Did mangadex kill sekrit club? I can understand scanlations but official releases like pic related...

Did mangadex kill sekrit club? I can understand scanlations but official releases like pic related, Wedding Rings or Blue Steel are months behind. I haven't seen notifications on my list in ages.

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yeah it's been pretty shit these days. you'll often be better off searching the Yea Forums archive to find download links. that or library genesis are surprisingly good for official releases

I won't be an ass and ask for source but simple yes - no. are these titles available online to read outside CR?

I'm not reading any of them, so no idea. checked no triage x and neither of them had volume 17. goddess was still the best resource for that one at least

New HOTD chapter when.

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wait, theres a site that hosts the official translation of triage x that I didnt know about that?, please give me the link

Here you go newfriend: yenpress.com/9781975304614/triage-x-vol-17/

welp I guess I forgot to mention reading it free and not buying it

Check on google or in the archive, noone is spoonfeeding you here.

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Never, author is dead.

>Did mangadex kill sekrit club?
No, secret club killed secret club due to the admin not updating the bots and restricting the ability to upload.

It's disappointing how little fan art there is of this.
Fapped lots to screenshots. Good lord the onsen scene.

>New HOTD chapter when.

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if shitters didn't keep on uploading the same shit under different names and deleting everything that triggers them, he wouldn't have had to do that. that said, empire mangu releases have really slowed down and that's got nothing to do with pink goddess.

I lost my login info last Christmas when I upgraded my rig. Is Queue not able to do anything about it?

>I lost my login info last Christmas when I upgraded my rig.
I'm in the exact same situation. Registred with a throwaway username/password, hdd melted, cant login.

Magnatraders clone died as well.
I need my direct downloads

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>Some guys asked her to do a porno once
Why didn't she do it?

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Yeah, and now we end up with basically outdated content. If they couldn't handle things like conventional websites e.g mangatraders etc then I guess the FTP simply wasn't meant to be an archive as was initially claimed.

Okay, I'm retarded. v17 is on nyaa. I was this close actually buying it from amazon.

Scary scenario is when mangadex goes batoto we're in the ass again. Who's running mangadex?

I wish.

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Don't know, but they seem to be no different from the faggots behind batoto.

>Who's running mangadex?