Is Moe a real genre? Or is it a buzzword like Calarts style?
Is Moe a real genre? Or is it a buzzword like Calarts style?
Its originally a word to describe that warm feeling of wanting to hug and protect something that's being cute in some way.
Moe used to describe a feeling of wanting to protect something especially in the case of cute (vulnerable) girls. I'm not even sure if this was the original meaning but nowadays people just use it as a blanket term for anime with cute girls in it.
It was a character archtype, but when the narrative revolves around it it becomes a genre
It's used to become the greatest assassin
>character archtype
Not really, it started more as a theme of a story/manga/show/whatever you call it, of course it involved characters, but it wasn't the kind of trait you can separate from a character without having an effect in the plot.
But now, given how it encompasses whole works, I not only think it's a genre, but a super genre, due to the genres moe can't be separated from (ie Bishoujo VNs, CGDCT)
>is Moe a real genre
No. Moe is not a genre and never has been. It's just a glorified slang term for cute, especially used in reference to feminine character traits and actions, but isn't necessarily exclusive to them.
>character archetype
It isn't and has never been a character archetype.
>it encompasses whole works
Those works are generally regarded as Slice of Life by definition.
How can moe be real if anime isn't real?