Symphogear XV

New episode.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Use the catalog

use your brain

Chris is best

Chris henshin confirmed underwhelming

Shirabe transformation was a win

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>Red Hot Blaze
I couldn't ask for more.

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Reminder that Casanariz is Spanish for "House of nostrils"

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>vamp and doggo will be redeemed and Fudo will take all the blame

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>creating a new thread when the previous thread is still on the board
It's like this new fag wants symphogear to be banned from Yea Forums

>muh poor villain sob story
How about fuck off.

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dumb sword

Looks like she was having fun murdering lolis. She would probably be there doing it without orders.

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>wanting cardboard cutout enemies

The hero on one side is the other sides villain.

They're gonna get mauled and added to Vanessa's parts after getting betrayed by Fudo

>posts a character that had exactly that

>noise on segways

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NoT aNyMoRe

Literally every other villain except Ver has done it already.
That's why people love him, he's just an evil madman.

Do you guys still do gaijin charts?

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I wonder how will she react if she know that fudo is the one behind the incident in her concert. Fudo clearly tried to mold her into true SAKIMORI and also targetting hibiki too it seem. ? don't tell me genjuro also reported about miku and hibiki being free from the curse of balal too.

Is it just me or is it super hot right now?

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The ironing

Does Fudo know about Miku? I doubt SONG put "Miku is pure of sin" into their database. It was just a conclusion they had at the end of last season but probably never put it into official record.

pffft we run this board

Yep I'm thinking this episode proves it.


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Vamp is beyond salvation.

I'm sure someone is already working on it as we speak.
Noise on segways are definitely going in


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yes it was
just seeing Shirabe open up and having more fun and being her true self is a treat

as a Chris fag it was everything i wanted


as long as it leads to an inordinate amount of porn
bat better smash someone's skull between her thighs

Cool, its like a piece of old Yea Forums still living.

I would guess Genjuro is pretty weary of Fudou, so he probably keeps silent about it. Elf9 will probably say a few words too much during Fudou's next Skype call.

Didnt Tsubasa mentally recover too quickly this episode before Fudo started shit talking?


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Symphogear will never be banned from this board

Each episode you fuckers rip the henshin frame by frame to check for all the little details
you have 2 now
have fun you glorious fucks

So in terms of sexiness as henshins go.

In terms of cuteness.

In terms of cool factor.

But they're not even the final boss. They're not redeeming that one.

Imagine having sex with Shirabe

WEBMS NOW!!!!!!!!

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We also got revolver gun kata.

Fuck vampires and fuck Fudo! Tsubasa deserves better.

Muh statsu: dick

She could perfectly be faking and putting up a front

He might just have reported Hibiki and did not want to get Miku involved.


Chris should take better care of her guns, especially around children.

loving this

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Haven’t watched the episode yet but we got Shirabe AND Chris transformations today?

Yeah. I don't know if I set my expectations too high due to her being my favorite but hers is the worst of the 4 we seen so far.

I'm still glad BANG is back.

Anything that keeps acting like a general and floods the board outside of certain threads runs that risk.



Nice damage control Chrisfag

Lets hope Maria will polish the sword back up to her glory.

My mouth is cold as ice, it can cool down your hottest parts!


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_09.24_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 221K)

You're pretty good

Revolver Yukine.

Should I cross Topdad in the bingo, or wait for him to appear in the flesh?

1. It seems controversial
2. We pretty much get an easy bingo as soon as they go into space.

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Fuck I missed the livewatch.

>Mind flaying didn't work on Hibiki
So what's Fudou gonna do? Use the relic himself?


Threads about airing shows can hardly be considered generals.

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So doggo's tails got destroyed? Is she (even more) useless now?

Ask Kirika how it feels

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yes double henshin. Also we all went nuts with the reveal of Fudo. I didn't think that he will go that far to mold tsubasa into true SAKIMORI.

She needs to mindbreak first.



>Constantly the top-selling show of the season
>Constantly the most active live-threads on Yea Forums
When will the rest of Yea Forums see the light?

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No you don't cross him off in the bingo, he wasn't back, he didn't even speak, he was just briefly mentioned.

>acting "like"
It's "like" people can't fucking read

Kill yourself.

She has many tails


Cross him. His existence being acknowledged at all was unlikely already.

You know the answer.

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God my Milaarc folder is going to expand so hard.
So many new faces.

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kinda yeah but its pretty much what we wanted but when you look all the other geahs i like their henshins more
but Chris had the best one in GX/AXZ cant remember which after rewatching them all in a day

what the fuck is fudos problem and how do we fix him?

Shirabe transformation was amazing. Chris's was alright. She didn't really do enough interesting moves.

GuP got to the point where we can't have threads even when a new episode is out. Enjoy your borrowed time. It won't last forever.

If Tsubasa is the rightful heir then won't she become head of the clan if she kills Fudou?

I'd wait for a in-person appearance. That's like saying Carol is back because Elfnine mentions her.

Fudou is probably a double agent. His true goal is to secure Nippon future after all.

Common sense Kirika wins again.

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It shouldn't work on Miku either.


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cross the gunkata too. Chris used it with his revolver. I wonder if the staff also see this bingo and add that scene.

season 6

>they see _____'s penis


I really hope Milaarc doesn't get redeemed, she's less redeemable than Carol

Good taste my fellow Vampchad

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I don't see the appeal of this show. I watched the first episode and it's just bunch of girls dancing and ahit. There's NO suspense, epic moments, or even likable characters. Worst off it's just mediocre on those two fronts. If I want action I'll watch good action shows. I'd I want moeshit I'll go with good moe shit. Not some mediocre crap on both fronts. I'll stick with good taste anime like Dr. Stone, Demon Slayer, and Kunosuba.

Who can stop them?

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I'm going to uncross it, purely for the sake of bingo drama. Space is near guaranteed, so it would feel too easy to 'win' on Ep3.

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So no wonder Fudo let the americans have the custodian.

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Shirabe had the cutest one for sure
I miss the metal as fuck background for Chris


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This part was fucking great

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>bingo drama
It's not drama, he literally made no appearance

Rocket punches. Even when they win, they lose.

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My wife Shirabe is so cute!

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He's arguably back from completely disappearing in AXZ.
Anyway it doesn't matter now.

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Miku can be mindbroken the conventional way though, since she is defenseless.

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Cute feet.

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shes so cute

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Do you REALLY think someone this cute can be evil? Come on.



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Kill yourself, frogposter.




Yukine Chrispo

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From Shirabe's transformation scene, the cut DESS transformation are probably just the chant with the lapis in the background and S1 transformation part.

Do we know what the vampire vision does yet?

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mustype it because i cannot contained my hype for next week. I kinda quesss maybe tsubasa went full edge again and snapped back at hibiki.

I would say why would you want more retards to flood in, but you're one of the said retards so of course you would want more of your ilk.


I want to breed this bunny

Large all girls' dormitory.

webm or gif when

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So what’s Fudo’s masterplan? Attain godhood to bring glory to Nippon?

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When will Tsubasa kill Fudo and become the sakimori we all need?

>this character has returned!
>no voice
>mentioned in name only
Stop being retarded holy shit.

Hibiki probably gets a raise each time she saves the planet.

What did they see?

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15 years too late for that move to be original.

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pretty much

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>hardcore Gariefag
>slowly falling for Milaarc

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>Say "Jesus Christ help me"
>Chris comes from the heavens
What a lucky Yakuza

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You're finally growing good taste.

Then they should ban shit like SnK too, it's way worse than GuP.

The gears are probably the richest people on the planet, probably get quite a bit of danger pay from saving the world multiple times.


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Things you don't see everyday

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Attain godhood to stop yuri

It didn't work on Hibiki because of her mental state.
Miku in comparison has shown she can be quite unstable.

The chris version makes more sense since they bounce off her breasts actually going up, unlike what you just showed where they just magically go up from no force.

Not yet, but it seems like Tsubasa and Hibiki were specifically targeted. It's probably hypnotic suggestion, so that they can't attack Fudo. Hibiki is the biggest problem for him because she's free of sin and Tsubasa is his Sakimori, who he wants to stop singing. If I had to bet, I would say he's going to try to rape her.

More like 40 years

It's the fangs

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To be fair though, we really haven't seen it since Grenadier, which is actually kind odd, it seems such an obvious thing to do.

Discuss that with the mods.

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why is she doing the pussy eating gesture?

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The new school building is comically large, dorms included.

What the fuck? I thought they shared a bed?


Between this and Kirika pole dancing. They really need better parents.


GIF or it didn't happen.

Trump is probably richer if he has a dedicated nuke japan button on his fucking bbq gril.

Where do they sleep? On the couch?

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Imagine not watching the show you're posting in threads for

??So I guess they just screwed up Kirika´s sequence if even Shirabe got it

d-double speedwatching?!

Enough with the meta shit.

With each other.

They do, the top. The bottom bunk is for. Other stuff.

Dess didnt have that part did she? they gonna probably put it in the BD

swords kills oldman when
last transformation just before the final part of the season confirmed

bruh go watch the first season

Gestures are culture-specific.

Was this secretly a size contest?

So why they make Shirabe and Kirika Henshin scene so lewd?

God what I would give so that lands on my face

They do

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They have said they cut about 10 seconds of Kirika's transformation. That's the chant + the season 1 thing.
Chris didn't get the chant part with the Lapis background this episode either.

Guess we'll have to wait for the blurays.

Look, how happy she is.

>not knowing about the rothschilds
fuck they are probably apart of the illuminati in this universe too

Is Priconne big now? I saw quite a bit of commericals.

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they are picking up the sexy knowhow from Chris
they love learning stuff from her and i love it

whats the gaijin couch looking like this time?
one on a swing?

Didn't they say they had to skip like 10 seconds worth of animation in her scene? It seems like the dude wanted to make it the most perfect henshin possible but ran out of time.

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Because animators wanted to.

now, im not an armpit man but I assume people of that persuasion must enjoy this.

Because they have good taste

Image for the episode list macro needs to have the guys in Segways, holding ketchup bottles, and one of then having Chris's sniper visor on and another with the Yakuza hairstyle.

Maria is alive and well.

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They literally said "10 seconds were cut".
Also some user said the director or someone said to look forward to the full version in a future episode (maybe as part of Zababa double henshin?) but I don't know the source for that.

no guy said suits called him in and told him his shit couldn't air in that state

>The bottom bunk is for. Other stuff.
Such as

If their transformations are like this, imagine what DMjii foreplay is like.

Sounds about right, throw in rocket punches too. Also the Red Hot Blaze needs to call back to the GX one.

Lower bed is used for storage, upper bed is for bondage.

but Kirika was falling down when she used her chant so i get that it kinda made it more cool

shes all over pixiv so I must assume yes

Segway noise.

V for vampire, baka

These combination attacks are fucking amazing

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What a shame.

licky licky

It's the same case for Chris this episode.

fuck off traitor, only good girls allowed in this thread

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>has 100,000 people die in her watch and Tsubasa's
>makes this face
What does it mean?


This sounds pretty good.

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could work
they just need the s1 callback part and its pretty much gold if you ask me

>Implying it matters who control the money when you can probably puch a whole continent into a crater

I wish I were Kirika

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And so is Ogawa and about 30k people. I guess he really did put those Ninja skills to use. I'm sorry I doubted you man.

>You will never be this cool

Attached: revolver.webm (960x540, 1.85M)

need the gaijin couch guys on segways

Hibiki needs a cool visor too. When does she get one?

>second cool combo attack
>no cut-in

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>wasting your time when raws are out

That's a nice potato you got there.

>cute braid
>cute fangs
She'll be redeemed, right?

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>sound randomly desynced

Welp, no webms from me

>tfw going to a maria concert gives you a 30% chance of surviving

My wife is very badass

I can't believe Chris, a character literally made for sex, has the least lewd transformation.

Yes, in her death.

The pose at the end reminds me of something but I'm not sure what

>100,000 people die
They can be snapped back.

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Happened to me as well

redeemed by lethal injection

got some equlibrium moves going on there
We got the family friendly version as it was to risque so they cut out some frames

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They actually practiced poses like that. Just imagine.

I am inevitable.

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She sure loves the V.

Shirabe is the only one that didn't get her transformation after jumping out of a heli.

I haven't watched Equilibrium so it has to be something else

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The 10 seconds that were cut from broacast were because it was incomplete, due to Animator-san scrapping 60% of his work. He likely did the intro last since the main bulk of the transformation needed to be ready first. He wouldn't know what to open it with until later on once the storyboards had been made up and know which outfit he needs to blow away.

Why don't these girls have nipples?

Except that's not what he said. He scrapped a lewder version during production, then the current version had 10 seconds removed for time.

I got to dock some points for teleport crystals still being used even though Chris shot one and for Hibiki only lightly grappling with Milaarc but overall everything is going great.

The finale is going to be Genjuro vs Fudo

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Why is she making that lesbian sign?

This scene makes me smile, seeing Chris and Hibiki interact like this is nice

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Imagine the smell

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Kirika deserves better.

Aimin is gonna eat all the cast

no he explains he put in the trash his initial draft because it was too lewd. And the final one we got is cut because the episode was too long.
I don't think the full thing is lewder.


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This can't be happening, I was supposed to be a Kirikafag.

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Good. Karl is cute.
What are you gonna do about it?

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>I cant wait to do this to your wife Hibiki

An I am... Heavenrend.

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from the girl who couldnt stand bikki to being okay with her to saying that bikki is the idiot they all love in AXZ
fucking cute

I really hope she does more in later episodes

A yuriesque show about a bunch of badass magical mecha girls ends with the manliest fight ever known to anime.... or mankind for that matter.


All of the Kazanari family get to fight Fudo. Genjuro and Tsubasa directly, while Yatsuhiro does some political pull to stop some vile plan that he had going on in the background.

The mechtails will never look good.

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Here it is:
He says the whole transformation starting with the chant was made but it's a secret in which episode it will be shown.


This was a pretty cool shot

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Will she heal senpai?

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And the softness.

even better

What did she do to get ZENBUS that big?

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Holy shit this expression.

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This episode is boring.

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>Chris smaller still even with transformation

She's stopped wearing her heels?

still dont know wtf big cat stream is

Maybe they got in the way?

Bikki is ascending to manhood now.

I'm so fucked up.

chris loves her milk

Good, now leave faggot

she was a sexslave. She had to eat a lot of protein.

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The "Fire!" being in sync with this moment was pretty cool, love what they're doing with the music

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Drank lots of malk.


>mfw after waiting 20 years Yatsuhiro NTRs his dad out of godhood in revenge

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Guys what if Fudou uses the relic magic to make himself younger so he's back in his prime and at least on par with Genjuuro

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dekai neko doesnt give anything

Maybe Hibiki wears heels now?

>not being a stan for both
Bitch seriously???

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im loving these combo moves, i hope we get a lot more

>Setup for the conflict between Tsubasa and Fudo
>establishing Vanessa as a threat
>Two new henshins
>Hibiki and Chris being cool together

Look I know it's hard to top last episode's bloodbath but it's still an entertaining episode

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I want to fuck Tomosato.


go back crossboarder-kun

Finally it happened

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We didn't deserve henshins this good.

Then in a final desperate pull, he transforms into a monster, only for it to be fucking Orochi and Tsubasa just laughs.

you first


Jasmin scented shampoo and a hint of goat cheese.

>2 good seasons
>2 bad seasons
>1 good season
Is there going to be another season secretly to even it out?

God they look like water balloons filled to the point of busting.

The big cat has not been cooked.


Are the threads going to be filled with the retard bitching about not being able to livewatch?
Just wait for raws and stop bitching if you can't livewatch

Of course, the retards who can't figure out the stream are all underaged redditors.

>sucker punching the gaybies and leaving

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segways are cool

I wonder why Shirabe has one of the hearts and not Chris or Tsubasa.

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just literally fuck off

Looked cute when she got rid of them here Reminds me of her ninja gear from gachashit

kinogeah as always

Shirabe did it too with the READY GO. It's pretty cool.

>large hard phallic object
>plants a kiss on it
She just can't leave her past behind.

Literally the only good part of her henshin

Cut for time, watch them be on the BD.


She was breastfed by Fine

because of fine?

neitehr does sugoi neko

>Taking out Area 51 solo
>Not a threat

AXZ wasn't bad.


Attached: style.webm (960x540, 1.84M)

eppy 4 will top the last three

but it wasn't good either



Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4- (1280x720, 1.17M)

Ah, whoops. Bitrate settings fell off at some point.

Attached: Zenbus2.webm (640x360, 2.76M)

They should all have them, because their gears are built from from alchemic power, just cut for time constraints.

doesnt give me anything

They all have, probably. If Shirabe has it everyone has it. Elf9 must have made more.

This season's song are so in-sync with their battles, really makes the fights alot better.

You have to have a brain to have brain problems.

What do they see?

Attached: xv retards.webm (1280x720, 258K)

They're americans
Literally the biggest joke in the Symphogear universe

>sniping while moving
she's awesome

Attached: 1379700467747.png (680x518, 357K)

I fucking love that part

so much boobs and ass spinning around to fast to appreciate aaaaaa

>Fudo vs Genjuro on the Moon both shitless

Yeah I don't remember that it was ever so bad.
Instead of putting in some effort everyone now wants to be spoonfed.
To anyone who couldn't find a stream: maybe start looking for it sooner than 5 minutes before the episode.

lol so funny gib riddle with infinite answer and then say brain problems

Why did they give this season such a big budget and time?

I like this frame.

Attached: 1563643065791.webm_snapshot_00.01_[2019.07.21_01.18.43].jpg (1280x720, 291K)

This made me laugh more than it should have

The BD sales.

Last hint. What animals are usually called big cats? It's one of those not cooked.

Anybody still watching the stream? They are advertising mattresses now.

they are going out with a BANG


Kill yourself, please.

If we were playing hot and cold, you'd be at -5000°C right now.

I mean shirtless but still.

>not shirtless Tsubasa instead

Fuck off.

Play XDU, and consider donating some money to it for SONG stones to roll for your favorite Symphogears.

Attached: D_2VdU7UcAALlWA.jpg orig.jpg (2980x3832, 1.54M)

Chis has the cutest Symphogear shoes.

Fuck off now even he could actually get it.

I remember when this show was called generic, soulless, and trash.

So these guys were some of Fudo's agents?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_04.52_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 93K)

Also America doesn't trust japan still so they are nuking the moon during the fight

Tsubasa still handsome

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_14.19_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 93K)

I thought they were burgers

The Bat signal.

Attached: a52.jpg (400x400, 20K)

The moon is a nuke

now I'm imagining shitless Tsubasa


>That VRRRRM! when the yoyos jump from the tit ramps

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4- (1280x720, 1.13M)

Why are secret agents always wearing suits? Looks highly impractical to fight/run in those.

They look like faggots so probably.

Handsomebasa will get the best henshin once Maria heals her

Chris is the cutest Symphogear.

Kirika's second jacket is way better than her first one.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_15.54_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 365K)

Chris has the CUTE

If they were American, then Vanessa wouldn't have needed to blow up the facility, unless that was suppose to be a cover story.

No, Fudo's men seems more likely, it's why taking care of witnesses was top priority, if it's found out there is a connection between Fudo and the Alchemists, things fall apart.

these girls are so dam cute
too bad they are dumb as rocks.

Attached: f71f290897a83e16ef30757d1fe2ded6.jpg (4093x2688, 3.65M)

Tsubasa coming out of the toilet with a smile and looking relieved?

all with and without stream dont give a fuck.
you people probably use some streaming site and type in that name and actually get something. google doesnt do shit.

What makes him think he can control the relic?

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.20_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 381K)

>Kirika has some pink accents
>Shirabe has some green accents

Attached: 1500140232720.webm (800x450, 567K)

>not Tsubasa vs relic boosted Fudou that ends with one of these shots

Attached: Sword of the Stranger [BluRay,1080p,x264,DTS] - Yoroshiku-THORA.mkv_snapshot_01.33.28_[2019.07.20_19 (1920x1080, 858K)

they always have great fashion especially for winter

Is any of that mattress science legit? I am thinking about buying a new one.

Being stupid with another person is really fun

Attached: good friends fail together.jpg (500x1500, 448K)

and neitehr does Komainu

Because Maria is a bad parent while Chris is a good senpai.

I will only believe this is the last season if they destroy the fucking moon with no backsies

I didn't have many problems with it. It was very consistent, unlike G and GX which have very high highs and very low lows (especially GX).
The antagonists were boring and underdevloped, but other than that I liked it a lot. Season 1 and G are better but it's not fair to lump AXZ with GX.

>ruffed up doggo

dunno about that one but after using the old spring shit the new one i got doesnt make my spine hurt so i guess a part of it is

Chris cute

These two will never be outgayed

Stop bitching and stick to raws, retard
Seriously, this is tiresome.

He's manly.

Me right below this image.

Everyone's clothes are pretty gay this season.

>Can't even find a live thread for the first episode
>Thread with subs doesn't even hit 300 posts
Look how far we've come

Attached: 1411469559908.jpg (743x540, 81K)

He doesn't even need the relic, why do you think Genjuro could beat up Fine?

Wrong cat.

Yamato damashii is stronger than bitch ass ancient aliens.


I mean the show didn't look that great at first no? Pretty sure it only got popular at a later point.

he does say it's needed though.

fine is a jobber, that's why she wanted to fuck a custodian. women gain power from the semene they consume.

Miku's dick.

What the fuck, Shirabe uses rollerskates, not iceskates.

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_16.41_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 334K)

Is there anything good about the higher price range ones?

>Kirichan did you hear 70000 people died

The first thing I thought when I first saw symphogear while it was airing back then was "madoka clone".
Shoot me in the head.

They will reveal he's secretly a custodian

But it's winter!

I don't see it.

Hibiki does

Attached: 1563638012199.png (1040x717, 791K)

This is the closest pic I have

Attached: Dg9HC4VUEAA0sL2-orig.jpg (1000x1200, 150K)

>70000 people died
Wasn't it 100000?

>Genjuro is also a custodian
oh fuck

that chris transformation is great.

when she rotates the revolver forever I wasn't sure if they were going to do the bang again.

70k confirmed.

How can one girl be so masculine without actually being manly

They said 70000 missing or dead in the news at the beginning, with more expected.

It was an original and starts off pretty goddamn slow until JAM happens

Stadium capacity was 100,000 but the news report said 70,000 missing or dead.

so when does the quality drop happen?

It should be wheels that are circular blades.

Yo morons it's going to be Fudo&Milaarc vs Tsubasa&Genjuro&Maria. Fudo will die but he will also have put a baby in Milaarc which will save her from dying.

Chris transformation is way fucking better on repeat watches, just because of how fast paced it is. Seriously, it's some good shit.

Tsubasa having just shat in Maria's mouth.

>shitty animation that attempts to look good but falls flat
>generic j-pop
>awkward singing in general, what the hell?
>plot jumps around like a kangaroo on speed, not to mention the first half was like watching the last episode of a show
>don't even get acquainted with a single character because of this
>vines do not wrap around a heart and veins like that, I don't care if it was symbolism, it was out of place and stupid
>almost silly action, with attacks being named, which contrasts terribly with the surprisingly violent battles

>What the fuck where they thinking? What the FUCK were they goddamn thinking?

This comment...

i mean my costs double usually because im 192cm and usually they are made for people around 180cm so i cant really help you there but keep in mind you want it to be as much from natural mats as possible and for it to have some air circulation

Chrisbros you told me her transformation was gonna be lewd

Why did you lie to me

Can we get webcam of Shriabe's henshin?

I mean Kanade sort of JAMs in the first episode, but still.

Attached: this lad.png (1303x332, 29K)

>implying he would want an unpure child
He's gonna rape Tsubasa

Fudo is gonna pull a Jail?

I started watching when G had just came out and I stumbled upon the transformation sequences on Youtube.
One thing that always puzzled me was how in every normalfag anime site there was this strong rejection of the series right from the get go. MAL had almost meme-tier reviews nitpicking everything, some forum stuff I dug up once also had people hating from day 1.

Even with Season 1's TV QUALITY I don't get what warranted so much hate.

did you blink during the tits part

Watch it again. No seriously, watch it again.

Fudou is too shit for the big bad of this season.

You think she's a camwhore or what?

Did people really forget how complete relics work?

The raw is fucked and causes audio desync so no
I'm not butchering the full version down to 3MB for this board

>tfw 170cm
why is everyone else so tall

>Miku saying that everyone has feelings they can't express very well

When will you ever learn?

holy bitrates batman

>Hibiki witnessed hundreds get killed and didn't give a shit

They expected normal idol shit and they got something way better.
They weren't in it for something good.

>not changing
Based Maria

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.58_[2019.07.20 (1280x720, 577K)

Funny how these hate comments is what set it apart from other shows. Good oh Naruto heyday watching

That depends.

>one (1) moment of lewdness
>only worth something in motion, per-frame its worthless because its just a zoomed in closeup of her cleavage

>Read premise
>Check the composer
>Check the writer
>Think this is going to be amazing
>Hear the OP radio play weeks before the show airs
>Holy fuck this is going to be fucking amazing
>Episode 1
>It's fucking amazing
God I love it when this shit happens; never dropping this, season 2 where?

this user is probably really happy

Christ is the coolest geah
Guns > everything
sorry for that

Attached: BANG BANG BANG PULL MY ICHAIVAL TRIGGER.webm (1280x720, 1.5M)

He is going to be the secondary big bad. He's there to show the evils that humanity can cause, which the custodians will use to try to judge everyone. Humans will fight humans, while Hibiki, will try to connect with the custodians and convince them that humans can be good and for them to not destroy the planet with some big super weapon left on the moon.

Just say I love you, you dork

It's Leopard-Raws, the group hat provides raws for animes.

Attached: wing_laugh.gif (500x361, 1.79M)


this is the closest i get
all variations of tiger and raw in japanese plus or without stream dont do dick on google.

The soul of that user is with us all

>Feel free to ignore everything I said if Symphogear is longer than 1-cour; I'm just making that assumption because it's becoming more and more the norm these days.

You are the dumbest motherfucker on all of 4channel.

The show did too when Carol had to sing and the tranchemists had to get female bodies to henshin.

I have to give Commie credit for subbing the show in the first place. Lots of subgroups then would have never picked it up or bother subbing it after the low view count

Oh man, my Ar Tonelico comment, how nostalgic.

>I could shoot a bunch with missiles or my multi-hit crossbow
>Fuck that time for gunslinger.


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4- (1280x720, 1.47M)

>commie literally saved symphogear

How can KyoAni even compete?

Attached: 1563047268510.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

Not good enough!

Attached: gunkata.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

And 3 gears anafucked Fine. So what does Fudo think will happen against 6 gears?

At this point he's just pretending to be retarded and you're still spoon feeding him

>I have to give Commie credit
No you don't.

Look two posts above.

How does Miku fit into this?

Miku fits into Bikki's butthole.

Mindflayed Tsubasa is gonna go full revengeance when she finds out the concert attack was Fudou's inside job and get back to her senses after she's diced him into many tiny bits

If Yea Forums still had soul you'd get banned.

Attached: epic.png (433x164, 7K)

>as much from natural mats as possible and for it to have some air circulation
Thanks for the council. I heard good things about cold foam mattresses, so I was going to try one out. I hope that air circulation will not be much of a problem.

He will eventually get fucked over by the real big bad.

>12 bullets
>18 shots

Miku is picked as the one that gets possessed by the Custodians to actually speak to humanity. Hibiki finally convinces them to stop when she kisses Miku.

>Fudo: If Genjuro isn't going to do anything this season then I'm going to show them some real action

>tfw you can be hyped and discuss your favourite show with other autists in the internet
I really like Symphogear threads bros

Attached: 666666666666666666666.png (1653x915, 1.87M)

np user, just try it out if you can and make sure you can wash it as well

I love her!
Hope her death is gory.
(Sorry, but there's no way she's gonna be redeemed, and she deserves to go out with a bang. And, hey, if she can deal out ryona, she can also take some.)

Crits don't use ammo

Durdubla was made from relic fragments not a complete relic.

She also shoots one right before this sequence, not counting all the ones she shot while falling.

post YFW when


Attached: 1563164180149.jpg (4032x3024, 1.24M)

I hope they resolve all the Fudo shit by mid season and we get to the actual custodian plot.

she's not very good at counting her shots

AXZ made me ready for Symphogear to end, XV is making me miss it already.

t. Miku

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 01 [45488F64].mkv_snapshot_10.19_[2019.07.12_19.35.25].jpg (1280x720, 229K)



With burning passion!

>Heaven's Feel .jpg

Fudo did toot of heaven!

2012 has been a while

Attached: 2012.png (922x439, 35K)

Here's a reminder that you win every fight where your opponent don't show up.

>implying father vs son plot isn't the most hype way to end this series.

fags are jelly bro dont worry about it

I'm so tired of alchemists as enemies lads

Gun actually has infinite bullets but she reloads it just to look cool.

Why are all the uniforms so /fa/? Especially the SONG ones.

Attached: tsubasa_uni.png (400x600, 39K)

>Fudo reveals to Tsubasa that he commisioned the attack
>Tsubasa tries to attack him, but Mind Flaying activates and she stands down
>Fudo says it's useless. He also warns her not to try to reveal this to the public, as he already has a counter story ready that will make the public turn against Tsubasa

>spoonfeeding the retard bitching

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4- (1280x720, 1.31M)

>10bit still isn't the standard after all that time

>shots have 1/3 chance to not consume ammo

man you have no idea

so you glorious fags will you cry when its all over? especially if they pull a fanservice song at the end with all the geahs chanting and singing together?

So it was.
It was in the shape of an actual harp rather than a pendant or something so I just assumed it was complete, sorry.

Um, Tsubasa is manly but she's still a girl.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 02 [485B1C9D].mkv_snapshot_14.31_[2019.07.17_22.27.03]. (1920x1080, 470K)

Attached: 56z7345234.gif (500x281, 316K)

I wish Tsubasa was my husband.

I will fucking cry if we get a timeskip showing their future happy lives

If Tsubasa does a tell-all I think the public will side with her over Fudo. Tsubasa is a hero and a living treasure.

Jii and her expressionless face makes her smiles more wonderful bros
its perfect

Half the Tsubasafags just died.

2 minutes


That's pretty fucking autistic.

Tsubasa is a very manly man

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC) 00_03_34.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

that's how it worked in ff14 for several years

Hasn't watching Valvrave with Yea Forums taught you to share?

Attached: [gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_24_[A6B674F2].mkv_snapshot_23.47_[2014.02.06_21.11.36].jpg (1280x720, 125K)

If she didn't have long hair, she would look like a bishie.

When are the tickets to the Symphogear concert finale?

I wonder how much those are going to cost.

Tsubasa has a man-neck in that image.

I know there's a good number of people here saying that we'll get Synchrogazer for the last fight, but it's already been used as an attack card and Durandal's fucking dead. At best you'll get it for the ED of episode 12.

Attached: Synchrogazer.png (1920x1080, 2.66M)

She looks like a bishie already. And has a deeper voice than those fags usually do.


More then likely yes, but the fear that they wouldn't, that her song never really reached them. Seems very Tsubasa. Fudo has a lot of pull, but likely overestimates how much his propoganda can effect the younger generation, which are enamored by Tsubasa's songs. A complete victory over Fudo isn't just killing him, it's breaking his ideals and showing that yes, songs can save the world.

Attached: tsubasa's sensual neck.jpg (1920x1080, 807K)

I'm going to explode if I suddenly start hearing the Aufwachen intro in episode.

>TFW no sentient lesbian kimono to cheer you up in the main timeline

What if it's a medley of all the final attack songs?

Not fair, the sheet is hiding her boobs

i'm just hoping they announce the dates soon
is that blogspot faggot still acting as a proxy for tickets

What boobs?

you can't buy them offically, they're sealed in blu rays. you can buy them from scalpers on yahoo and shit. last I checked it was around 200-300 dollars for one day.

Attached: [Commie] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 08 [A59BBCE3].mkv_snaps2.jpg (670x666, 76K)

I think Tsubasa should have a mustache.

He might have some Custodian blood (which would also explain Genjuro's retard strenght).

> And 3 gears anafucked Fine.

They needed X-Drive + another complete relic to do that. And as S4 has shown, they can't just shit out X-Drive just because it's the season finale.

We don't know if a divine relic is stronger than a normal complete relic. We also don't know if Fudo has the same amount of HAX like Genjuro has.

Genjuro levels of power + divine relic might very bad news for the Geahs.



Attached: tits3.jpg (1280x720, 105K)


Attached: 1437167467141.jpg (1280x1423, 267K)

did I miss the gaijin chart?

So that's how they sell tickets. Nana fans will buy them since she's probsbly headlining

>which would also explain Genjuro's retard strenght

Genjuros strength is based on his self-imposed meme magic. the mobile game has a timeline where he never got into martial arts movies and is just a normal dude. fudou is such a big deal because he also has autism, only sakimori autism.

It's over, Maria! I have the high ground.

Attached: high ground.jpg (1010x1010, 273K)

>We also don't know if Fudo has the same amount of HAX like Genjuro has.
Do people not remember that Fudo broke a computer screen using just his rage?

I hope Maria will bitchslap Fudou for insulting Tsubasa
Also gaybies are too OP please nerf

Chris' henshin is literally Precure tier. It looks like it has huge budget invested into it.

Reminder those things are transparent and wouldn't make a good covering.

>seventy thousands died

It's fucking shit

>Milaarc's curse makes Tsubasa unable to use her sword against Fudou
>she borrows Maria's swordwhip
>I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now... Now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my sword.

The only good use the mind flay could have is Tsubasa getting angry enough at that old faggot that she would break it and murder his stupid ass, That alone would make the season 10/10 for me.

I thought Chris was the most popular geah. Why is her transformation so shit compared to the others then?

I don't think it's been done yet.

It's 12. The just showed one of the shots in 6 different angles.

It's not about budget user
The secret ingredient is love

>Hibiki's mom didn't take Topdad back
>They still live separately, only meet up sometimes

Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_02.55.557.jpg (1280x720, 431K)

Chrisfags are naturally uncreative, boring people so they can only think of "lets do BANG again" and "uhhh something with boobs"

I like how Tsubasa looks 100% serious while wearing these frilly stuff

you are fucking shit

>How does Miku fit into this?
Miku is the resident damsel in distress like always.

Miku's pantyhose!

I wish to be that couch.

makes me like GX a bit more

She doesn't.

I think only Tsubasa's henshin has a chance of being cooler than Bikki's at this point.

I imagine she'll have help from Maria and Kanade, who will give her a double flick and snap her out of it. Then it's all murdering Fudo from there.

Shit taste faggot


Seems like the weakest one so far, it's fully of flashy seizure inducing stuff in the first half while the others actually look like they're trasforming

>Miku will never step on you
>Miku will never sit on your face

I wonder why nobody is posting frames of Chris henshin ITT huh
It's so interesting and full of greatness right?

At least it's realistic. They have a lot to work out together. At least their family dynamic isn't awkward anymore, it's just healing slowly.

Somehow they failed to realize that BANG needed the jiggle to go with it.
Fuck there is probably another Chrisfag on the team that could have done better.


Retarded post

remake the 2 scenes when she gets it from kanade

s1 reflectors
its good but you cant top her transformation every season by a lot

Too lame to be true.

Attached: [YameteTomete] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 13 (1920x1080 BD FLAC) [BD0FD273].mkv_snapshot_23.33_[ (1920x1080, 467K)

Good. That would make the most sense. I have a feeling one of the cast members or writers or the director came from a broken home

Genjuro's strength is more of a joke. That is why he is never used in any of the real serious situations. I highly doubt Fudo has any natural Gear level strength.


>Miru Tights ends
>Miku Tights begins

I want a full blown sword of the stranger tier samurai swordfight between them

Shitty meme. Nothing wrong with Chris' henshin. But I guess people need something to bitch about

What does hecchara actually mean literally?
and why is it never used in other anime


God I wish that were me

>people shitting on Chris' henshin are blind retards having seizures

The man broke a screen simply by shouting in rage. He's got at least something and a relic will only bring his power higher.



Attached: 1D4288EC-05C9-4FBC-9FA8-C58C44A38D72.jpg (750x151, 73K)

>Hibiki's top dad issues were to mirror Carol's daddy issues in GX
>Carol fails to resolve her issues and dies
>Hibiki fails to resolves her issues

actually that screen was just made by apple

Flashy seizure inducing shit. Doesn't look like transformation. Boring
See? I can spout meaningless shitposts as well

just say it, miku

Attached: Capture.png (579x416, 225K)

And that is why Carol is also coming back.

I need to get back to this. Lala is, or at least was up until the point I watched, the best Cure in a long time.

But Hibiki did resolve her daddy issues. She has contact with him again. Her mom not wanting to fuck that loser anymore doesn't have anything to do with that.

>all that America wankery
Do Americans actually think like that?


Wtf are you talking about? Hibiki solved her problem with her dad. Her mom and grandma also resolved it and decided they didn't need him in their lives

its been years woman just tell her to fuck you

Why can't boys be symphogear users?

Hibiki did solve her daddy issues. Topdad needs to sort his own shit now, but Hibiki's are resolved.

not easy to tell your law-abiding, justice fighter crush that you want to overthrow the japanese government so you can get your gay marriage

Nobody likes boys.

Stronger then 6 Gears? He must be fucking delusional. And lets not forget he allies with people who are totally fine of butchering a hundred thousand of his countrymen and who will totally not backstab him. For a smart guy he acts very retarded.

We are the best, after all.

Do precure fags livewatch?

TBF, how would you even say it?

"I'm sorry I made you fall into a world of superheros and supernatural by not being with you during the concert. I wish that would never have happened so you wouldn't need to suffer and risk your life, but I also know that there's no way you'll ever stop."

>buying non-Japanese products
Yeah right

retconned. Her boobs are now smaller than shirabes.

he bought the service of foreign monster girls right in this episode

wtf would she do if she was back? Isn't her Faust Robe destroyed?

>The first fucking line
Guess I'm waiting for Commie

Attached: mpv_[Erai-raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear XV - 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_00:00:07.924.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Pretty boring aside from the grenadier reference.

most episodes are pretty dogshit, you have to remember theres over 50 every season.


Put me in the screencap.

She didn't fail. She thought that her dad ran away because he hated her. Turns out that wasn't the case, he hated himself for being a useless sack of shit, so he just ran away to not face the responsibilities. Her dad and mom being unable to resolve things still isn't her problem and as long as they are on speaking terms, she seems fine with that. They don't have to get remarried for her to have a family.

Precure/Rider/Sentai are all livestreamed together.

miku will use this and become thanos

Typo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ebin commie memes
I don't trust subs that keep using "heavenred" out of spite done by retards who can't take criticism and have a holier than thou attitude

Miku just keeps pilling those deathflags like it's nothing.


>We've got the items. Do you need us to sign for them?
God, wolfie is so cute. Fuck Chris for shooting her.

That retroactively makes the GX finale better.

Miku just needs to tell Bikki that she wants her to fist her shitter.