Anyone else happy about the KyoAni fire because it's mostly femoids that died? Let's be honest, they would have rejected all of us.
Anyone else happy about the KyoAni fire because it's mostly femoids that died? Let's be honest...
Even your bait is weak
>everyone that won't have sex with me should die
The /r9k/ mindset in a nutshell
Yes. Those animators were little bitches, and so is this board of weebs. Lmao have 3d sex, losers
You need to go back
Back to reddit frog
You need to go back to and start at the basics of baiting
>>everyone that won't have sex with me should die
sounds like Shinji to me m8
have sex
Burn alive
I'm not happy with the deaths, but nevertheless I am glad with all my soul that all the Kyoani animation shit has turned to ashes.
I can't imagine being so pathetic as to want intimate relationships with actual human beings.
Would you happen to be Shinji Ikari, my good sir?
Stay hydrate,be healthy.
Incels truly are subhumans
>all the plebbit/facebook normalfags crying about literally who studio and literally who people
Get a life
If there is one thing good about the fading of patriarchy, it's that women are not forced to copulate with these people anymore and their genes won't be passed to future generations.
OK I mean sure you can be happy about their deaths, but to say they would reject you is bullshit. You would have never had the balls to ask them out anyway, so how could they reject you
I literally couldn't stop smiling when I heard the News, what the FUCK is wrong with my brain?
This. OP is a faggot.
Added bonus is that sjw's in Japan are shook now
They know we won't let them infest out industry without a fight.
Do you understand the concept of a conditional statement?
nice bait incel faggot
Dab on the fucking rêddit refugee moralfags
>getting rejected by 3DPD
Pretty pathetic.
This thread
check these.
I think burn them was too tame but...
>feminists die
>Yea Forums says we can't celebrate it because muh empathy
Always knew you were all sjws, this just confirms it.
I understand conditional statements yeah.
I don't really understand what you mean by that though. OP said something about those women rejecting him, but they would have never rejected him regardless. There's no conditions here, or didn't even know those people existed until yesterday
>feminists in anime industry
You're just shitposting, but 50% of everyone who sees this will take it seriously. It will make this place even worse. Why do you want that?
>dude bait!! x30 posts
yep, he accomplished his goal
>I understand conditional statements yeah.
Apparently not.
"IF I approached them, THEN they would reject me." (more specifically (and just as true) OP referd to all anons)
That was OPs statement, your point "you won't approach them" is *entirely* irrelevant, as it is in no way a contradiction to what OP is saying.
I mean, this is really simple stuff, how can you not understand that?