KyoAni massacre is a series of bad lucks and conspiracy

This is from which unfortunately doesn't provide sources for every claim:
- On the day of the attack, a film crew from NHK was scheduled to visit KyoAni's studio to do some filming for a documentary. NHK wrote about their film crew having an appointment with KyoAni in the first revision of one their articles on the fire, but silently edited that fact out a few hours later:

- NHK told KyoAni to relax security that morning so the film crew could go in and out unhindered. That's why the perp was able to simply go in and out of the unlocked front door.

- KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1 that day because NHK said they wanted to do interviews with them.

-The NHK crew actually was very close nearby when it happened, after the perpetrator ran out he was filmed by the crew's director from his car.

- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.

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Other urls found in this thread:京都アニメーション大賞

perfect storm vs too many coincidences

(Abe) is behind this, his plan is to kill the SOLs and Moe

I don't think this is all bad luck, but mostly planned. I am not sure, but I think NHK probably had told other studios that they interviewed before to relax the security, so all the arsonist had to do was know the date and time NHK would interview Kyoani. Then, the arsonist would also easily assume most directors would be there that day if there is a NHK interview. The rooftop might be the only bad luck if true, since there is no way to plan that out, but everything else definitely seems planned.

>- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.
someone's going to prison

conflicting reports about the rooftop
some say the firemen report it wasn't locked
chimney effect could have dragged a lot of burning smoke to the highest leak point pretty rapidly


What was the reason the arsonist did this?
Somebody please explain, why did he kill 34 people? This is so sad.
Clannad is one of my favorite Animes.

if only one person had gun, all these people would be alive

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Truly, Murphy's law strikes again.

>Puru puru pururin

A yurifag train autist had a meltdown.

Fake news

We don't know. But there are two popular theories:
1. It was a trainfag who was triggered that KyoAni "stole" his catchphrase.
2. The arsonist participated in Kyoto Animation's LN contest and lost. But they still adapted his novel without paying him anything. People suspect that the "stolen" series is Free.
Both of these "theories" are based on speculation and I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are wrong.

Aren't Abe and NHK enemies?

>1. It was a trainfag who was triggered that KyoAni "stole" his catchphrase.

Stealing his LN sounds dumb theory because it would make other authors not write for KyoAni if they were known to steal, and also if they did actually owe him money then he could settle it in court. Unintentionally taking his catchphrase and triggering the autism of a trainfag seems more believable. Only time will tell what actually happened.

KyoAni head stated that the arsonist never submitted anything to them.

Free is based on High Speed LN (3 years after the event), so it shouldn't be free if they indeed stole his work.

trainfag is innocent
they're still alive and shitpopsting

KyoAni used to hold a lot of LN contests, where the best ideas submitted to them would be adapted to anime. Of course, doing so would mean profit splitting. Supposedly, the guy in question sent a LN that's similar to the plot of Free!, and when he found out it's been adapted to anime even though his LN was rejected, he felt betrayed. Probably thought to himself that he lost $100M due to being copied, he burnt the whole studio down.

They are. NHK is trying to frame Abe

What are you even talking about? The guy was a nutjob with mental illness background and it's most likely it was all in his head

>2. The arsonist participated in Kyoto Animation's LN contest and lost. But they still adapted his novel without paying him anything. People suspect that the "stolen" series is Free.
This makes zero sense if you just think about it for a few seconds, and all of these dumb theories are based on an eyewitness report that said perp screamed "they ripped me off". If that actually happened then it could literally be anything.

Do we know which directors have died?

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Huh? Wasn't it original work? How old is High Speed LN?

This is what mental illness looks like. Why are all kyoani haters schizophrenics?

You're forgetting that a poor NEET doesn't have the experience or money to go to court. Also, Lawyering up and suing is more of a US thing.
I think both theories are wrong, trainfag just sounds like an 5chan troll who liked the attention.

Wasn't aware of that, I haven't followed this that closely. I only knew that this were the popular theories.

There's a large conflict of interest present here. Even moreso because the "stealing" if it happened was likely a decision by the president.

He was referring to the daily death threats the got in e-mail, not the LN contest.

>The suspect was apprehended for stealing underwear in his 20s

what retard decided to lock an *emergency* exit?

The Japanese courts would be highly prejudiced against an ex-con collecting neetbux. Even if the defendent weren't a beloved, gold star company.

And you know what? that prejudice seems warranted right now.

>NHK made Log Horizon
>The arsonist was a man from kanto who went to Kyoto with a mission
>KyoAni lost their digital archives
>The data is all gone

Is there a list if all the names of the deceased?

>KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1 that day because NHK said they wanted to do interviews with them.
Yamada's safety was confirmed quite early on, so she likely wasn't at the building at the first place. Ishihara and possibly Ishidate are also said to be safe.

>Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.
Firefighters confirmed it wasn't locked.

No, the characters are based on the LN. High speed is also released in 2013 and it is written by other person. The story is mostly based on Haru's trauma so I don't really know what they stole.

Yeah the door wasn't locked. When the dude set fire on the staircase it became like a chimney, the people who used it would have to go up a staircase without breathing in the pitch black of the smoke, they had no chance.

It's completely bizarre if you think about it. He claims they stole something from him (police stated the man said the word "novel" in conjunction with "stolen"), but KyoAni only adapts works and doesn't make original content. All their works can be tied back to a very specific author, so if anyone was to blame, wouldn't it be the original author and not the studio? The only thing that he could be referring to is KyoAni's novel submission for amateurs, but he never submitted anything (neither in death threats nor to the contest), and even if he did, which work would it tie into?

It makes me wonder if he's even talking about his own idea being stolen. Could he simply be a crazed fan of a novel that they adapted and he feels like they "stole" it from just by adapting it? Maybe it wasn't even about anime at all, and the guy was just sperging about something else that was loosely related to the studio. Or maybe it's minor like, a single episode of something episodic played out sort of like a story he wrote or thought up and he flipped his shit over that. The motive, if plagiarism is blurry as fuck.

Isn't that magazine a tabloid? Do they have a proof?

The eyewitness is a lady who helped the arsonist from being burned in front of her household. She actually heard the guy screamed that line to the police who questioned him before they took him away. It is not a theory, unless the perp lied to the police.

>KyoAni's most renowned directors were all present in studio 1

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I just looked it up, anime and the light novel came out at the same time, but anime must have been in production for a 1.5~ years, so most likely novel was written to expand the anime series. Anyway, Free is a six year old franchise. If Kyoani had stolen his idea, he could have sued them or at least complained on 2ch, which is what happens in these kind of situations. The fact that he hasn't said a thing about it on 2ch or anywhere else on internet, just further proves this "stole his ln" story is pure bullshit. There's not even any source for this story, it's all speculation based on a single eye witness report saying he screamed kyoani ripped him off.

>Many victims of an arson attack on a Japanese animation studio were young with bright futures, some joining only in April, the shaken company president said on Saturday, as the death toll climbed to 34.

>"Some of them joined us just in April. And on the eighth of July, I gave them a small, but their first, bonus," he said.

>Fifteen of the victims were in their 20s and 11 were in their 30s, public broadcaster NHK said. Six were in their 40s and one was at least 60. The age of the latest victim, a man who died in hospital, was not known.


>Fumiko Shimizu, 91, who lives close to the building and watched the fire from her balcony at home, said she regularly greeted the staff she met in the street.

>"I used to see them going to the convenience store in groups of six or so to buy lunch boxes. There were a lot of young people, in the twenties and thirties. They died so young when it would be alright for somebody like me to die anytime," she said.

In those fucking news report that aired on Japanese tv channels? There are a few of them on youtube.

What he said was パクりやがって, that's not something you can make a conclusion out of

Quadruple amputation

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as long as he's got functional eyes and a mouth there is hope

The lines were "小説を盗まれた" and followed by "パクりやがって". Seriously, user. I am not convinced that Kyoani actually ripped him off but as for now, that is the only thing we know after he was sent to a hospital and left unconscious until now.

>They died so young when it would be alright for somebody like me to die anytime
that's it, fuck this thread

he ded

High speed won kyoAni award on nomination winner though. I forgot which year it was.

Was that not just conjecture based on the pakuri part? At least the person who took care of the arsonist did not mention this

They were just otaku animators. Nu-burakkumin, basically.

Not like this CV obaa san *×*

I'm afraid it'd take decades or perhaps centuries for the Japanese to understand and implement Second Amendment.

stop being a retard across every thread, you already know hes gone.
if he was fine and just 'missing' someone would have called his cellphone by now.

the only reason they havent pronounced them dead is because they haven't sifted through the buildings ashes enough to find whatever remains of his bones

the only other scenario would be that he's in bad enough condition that he'd be better off dead and will never be able to live any semblance of a normal life again, coma, then permanent life support and forever infected wounds submerged in burn tanks

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>But they still adapted his novel without paying him anything. People suspect that the "stolen" series is Free
But he's still credited as the author of the novel, no? Or did they slap some random name instead and refuse to give him the credit?

>if only one person had gun, the gasoline would have been ignited even earlier

I don't know, user. We might just know the truth once the arsonist wakes up and confesses to the police of his actual motive. But for now, the novel and ripping him off are the only thing that are being reported in the news so far, besides he making loud noises in his neighborhood making other residents uncomfortable.

I still can't believe Barisaku-kun would do something so terrible.

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So let me get this straight
>abe wants increased birthrates
>NHK want decreased birthrates
>abe would burn down kyoani to force moeshitters and fujos to go outside
>NHK burns down kyoani to make it look like abe did it
>raise birthrates in the process
or are you implying it's a sort of depression double cross where the trauma forces the otaku even deeper into NEETdom?

The thing is those are just theories, and probably false. The most likely scenario is that he had an idea or wrote something, and KyoAni animated something similar unrelated to his work. We know he was not mentally healthy. The only fact we for sure know is that he said they stole something from him, we don't even know what. He may have been just rambling random stuff for all we know.

It won't make them go outside, it will make them double down. Have you never seen cases of censorship and trying to kill of musicians? It rarely has the intended effect.

Rome's Colosseum existed for people like this motherfucker.

Don't you get it? This conspiracy goes way, way deeper than that. Whole thing is just a diversion.

word on the street is hes still shitposting right this moment

Yeah, its disgusting, the light source is supposed to be behind the camera, which is like the opposite of filming a building on fire. He became the very thing he sought to destroy.

Keep in mind a lot of this is just shaky rumours. Don't take something as fact just because other people repeat it.

To take photos of while pretending to push it?

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Barisaku isn't a single person. No one can shitpost at that level by himself.

I hope nips grilled NHK. Lax the security when many people and higher-ups present please, this is a crazy and very stupid request. KyoAni also not without blame, there were only so many workers there, with most being young women, I'd imagine that they would know the smokers in question. Just scold them or cut their salaries, now the poor door ended up being blamed and guilt because it won't opened because some stupid fucker decided to lock it.


>It was a trainfag who was triggered that KyoAni "stole" his catchphrase
Already debunked.

>The arsonist participated in Kyoto Animation's LN contest
KyoAni's president said the arsonist had never participated in any of the contests.

How close is Kyoani to the nearest train line? Maybe he just needed a bigger light source?

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He was running towards it while trying to escape.

They just had to make season 3.
God got bored waiting.

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He set kyoani on fire because he was being chased by a train? What?

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Honesty, the possible theory is just he's bullshitting while spouting some generic tropes that he claimed his or what he meant by "stole/rip-off" is he thought Kumiko would be Reina but ended up with Suuichi (meaning he's a butthurt y/u/rifag).
However, if the latter is true, the media should already publish it since they already went to the home (I don't know if they entered the house or not though).

What if he was the one to file the complaints?

The mastermind behind it all. He won't stop until all moeniggers burn.

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do we have a list of people who died yet?

cool and original joke

Everybody's Dead, Dave

Trading animators in their twenties and thirties for 14-18yr olds in schools, when the shootings start.

Lax gun control in a country rife with suicides over frustration to perform or achieve life goals? Bad idea...

I don't think that Kyoani did steal anything, but there's nothing that straight up debunks the theory. But the evidence is just based on conjecture and eyewitness reports that the aronist said that they "ripped him off". I'm 99,99% sure that this is false. The truth will come out with time.

Better sleep with a fire extinguisher next to you for a few months user. You're most likely on his list.

Yeah, firing a gun next to 40 liters of gasoline is absolutely the best thing to do.

wasnt the train guy posting on like twitter and 2ch saying "wtf its not me"?

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The ripping off theory is completely out of the question just because kyoani is so devoid of any original thought, it's impossible for them to steal anything from anyone.

Wouldn't the heat have damaged the lock by the time the firemen got there?

About three or 5 minutes walk? It is very near.

>2. The arsonist participated in Kyoto Animation's LN contest and lost. But they still adapted his novel without paying him anything. People suspect that the "stolen" series is Free.
that's inventive, but not the original theory.

The original theory bouncing around 2ch was he submitted a LN to Kyoani to get published and was rejected. Then a similar LN pops up as a Kyoani "award winner". This guy thought Kyoani rejected his idea then had one of their in hour authors steal the concept and rewrite.

There never was any mention of "free" or any specific novel, or even mention of an anime in production with the original rumor.

The perpetrator is known to be a mental case. Dude tried to steal a convenience store not so long ago so the prospect of him doing arson for petty claims of plagiarism isn't so far fetched.

>tried to steal a convenience store

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Gasoline fire can't melt steel locks!

>Dude tried to steal a convenience store
>steal a convenience store

that's an ambitious crime? what gave him away? the 7/11 being dragged down the street?

from* but yeah. I don't think we can trust a word from a crazy person if he claims something that can't be backed up.

Even if that was the case, the images of the door show it was quite flimsy. If they wanted to break it, the probably could have done it easily. They didn't reach the door, user.

So if it was an award winner, we can narrow it down to several series, right? What are those light novels?

Go big or go home.

They are guns you faggots, not flamethrowers, the gasoline won't just spontaneously combust like it does in a movie upon being shot

Nothing to do with yuri or trains. He thinks Kyoani stole his light novel since anyone who submits their work to Kyoani's light novel contest gives them the rights to it.
> It works like this: KyoAni holds a contest, writers submit their entries, and the best are adapted into anime. Chunnybou, Free, Kyoukai no Kanata and Violet Evergarden were born from this system. But their adaptations are very loose and free. They take what someone poured their heart and effort into, and turn it into something else entirely. Their novels are never licensed to the west. They usually end after 2 or 3 volumes, despite the anime series going on for many seasons. To me, this feels like KyoAni doesn't really care about these authors, but only uses them as stepping stones for their projects.

He didn't bring a big enough bag

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What's the point? The chance they actually copied him or that he submitted anything is very fucking low. What's the point of this speculation and theory crafting?

The perfect crime.

A gun bullet is propelled by burning combustible material, and the bullet itself is very hot. It can light gasoline easily.

All light novels in kyoAni bunko is from kyoAni awards, except Tamako Market LN. It's written by Mutsuki Ichinose after the anime aired.

Sent me sides in orbit

Literally speculation out of thin air. All we know is he's a nutcase who said something about them stealing a novel. What does that quote about submitters have to do with it? He was obviously not someone whose work was adapted by them, his name is already fucking public.
Who wrote that quote anyways

Thieves deserve to be burned at the stake.

Why did he do it?

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Are you a fucking retard?
How many times is this going to have to be debunked?

Unless the muzzle flash comes in direct contact with the gasoline or incendiary ammo is used, it's pretty unlikely.

based babaa

>I used to see them going to the convenience store in groups of six or so to buy lunch boxes.
That sounds so comfy. I feel even worse now.

Curse you Barisaku-kun!

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>All we know is he's a nutcase who said something about them stealing a novel
That's what I said

>What does that quote about submitters have to do with it?
Explaining how Kyoani's contest works

You're trying to suck Kyoani's dick so hard you turned off your brain and lost your reading comprehension.

Based NHK
Making the anime industry great again

The only LN that they adapt faithfully is Violet Evergarden, really. That's because the work is actually winning the award. Most likely the other LNs are licensed because they liked the characters (but don't really like the story). This is why all the stories they "adapted" from contender winners are almost original despite the characters are in the LN.

You're trying to make it sound like there's anything to it when that is EXTREMELY unlikely.

Yeah, kyoani almost went full fujoshit with their new way. Now we can go back to cute girls doing cute and fun things!

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just like my guro doujins

To have the strength to break down a door you need to breathe oxygen not smoke.

To correct his mistakes.

To know what the fuck he was thinking.

unless the bullet is an incendiary/mine/tracer it’s not going to be setting off gasoline easily.
Gasoline has a very narrow concentration range in which it will ignite, the high temperature spark or open flame needs to contact that region of the vapor concentration gradient to ignite.
stuff like hydrogen gas on the other hand will deflagrate at practically any concentration range if oxygen is present

Alright, I'm retarded and so are all the other people peddling this shit. A quick look at nip wikipedia reveals that Free anime is loosely based on the High Speed light novel which was one of the honorary winners of the 2nd Kyoto Animation Award (2011). The only original kyoani series is Tamako Market and that one was created by Yamada, Yoshida & Horiguchi. There's also Munto but that was made long before they started doing the annual KA award and publishing light novels under KA Esuma Bunko label. Can we put this stupid theory to rest now?京都アニメーション大賞

Also, looks like KA paid good money to the winners. On top of a publishing and potential anime adaptation deal. Fucking psychotic assholes were slandering kyoani by calling it a scam. They've been hard at work slandering their name and trying to justify the massacre by saying kyoani plagiarized the guy, and also stole other people's works, so they deserved it. How and why did kyoani attract the craziest of haters?

You seem like one of those people that needs to understand why it happened. Here's the thing: there was no meaning. These deaths are meaningless. They died for no reason, as hard as it may be to accept.

Or even less time for Americans to lose theirs.

I think we just have a lot of newfags that want to ruin the board and spreading venom like that is one of the easiest ways to do so.

because america has far less deadly crime than japan...right?

if the building had been equipped with an ejection system this could have been avoided, like a fighter jet canopy they have cordite in every door and window and in case of fire or earthquake it blows them all out at once and the people can escape as a series of rockets shoots them out the side of the building and they land harmlessly in the grassy fields surrounding the building

Lay off the hollywood movies kiddos.

To think that this massacre has no meaning at all other than some mental illness decided to kill people just because he thought they ripped him off is killing me.

Then leave the thread you boring cunt.

That's what you call shoplifting

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Pools of liquid petrol shits out extremely flammable vapour clouds you fucking physicians. Your pop-science youtube education isn't doing you any favours. Sure, the liquid on the floor won't be the thing that lights initially, but nobody will survive to care about it when the air itself fucking explodes.

Fuck you carlos

notbad for a beaner

A bullet passing through or hitting gasoline vapor won’t ignite it
a muzzle flash will if it hits the flammable concentration region

>log horizon
Are we responsible for another mass murder?

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Maybe kyoani hadn’t been paying their NHK fees

I understand the feeling, but killings are usually like this. Even when there's a reason, it doesn't amount to anything when analyzed. The world is not fair, there's no cosmic justice nor destiny. But as disheartening as it is to think this can happen, I think life is still worth living.

nice straw man

I didn't say there was a "meaning" I just want to know what the guy was thinking.

Everything about this is too sad.

I fucking hate smug assholes trying to look cool while polluting the air.
Of course Kyoani couldn't afford an extra janitor to put and clear bins on the roof or a containment room for smokers, which is supposed to be a norm in offices now.

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The roof door was not locked according to the firefighters.

No official statements yet. Only missing one we keep hearing about is Takemoto, and only confirmed alive one is Yamada.

You don't even need a janitor to do this. It's such a simple task that anyone can do it in seconds which is why this story about the door being locked for this reason sounds like nonsense to me.

No one wants to smoke in a smoke box and of course they can't be smoking in the office proper.

They could start a fire.

Japanese companies don’t use a janitor for this, regular employees do it on a rotating schedule
smokers don’t smoke to look cool, it helps them calm their nerves and gives them a kick to get some more work done.
smoking addiction may be shit and I hate cigarette smoke, but there’s a reason salarymen smoke so much and it’s not to try and look cool

>it would be alright for somebody like me to die anytime,
Wahh, this baba is so depressing

>unfortunately doesn't provide sources for every claim
That's because half of this is full of misinformation and is some retarded clickbait shit. Rooftop was unlocked, renowed directors thing is bullshit speculation.

>- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop
Remember to buy kyoani products so the company will be rich when the families of the deceased sue the shit out of them

Japan doesn't need the second amendment. That's only need for multicultural societies

Whats the relation between the arson and log horizon?

Lay off the gun crazy american crap.

And based on the fact that one of the victims was in their 60s, it's possible that Yoshiji Kigami is one of the deceased.

And Ishihara is confirmed alive since he's 50s years old now.

read the red numbers upon the BBS

if he was actually smart he wouldn't have burned himself

>nhk wants a story
>tells a giant anime studio to "just relax bro"
>as jap-san walks in with garrons of "camera juice"
>nhk gets there just in time to OH MY GOD IT'S SUCH A TRAGEDY

I can't read moon runes.

KyoAni did a lot to piss me off in the past few years of their anime production so good riddance to that feminist studio.

Go back to your discord, Mr. Obvious

Mr. Obvious missed the point and blamed it on yurifags. I was sick of the studio that produced FREE refusing to do any female fanservice.

if only one person had a gun, it would have been the murderer and even more people would have died

>people fawn over how well kyoani would treat their employees
>literally locked the emergency exit door, leading to the deaths of dozens of people
Is this is triangle shirtwaist tier

shoot the smoke?
sounds very american

some say the 3rd party were using the schizo and hes meant to die in that explosive fuel-air mix but somehow made it.

People want to find motive for this. Well let me tell you people who are going through psychosis rarely have motives. He was most likely schizophrenic.

>journalists actively being a negative force
Never trust a journalist.

Man, elderly Japanese can still walk in the streets.

Meanwhile, eldertly white people in their 90s rather stay home than break a hip.

Also, at 91, she’s old enough to remember what 1000 B-29s flying in formation sounds like.

And what it was like on the ground underneath them.

Wtf, is that a mondocane documentary?

The Japanese have no difficulty finding ways to kill themselves without guns. Anyone who’s ever been late for something in Tokyo because of a “human-related incident” on a JR train can attest to this.

Is there a JK or JC train?

Those suicides would easily turn to murder-suicides if guns were everywhere.

You could mandate ownership of full-auto AKs in Japan, and their crime rate would stay low. Just as the crime rate among white Americans is low. Niggers in half a dozen shithole big cities account for the vast majority of gun crime in America. Taking rights away from white people because niggers can’t responsibly handle them is like telling a grown man that he can’t have a steak because babies can’t chew it.

Claims presented without evidence may be dismissed without evidence.

almost every LN in the same genre is a ripoff of each other anyway. I mean, look at all the isekai shit.

>Now we can go back to cute girls doing cute and fun things!
What? Isn't the burnt studio moe shit manly?

35 - one of the injured in the hospital died. Another lost both legs.

This person confirmed his death via their older sister, who used to work at Kyoani.

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sorry, I'm wrong, the death toll went from 33 to 34.

>Isn't the burnt studio moe shit manly?

I would not say that there would be no gun related crime if they didn't let blacks get guns. Whites aren't this perfect race you like to think.

Thanks for reversing course.

nhk is sponsored by the government
the government is sponsored by the yakuza
maybe this really was retaliation
most directors are safe which breaks your theory, cool owl picture though

>- Supposedly KyoAni had locked the emergency exit on the rooftop roughly a week before because they had received complaints that some employees were throwing down cigarette butts from the rooftop.

That's already debunked by reports from the firefighters. Door wasn't locked they just didn't get out in time due to all the smoke

spit out my coffee all over my screen. Thanks

Was this thread made by Satou from welcome to the nhk? Stop taking 2ch shitposts and nip tabloids as facts

Did he really use all 40L? I know it's confirmed he did buy 40L but I can't see how he could've realistically dumped 40L inside of the studio without anyone intervening.
The bucket he had couldn't have been filled with more than a few liters at best, right?

Besides the fact that gasoline isn't that easy to ignite, an armed man would have initially asked him to drop on the ground, and he would have probably complied, or otherwise would have taken careful aim before shooting.

He wheeled in two 20l jerrycans of gasoline and also had a bucket to spread it around. As soon as the fire started there was an explosion probably the cans igniting.

>He wheeled in two 20l jerrycans of gasoline

the only positive outcome of all this is Haruhi is finally fucking dead

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News channel showed a bunch of 3D recreations. You might catch it if you turn on NTV or Asahi when they go over it again

based american

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It's been confirmed by Yahoo news via the police that the roof was NOT locked, but the doors were hard to open and required a lot of pushing or some shit. Basically, the people who ran for the roof all suffocated because it took too long to open.

God, that happened to me with my local metro. Guy a station or two up jumped in front of the train so everything shut down. I remember thinking/saying out loud to some old ladies that if the dude had such low self-esteem that he killed himself, you'd think he'd realize that he's so worthless that he should kill himself in a way that wouldn't inconvenience others.

I get that lots of stuff is in limbo while they see if the more critically injured people live or not, but do we have a partial list of which staff lived and died, and when will we get the full list?

>american logic

I don't care what anyone says, I believe this was a hit job by yakuza and Aoba is just a patsy. Too many coincidences and it's hard to believe some fat, shizoid loser could have pulled this off so effectively.

If this incident gets covered up by police and quietly hushed away without revealing any key details, then we'll know for sure there's a bigger story here.

Fuck NHK

>meant to say mainly

Or the bereaved families and survivors will take the shareholders for all they can.

>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."

They definitely won't come back, CEO just admitted guilt. Lawsuits inevitable at this point.

whats wrong with moeshit?
