KyoAni Arson Aftermath thread

What we know so far:

>The perpetrator is one named Samu Haido, a hired terrorist and a madman
>he is employed by a man in his 70s, white-haired, wore black-framed glasses who promised Samu-san KFC B-set Chicken Bucket® after the completion of his task of "fixing anime's mistake"
>there are 70 reported casualties, , 36 currently injured
>the CEO of Kyoto Animation, Hideaki Hatta, describes the tragedy as a "Forced Combustion". He grieved, "Yep, we didn't Find a Way this time." quoting the 1993 dinosaur cult-classic Jurrasic Park by the Jewish actor Jeff Goldblum. He afterwards pleaded to the fans: "Please donate to our GoFundMe campaign folds, or else we will become a time flop!"
>the latest episode of Fire Force was postponed this week, but not because of the arson incident, but because studio David Production's CEO realized that he'd rather finish the production of JoJo's Stone Ocean arc than, in his words, "animating this soulless bullshit". "Dr.Stone is aots anyways", he added
>Yamakan visited the memorial site of the incident. When reporters asked why he was crying, he simply replied, "I wished I had sexually harassed more. Now those asses are gone for good. Lost.... in flames..."
>one of the KyoAni's directors, Naoko Yamada, is confirmed safe. When asked for comments regarding the tragedy, she responds "They better give me an Oscar this time for this shit". Yamada has always aspired to receive the Jewish Awards ever since she was a child. "We admired the Jewish culture", said the young director. "That's why we hired more female feminists in our studio, and for the male feminists in our studio, we make them follow the Jewish tradition of circumcising their penis before joining our family". Yamada also plans to use 70% portion of the GoFundMe money to donate to Israel.

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Other urls found in this thread:

all falsehood. gj idiot

ty for info

Discord kids are simply not funny

Any words on Maidragon S2?


>He wasted this time to wrote this
Is this how Autism look like?

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>Hahah, I'm a nihilist, Morty, wubalubabuzinga

Autism is not a precondition for making up dumb shit. Anyone can do it.

t. Dr.Stone fag

I laughed. Fuck you, guys.

Until we get actual updates we don't need another thread.

Crossboarders should be publicly banned and shamed.

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It's both funnier AND less offensive than your post though

Literally what does that show have to do with KyoAni burning down

Trolling outside of Yea Forums.

>>Yamakan visited the memorial site of the incident. When reporters asked why he was crying, he simply replied, "I wished I had sexually harassed more. Now those asses are gone for good. Lost.... in flames..."

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It harms literally no one. If you can't handle a little prank like this then I think you're on the wrong site.

>spoonfeed me please
Go watch it yourself and find out.

None of that was even close to funny

Now it is, thanks to people like you being baited openly.

Where do you think he is now?


You just got pranked bro

t. crossboarder

>Samu Haido
made me kek.

I somehow skipped over that part in my haste to skim through and confirm it was fake. Heh

>hur look at me being stupid
>it's just no funny my dude
>HAHA it's so funny because I baited someone
At least be creative so that we can all have a laugh.

Why is it, when something happens, it's always the jews?

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t. OP

MiadDragon s2 will be done by JC staff.

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>he wastes time being alive instead of just jumping straight to the inevitable conclusion
lol what an autistic faggot, fucking around with all this pleb-tier living shit instead of killing yourself like a badass
The virgin alive < The chad dead

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They're skipping Stone Ocean for Steel Ball Run.

The OP is a funny post. I'd love small pranks more if there were less attempts at pranking from people who aren't funny. I'm saying this knowing trial and error is necessary for success in comedy, so I'm quite selfish.

What's the alternative to crossboarder, somebody who just uses Yea Forums? If there were people like this, it wouldn't be the half dead board that it is. How can you even be on this board full time, it's not fast enough.

Is Takegodto still """"missing""""?

>he says while using a crossboarder meme
Yea Forums is in such a good place.

How do you know i'm alive?

How does he keep getting away with it?

He's on a spur of the moment vacation.

>hired in the 70s
>allowed all the mistakes done in anime since then
He failed before he even tried.

I would've seen you around the ghost watercooler at least once by now if you weren't, you ain't slick you corporeal chucklefuck.

you could at least try, this is insulting too all parties

user I...

/pol/ Yea Forums and australia in 1 post is too much for Yea Forumsddit to handle

OP, using edgy humor like this makes you seem 14, retarded, or both. Either way fuck off

Crossboarders isn't someone that doesn't exclusively browse Yea Forums. It is someone that come from other boards and do not even attempt to assimilate to the culture of the board.

what's the culture of the board?
spoonfeeding retards?shounen threads?
or maybe isekai wankery? oh god the board culture
the only culture Yea Forumsddit has is Yea Forums rules

>spoonfeeding retards?shounen threads?
>or maybe isekai wankery?
These are all the result of crossboarders and newfags that didn't lurk and people weren't vigilant enough.
That doesn't mean you should do nothing at all because it can always get worse.

what type of car is that on the left?

Yea Forumsddit has no culture just admit it homo

What does Yea Forums think of Mr. Obvious's take on the KyoAni fire? Was Samu Haido a bad personal?

Yea Forums """""humor""""""""

Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit.

Yui is retarded enough to believe it.

He can't keep getting away with this.


Stay safe, kyoani bro

Lurk moar.

lurked enough to differentiate subhuman nigger posters from average an Yea Forumsnon

That's fake tho. Except the last point. KyoAni's love for Jews resulted in them recognizing Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organizations. Then when the anniversary of the AMIA attack in Argentina came, it became a signal to wake the Hezbollah sleeper agent in Japan.

>he is employed by a man in his 70s, white-haired, wore black-framed glasses who promised Samu-san KFC B-set Chicken Bucket® after the completion of his task of "fixing anime's mistake"
I laughed

Nice meem.

Update: Yamakan starts his new career as a fire extinguisher salesman.

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I wish you died in a fire instead of them, OP.

Is this what discord does to people?

>Dr. Stone is aots this season anyways
Awful taste, jump off a bridge.


Good one OP

>When asked for comments regarding the tragedy, she responds "They better give me an Oscar this time for this shit". Yamada has always aspired to receive the Jewish Awards ever since she was a child.
ok, made me laugh

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ITT: I laughed my ass off but I'll post this was shit and unfunny.

>Samu Haido
He can't keep getting away with it!

Oh but user he will. Nobody can stop him

Ghost watercooler? Where is that? If I come will you give me a ghost blowjob?

Imagine being this much of a newfag and crossboarder that you think nu-Yea Forums is slow.

2016 election /r/thedonald retard?


>Yamada also plans to use 70% portion of the GoFundMe money to donate to Israel.

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JC staff saving the anime industry with 4 productions for season.

I've heard working for Kyoto is basically the dream job for a lot of animators in Japan, that they care deeply for their employees, so this news really hurts a lot of people. This was a place that created wonderful, lovely things that made thousands of people happy, and some user decided to burn it down. Is there a more Yea Forums thing imaginable?

Some people just wanted to see the world burn.

No one fucking care, no one stopped posting porn on twitter, all of the artist i follow didn't give a fuck about it. They were the jew of anime industry.

>the CEO of Kyoto Animation, Hideaki Hatta, describes the tragedy as a "Forced Combustion".
Okay you got me

>come from other boards
I've been on Yea Forums for 13 years now, I don't even know where I'm supposed to be "from", what the fuck does that even mean. This war between boards is a newfag concept in itself, people move around.

Is it really so hard for people to understand that some people deal with sadness by trying to laugh in order to make themselves feel better? While the people that are just celebrating are inexcusable the people who are producing humor like this are just trying to cheer people up.

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So for brainlets, a quick rundown:
>"Why didn't they escape from the roof?"
- They tried. The smoke filled up their lungs and they passed out in the staircase. All the bodies started to pile up and nobody could get out.

>"Why didn't they jump out the windows?"
- Some did. They suffered severe cuts and burns anyways. The rest who tied didn't make it. Bodies were piled up at the windows as well.

>"Why didn't they notice the fire sooner?"
- Because 40 fucking liters of gasoline were used. By the time they smelled the smoke they'd be fucked.

1st one is because they locked the roof doors a week before because employees were throwing cigarette butts off the roof

Stop spreading this misinformation. The roof door was UNLOCKED the day of the fire.

Why didnt they take the fire escape exits? Were the sprinklers working at the time?

Are there any other VAs who used to prominently work with KyoAni that have talked about the incident?

Names of victims were supposed to be released yesterday. Why do they make up suffer with baited breath for so long?

Because they were already unconscious? They tried but the fire and smokes win.

The KiyoAni building had no sprinklers, but buildings in japan don't need them to be up to code, apparently. The fire escape was access through the roof, but they couldn't make it because they suffocated on their way out of the building. There wasn't much physical damage to the door so it's evident that most passed out before even reaching it.

The building didn't have either of those.

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So those 19 victims tried to reach the door but were all suffocated by the smoke.

Better fire drills could have saved more of them.

There was no fire escape on the roof but they might have been able to breathe up there since all the smoke was coming out the windows.

whats humourous?

Nothing could have saved them, honestly. They were fucked over by coincidence.

I liked the implication of Miyazaki hiring the arsonist.

It's not even funny, it's mostly just a shitty /pol/ meme that's used with most happenings mixed with slightly relevant jokes.

W H A T M A K E S Y O U T H I N K T H A T, S M A R T G U Y?

The problem is that the humor in OP is bad and dull, even if he aimed for edge.

Will Kyo be able to come back from this? I know the donations are way over the goal, but when you've lost all your work, half of the work force and the other half left traumatised, what hope is there? I hope they come back from this, but I can't see how.

is this boomer humor?

Ignition of 40 litres of gasoline is not similar to burning a couch and wait for it to burn completely. 40 litres of gasoline were ignited near to the spiral staircase which leads up to the third floor. They are fucked once the ignition happens.

Hell no, they're fucking finished.

by publicly banned what do you mean? This isn't arabia you fucking jaheeb its your precious internet board.

It doesn't matter if it's funny or not, it's a coping mechanism

meant for

its the only one i found

Based thread.


>care for their employees
>fit 80 people in a small matchbox

The only way to stop Kyoani was by murdering them, to be honest.

>Is there a more Yea Forums thing imaginable?

What we know so far:

>burned a bench
>set himself on fire
>wears a stupid shirt
>listens to video game music

To be fair, it can fit at least 100 people in there without the place being overcrowded with people.

Sprinklers won't do shit to a gasoline fire.

too new if you don't know what a public ban is

They’d be “stopped” sooner if Kyoanifags actually cared about the content of the shit that they watched instead of getting a hard on over muh pretty lens filter. They're basically the graphics fags of anime.

Epic thread.

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Well we don't have to worry about them anymore. Maybe there will be a gas leak at ufotable next.

Bump :)

Why do Japanese always awkwardly smile during interviews about disasters?

Projecting much?

This is truly a tragedy. Hopefully our donations will be able to make Israel pull through this.