You know it's true
Kircheis was the worst of Reinhard's advisors
>muh morality
>muh innocents
>muh honour
Oberstein > Fraulein Mariendorf > Kircheis
Simply appalling taste.
Are you still in Panpers?
Nah, Oberstein is the other end, being too logical. The kaiserin was the best one, she valances emotions and logic.
He was better just by staying alive until last episode.
no it's actually
Oberstein > Kircheis > Mariendorf
Who do we have to thank for making Reinhard chill the fuck out and not turn into a powerhungry retard? Oberstein and Kircheis. Mariendorf only looks so capable because Reinhard is. Oberstein is playing 5D chess while she wastes the Kaiser's time by seducing him. Without Oberstein and Kircheis he wouldn't have come as far as he did, Mariendorf did nothing more than have his child
>The kaiserin was the best one, she balances emotions and logic.
Hilda does have some demerrits though as an advisor. First and formost she stands for and promotes nepotism. Her father was the only high noble to maintain his own feudal holdings and also appointed the First Minister of State. And she is set to promote her son as future Kaisar.
Why didn't Obserstein just learn how to smile, and invite people over to his house for dinner and to meet his dog? Then they would be his friends. Nobody can resist friendship with a dog lover.
Oberstein is introduced as a betrayer of his own commander. He was already plotting a way to ditch Kircheis but the murdering attempt happened first. In the end he would've betrayed Reinhard too if he got to disagree with him.
>Why didn't Obserstein just learn how to smile, and invite people over to his house for dinner and to meet his dog?
Legitimate autism
Nepotism is only bad if it promotes retards.
>Oberstein is introduced as a betrayer of his own commander. He was already plotting a way to ditch Kircheis but the murdering attempt happened first. In the end he would've betrayed Reinhard too if he got to disagree with him.
t. secondaryonly speedwatcher
Oberstein was introduced meeting Seig during the party after Reinhard is promoted following the battle of Astarte. Oberstein all but declares himself opposed to the Goldenbaum Dynasty.
Oberstein was obsessed with eradicating it because he viewed it as evil. So obsessed that he goes out of his way to seek out a strong leader capable of overthrowing it and offers his services as an administrator. Oberstein and Reinhard use each other to achieve the same goal by providing what the other lacks. Oberstein lacks political power and charisma while Reinhard lacks skill at court intrigue and political manipulation. Oberstein can do the dirty jobs Reinhard cannot be seen to be doing. We are constantly given glimpses into the lengths Oberstein is willing to go to achieve a new Empire. Letting Westerland get nuked to save lives in the long run. At the same time he is selfless, even going so far as to offer himself as a hostage in exchange for Yang while insisting that Yang be murdered because of the threat Yang poses despite it meaning his own death. Every choice he makes is for the good of the Empire he wants to serve. It's left open as to how many events he had his hands in regarding the events that take place but he is shown time and again to be making decisions that, in the long run, will benefit the new Lohengramm Government. He might have foreseen the assassination attempt at Geiesburg and used it as a way to get rid of Seig. He might have had a subtle hand in the manipulation of Ruenthal to force him into open rebellion before he could make a real attempt at it. He is Machiavellian to a fault, but he never once sought personal power. Had Reinhard not been able to do it he would have found someone else.
Except that one time she saved Reinhard's life from Yang Wenli
Found the incel
>betrayer of his own commander
>"Sir, we are marching to our deaths, its not worth it"
>"But muh honor!1!!!!1!"
>"Fuck this, im out"
I don't think "Not being retarded" should count as betrayal
And here we have the core theme of the series. Yang himself says that the reforms Reinhard introduces create a system that, while not of or by the people, is FOR the people. The estate and inheritance tax reforms alone enrich the common people while bankrupting the nobles that provide no benefit to the people and Empire.
That is what is so tragic about the story. Reinhard created a system that would have been possible for the FPA to ideologically come to favorable terms with after the capture of Iserlohn without sacrificing it's ideals had it not been for the asinine stupidity of the pro war Trunicht faction.
The first fifth of the series is all about showing how retarded the command structure of both sides have become since the start of the war. Without a frame of reference, it is almost laughable how stupid some of the higher admirals on both sides are and how time and again it's,
>lets be stupid
Lets not
This is a trap
>no its not stop being a coward
Here is all the evidence on why this is obviously a trap
>*plugs ears and makes a "lalala" noise*
She also took it upon herself to try and fill the void left by Sieg. It took years but she persisted because she knew it was for the good of Reinhard and the Empire.
Everyone but Reinhard Posse and Yang Gang were complete retards and it is a major weakpoint of the series.
Goldenbaums just did not feel like a threat at all.
based. Oberstein was the MVP, the most loyal of them all. He took the dirt of the empire upon himself all the way to his death.
Please do not disrespect my good friends Bucock and Trung.
They are technically Yang Gang though.
I don't think Trung ever even met Yang.
Even so, he is still clearly Yang Aligned and a reasonable character.
Same how the only High Lord of Empire Reinhard respected somewhat was the one who retired and didn't involve himself in the Civil War bullshit.
Not quite the same then, isn't it? You're talking about someone who retired, I'm talking about someone who stayed in the game and kept playing.
Its exactly the same.
I am talking about how the only competent people in the series were those who respected or assisted Reinhard or Yang.