an action adventure type series in the vain of One Piece/Dragonball and even some Last Aribender thrown in there but with a more "forced" undertone of dread and heavy handed goal(s), as in the character do not enjoy the situation they are in most of the time and the main 3 character would mainly interact within themselves do to them being force to move from location to new location all the time, with only a few true support characters on the side.
I have basically just taken a lot of stuff from a lot of stuff/ideas from different places made by people that are more imaginative than me and given it my own twists as best i can.
But i think that's fine since im the only one that's ever gonna "read" it.
Nah, too much effort.
You sound more like an idea guy than an actual writer. Honestly, if any of you are serious about wanting to create a story but you don't feel like you have the writing abilities, you could just write down all your world building notes, come up with a general direction for a story arc and hire some people from fiverr to ghost write the story for you. Of course this will cost you money, but still, your idea will actually be made instead of just being an idea.