Is creative bankrupcy enough reason to steal from authors?

Is creative bankrupcy enough reason to steal from authors?

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Do shit get lit

they steal from themselves too

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>doesn't know this was a claim by a deranged person who posted on an anonymous board, who set fire to a building filled with harmless people doing their jobs
meanwhile teenage hipsters like these guys bad mouth people who have been psychologically and physically harmed or probably have passed away

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t. Shinji

They stole Tanaka Romeo's AURA in 2012 already, nothing new

You can't steal ideas, user.

you can actually. They're protected under copyright laws

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nukyoani went downhill with free shit

The only law we need is the NAP unless you are a retarded statist.

Sou desuka. Is this why the arson attacked them?

Most likely

have sex


There’s no proof they stole any idea from him

have sex

Leave KyoAni to me!

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t. arsonist

>posting it again and again