Dr. Stone actually gets ineresting in episode 3 with introduction of fucking Tarzan

Dr. Stone actually gets ineresting in episode 3 with introduction of fucking Tarzan.

But are the characters gonna get better? Senku is basically a Japanese Rick but worse because Rick was a disgruntled old man and Senku is acting like that for cools in his 16 or something.

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I'm surprised he doesn't have "r=d/t" on his crossbow to show the viewer that it shoots fast

>DUDE lets kill all the adults because they are evil
>Kids arent evil though

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Someone didn't get the very, very simple reason why Tarzan wants to kill the adults. Go rewatch episode 2, slowly this time.

Its almost like his poor decision making is being set up to bite him in the ass later or something.

Tarzan wants to rebuild a primitive society and live like tribal savages rather than civilization.

So it's obvious he'd have to kill Senku for that.

I understood his motives clearly and they make 0 sense
The kids are very likely to grow up having the same mentality as adults do, if not an even worse one
And That's not mentioning that what he'd doing is useless as fuck since even if civilization develops again, with all the population that died there is more than enough untamed wilderness for him and people that think like him to fuck off and live in the jungle

More than the existing cast getting better, we'll get more interesting characters to outweigh them. Senku does get more backstory when his dad is brought up but he more or less stays the same. Best characters are introduced after Senku discovers that there's a village full of descendants of people that avoided getting turned to rock.

So people who meme about Dr. Stone being Japanese Rick and Morty because of the e=mc^2 actually watched Rick and Morty?

Hunters-gatheres don't have much in the way of property.

That's why Senku swallowed his tongue about the fourth use of shells.
He didn't even want to mention currency around Tarzan,

True and this doesn't even touch on the fact that his entire ideology is nothing but hypocrisy in the first place.
He claims that the adults are 'tainted' and that they would just claim that all the land belonged to them so they should be in charge.
But by deciding that he gets to make all the rules and pick who is and isn't worthy of being revived Tsukasa is literally doing the exact same thing, he's saying "This is my land now, it belongs to me, I make all the rules and kill anyone who doesn't fit into my society".

The guy's beliefs really are asinine when you think about it for more than 5 seconds and it's hard to believe that someone could come to hold such beliefs due to how utterly nonsensical and stupid they are.

>actually watched Rick and Morty?
First season was unironically inspired and good.

Dr.Stone though is just Rick and no Morty.

>Tarzan wants to rebuild a primitive society and live like tribal savages rather than civilization.
>So it's obvious he'd have to kill Senku for that.
Not really, he wants to shape a new world only with young people, and don't go back to the adult world of being a wageslave, worked to death to support entitled elders fuck you Abe. His worldview is extremely simplistic and full of faults, that's true, but he doesn't dislike science per se.

It's just animal farm but in the stone age and with people

I've never watched Rick and Morty so all this shitposting is going over my head. I only know that it's about a cynical scientist and a kid with parental issues going on adventures and that one guy threw a fit over szechuan sauce at a McDonalds.

How soon until Chrome shows up so I can marathon the anime?

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they didn't even watch or read Dr Stone, or they would compare it with Beakman's world

Kill yourself

>gets ineresting
>Dr. Stone

It's almost like he's a dumb kid that has been shaped by his experiences until now and more than half the kids he decides to revive turn out to be shits, including but not limited to caveman Thanos

>DUDE, just count the time in your head for 3700 years lmao
Is the author fucking serious


Admittedly, when we read the manga first, it seemed that it would get axed during every chapter. It caught up some wind after Senku has to fake his death, and meets with best girl and his village. The rest of the best characters are not even close to appearing.

Stay mad though.
I like shit you dont, how does it feel fag?

Remember when Gen officially became best boy?

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Its also retarded to think that kids will agree with and that adults wont
I myself would love to live in a tribal society with access to modern science

Senku's worse than rick because the character in this story have their personalities exaggerated to a level that makes greek gods look nuanced.

Larger than life characters can still make a good story, though.

I can't wait for the shitposting that comes with the episode covering the two entire chapters that the author spent jacking off Katanas as "the strongest swords in human history".
The entire two chapters are literally nothing but misinformed bullshit spurred by memes/propaganda about how great Katanas are.

You say that like manga characters regularly pulling impossible shit is something that only happens in Dr Stone

It’s a shonen
Stupid feats are par the course

The more hilarious thing is how his entire society is only held together by duck tape because he's insanely strong enough to murder anyone that speaks up against him. Almost everyone he revives would basically prefer getting back modern day commodities over living like cavemen. It wasn't going to last more than his own life.


Oh god I remember those chapters, god they were horrible.

How many episodes is it gonna be cause it feels like it's going pretty slow atm

Watch the OP, you're gonna get those characters in 4/5 eps

A smarter writing would be to count cycles of cold and warm, or figuring it out by the tree rings or how the mountains changed.

But smart writing is hard.

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It has a scientist. Therefore to their burned out on memes brains its Rick and Morty.

I can't wait, it's gonna be beautifully cringe worthy.

That does not mean it can't be criticized you retarded nigger

Well, Tsukasa kinda clashes with all those walls. The only thing holding his dream is the fact that he's monstruously strong and charismatic, but the kids he revives are either little shits, wanted to betray him, or ended up defecting to Senku. The concept of currency is even brought back, and not by a greedy adult, but a kid.

If you've ever read Eyeshield 21 then you'll have an idea on how the characters are gonna flesh themselves out.
Senku doesn't get much development though.

>Oh yeah just do these incredibly hard things for a person all on his own

>katana wanking
>4 katana wielding warriors get btfo'd hard by one guy with a stone spear

Ep 8 or 9 I guess

>criticize something that's basically part of the genre
ok but then your beef isn't with Dr Stone, is with shonen in general

Spears are the best melee weapon

Modern society or ugga bugga? Which will you pick anons? Now Im no moralfag Id pick ugga bugga because I can rape to my heart's content but hunting animals would get really annoying so Id have to find a way to get suckers to hunt the food for me while I fuck all the women.

RIP gola user

except Dr.Stone actually pretends to be realistic in its SCIENCE mumbojumbo unlike others

Not this season

Imagine actually taking time to type this out lmao

You will bring me my food and I promise you can have a beautiful petrified wife who will do everything you say and if she disobeys you are free to murder her anyway you like.

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t. Weakling who would get killed by stronger males in any stone age society.
I'll stick with modern society thanks, I like my chinese cartoons, computer games and newfangled technology.

I would vote for Senator Armstrong.

you fucking brainlet

I will always find it funny how the first thing Senku does after Tsukasa is out of the story is introduce paper currency backed by oil.

I don't even know who this Rick fellow is, what does he have in common with Senku aside from I assume being some form of inventor or scientist?

I never watched Rick and Morty, and I didn't know I was watching Japanese Rick and Morty right now until anons told me.

>you are free to murder her anyway you like
Then get murdered/exiled by the rest of the tribe? No tribal society that lasted past 1 generation had tolerance for senseless murder

Ryusui does that tho, with Senkuus permission

He didn't get any sensory input while being stone, so counting warm and cold would be bullshit too (without mentioning that you would be criticizing it anyway, "lol how he registers temperature better than a thermometer"). The rings on the trees would be useful only after reviving, not in the meantime, but you don't really have a good way to determine when did a given tree was born (they could have used the tree that was holding Yuzuriha, but I bet that you would have called it plot convenient too). Same for mountains changing, if right after being born he went "well, based on the entire topography of the area around me, I guess that X years passed", you would be calling out how bullshit it is that he can quickly determine the shape of the terrain around him and compare it with the past, without any kind of reference points. When they get more people, they spent a lot of time and effort doing an accurate map and trying to compare it with what they remembered from Japan, but if Senku had done it alone I don't doubt that the super smart people in Yea Forums would find out flaws in the process.

>this shit is unrealistic
>well of course it isn't, it's shonen!
>but this shonen pretends to be realistic
>because it is!
make up your mind

Senku isn't like Rick. Rick thinks he's better than everyone. Rick this humanity is a waste of space.

How large can a tribe get before only a few men do all the hunting while most men laze around doing nothing?

That's not a tribe anymore, around 50 people

>if she disobeys you are free to murder her anyway you like.
Besides how shitty that line of thought is, it would only be effective during the first generation of petrified people. The subsequent women would have parents, that probably wouldn't agree to having their daughters be slaves of a brute. Or they might agree, but that society would suck unless your concept of a great society is a Muslim shithole.

This. Tsukasa gets a pass because he's impossibly strong, but any society with someone trying to ascertain his authority through strenght would find out that, no matter how strong you are, the weaker men can and will gang up on you if you're enough of an asshole.

I assume that tastes like shit but the cola smell and that feeling of carbonated water is probably more than enough.

>Rick thinks he's better than everyone
Senku's mannerism in the anime gives exactly the same impression, he has no fucking respect for his "friend".

Although I got interested and opened manga, he seems somewhat less obnoxious there.

Except that's not how it went at all, you retards.

Feel free to try it out

>your concept of a great society is a Muslim shithole.
Indeed it is, women having no human rights is utopia.

That can't happen because a few men can't hope to keep a much larger fed in a hunter-gatherer society. Everyone had to pull their weight including the women who gathered and hunted small game
The only member who didn't focus on food were the pregnant women and the elderly who still contributed by nursing the young and sick, building tools etc

>count cycles of cold and warm
He can't SEE
He can't FEEL
He can't HEAR
All he could do was either remain conscious or fade to black. He struggled to do the former by counting constantly. It's a jerk off feat to how incredible his mind is, but it's not like he did it easily.

Yeah and Rurouni Kenshin also was grounded in reality, but you could create a vacuum with a sword. Eyeshield 21 was also grounded in reality, and a teenager tacked a car and broke bones with a mere touch. The science mumbo jumbo is realistic (in the sense that, besides the petrification, there's no scifi elements, Senku won't build a portal gun), the characters are all more or less over the top with their abilities.

ITT:butthurt firemen still seething

>If you've ever read Eyeshield 21 then you'll have an idea on how the characters are gonna flesh themselves out.
This is good to hear. Absolutely loved E21.

I dont get how this society would work. wouldn't he have to kill himself first in this new community since he's nearly an adult himself?

>pure adult

You shoudn't try this at home

>Be human
>have horrible senses
>use mainly eyesight but still cant pop shit from a distance remotely comparable to a bird of prey
>dont even have UV vision to see urine trails animals leave behind to track them
>Gotta do all sorts of bullshit just to get your meal

>he has no fucking respect for his "friend"
And yet, Taiju was the first person he tried to break free, because he was his friend, he knew his worth, and was betting that he also could break out of the stone. But of course his banter is a strongest indicator of character than his actions.

Written by the same guy

Wait until he gets people to call him emperor and revives a psycho to keep them in check while he sits on a throne all day.

Why do people say that Tsukasa is Tarzan? He is stated as the strongest, kills a lion with his hands and wears his skin. Isn't that literally Hercules??

>he has no fucking respect for his "friend".
Are we watching the same anime? He offered his friend poison disguised as a love potion because he knew he wouldn't drink it. He also knew Taiju would wake up and seek him out. Not to mention when they were chased by lions he begged Taiju not to sacrifice himself. You can say "oh it's because he needs the manpower" but that's not true since he could make any amount of revival fluid at that point.

The writer for both series is the same guy, but most people don't know this because the artists are two different people.
Shame this series isn't getting as much love as E21 but it is what it is.

no one grows up to be a pure adult. not that anyone would live far past 20 in a stone age society anyways

I guess he thinks that, after shaping a new world with the young people, they would grow up to keep the new world in place. Adults aren't bad by themselves, but the world they created suck and they would want it back if they were revived. At least that's Tsukasa's point. It's ridiculous, but not as ridiculous as "we will kill everybody at their 30 birthday" (even if they might end up dying younger anyway from the lack of food, shelter or medicine)

It's not going to kill you or anything.

He looks like him. It's just normalfag talk. They can't think so they just connect existing memories.

That's the reason Senku reinvented soap, exactly so they wouldn't die so easily. He'll also invent a basic anti-biotic later on.

Senku is very similar to Hiruma, but I think that Hiruma got more character development.

That is how tsukasa sees it

After thousands of year and no people to infect, most of the virus that are resistant to medicine will disappear, so any medicine will become able to cure any disease.

>Muslim parents want their daughters to be slaves
Oh boy you have no idea what you're talking about

how can he be so smart and yet so stupid? its completely at odds

He called himself emperor? I remember Senku and co referring to Tsukasa's tribe as "Tsukasa empire" but it wasn't an official name. He would prefer First Comrade I guess.

not really, Rick was all about muh nihilism and moral ambiguity, Senku is the same arrogant scientist trope but his character is totally different

then you get a tiny cut and die from an infection caused by common bacteria because you don't have so much as a bandaid to cover it with

Senku is super tsundere with Taiju, and in general, I don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp it

Well, strictly speaking, it would be only true in the shittiest shitholes, but arranged marriages are basically selling your daughter to be a breeding bitch.

Because they don't have friends and/or are insecure about being teased.

Agreed, but it was 300 chapters in the making. This series is still fairly young in comparison so there's room for improvement.
If that series was airing today I bet people would complain about how unrealistic it would be for Hiruma to be constantly shooting at people with live ammo.

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>the last 30 seconds of the last game against the oujo white knights lasted something like 4 or 5 episodes
I just ended up skipping them. the manga any better?

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>Japanese Rick but worse because Rick was a disgruntled old man and Senku is acting like that for cools in his 16 or something.
Who the fuck is Rick

Never watched the anime aside from a few clips. The art in the manga is superior but each match lasted volumes.
How much did the adaptation cover?

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Tell me, would you rather live by rules you believe are fair, or unfair? You can say he's a hypocrite if you want but that's not the point.

unless Im missing an OVA or 2, the very last episode is them beating Ouja and getting into the christmas bowl. I must be missing some OVAs or something since the entire point of the series was for them to get there

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Not at all, you will never marry your daughter to someone who will mistreat her. You usually make extra sure to find a suitable bride/groom for your kids and obviously take the consent of both parties

Everyone from my grandparent's generation had arranged marriages and they were all happy and stable relationships. And its often the women who wore the pants in such marriages

What you're descriping only happens among the lowest dregs of society

>however, twice is enough

Why don't they just poison Tsukasa?

If you kill him you'll be just like him

In the manga the Devil Bats had to beat two more teams in order to win the Christmas Bowl, the Dinosaurs and the Alexanders. There was also a World Cup arc that was kind of filler-y but it had the gang meet Panther one last time.

he'd probably taste it

> he has not respect for his "friend"
He just gave them the choice to run away and be happy with her gf while he fights Tarzan speedwatcher, and has in multiple occasions said he likes his honesty and strength. He just calls him an idiot because he is one, but recognizing everyone's strengths and weaknesses is probably senku's most useful skill through the manga.

havent heard of the alexanders but the dinosaurs giant linebacker or whatever was the focus of at least one episode and then nothing was done with them. I assume the dinos beat the wild gunman or whatever

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This point is fucking bullshit. There's a big difference between killing who you deem unworthy and killing the person who is doing that. Killing a murderer doesn't make you into one

Emotional impulse. Youll understand next year

He already picked up Senku’s hostility. He’ll probably say “hey, drink this with me Taiju.”

I've only heard bad things about the E21 adaptation. So the manga is probably a lot better.

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The Dinosaurs vs. Wild Gunmen match was brutal due to the nature of that linebacker. So was the Dinosaurs vs. Devil Bats match. Basically every match with the Dinosaurs ends up with someone getting a few broken bones.
The Alexanders were OK but I liked the previous matches more. The original Eyeshield 21 is on their team.

They don't kill him because he's an invaluable asset in Senku's eyes (pay attention because Senku thinks almost everyone is invaluable and doesn't want to kill anyone if it can be helped). A gun or explosive is the only deterrent to Tsukasa's strength.

Guess I'll have to start reading the manga. Didn't even realize it had one.

tfw cute jamaican girl at work told me to watch it but before I could talk about it with her she got fired

some of the scenes are pretty good with the addition of music though

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it's a joke you faggot holy shit I'm going to come find you and rape you just for that post

This made my day thanks.

>HUURR DURR some drunk beat me up
Nice writing

you retard he literally tried to kill him and is now making guns to kill him, they didn't kill him already because they fucking couldn't

Nah, it's a manga full of one-note characters.

You are saying this like it doesn’t happen in real life.

he was using that as an example of what he sees as a universal problem

I mean no one stated that Tarzan is smart did they? It makes sense that a teenager would hold strong Ideological views and want to reject authority. The modern civilized work represented that authority to him and he thought he could build a better world with him as the ideologically pure leader. You'd swear you never met a teenager before. His motive maker perfect sense given his age.

Aren't most anime adaptations of existing manga or light novels? Anyways do give it a try, it's definitely worth the read.

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You'd almost swear he was a teenager with badly formed ideas or something. Makes you think.

tarzan knew exactly what rick was going to do with gunpowder and where to do it. clearly hes educated

>he literally tried to kill him
Do you mean when he intentionally fired the crossbow BETWEEN Taiju and Tsukasa to try and stop the fight? Yeah sure. Fucking speedwatcher.

>I like shit
I'm glad we agree.

Reading this thread I am amazed how some people manage to look at a screen for 20 minutes and still not see anything.

>tfw Tsukasa’s sister is still alive and they revive her only to lose Tsukasa
Feels bad

no he dodged and grabbed it you nigger faggot kike

Go watch the ep again, Senkuu aimed it over his shoulder

That's not how medicines work user.

>Shame this series isn't getting as much love as E21 but it is what it is.
That's because E21 is good and Dr. Stone is just mediocre.

I'm really worried about this pacing.

At this rate it's gonna take 24 episodes just to get past the tournament.

Prove it.

Actually in a stone age society the chances of you dying earlier in life are much higher than later in life. You'd probably be able to make it to 50 easily enough providing you didn't die from the measles as a kid.

youd be useless once you broke a limb even just once

>qt jamaican girl who likes one of the best sports manga ever

Shit man I'm so sorry

You really, really need to read it, yes. The best moments are sold much better on Murata's artwork. Devilbats vs. Dinosaurs is a great match, it's a particular shame that the anime misses it because while I never disliked Sena as a protagonist and enjoyed his victory moments, that match sold me on him for good.

No user you become dinner once you break a limb, you are tasty protein that could go for people who actually help out the tribe.

I liked it when Sena started becoming more aggressive as a linebacker. First with dreads guy then with Oujo.

It's gonna end at the start of the stone wars

wait not linebacker, whatever his position was anyways.

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That's leads us to other problems
1- If he's just a retarded teenager then his goals wont be interesting and the story will be less compelling
2- It makes it much less credible when he has flashes of genius and anticipates the plans of rick & morty

Even if he is educated that doesn't mean that he has a nuanced view of the world. Especially since he's young.

Not at this rate. Maybe if they had gotten Senku to the village by last episode. At this rate they're barely going to get into the communications arc. It's probably just going to end where the tournament ends.

fuck, you're right, sorry

how is there a fucking tournament in this story

Rudimentary casts are a thing and also just because you can't hunt anymore doesn't mean you can't help out with other tasks.

Stone wars the beginning is the first attack on the village where kinrou gets stabbed

cant have a shounen without a stupid fucking tournament put in there somewhere

The end of the tournament and start of stone wars is like 3 chapters apart

Congratulations, you lack the mental capacity of a 6 year old.
No, he didn't think adults are evil because some adult beat him up over a stupid thing.
A case where his ideology got denied turned violent, leaving a deep impression on him, among many other cases that probably happened in his life to clash with said ideology.

This is something that runs in a shonen magazine, and this specific seires has a demographic aim of 14-16. i would expect people to understand this.

There's a tribe of human remnants because a space mission happened just before the petrify blast. They are still hunter gatherers though after 3700 years

Your right as another user suggested. He is clearly smart but he's also at odds with Senku due to ideological differences. I mean communism exists in our world. I don't see why its so hard to believe a teenager would buy into his own version of it even if he is smart.

Senku's Master Plan:
1. Revive everyone
2. Rebuild civilisation
3. Hold a big martial tournament to find the world's strongest fighters

It's less of a tournament and more of a roundabout way to connect a couple of fights together, there are 2(?) fights that aren't gags or last longer than a page or two.

Hes an anarcho primitivist
Basically wants the world to be a natural utopia, doesn't want industrialization, monetary systems, technology, etc
Its honestly pretty based and if i was ever put in a situation like that I would be doing the same thing he did

hey can you two uh.. make your own thread?


They make some sense, since no such thing was tried before.
Kids become very similar to the adults of the previous generation because they take example from them.
Never in the history of the world was the demographic group very uniform and unified under a strong leadership. With no remaining adults, a new type of society might be born.
That is what Tarzan thinks, and we can't really refute it.
Of course it's not a perfect and proven idea, he's a teenager, and his ideology matters to him much more than trying to research the subject and carefully reach a result.
(not a whole lot of resources left to research anyway....)

that is so retarded, the posterity of astronauts should all be way above average intelligence

This is literally explored user, Tsukasa revives a corrupt cop who abuses his power in addition to reviving Hyouga the psychopath.

user no
What you are thinking about is bacteries, penicinil and the likes arent as affective now because bacterias had evolved to survive against them, after 3 or 4 thounsand years bacteries would lose this adventaje, but that doesnt mean you can use peniciline to cure a virous or a parasite, not every illnes is caused by bacteries, but yes peniciline has a big espectrum of effect so it would be effective against a good number of infections

They died leaving the offspring only with basic survival guides

theyre just lucky, connected pilots. they'd have good eyesight but reading about scandals they get into after they become astronauts doesn't give me any confidence about their intelligence

you would kill the adults to achieve that? it wouldn't work at all. people would still create all those things anyway.

I think he was talking from a genetic point of view but genetics doesn't exactly work like that especially with such a small gene pool.

>Senku is basically a Japanese Rick
Senku is the opposite of Rick in every conceivable way

>Not getting both the advantages of science and tribal life
Creating a comfy village with all the advantages of modern medecine and agriculture and none of wagecucking and consumering is a much better idea. Anarcho primitivism is a meme ideology

Viruses should be less of a threat too, since there are no viruses that specifically target humans anymore.

You dont inherit an education

bullshit, astronauts are almost all very skilled scientists

You wouldn't need to kill adults for it like he did sure but if you were the emperor there's no reason you couldn't abolish those things for the duration of your reign.

It's not that they're evil, it's that they're already conditioned to old society. The antagonist (still didn't get around to remembering his name) wants a revolution and for that he wants people that didn't know what it was like to be a full member of society.

they're fit pilots with college degrees. science isn't particularly difficult to do when the real scientists on the ground are laying out the experiments and using the data. in space they're just going through the pre-determined motions and recording the results. the brainy part is figuring out how to conduct the experiment and interpreting the results. neither of which the astronauts are doing

Fuck boomers!

True but I was inferring from the fact that user assumed that the astronauts were of higher than average intelligence and so the offspring might be quicker to figure out the scientific method and such.

Tbey died, leaving offspring stranded with basic survival guides in the middle of nowhere

The only inheritance they left was an oral tradition of folk tales that were half survival tips and half secret codes for Senku

The founder of the village decided to pass down information via myths and fables, and over time those stories got kind of bastardized.

I get that, no multiplied shounen traits copy pasted onto their offsping exist here.

How is he anything like Rick

And I'd argue that teenagers are even more conditioned by the old society since they lack the experience/intellect to make sense of things

Senkuu's father was a university professor, although I don't recall it ever saying which subject.

They're stuck on a deserted island, there are isolated tribes of people even today.

>Is the author fucking serious
it's a comedy manga so I'd say probably not

maybe. but yeah if Tsukasa was actually smart he would've played nice with Senku for much longer and then tried to become the political leader when their society started forming

>wtf, I know they escaped, but where?
This shit is so retarded.

the best area for valcanoes (sulfur)

I still wouldnt know, but someone who knows some basic chemistry and japanese geography might

It's basically just lime-ade

Unless you're one of those people who have the hyper-sensitivity to coriander, in which case I imagine it tastes awful

>black powder
How are anarcho primitivists posting on Yea Forums?

1. Sulfur is pretty well know as a component of gunpowder, and presumably a Japanese guy knows Hakone has it
2. He could've just tracked them for a while to get the general direction and figured it out from there, the protags aren't survival experts and are in a rush

Are they, though? Most teens never had to deal with paying their own bills, with authority or a more complex hierarchy than teacher/student (or senpai/kouhai).
In the antagonist's eyes bringing back the adults means bringing back a society based on selfishness.

You have no idea how NASA or other space agencies work, right?
Astronauts ALL have "regular jobs" within the agency. In addition to that, the ones which are interested are astronaut candidates, and will stay that way until they get their first space mission.
In most cases they'll participate in planning their mission to an extent, with the parts of the mission tailored to each to-be astronaut's specialty (for example, studying the effects of something in space on a creature might be assigned to a biologist, a doctor and such)

When not on a mission in space (AKA, >90% of the time), they do their regular jobs.
Less than 30% of NASA astronauts since the 80's onwards are pilots.

I get that. I don't see what that has to do anything I mentioned.

dedicated scientists would never waste all of their time on that training and sitting in space. its just the egoist thrill seekers who do that shit and they're definitely not the highest IQ of the bunch

Well Tsukasa is no Gen.

Tsukasa pays bills, you'll find out how and why

Environment/resources matter a lot more than genes when it comes to development.

It's possible that another great calamity wiped the board again, it's over 3 millennia from then to the story.

they'll reinvent it still it'll just take slightly longer

This is now a Riichiro Inagaki thread.
Why does Dr. Stone have two Hiruma-like characters and why are they great?

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Terrible bait. It's like you're not even trying anymore.

I mean they revive Ryusui and he brings back the petrodollar

That's why Tsukasa's the antagonist, his ideology has merits but is flawed. It's not society that corrupts people, it's just human nature.

shit tier opinion. how many kids say they want to be astronauts? going to space is exciting and the embodiment of human striving for progress and discovery.

>going to space is exciting
Yes to a child, but to an adult space is absolutely terrifying, the shit microgravity alone does to your cells including your DNA should freak you out. Oh yh and remember if you fuck up once you fly in one direction FOREVER.

Ryusui did nothing wrong. He kickstarted development faster than Senku could have

Less than you might think, unless you're in China

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I didn't state that it didn't. Read my post again. An user originally states that he thinks the offspring of a bunch of astronauts would be much smarter than your average person. I assumed he was referring to genetics as its silly to assume that even college educated astronauts would be good teachers especially with the lack of teaching experience and resources. Therefore I argues that it wouldn't make sense even from a genetic perspective as genes don't necessarily work like that.

Talk about setting your sights low.

Senku and Gen jewing Ryusui was good fun and it motivated the more blockheaded characters like Yo to be productive.

fucking kids these days man

humanity didn't come this far by being pussies

We really are regressing

capitalism always wins

Well you need to realize something you are squishy construct of carbon that can exist on this giant rock. Simply going too high in the atmosphere will expose your ass to cosmic radiation that is blocked by the ozone layer. You cannot sense radiation not to mention space is actually hot as in the sun's heat is more intense in that vacuum than here on this giant rock you will slowly heat to death in space due to this.

If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same.

Thanks for keeping me safe Earth-chan
*recycles plastic*

>Killing a murderer doesn't make you into one
>Killing a murderer doesn't make you into one
>doesn't make you into one

Found the retard.

Plastic doesnt do shit to this giant rock only the squishy carbon constructs.

Not only the adults, I would kill anyone awakened who was going to disrupt the utopia.

murder is unjustified killing. Killing a murderer makes you a killer, not a murderer

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It helps keeping Earth-chan clean

Lets be honest the following are stoned:
Their greatest puppets the white race

In other words the world is already a utopia as the cancer has been caged away. Any society built here so long as they dont destone the above cancer will have a nice life compared to the hell the above has done to the world.

Senku is supposed to be smart. If you can't figure out how to deal with someone who is ideologically different from you apart from killing them then you might as well be back in the stone age with your thumb up your arse.

There's no government around to decide if your killing was justified or not, plenty of different civilizations have had different ideas of what constituted justification.

Which is why you need to go for a better ratio

found the pacifist retard. I'd bet you agree with batman not killing the joker.

>moral relativism
here let me murder your family real quick and then let's discuss my motives

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No killing Tsukasa is a good idea hes too much of a wild card with that retard strength of his even Hyouga realized this.

Break your leg and they make you a smith. Break an arm and you'll drag a sled instead of carrying things. There's no wasting a pair of hands in those days. You WILL find something to do.

Why is western fanart so weird?

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But what about cute weak boys who cant do anything would they be bullied by big hunter cocks jizzing on their face not not that I would like something like that I mean Im only 5'4 and have blonde hair haha

>Worse than Rick
Is there anyone that doesn't like Dr. Stone that isn't a retard?

You can't have the full advantages of modern medicine and agriculture without industry (wagecucking).

>murder your family
Seems like you've already decided for yourself

Batman not killing the Joker? Sure. Gotham probably should have the death penalty to take care of him though along with the rest of the super villains.

So what's the verdict on this?

Reddit pseud shit or misunderstood gem?

improved desu
the anime moes up her face way too much

go back

>gigaChad gives you this look after he returns from a successful hunt
Wat do

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Ginrou stop posting

he literally always escapes from prison and kills a few dozen more people

He's also I valuable as an asset in a world with a very limited number of people. The smart thing would be to get that asset on your side to help your progress restoring the world. Senku is all about collaboration. Spear guy would want Tsukasa dead as he plans to rule through power and fear.

I gonna laugh so hard when animeonlys learn that, technically, Tsukasa didn't kill anybody.

No just kill him, hes too dangerous. A weapon you cant control is a useless weapon.

Which is why he should die but through the correct channels.

she needs to take those fucking headphones off, they obviously don't work anymore and they'd be useless even if they did
she's not though, cause it's a character accessory that makes her "unique". this shit pisses me off

On the other hand, he's a retarded gorilla nigger teenager, so it's kinda understandable, while being shit.

>Not thinking about the long game.

Tsukasa did nothing wrong

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*pretends to run away from u then trips and falls with my butt in the air*
oh noes ;3

Id fall down and show my cute hairless smooth butt to him .

Senku is just an optimistic technology and space enthusiast that's just way too smug. If anything he might be comparable to original kid Rick.

Charming /diy/ shonen with great comedy and flaws.
Misunderstood gem for those that belive the rick and morty meme before checking it out and will that taint their expectations and view.

Just wait till you meet shellgirl

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The long game is him backstabbing you thats why you gotta kill him.

oh good a shill, I've been wanting to ask, did you guys hire the dude who burned kyoani to try to thin out the competition to hollywood?
if you say anything other than yes or no I'll just assume the answer is yes

In all fairness Senkus smugness is kind of deserved. The guy reinvents a shit load of modern day technology and medicine all from memory.

But he gets redeemed. All according to calculations

It's not headphones - it's a part of her skull, otherwise it would have eroded away like the rest of what she was wearing.

Why did he decide to take half of this guy's face along as a souvenir?
That doesn't seem very righteous.

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you're a retard who can't make difficult decisions, hope I'm never surviving in the wilderness with you

Yh no I cant take that risk just kill him.

That's pocketsand tier

>t. Hyoga

>Kill Tsukasa
>Run into another pack of wild lions
Nice plan.
>Kill Tsukasa
>Run into another group of hostile people
Nice plan.
>Kill Tsukasa
>Best friends lose faith that I'm as benevolent as I make myself out to be
>Get back stabbed by people who are literally just doing what I did.
Nice plan.

oh, so this is just a thing that all the girls are gonna do in this show?

Assuming I get dumped in the wilderness with you I imagine you'd just kill me in my sleep due to your self imposed sense of justice so I don't know why you are worrying.

Lions can be dealt with a guy who can kill them with one punch cant.

Nah Id prefer if you let me rub up on your big manly body instead. I feel so safe in your arms.

>my feet hurt
>are we there yet
>it's too hot
>Taiju is screaming again
>I wish I was home playing civ games
>the humidity levels in the atmosphere are too high
>bet these people don't even want to go to space
>big oaf

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Nah, just those 2, well there's one more, but she wears something different. All the others aren't fancy

You wish. Everyone turned to stone has all those latent viruses suspended within them. The shit modern man carries would wipe out a village of unvaccinated 'new men' in a matter of weeks. These people don't even have access to basic painkillers apart from alcohol, much less antibiotics, Spanish flu would destroy them.

No, just those two, and we won't even get to reporter this season, I think. Well, there's also watermelon loli, but she has a good reason for that.

I am serious, yuru can just put the statues back together and they still are alive when depetrified.

>This is supposed to be science

The girl of your dreams will never look at you with a :3 face

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Nope, the when someone is depetrified is cure tonperfect heal. I am serious, there was a loli who was brain death, when she was revived her brain was fixed and her supposedly weak muscles duebto lack of use were put at max heal.

you'd probably die immediately anyway assuming you're a soft onionboy who's never seen a glimpse of the real world

The whole petrification thing is out of scifi, nobody is questioning it. Do we have a case of petrification in real life?

No as far we know you cant turn less dense matter into high density matter.

Holy shit look those typos, let me say it again: when someone is revived, its body is put in perfect health.

The petrification is sci fi, it is allowed to bs around

China is so overpopulated the very concept of going someplace where people aren't has to be one hell of a heady rush to contemplate.

I just found out this is Ichigo's VA
our girl is gonna make it

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Then you fags should stop of complaining about it being "non scientific", is not supposed to be!

Eh I wouldn't be the best but I wouldn't be the worst either. Depends on how remote in the wilderness I was.

Dammit, this was for

That's not a girl, that's a gorilla

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If anything it would be the other way around. The "modern men" would have no antibodies against the primate viruses. They would probably die from the new diseases fairly quickly.

Just the petrification, all Senkuus inventions exist irl

Yeah, but then you have this people

Can't wait for Senkuu to reinvent Axe body spray

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Look bro if you break the stature and just go lol just stick them together you will be fine I swear you are missing the fact that some mass is missing from the statue. Matter cannot be created from nothing so this is unscientific and stupid.

what the hell is this, is it like the anime with Joan of Arc? (the qt loli)

I got high hopes for this show

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Did you watch the last episode? Senku addressed this

Science fiction. Look it up.

Le epic meymey bro xD
Dudeweed amirite

>Element that is the main mystery of the manga and is without doubt scifi stuff.
>"Durrr! This shit is so unscientific"
Fuck off.

That actually looks kinda cute though

His address means nothing at all you cannot fucking create mass from nowhere.

>Worldwide mass instantaneous petrification is science

If you really want to get into it then you need to include the mass from the revival formula.


Does someone has the page where they revive the mangaka and specifically mention he was missing parts of his head yet the depetrification effect patched it all?

Its presented as HURR DURR HOLY SHIT DUDE SCIENCE IS AMAZING yet shows inaccurate completely illogical garbage like a human man having the physical durability to not break his hand hitting the much denser ribcage of a fucking lion.

Senku is fucking edward elric/Dexter, fuck off rickposter
He's passionate about his craft and has civilisations knowledge but he's humbled by everyone around him, sentimental to the point of putting himself in danger.

Rick, may also be sentimental is completely jaded and unlike Senku he sees science merely as more evidence that theres really nothing of value more past even the infinite possibilities the universe gives.

Theyre both completely fucking different.
Edward or Dexter at least are passionate for their crafts and are still put in their place by everyone else.

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Don't forget the petrification light. Massive amounts of ions had to be absorbed by the bodies.

Look at the genre, says sci fi, petrifications don't exist irl user, you should've known this by the first 5 minutes of the show.
Now what senkuu reinvents, that stuff exists irl.
It's not a difficult concept, so I hope you're pretending.

Been a while, but pretty sure that was supposed to be a gag panel showing Boichi

so he's that trope that only loves his job and girls have cooties

How is this a scifi manga? Its based on real science so it cant be scifi you dumb piece of shit.

Nah, he clearly has a type

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>didn't photoshop his eyes
start over

>All this story about the willage founding
>willage winning
>Senku isn't actually a blood heir
>Senku is Byakuya's wife's son


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Plenty of scifi media weaves real life science with fiction to muddle the two together and present the fiction as being plausible

Imagine adopting a genius a literal example of your own DNA being shit.

Providing the petrification light emits ions then sure you could add them but I doubt it would add much in terms of mass.

>Its presented as HURR DURR HOLY SHIT DUDE SCIENCE IS AMAZING yet shows inaccurate completely illogical garbage
maybe it's a 9000 IQ joke about how rationalists and empiricists never settled their differences


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fucking based

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Scifi is fiction the science its based on is completely fictional and created by the author's asshole like midichlorians for example.

Based Senku.

He knows the girls like him, he has priorities, he asmits this the second a girl says she wants his cok.
>too troublesome and complicates things
There are hints something is afoot tho, he just needs to kickstart humanity then he can relax.

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>forgetting that Star Wars is Sci-Fi/Fantasy

all of the villagers are descendants of Byakuya and Inagaki's editor thought that would lead to too many incesty overtones if people wanted to ship Senku with Kohaku or the other village girls

there's no way, this is a quasi-comedy shounen adventure

Because the editors forced it, Senku mentioning that "even if i was, we are separate by generations and doesn't mean a shit" is clearly the author being upset with the editors.

Mate have you seen any explanations for FTL travel in any sort of space based scifi movie/show/game ever?

They jerk off to that idea about how in theory if you were to fold two points of space together you could instantaneously travel between the two

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Sorry user, Taiju gets cucked

Hes a genius women are literally retarded animals to them, and to him romantic love can be explained by neurochemistry so its nonsense idealized by brainlets like Taiju.

tarzan is a retard, he killed those kids' parents without hesitation.
also this shit has already broken my suspension of disbelief multiple times, what with crazy hair rising stone's counting of 3700 years. that shit just don't happen

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I always thought the reason why western art and Japanese/Asian Art look so different from each other is because, for one, books that teach you how to draw teach you different fundamentals. A whole generation of people raised in these art books develop similar styles of their own, which eventually converge into a broad discrete art style naive to a continent/hemisphere.

Japanese art looks the way it is because of Japanese drawing books establishing their own nuances to the art style, with Japanese artists making their own similar art styles, which too converge into its own category.

I don’t think art books are the only way this happens, but it’s a start

if we're gonna get into nitpicking the logic, we also saw a dude kill a lion with a single punch last week

Tsukasa is perfect in every way.

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>3700 years of hiatus

He never goes into the chemical compound talk to explain love.

this is literally aimed at redditard "no its science you retard" onion knights. none of it is supposed to be realistic, it's all fiction just with loose passing mentions to real things that idiots will then call "explanations"

Silence idiot
Riddled with filth

>Goku cameo
>Is truly him in boichi's style and not a "friendly lawyer cameo".

He hinted to pheromones when he was giving that gasoline to Taiju. Its a fact that pheromones make women want to fuck you ASAP. As a genius he would view women as a means to continue his DNA and nothing more who gives a shit about a wife experiments are more fun than some emotional retarded creatures to a genius like Senku.

geniuses are still affected by the same chemistry irl unless they have some kind of mental disability, so are you, you're probably in denial

>It's a fact pheromones make women want to fuck you asap
Yea sure user.

You flowering it up by stretching out his rationalization doesn't make it any better.

That guy represents: ziga, noah notes, David.

maybe he'll finally finish Berserk

There better be scifi shit like aliens with super technology, Boichi true power is show in that.

You don't drink pheromones, also he called it a love potion, like it's magic or something. He might be all calculation but he has a soft spot even if he doesn't admit it. He just fucks with Taiju cause the oaf knows he's just bsing.

Geniuses care more about the autistic pleasure they get from doing experiments or math problems than women, their brains are simply more evolved than us sexual retards. Its a fact the dumber you are the most ooga booga me likey sex your thinking is.

Yes, so it makes him a dumb person, even if it isn't unrealistic.

on the other hand, we see western cartoons moving more and more toward the anime style and anime moving more and more toward western style
compare popular anime characters and western cartoon characters from 30, 20 and 10 years ago and present ones

Pic related is all we've seen from the thing that caused petrification. Nothing's off the table so far

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suck him off

There's some sci-fi without FTL and too impossible concepts.

Some books and stories have settinds that working on the currently known science, they just overcame the engineering/economic challenges.

That's probably due to the Internet becoming more and more prominent, as people become more connected they'll obviously share ideas and skills. Drawing is probably one of the easiest to transfer, the language barrier doesn't affect much.

*growls at u*
dont come to close or i might bite u >:3

I blame the internet. Everything is connected to everything

>statue is naked
>revived guy has clothes

Why do boys make better girls than girls? Im not talking about trannies Im talking about traps.

I’ll have you know that there’s no PUSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEH

anime has sold you a false ideal my dude

They put clothes offscreen, genius.

Ginrou I thought I already told you to stop posting

He gave him the real love potion. Confidence.

Does the manga or show ever talk about what petrified them? Sounds like some bum fuck random event just happened without any elaboration

I have seen a trap irl and they are really cute its a shame they age though.

>Not being a patrician and liking both

it's not anime it's the whole ideological ecosystem that creates redditors and other idiots

I don't think it's a bad thing actually, unless anime starts getting infected with western political bullshit

Is this worth watching? I was thinking about checking it out.

Unindentified genders make the best everything

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the current manga arc is elaborating on what the petrification was

We're getting to that in the manga

Short answer yes. It absolutely does. Senku wouldn't be much of a scientist otherwise.

>smart writing is hard.
no kidding those suggestions were fucking retarded

Read the manga, the prologue is not done yet, so the actual rebuilding hasn't started yet.

why is he so perfect, my dudes?

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Superior genetics

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The idea for this show was interesting, but the execution and the super-cringe dialogues made me drop it.

Because you're a faggot.

The manga is good. Haven't watched the anime so I don't know if it works that way.

fem user but okay


I don't mind the minecraft crowd but why give him diamonds, give him gunpowder at least

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Because he's a sweet boy.

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>t. N.E.W.S

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Is there a version without the bush? Asking for scientific purposes haha

length > curve
glorious nippon steelu btfo

Yes, but I will not lewd smug science man

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So this is what happened to Togashi...

thats right, Senkuu is pure, he is for long walks on the beach while holding hands!

>long walks
Later, he is sleepy now

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Holy shit. I remember my dreams as a young one, and astronaut was very high up there. Fucking vloggers man, the fuck.

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It’s just an image

I can literally hear gargling preteens when I see that image. It doesn't trigger me, but it's kinda le epic

Did they have to leave it open because of possibility of him hooking up with somebody in the village?

It's ok user, /ourboy/ still has the spark

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Will he stay smug after seeing Tsukasa's "strongest primate"?

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Not gonna spoil it for you

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Those DSL.

user I hate to break it to you but these may be the symptoms of a much deeper underlying cause, you need to get that checked out...

how big is Tsukasa's primate, user?



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Tsukasa would probably rape you to death with his Tarzan fingers, remember he wants a society of pure people so no degenerates.
Although given his track record, Tsukasa did have shit luck reviving horrible people.

>I mean no one stated that Tarzan is smart did they?
I mean, that's implied when you denouce someone who calls him stupid

Yeah can't believe Chrome steal most of the broship he has with Senku

Radius = Diameter/Two?


rate = distance/time
user pls this is basic stuff

Yeah my point is that the weapon is not that much wanked at all. Senku pretty much admits that the psychological factor of seeing a katana will make the most damage to the oppponents (since they're from modern Japan and conditioned with the katana meme).

poor guy, awakened after thousands of years, and free from the yoke of deadlines only for 4 seconds

Chinese kids can't wait to get as far away from China as they can


No, in fact, everybody ignores Yuzuriha's pussy with the strenght of a brain that counted seconds for thousands of years. She just gives hats to everybody and they just pass the hats.

He sets his own deadlines now

What a terrible fucking ship.

I want to destroy Gen's dreams and hopes!

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Stop being so butthurt, sengenfag


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dr stone isn't even a battle anime, its a trick kids into learning science anime. pokemon is more brutal that this show

based and greenpilled

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Is Chrome lucky?

So kill Senkuu?

I suppose so, if you don't mind used toys

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I mean the job description sounds pretty neat, but have they been looking around at all?

Yeah this just made my day, fucking glad I came here

>they will never drip grape juice onto your tongue from their feet

I could continue arguing with you and disprove every bit you say like i did in the previous post, but you'll just write some new bullshit with confidence that i don't where you pull from.

but just FYI, a large portion of the astronaut candidates contains the best minds on NASA, and many of the astronauts sent up during the entire ISS lifetime are some of the most esteemed scientists, engineers and doctors to be employed there, part of the process to be picked out the candidate list is proving you excel at your work.
I imagine that's the same for all space agencies, though i only have solid knowledge for NASA and for a lesser extent, ESA.

Senku divorced her after 5 minutes of being married

Why didn't Senku just cast a bunch of bronze cannons and pepper the spear guy with shrapnell?

Lies. Tsukasa would be a gentle soul and tenderly put a baby in you.

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Senku doesn't want to kill anyone
Also he doesn't have gunpowder

That made me want a dating miniarc where someone asks Senku to help him win someone over with scientific inventions
Bonus points if they're hitting on Francouis and he reveals himself to be a guy at the end

>having a crush on a divorced woman

no access to nitric acid cave to make gunpowder and that doesn't solve the base problem when senku is strongly no kill only

I want to fuck his pretty face.

whats it about

So she's different now from the 5 minutes before Senku gave her a quick smooch and then grabbed a bunch of alcohol and vinegar and ran for it?

Why didn't you just read the fucking manga at a normal speed instead of speedreading like a retarded mongoloid?

But that kinda already happened

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Two guys get so stoned they hibernate for 3000 years and set out to find teh epic weeds in the futuristic wasteland

Stone MacGyver

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They spent a night alone together

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>adults in the room complaining the show is edgy and dumb
lmao stop watching anime if u hate E=mc2 so much

Are Chrome and Taiju dead in the manga?

I have 2 questions for manga readers.

1 what the fuck happened to hyoga and homura when they got to the island? did they get turned to stone as well?

2.why the fuck did senku not create the gun after beating tsukasa before going to the island?

no, they're both currently petrified though

He didn't explicitly call him stupid. Just that he understood his motivations and they made no sense. I'm saying that they make perfect sense when you take into account of who the character is. An idealistic teenager.

No, just cucked

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Yes but no

1.stoned below deck (still not confirmed)
2.cave of miracles is wrecked so no nitric acid for saltpeter which is needed + Senkuus no kill policy

As far as we know they got turned to stone too but we don't know for sure. Also Senku only really needed the gun back then when he had limited options. With the martial and personnel he's gathered he should be able to deal with situations in a non-lethal manner much more easily.

1. they're in a cage on the ship so yes petrified
2. when you kill your enemies they win user

>1 what the fuck happened to hyoga and homura when they got to the island? did they get turned to stone as well?
Since they must've been on the ship and the effect goes through objects, probably yes.

>Guy wears KILL YOU on his clothes
>States occupation is an assassin
Wow do they expect me to believe he's good at killing people now? Totally lazy!

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Is tsukasa rough or gentle in bed??

gen is for loving and cuddling. delete this fucking now

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Pdepends if you're pure or not

Super gentle if you're around his age.

It's too fucking exciting.

I want to marry Ruri.

Gib golaman already, I cannot wait anymore

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That's not an excuse


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i just finished up to where the manga is in the last 3 days and you really dont need a +90 iq to understand why Senku isn't just chlorine gassing Tsukasa's crew.

gen is objectively best girl

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How does sex with him feels like?

People have managed to figure out at least part of the formula for Coca Cola and it's mostly just lime soda with spices in it, so Senku's bootleg rip off soda is probably not any worse than grocery store brand soda.

>t = two

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Golaman is NOT a slut

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He fakes it

We must made him one then.

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Now you've done it buster, what did you do with my wife?

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dont listen to this fag, it killed me

>What you're descriping only happens among the lowest dregs of society
So all of Islam then.

it was as little as 70 years ago where if you got a nasty cut and didn't have antiseptics and such or visit a hospital, you were likely to die

yeah first person they tried penicillin on was a policeman that cut his finger on a rose thorn. they tried it only because he was dying and sadly he died anyway only because they couldn't make enough penicillin to fully clear his severe sepsis

>a policeman that cut his finger on a rose thorn
>he died
How fucking unlucky do you need to be to die from this? Was that rose covered in feces dumped with poison?

infections can enter from any orifice

>Was that rose covered in feces
iirc roses do need quite a bit of fertilizer and horse shit is great for it

it should be v=d/t

no one uses "rate"

well, correction to this, it should actually be


Last for SenGen.

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last for single senku

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