One Punch Man

Best monster girl

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stupid big tits.

no lol

Post your favorite monster girl.

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go fap before posting here

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So is flashy gonna lose his hair during this arc like sonic and look more like his webcomic self?

Attached: y12.png (600x848, 398K)

both get haircuts, fitting
could be one of those important haircuts

>so about my last question:
does Zombieman give off a 'monster aura'
or doesn't he?
it seems like those monsters down in the hideout could find him easily- but that could have been because they were directed to him
on the other hand he mentions he does investigations in parts of the cities overrun by monsters and of he gives off the aura that would make his work easier


RIP mosqt

he's gonna be utterly humiliated and defeated by saitama by the end of it and will cut his hair off in shame

Why isn't Genus making another sexy monster?

I wish she gets doujins

even when he made them they still refuse to fuck him
he'll just try online dating from now on

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Monster girls are for fighting.

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Does anyone actually have that set?

I imagine whoever posted it first does as nothing comes up on reverse image search

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I bet if you unzip it Bruno Bucciarati comes out


monsters, huh?

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I'd like to dominate her universe if you know what I mean

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Stupid wide hips.

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I was talking moreso during the Garou arc. I don't think flash is capable of shame.

he's a slut with delusions of grandeur
I don't think he's alone with that sentiment

Best only because Sweet Mask crushed that things head like a fucking summer beach episode watermelon.

>posting CP
Enjoy your ban.

If he wears this 24/7 he definitely has no shame.

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I dont know why calling him a slut made me laugh so hard. He's definitely some form of crazy but I wonder if murata will take it that step during when S-Class gets beat down and have his hair ripped off or something.
That and calling himself saitama's master after so thoroughly losing to him.

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Murata is going to give everyone a haircut
Suiryu gets a haircut, Genos gets a haircut, Garou gets a haricut, Sonic gets a haircut
Murata's running with scissors and won't stop until everyone has stylish make-over at the end

I wanna fuck that denominator.

Well not according to the conditions which was if he tagged him flash loses. Saitama played around and didnt tag him so flash technically wins.

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>"P-please go on a d-date with me Sweet Mask sir..."

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Not only has Sonic's hair changed, Genos's hair changed at least once. Garou's too. Next is Mumen Rider screencap this.
Sure, Flashy whatever you say.

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Atomic do not be mad because you lost to sperm. Every gay man loses to it a least once or twice

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Exactly this.

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not enough abs


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die faggot samurai

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what are you guys referring to? he's just a narcissist i thought


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>only uses two shadows burial against Flash when he used four shadows burial against Genos
Damn, Flash sucks.

why would you use a gun to kill a fly? sonic has managed to survive saitama's punches many times, using more than two shadow burials would be overkill

I think sonic was just pissed at genos

WTF is Sonic S Class level?

Is this sum Range Murata?

It's been pretty obvious for a while that he's S Class level.

Hes probably a little stinky

In the manga?

Fubuki said it back when he and genos fought. One said a fight between them would end in a tie. Just using that alone you can extrpolate hes s-rank. Its confirmed in the recent chapter though, where his wanted sign says "s-rank".

Yeah, he held his own against Genos and would have defeated the Deep Sea King if he had his weapons according to ONE.

No, fuck you.

vagina dentata

What a horrible phrase

>he smokes so much because he tries to cover his own stench
the smell of rotten meat and old smoke in the morning

Genos's role is to job and I thought he was just lying to himself about the hydrated Deep Sea King, but to think he's Flash's equal... Could he deal with those 2 ninjas in the MA?

Ugh fuck don't say that i like that guy. Maybe thats why amai mask threatened him.

it's kind of scary how efficient Garou is and that he probably spent YEARS with Bang training in his dojo and for all those years none of them ever expected him to have any sympathies for monsters or wanting to be one himself
at least it is implied Bang knows the names of his disciples
>this young boy reminds me of myself I will train him even though I have no idea why he even came here or what his motivations are

he couldn't when they fought, but he constantly improves

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He was surprised by them and likely couldnt handle them together like flash did (let alone in monster form). I think the chapters are more about his monsterous improvement and determination. We dont actually know what sonic is capable of at the moment. Need more chapters.

dude, this scene you posted is a few days before the Flash fight.

>that edit
fuck you

in order to recreate your very own Zombieman-'perfume':
>cigarette water, some meat left too long out in the sun, leather, a dash of blood and a hint of old spice to round it off
you can't be your hero but you can now smell like your hero

She did not get nearly enough screen time.

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Flash, for all his insistence about training, has gotten a bit stagnant handing monsters while Sonic actually has been training like an autist. Current-day Sonic is significantly stronger than he was earlier, just as Genos is after his upgrades.

shonen logic

Is there a timeline out there somewhere for OPM? Sonic mentions improving over the course of months but that couldve been referring to since he met saitama.

Autistic ninjas are my favorite kind

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And yet Sonic has challenged Saitama a total of 14 times and become stronger and faster each time.
There's no way he'd try for a rematch without improving.

and one full day was wasted on shitting. and then he attacked Saitama when he was having his affair with Tatsumaki and slipped on shit, then took his shuriken in the face.

Sonic isn't the brightest mind.

sonic right now is probably the strongest ninja that ever existed.

Probably has brain damage from all the poison he was forced to ingest as a kid lol

*gets punched in the balls*

the boss is still likely stronger

As much as i like sonic i dont think its true. Not yet.

*dabs on faggy fag*

Leading Leader is probably dead, I bet blast killed him.

Read the fucking comic

make me

Galewind and Hellfire Flame were weak dragons!
FF killing them at the same time wasn't that impressive.......

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Ok bitch

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They were pretty weak though. The only impressive thing about them was speed. As far as monsters go, their power amounted to "shattering some rocks and leaving small craters". The kind that couldn't even harm Tatsumaki or Darkshine if they were left to attack all day long.
Granted, speed beats a lot of things, usually. Can't hurt what you can't hit.


You are an homosexual if you don't want to fuck this

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-07-20 à 16.06.12.png (628x583, 585K)

Not that user but they were caudre candidates and in full control of their faculties albeit their brains didnt keep up with the speed well, they were nothing to sneeze at let alone two of them.


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This is the peak of male form

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> compared to the others
> compared to litteral tiger threat level which were the equivalent of the sea army that got wiped by Stinger

"Ahem" *ting* *ting* *ting*

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You know who needs to draw some eyesight? Space jin

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Nice mental gymnastics.

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Good tastes.

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Talking about him, he really likes drawing doodles of BS and Rover

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Just posting the OTP.

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Rover is cute and adorable
Best girl

She did look tasty though.
How many calories did she have?

>flash taller than sonic
hol up. Is flash in heels even there?

Sweet Mask fucking her into submission would've been a much better outcome

Meant for

there needs to be a doujin where he domesticates her via mating press and the final panel is her wearing a apron with a ring on her finger

Based handsome sweet mask I love him because he always saves us from monsters. I hate monsters they are so ew and disgusting.

I dunno.

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I love this edit thank you for making it!!!!!!

Who’s the one in the middle?

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Weird chibi flash the artist does.

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Sonic is 5'8.5 flash is 5'7.5 idiots!


Canonically it's only an inch or two of difference but it was likely drawn before information on character heights became known

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Now im just picturing flash in platforms so he can be taller than the worst ninja for his egos sake.

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Can the fat fujo samefagging leave?

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Want me to translate that? Also I like the Sonic on the left but the Sonic on the right should be purged.

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Disgusting. Who are these ocs?

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Maid DO-S would have been a good addition to the series

How about nun DoS.

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Any Do-S is fine. I'd even take Microsoft Do-S.

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all this gay sonic shit is killing the thread


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Any DO-S is good. Especially fubuki group DO-S

>full gay thread
God fucking damnit. For what do you people even read this manga anyway? I never see smart or comprehensive opinion on what you guys think will happen next in the webcomic with this whole ninja overlord, Neo Heroes, monster pets eating their owners and the Blast backstory. I was expecting people to have a dozen different ideas by now.

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Do not reply to me with that gross original character nonsense and that homunculus wearing flash flavored design elements

It's just 2 fags replying to each other.

Read the previous threads, earlier this thread, lurk more and fuck off.

That's been discussed for what, two years already? Nobody cares anymore.

Also liking Sonic and Flash isn't gay.

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You can fuck off, I'm in these threads all the time. I never seen a smart opinion or description of what direction or plots people think the webcomic will handle next.

>two years already
>faggot doesn't even know the ninja plot is from last month

Somehow ive managed to have some interesting and insightful conversations here sounds like a you problem, shitposter.

Yeah focus on that one thing (that nobody cared about from the beginning).

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>bottom left
I had no idea that series had fanart

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I too want to that ninja.

Fuck you i care about the ninja plot

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why is Sonic such a delicious twink

Nobody cares for you gay fanart except the other fag. Fuck off.


>cadre candidates
Did they win the candidacy tho?
>their brain didn't keep up well with their speed
That's called weakness. It's part of why they aren't that impressive.

Scalies gonna scaly

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For all the testicular destruction, it makes sense to balance it out with a super powerful sperm who can fight back.

Nice digits now why don't you tell me where you think the plot is heading? Either the NH or the HA will probably turn out to have something to do with the ninja village I think. Elaborate on that or tell me how stupid that is and why you think so.

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>murata will draw this soon
Im excited bros

Where are you ONE? i want to kick your ASS

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Get well soon ONE or this guy is gonna kick your ass

Attached: Murata Sonic.png (491x356, 142K)

Neither HA or NH will have anything to do with the former ninja village. Flash Flashy killed everyone and become hero while Sonic choose the criminal path. There is a possibility that the NH/HA will get involved with the new ninja conflict between Flashy Flash and Sonic, unless Saitama is going to fix that conflict very soon.

Genos is truly my favorite fictional character. He is truly the besg.

So am I!
The first meeting between Saitama and Flashy is real funny.

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None of those organizations have to do with the literal child orphan-to-s-rank mercenary camp that is the ninja village. I suspect well see the ninja boss within the next few updates since they mentioned hed make an appearance and we'll get a shitton more info. Like how ninja boss is sonics mom

I meant the best

Flash: Stop it, Sonic! I’m not an s-rank in faggots.

>SiR has best taste
Fucking nice


He's not Flash's equal in terms of speed, but he has just as much experience as Flash does especially in terms of dealing with opponents who are faster. At the very least, Sonic can read Flash's techniques and movements better than anyone else

Die, monster!

DSK was a top-tier Demon, which means Sonic is capable of taking on low-level Dragons just like much of the rest of S class


>DSK was a top-tier Demon
Why are people still pushing this, PPP and Genos were the weakest S-class in that arc and have both gotten significantly stronger since, both of them were stated to be able to easily kill DSK when they still struggled with demon level

That's not how you spell "raping" BAAAKA!

People try to hype him to being hypothetical dragon due to all the danger he caused though he only beat Puri puri and Geno's because they were the weakest s class and beat some a class fodder. Otherwise he's just a strong ass demon. I still remember people trying to compare him to Kabuto.

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Yes, and they are fucking uncomparable, CK takes Darkshine 15 minutes to kill going ALL out, and he would kill DSK with a light touch

does anyone have the drawing where the monster cell works on sonic and turns him into a cute catgirl (male)?

It'd be nice to see MB fighting him

You think that because your imaginations don't work so good anons. It think it's possible that at least one of those 2 organisations will turn out to be cofounded or ran from the shadows by someone involved in the ninja kids project. It would be wasted potential in my eyes if not.

We don't even need that. Just looming at the fights Geno's had. In dsk he shrank the monster body with one shot and was able to still fight dsk. Kabuto he had no chance as base form kicked his ass without even moving from his spot not to mention on breath attack blew his fire blast ineffective against him. Its plain as day. The only problem is that we didn't see kabuto go on that rampage he wanted to do since saitama was there.

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DS would give a decent fight with most cadres except Black Sperm and the Water
I really feel like Darkshine + Flashy could beat Golden Sperm, even If Garou goes easy on humans

thats the one

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I think the intrigue in watching people like sonic or genos fight is that they might(or might not) win. Theres a little bit of stakes and measuring how far theyve come even though theres no stakes in this manga since no one dies.

Well no heroes die but civilians and other people and monsters get jacked up. I like how the manga makes more evident of Geno's progress and especially Puri Puri's. I didn't expect him to get much better after the sea king fight but he actually learned which is rare.

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Reminder Sonic couldn't see Atomic draw his blade.


Get jacked up is the key word. Sure people get hospitalized thats pretty much the worst thing that happens. It is neat that ppp got shown to improve even if a little.

Im not sure about the power scaling anymore. Honestly, sonic seems a little broken right now if its only been a few days and can hard counter him unless hed been training specifically to take flash out before saitama. He might job to the Ninja party.

Reminder that Atomic couldn't see King draw his blade.

>Murata's running with scissors and won't stop until everyone has stylish make-over at the end

Now I'm imagining Murata as those bros who were always turning people into traps

Attached: fumita trap-bros.jpg (1358x1920, 1.16M)

What's th best place to read the webcomic?

No I meant jacked up as in die brutally. Only heroes get hospitalized. Civilians die pretty much daily in the series along with monsters especially unknown kills like the legend of royal ripper who does[data expunged] to kids.

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I like the one where the angery boy gets turned into a cute angery girl

Second set of jaws, bro.

SM is too smart to fall for that

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My favorite subtle gimmick in opm is sonic and genos pretending to not know who each other are.


You are now imagining Murata's version of Bang's rampage.

No I am not.

only in public

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She's so pretty.

Attached: monster_princess_super_s_by_kunsta_ddabuxy.jpg (960x1200, 796K)

It is funny you’re saying this when posting a shit picture of her

Saitama is a good and descent person



>liking Do-S when mosquito girl exists
for what purpose

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both are overrated and boring

That scene with monster king sparing her while getting an erection was only topped by Purpuri Prisoner's phone case.

Saitama und Genos are friends right?

Such a waste

Just like your mom.


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well they're both either functionally or literally dead

Literally rent free for both. Also i want them to be friends and rivals

That’s gonna be a NOPE for me

So does anybody have the sources of these set of pics?

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I can tell you where to get it. But that shit site takes no paypal, so I can't buy it. I do hope it pops up on sadpanda sooner or later. (It's from that "chunlieater" guy.)

Yeah sure what's the site user. Is this all recent art?

So far she's the only cute monster girl on this thread, user. That isn't fair for her.

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Shes actually horrible

Holy shit user, can I kill you? Please do not resist, is for your own good.

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I hope ONE updates soon.

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What the fuck is the stuff that protects his brain made off, holy shit.

jesus christ how horrifying
>being a masochist
jesus christ how absolutely disgusting

Attached: bzzt bzzt.webm (1280x720, 634K)

m-maybe he's gonna do another triple release

Quite recent, yes.


Artist's pixiv:

Not too expensive either. But you need a credit card.

His brain is just a file uploaded onto his body whenever he needs a new one (source: my ass).

We never got a proper conclusion to their fight or a rematch. Fuck Sweet Mask.


In a perfect world, yes. But in reality. Saitama poking around sonics apartment next then hiatus.

They really didn't deserve to be killed by a guy who's hero ideology isn't really heroic.
I liked that he killed that Monsterbitch but the group he slaightered before was actually innocent, he needs to be killed for this shit and you guys can't change my mind.

It's OK, Fubuki vs. Psykos will make up for it.

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this sadly

Sweet Mask is an autist who killed mindcontrolled hostages out of a tard rage.

I know Fubuki is going to get a nice fight but I can't help but despair for the one she got jewed out of, for the sake of Sweet Mask edge.

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Next chapter on the 26th?

they were so cute as highschoolers
what happened

Flashy has forbidden techniques Jobnic fag

I wanna see them fuck

None of them has a dick so they can’t fuck.

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What is she pulling on?

Dotn know but its apparently the hardest part on his body. The only time its ever shown penetrated is the aftermath of his fight with G4 which I wonder how the fuck it did that when its lasers were neutralized. Unless Geno's let his guard down again.

You have to absolutely pick ONE.

thanks user probably won't buy but ill keep a look out for it

So that's what goes on behind the takoyaki shop

>Best monster girl
I have a leather fetish but don't like pain anons, that's a thing or i am a faggot?

>paying for smut

Oh no no no

Rhino Chad

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Well, it's really well-made smut.

Who's fucking fighting you on this?

>CP gets deleted
LOL, how you doing after that WRECK?

Being brainwashed by a monster makes you a monster.
Death to all monsters.

>Genos is equal to Flashy Flash
Yeah no actual proof for this

Is that claw boss back there?

It sucks that Genus will never make more monstergirls or a Fubuki clone.

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Because he isn’t a desperate incel like you?

I think Psykos wanted to kill all non-supers, Fubuki said
>Dude you can't do that
And banished her powers
Psykos also went crazy after having a vision of the future
Wonder if would have worked differently Psykos could have been the next Shibabawa but she doesn't have the mental fortitude
>It's Psykos even get real name or a nickname?
>It sounds like something you'd be called by schoolmates who only talk behind your back because they think you're the next big school shooter

I really hate Fagtama. Only normalfags like him.
Fucking shallow faggot.

Wow your a fag.

You ARE a fag.

best boy

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>I think Psykos wanted to kill all non-supers, Fubuki said
I thought Psykos wanted to kill all humans right from the start and tried to recruit Fubuki after she lost it.

Some dumb dumb keeps insisting flash is weak because he gets tapped by sonic and shows visible pain. Since sonic and genos are generally thought of as equal in skill at most times, they made a p weird logic leap.

Must have messed up the order of things
But I think we'll get her backstory in the manga soon enough

murata doesn't fap before drawing the manga

I asked earlier, but is there an OPM timeline out there somewhere?


>no one posted a pic of the lizard girl who was guarding the boy

>doesnt go past monster arc
Thanks anyway

i miss him bros

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That mentions the timeline but not what time of year. I've always wondered what season opm takes place in. Or seasons considering the cities in the lower hemisphere.

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I'm sorry he punched your favorite character.

Psykos was just following Fubuki at first, then she saw the future, got crazy and started wanting destroy humanity, so she tried to convince Fubuki to switch her goal to doing that, but she refused and that’s when they parted ways.

Don't forget it takes place on a mega continent so big that there should be different time zones even for the same cities
>Especially City a(rip) and m

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Does Sonic have a butthole or a boipucci?

Exit Rhino Cuck

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Oh no bros...

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>monster on milf gang bang

Considering its warm enough for them to frequent the beach, sit under waterfalls, and see fireworks i would say summer/late spring. Since saitamas heroing started over two months is possible it couldve been between. Also delete that idiot

Considering the kids we see don't seem to go to school it could be possible everything happens during the school summer holidays
>Which end at the end of August and would still be in summer or early fall which would still be hot enough to go out like that

Cake, not milf.
Probably a virgin, too.

Peoples general attire: sandals, simple button ups, and shorts/skirts seem to suggest its warm and temperate. And yeah kids are hanging around usually not in uniforms but with all the crises happening i dont imagine theyre at school much anyway

does anyone have a good quality picture of the joint covers?

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disciples count as adopted kids, that makes her a milf

>cute sword girl disciples
>reverse trap okamaitachi

if you leave them as guys AS has her own reverse harem

but Okamaitachi doesn't like girls

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Honestly fem!AS and her sons is pretty great.

My favorite is when traps get turned into actual girls.

But Atomic and Bushidrill LITTERALLY have the same age.

Attached: atomic_disciples_data.jpg (1264x976, 627K)

> Okama is 182cm tall
> Bushidrill is 167cm tall

Functionally her sons

I bet Iaian is her favorite, but the other two can share number two

>Okama is the tallest

You should take a closer look at Sonic's bottom half there

I don't think that whole territory is supposed to be the city, just the administrative region governed by it.

even then some cities cover an area as large as a country and should by all means be situated in different time zones because the entire continent covers an area as large as a half of our planet
>who knows what's on the other side? maybe it's just a very large ocean
in the picture alone you can see Z-city which seems to span an area big enough that at least a part of it should be in a different time-zone

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>expecting visual fanfiction writers not to be blind

What was I supposed to watch after Season 1?
The season 2 teaser episode and then season 2?

season 1 -> manga from chapter 1

>MFW it resembles that one doujin from F4U.

its that bad?

No, that guy is a troll. He'd probably also tell you to read the webcomic instead.

A virgin milf?

probably had sex at least once in her life

with who?

another human most likely

Flash and bang at the same time


a stunning experience

Attached: M-84-Flash-Bang-Grenade.jpg (144x187, 22K)

yes, it is that bad. there's literally no point in watching season 2. it has barely any redeeming qualities at all. you are much, much better off reading the manga. i said from chapter 1 because well, why would you want to miss out on even more murata opm greatness, but if you just want to continue from season 1 read from 38 onwards. you should also chek out the webcomic when you're done, i think it's best to read that from chapter 52 but it's up to you really. that other guy is just a retard, ignore him.

What's going be like to married both of them ?

>there's literally no point in watching season 2.
>you are much, much better off reading the manga.
That's stupid and an obvious exaggeration. Season 2 is not as bad as you make it out to be, just worse than season 1, which was great. It's still clearly better than the average seasonal anime, despite all the shitposting surrounding it.
As for reading the manga: Sure. But the manga's also much better than the anime's first season. So if you want to tell people to always go for the best version of a story only, there's no point in watching season 1 either, which adds nothing but "sasuga" animation.
Telling people to watch season 1 but not season 2 is an outstandlingly "reddit" thing to do.

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oh you cheeky cunt, i love you

Thank you kek

Love the long nails on her. You could sell me anything, as long as the hands are sexy.

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I though gays were males liking male traits, body and shape, instead they are attracted by female traits but with a dick. Are they secretly straight

Maybe they are just straight, period.

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Yeah bro. Absolutely nothing gay about sucking the dick of a guy in drag.


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Your misapprehension is in thinking that wanting to fuck men means being attracted to male features, while wanting to fuck females means being attracted to female features.

In reality, only girls have attractive features.
The only difference is whether or not you want dick. (Spoiler: you do.)

Freakishly long torso

That's just completely wrong and backwards.

This is what gay men want.

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He once went to a wet t-shirt contest and won
He didn't even sign up for it he just appeared and the judges handed him the price money

This is what straight men want.

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You're thinking too hard about it or you're trying to justify your own faggotry. In reality lets say a tomboyish girl of the age of 15 that could perhaps even be mistaken for a boy if she's tall, has a short haircut and a little raspy voice will still be less appealing to a homo even if he at first sight mistook her for a boy then a 25 average looking drag queen. Reason being gays actually don't like women in general, there exists either one of two things in them: a fear of the female or hatered and jealousy. Reasons are various but a female will always be a female and faggy men do not deliver what women want, can't keep up with their mentality and generally themselves have a need to adopt either a female role in a relationship or most commonly a slutty promiscuous lifestyle. Women are not adequate sex partners for them in this lifestyle as other female sluts desire different things and gay manwhores are in abundance.



bushidrill wants to fuck okama and has a case of not gays so is always on his case
I am convinced of this

You really are a genuine moron.

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You inspire this kind of idiocy, unfortunately

S1 had a couple of additions better than the manga. S2 had nothing of values to offer. Also s2 was bad in general not just being worse than s1.

>uncrushable sperm
Is there truly a foe who can beat space jin girls?

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Not my fault someone else is an idiot.

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Fucking Sonic isn't straight, sorry pals.

Yes it is. Seriously.

Can't fuck 2D anyway.

Attached: 62151876_p0.png (870x1225, 886K)

Yes it is. Seriously.

It is when i do it.

Why do you hate OPM and sonic so much? Has it personally affronted you to the point you have to spam and falseflag threads whenever theyre slightly about him or flash?

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>softboy titty grab

No I'm right. You're a fag though and don't post Sonic in your gay posts please. I met a gay man who claimed he slept with a woman once (if he's not lying) and claimed he didn't think it was anything desirable or some shit. But truth be told the reality is all fags I've ever met have either an extremely autistic personality and behavior in general which makes them outcasts to a degree and they seek a sex life with a specific group that will offer it to them on a regular and long term basis and that's not women but other fags.

yes, it's fucking terrible
there is no reason to watch it. the only thing of value from that S2 are a couple of the new tracks
just read the manga and then the webcomic

You seriously hate gays that much that you start being paranoid like this?
Calm down, they can't hurt you through the internet. We are just posting images on an imageboard.

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>"I only do this for the challenge"
>"So you don't want the money?"
>"I didn't say that"

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>and long term basis
Are you sure you've met fags?

Usually people who think gay is a choice are gays themselves. Faggot.

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It's pretty much true though.

You said yourself you dont give a shit about the story or ninja arc and im positive you dont give a fuck about gay people you only confirmed my suspicions this thread. This is the last (you) youre getting from me.

"Long term basis" did not denote a boyfriend user, I meant a grupation or orientation that makes them feel secure in having a guaranteed sex life. I've met adult fags yes so I'm judging based on that.

it really isn't
if I could go back in time and unwatch S2 I would
it is my honest opinion that nobody should watch it, and that it is a total waste of time on the part of everyone involved in its creation.

Choice? I told you in the first post they're repulsed, jealous or generally biased towards the female. There exists a certain repulsion in them/you towards the female but they're still desperate sluts who will fuck anything if given a chance. They gravitate towards that grupation, it's not necessarily a concious choice but instinctive orientation based on theie search for a sex life and cock.

I love the ninja arc, don't be an idiot. You confirmed yourself to be a newfag/crossposter who thinks every thread should be full of discussion about the latest chapters when they are all talked to death already.

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this dbs spic is really annoying

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I'm glad ONE didn't die.

Who gives a fuck. i just want the porn you post to be accurate moron how am i supposed to get off to this awful ugly slop


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bro he was pooping
he had the pooping illness
sonic getting diarrhea being webcomic canon coming up

Sonic is for Saitama though.

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in sonics dreams

>S1 had a couple of additions better than the manga.
No, it didn't.

>Also s2 was bad in general not just being worse than s1.
No, it wasn't. Stop memeposting.

this post is just entirely bait. tell me i have no argument, accept my concession etc. idc, take this last (You) and leave

but he's not into dudes

Or maybe in Saitama's.

Attached: 7 (1).jpg (1280x1826, 732K)

The ultimate canon stopper.

Awesome baiting guys next thread lets talk about Boros vs. Awakened garou

sounds like a plan user, see you there.

5 stages start with denial.

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Boros would win because he'd quit and fry the planet's surface.

okay but what if

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Saitama only dreams about the perfect fight and sometimes a girl he has a family with but can never remember what she looks like

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>and they seek a sex life with a specific group that will offer it to them on a regular and long term basis and that's not women but other fags.
>and they seek a sex life with a specific group that will offer it to them on a regular and long term basis and that's not women but other fags.
Did you just now discover the concept of sexual orientations? Though it seems like you’re struggling when it comes to figuring out that different people have different tastes (yes, even those filthy homosexuals, can you believe it?)

Oops. First quote was meant to be
>I met a gay man who claimed he slept with a woman once (if he's not lying) and claimed he didn't think it was anything desirable or some shit.

Saitama is just looking for that Ultimate Hot Blooded Sex.

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>saitama "5 hour depression nap" being able to get it up
>speed o sound "powder balls" sonic being able to get it up

It's a troll mate.

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>needing anything to be up at all

god that would have been hot

this takes meteoric burst to a whole new meaning

Why am I memeposting? You can see yourself how bad it is.why are you even defending the shit season? You could watch with your fucking eyes and see how bad it is. Its not even just animationg that's the problem. That's not even getting to how bad they presented everything besides only 3 decent episodes.

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if you want to plow Saitama's ass then i salute your bravery
braver than the troops

come the fuck on psychomungus, just ignore the brainlet already

Do you really think you can challenge me, Suru?

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Sonics balls have been zenkai boosted to the point they make an impression in the asphalt he gets slapped into. he can cum for days, WEEKS if needed.

too bad there's not an esper around that could force blood to his dick one way or the other

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This is only my second time posting and last one to him. I didn't even know defenders of S2 existed. Then again

>looks at redeit

When I had a "Go into anime" machine (this was around early 2016) I used to go into One Punch Man A LOT and one of my fav things to do was fondle girls. One of the great things about fondling anime characters is they don't fight back or struggle because they don't recognize you as an anime character so it's like you don't exist (think of bunny girl senpai). But let me tell you, I walked up to Fubuki and she smelled like SHIT. In fact the entire Blizzard group smelled like shit in their little office...I got used to it after a while, but that first moment when i smelt Fubuki up close...I almost threw up. She looks clean & nice but when you're there standing right next to her it's a totally different story. Everyone else in the world smelled rather normal I guess.
I also tried tracking down Tatsumaki but it was near impossible because she always flew around at hypersonic speeds. Unfortunately I was never able to fondle her but the closest I did get was about a meter away before she flew off again, leaving behind the greatest scent I had ever experienced in my life: flowers mixed with petrichor.
The machine was stolen in the end and I'm kinda glad actually. It had started to take over my life.

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I can actually believe it isn’t. I’ve met not one, not two, but three dudes (all from India?) who were just as clueless about... well, it’s like it goes beyond just knowing gay people exist, it’s like they had a fundamental disconnect with the idea of any type of sexual interest outside of their own. Is it something to do with their culture? They were all extremely defensive about their masculinity too, in very odd ways sometimes. Are you Indian, dbs user?

fuck off, nobody's interested

>lower left panel
Captain cutie

Not as good as season 1.
Better than the average battle-shounen.

ONE is a genius

>flowers mixed with petrichor.
god I bet she really does smell like that

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Mizuki, that has nothing to do with the compliment he just gave you.

>proceeds to throw a javelin and a shotput

What did she mean by this?

She's a chronic liar. Please forgive.

Considering how his skin takes blows his ass would have no give. I’d need a dick like damn string of hair to do it. Wonder how much force he exerts to take a shit compared to regular humans. Something would burst. Probably everything.

Darkshine still will hustle
I think to Japan track includes field as well. Then again she's an Olympic champion. Wonder why she changed her career ?

Attached: OPM - Darkshine Hustle.jpg (800x1138, 394K)

Just put him in the ignore list. Much better threads after that.

Captain Mizuki has all the signs of aspergers

Saitama lives in an abandoned apartment complex because he needs a new toilet every time he does #2.

Those are part of track and field.

>Saitama lives in an abandoned apartment complex
not anymore

I cannot wait for Saitama vs. Tatsumaki in 2024.

Saitama trained everything but his ass. Its as soft and pliable as the day he started training. Its his one weak spot screencap this

that's part of track and field

There could be a hole at the bottom of his toilet that just goes through the entire earth.

>tfw my crop became popular

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ITT: user doesnt know anything about sports and cant into reading comp

this is the hottest Fubuki has ever been

>Wonder why she changed her career ?

Monsters are kind of a daily "problem" in the OPM world now.

Constipated Japanese man destroys South America

How about.

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Personally very excited to see this in muratas version

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I can already imagine the ass focus Murata will give Flash.

Probably gets in the way of Olympic events. Imagine wanting to win gold and all of a sudden the events are canceled due to cone monster coming and fucking everything.

>this is how flashy gets his webcomic haircut


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Genos got 1 punched by Goketsu

Suiryu straight up fought him and took many blows

Suiryu >>>>> Genos?????

i know this is bait but im gonna reply anyway. gouketsu was still giving suiryu a chance to become a monster and join the MA, he didn't want to do that with genos.

jesus christ

Can't wait for Madhouse to animate him in S3

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They included Gearsper as a joke
He was the only one they could find in such a short time
Cute but useless
>Considering how he looks he must once of the younger heroes

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and then the awesome music gets crudely interrupted when Garou just punches him

you mean forelocks in the face?

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>I'm imagining Murata as those bros who were always turning people into traps
You're not looking deep enough into this.
Murata is the guy ordering those guys.
>Alright boys, I just got a new target, it might turn a bit hard as our mark is a martial artist but I'm fairly certain in your skills.
>Who's the target today, sir?
>Some guy named Kenshiro.

Centipedes are not meant to be cute, they're devil's spawns.

That's horrible bro.

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Excuse me ?

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God, I wish that were me.

Learn to shop dude, jesus christ.

Who doesn't?

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You wouldn't survive his serious serious thrust

Where's this from?

If that's how I die, then so be it.


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Tfw no sonic bf

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Well, I'd rather had a sonic gf. He's too cute not to procreate with him/her.

What a faggot.

Not him but you're damn useless

Boys can get pregnant too!

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Did you expect me to shop it for you? Idiot.

no they can't
and anyway that's a girl
look at the breasts

I already said you're useless

He's better as a man

Even boys breasts get bigger when pregnant, come on.

Just do better next time.

>Wonder why she changed her career?
I can imagine fighting monsters makes for a pretty good workout on top of being a job.

Wtf even is this thread anymore?

Season 2 killed everything, there's nothing left.

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user got too horny and ironic and started posting drek as soon as someone mentioned ninjas.

boys can't get pregnant, dumbass

>Dies getting eaten by a fat ugly bastard
Why does this get me so rock hard

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Nothing to really discuss at the moment.

Horny faggots wanting to fuck Sonic even though he is strictly for food, not for lewd.

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He looks like a girl anyway. So why not go the full way?

I am here to invade your thread

Give me a (You)

Maybe 2 if you feel like.

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My nigga

cute frog even if she's a filthy lawfag

Here's your (You).
I hope you're having a nice sunday.

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ninjas are overrated

Youre blind if this looks like a woman to you

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So just how fucking strong IS he? He didn't seem remotely scared challenging most of the S-Class to a fight, save for King. Plus, I noticed he never directly antagonized Tatsumaki, even when she was shit-talking him in that scene.

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Very generous donation

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how would MHA characters fare in the OPM world? now that's worthy of discussion

Do you think bofoi created the mad cyborg?
Maybe he created him then he betrayed him and attacked the city where genos was born. It would explain why he is doesn't use cyborg and he is so ruthless.

>how would MHA characters fare in the OPM world?
Not very well, I'd imagine. Most MHA characters would probably get fucked by a handgun, and even the "super durable" characters don't have anywhere near the feats or displays that someone like Darkshine shows.

no it isn't lol

Who is underrated

OPM character's powers are entirely based on what's funny, so they have a massive advantage over MHA character's, who's durability is at least nominally based on realistic human bodies (outside of the standard shonen resistance to punches and getting knocked into shit)

Im more curious about genos's village why the cyborg rampaged there and what kind of upbringing leads you to think becoming a cyborg yourself is your only means of revenge or attaining strength.

Pretty much all of them make A Class at best, exception being All Might possibly on pair with Tanktop Master, maybe a bit higher and a weaker Darkshine if Prime. AFO also would get Dragon rank as a threat.

Imagine having the audacity to be mad at someone after trying to box cutter them and hospitalize them. She should be paying for his food as a means of apology.

maybe Genos is the mad cyborg?
oh shit, just remembered the organization which is probably the actual place where the cyborg hides
>or genos ran away from the organization and is still the mad cyborg?

>No gf with stupid-wide hips like the woman on the right to suffocate me with her legs

God I wish that were me...

You Vore faggots are even worse.

I just want to eat Sonic's delicious dishes, user.

I want to eat Sonic.

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Not antagonizing Tatsumaki would mean he is afraid of her power

Well, my penis says that it looks like a woman. That's enough for me.

I inferred that much. I wouldn't dare think he's Tatsumaki-tier.

If breaking your limiter means that it changes your genetics to become superhuman i would really like to see what kind of kids two people who broke their limiter could make
Psykos tried something like that for monsters

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He's probably below Bang, Darkshine, Tats, Metal Knight, and Flash. Obviously Blast and Saitama as well. Who knows how he compares to WDM or Drive Knight, but the rest of S are probably below him.

Your penis might be gay.


reminds me of this

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Regardless of anything else, he's not stupid. If you go by the probably bullshit databook stats (which are apparently from the perspective of the HA) then he's more intelligent than the majority of the S class, only below Child Emperor and Metal Knight. Based off that it's probably likely that anyone he talks down to he feels capable of beating, especially when you consider that he probably knows the capabilities of each hero better than most due to his position in the HA.

i still believe he's a solid top-of-mid-tier S Class, just below bang, flash and DS

The sole fact he fought on his own against BS while getting shot by ENW for a good while shows he is top tier.

limiters are solely based on each individual. saitama's genetics are as average as can be so if he were to have a child with someone, say tats or fubuki as an example, all the kid would inherit is ESP

Who said that breaking your limiter changes your genetics?

No one

I was just guessing
We have nothing in the manga about this
Butt then Garou also went through some big changes and is still human somehow in a way

>Butt then Garou also went through some big changes and is still human somehow in a way
and garou didn't break his limiter so he isn't relevant

I believe Garou broke his limiter and Saitama removed his, correct me if I'm wrong

>didn't break his limiter
Didn't he nearly die several times? Are you telling me all of the shit he went through wasn't enough?

saitama broke/removed his, they mean the same thing. garou did not.

yes and no