So, is kyoani forever screwed or are they about to go through their biggest way-finding yet?
So, is kyoani forever screwed or are they about to go through their biggest way-finding yet?
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Even if they do somehow find a way, It'll never be the same.
Hopefully they don't fuck up the adaptations by adding OCs ever again. if they survive again that is
a third of them are dead
a third are too injured to work, some of them had to get arms and legs amputated
the ones that are still physically capable are likely too traumatized to keep working
most of them are women anyway so they can get married instead of being forced to work
I think they'll start working on a new project somewhen in 2020. I don't think they'll ever be able to pull off two anime a year anymore though, not until half a decade of successful anime.
>they can get married
Not with 3 degree burns
It would the same company in name only, all their talents are gone.
It's not like female directors are hard to come by because they get hired up by other studios so often.
>So, is kyoani forever screwed
As dead as Gainax.
Women have an easier time finding a significant other than men do, even with disabilities. They'll be fine.
Realistically they're fucked.
But the fag in me hopes they come back better than ever and then release Haruhi S3 and Nichijou S2
have sex
nah, they will now use only CGI to make anime
>1/3rd are dead
>1/3rd are severely injured and permanently disabled
Do you really think the remaining ones will go back to work for KyoAni?
Also, their stocks are falling, and a creative production company's value of the small size like Kyoto Animation lies in the skill and knowledge of its employees.
This ain't some megacorp like Disney that has a gajillion studios and substudios and people working for it.
It's dead, Jim.
It's the only company in the industry that gives its employees salaried wages and one of the only studios based in Kyoto. With all the outpouring of support, I don't think they would leave unless the higher-ups formally disband the company.
>Not liking Dekomori
If I worked for Kyonani, I'd want to continue working for Kyoani, because fuck you arsonist.
I'd also want someone fired for lack of fire safety though, so who knows.
What is arsonist was MK ULTRA'd by other studios?
They'll be fine by Chritmas, chaps. The rebuild funds alone will smooth things over.
Things are never going to be the same again across the industry, sure. But KyoAni wil rise like a muthafucking phoenix made of pure moe.
Eh, just blame that on one of the dead and move forward with proper attention to compartmentalizing the new offices.
>pure moe
No. They'll adapt Fire Punch instead.
Most of their institutional knowledge has been wiped out, between the destruction of people and documents. It wouldn't surprise me if they manage to survive as a company, but it will only be the same studio in name if they manage it.
Perhaps they can grow tomatoes like Gainax.
No one likes this annoying little shit
I imagine that the first anime they'll release after the incident will have a lot of resonance and it'll be automatically well-received no matter how good or bad.
I hope they don't use this blank slate to keep making the Free Movie.
Definition of insanity and all that.
Not in Japan.
The building was up to code, so the blame will be pushed higher up. Expect Japan to have a buttload of construction going on to rebuild thousands of deathtraps like their studio.
Their tomatoes are gone too, user.
Free! movie was supposed to match the 2020 Olympics next year, as things stand they'll either abandon the project or put it on hiatus like every other work. It's difficult to predict what will happen in the future.
The Little Match Girl
VEG is on schedule apparently. January 2019.
Unironically have sex
She's one of the only one that is good for an OC.
As opposed to having sex ironically?
All of you have sex.
>January 2019
Oh man, did I miss it?
Shochiku say Violet Evergarden and Free 2020 are both coming out as planned. Violet Evergarden is done, its with their digital contractor in Tokyo, Free 2020 is being finished by Animation Go in Osaka.
Kyoani only makes gayshit and hibikek now.
Kyoanus can rot in hell forever
the Free! movie is already in post-production though, the distributor confirmed it
Er, Do not Go.
Do we know the confirmed list of dead directors?
January 2020, it is on the poster in the background when they interview hatta
oof that edge
have sex
Even if the company wanted to continue doing business, settlement payouts alone will bankrupt it.
No reason not to then. Sales might be even higher than expected.
What if I don't wanna?
Kyoani staffs can't do that anymore.
Not sure how this works in Japan, but is any social pressure going to be put on the other studios to lend a hand, or are they just "Well, too bad, I guess" and just keep on going?
>roughly 70-80 employees
>34 dead
>35 injured
Sounds like they are screwed. Of those injured, most are probably amputated. More people might even succumb to death in the upcoming days. It doesn't help that most of these employees were trained from the ground up in Kyoani, so they either need to start training new people or ask other people to animate for them. Physical damage aside, the mental trauma is probably going to be insane for any survivors as they would be reminded of the fire each time they look at their injuries.
Shaft and Bones have already stated their condolences, so I don't think there's any social pressure towards keeping to yourself in a time like this. Regardless, I think they'd lend a hand because nothing this severe has ever happened in the anime industry, and helping would be the right thing to do.
Try and see what a burn victim looks like. They have no chance of finding anyone.
I just came back where is the sticky?
When will the official death reports start to come out so we know who the victims were?
>Expect Japan to have a buttload of construction going on to rebuild thousands of deathtraps like their studio.
Based arsonist and kyoani teaming up to reinvigorate Japanese economy and fix the fire safety standards.
having sex
Most animators are freelancers anyway
If they really need people to fill up vacant positions, I can see many of the ex kyoani going back temporarily like horiguchi, takao noriko etcetc
Depends where the burns are and how severe they are. Bad burns on the head and face and hands and yeah, they're fucked, but otherwise they still have a chance.
I know a few have already posted condolences, and Sunrise also said something about offering support. Everyone knows the Animate stores are taking donations which might end up pooling with the international gofundme, so I guess we may see some stuff.
There were ~70 in the building, but Kyoani has more like 160+ staff total. Grim as it is, the fact that there was an external meeting that day means some of the 70 in the building may not be Kyoani employees, which would at least lessen the blow to the studio itself.
Is it time for his redemption arc?
>Most animators are freelancers anyway
Not Kyoani. It might be true for other studios, but Kyoani's animators are trained there
More info coming in from this thread
>perpetrator's name is Samu Haido
>he is a well know right-wing activist
>the current death toll is 34
>GoFundMe's donations will be forwarded partially to our Greatest Ally
>CEO Hideaki Hatta said his collection of SoraYori BDs are lost in the fire
>Fire Force anime is postponed indefinitely
You do realize that’s all low effort trolling right?
>mfw the dead are low level animators, accountants, trainees or interns and people who didn't define kyoani
>the tragedy will inspire all their hard hitters to get together and create something unique once again
>It's the only company in the industry that gives its employees salaried wages
Might prove to be incredibly difficult.
>yamakan goes back to kyoani to make Haruhi S3 to redeem himself
>Nichijou S2
The sad truth is that even without the fire incident it would never be made
>tfw no burned armless former animator gf
>>mfw the dead are low level animators, accountants, trainees or interns and people who didn't define kyoani
Is this factual?
It was confirmed all externals made it out okay. All of the casualties were kyoani employees.
That's just conjecture on the user's part. IIRC the overwhelming majority of the deceased were key animators.
>some sort of Hanako/Rin fusion
Most of the confirmed dead are youngsters in their 20s and 30s
Yes kyoani most likely lost their most senior animator but the others are alright like yamada, ishihara, ishidate.
If I remember correctly there are only 6deceased in the 40s
Are there finally confirmed deaths? Last time I checked it was all still rumors
Doesn't kyoani have a lot of people who can do other peoples jobs? That's iirc what always kept them being very consistent, and animation/key animation is something that I reckon most people who manage to get hired there can do in their sleep.
>Implying he wasn't the one who paid the arsonist
Not only did they lose the studio, but they will have to pay tens or hundreds of thousands to the victims and their families. Including people who suffer mental breakdowns for a few months. All the aid moneybis just peanuts in comparison.
The best thing you could hope for is that someone rich enough buys the company if he thinks the good will could make up for the financial losses.
I don't think law's for you if that's what you think.
>be the mastermind behind the fire
>know that Kyoani will be so desperate they'll take you back
>bring back the golden age with Lucky Star s2 and Haruhi s3
>they will have to pay tens or hundreds of thousands to the victims and their families.
That would be true if KyoAni was found at fault for safety violations but that's not the case here. The guy locked the exits and started a fire himself.
The Japanese in general are pretty good at recovering from disasters so I think they will make it.
>they can get married
chances are small
forgot pic
Redemption arc when?
This may be pointless to say but I'm so fucking angry at the situation. I hope that faggot that started the fire gets the noose. I'm sure there isn't a poster on this shit hole that wouldn't mind taking some brass knuckles to that faggot otaku's face for 5 whole minutes.
>5 whole minutes.
I would be the first in line to stab that nigger 68 times with a spoon.
I don't know how Jap mentality works - they let a lunatic enter unimpeded and burn their studio to the ground after all - but (and this is just speculative) wouldn't it be incredibly difficult from an emotional/long-standing relationship perspective for these people to work together again amidst all of their previous, now-deceased coworkers?
Even if the ones who are suffering from burns/amputations now pull through, and I hope they do - perseverance makes for a nice story; would it not be a little, well...
etc. for these folks - what remains of them - to get back together again and work on the same kinds of things they once worked on with Xian Cho Ling Tu or w/e, with everyone at the table knowing the aforementioned example would have still been working on that with you if they hadn't been burned to death?
I think some of you are really weird/too young to consider the likelihood of everyone wanting to move on and go their separate ways after an incident like this. Think about it:
>those who were unscathed by the fire would now have the social burden of acquiescing to/accommodating those who survived being burned alive
>everyone, burn survivors included, now have an obligation to not do anything distasteful in memory of those who died & themselves
>new people would find it extraordinarily hard to integrate into the now very deep, personal setting that longstanding kyoani staff would have with one another
>business deals would be prefaced with "oh shit, I really don't want these guys doing this adaptation, but if I say no then I'll be known as the guy who turned down burn victims"
Money is nice, but this is just one of those things it can't buy I'm afraid. It's best if Kyoani's journey ends here. Mind you, this is far from an optimal conclusion, but it's a sensible one. Everyone involved deserves to move on and shouldn't have to be chained to this stigma for the rest of their lives.
>be kyoani gril
>legs are badly burned, have to amputate due to risk of infection and the fact that they're nonfunctioning
>cant cook unless you have specialized appliances
>cant clean 70% of the things most normal people can
>can never fully experience playing with your child
>probably can barely carry them now in the first place
>this is all assuming your other aesthetic disfigurements are at a minimum
>user still thinks they'll be able to be a housewife in japan of all places, one of the few 1st world countries where housewives are expected to NOT sit on their asses
I'd be surprised if the ones that are married aren't getting divorced due to disgusting scars right now
Gonzo still exists.
Gainax still exists.
KyoAni will be like them, zombie arc starts now.
Oh shit, the cripple porn game lied to me.
scars like that can be only from minor interaction with fire, not when you locked in cage with 40l of gasoline. The ones survived will look like fucking charcoal
>hate post-K-on Kyo as a studio because they were an embodiment of everything i hate about the industry
>extremely sad about the deaths of the people and talented directors
It's a weird feeling.
Leave KyoAni to me!
Me on the right
I was thinking about it last night, but I probably wouldn't be into anime to start without Kyoani, all their older shows are what started me off.
Is Takemoto still "missing"?
Its perfectly normal, The only Kyoani shows I liked were Haruhi and Clannad AS and I still feel bad for them
>they were an embodiment of everything i hate about the industry
This is plain wrong however
so why theres so many school shooters intead of arsonists? turned out to be, gasoline is way more effective
U ever played Katawa Shoujo
>He said, "I couldn't see anything. It was as if somebody had splashed black ink or paint all over the place. The smell was terrible. I felt that even taking one breath might kill me."
>He says he ran to a balcony on the second floor. He added, "I felt a blast of hot air. I couldn't bear it anymore. I had to choose between jumping and getting hurt or letting the smoke kill me. It was a choice between life or death."
>Some people remain unaccounted for. One of them is Sachie Tsuda. She's worked for Kyoto Animation for about 20 years.
>I don't know how Jap mentality works - they let a lunatic enter unimpeded and burn their studio to the ground after all
Your mentality is even more retarded than theirs. Guy did a hit and run the day they turned their security off cause of expected visitors. This wasn't people sitting around watching the guy thinking he was there for maintenance or something.
Scariest part is that in that same article the studio head says that there was no affiliation between anyone at the studio at the arsonist.
It really was just some delusional weeb that burned the place down on a whim. That's insane.
>Not liking Kumin
It's over man, at this point they basically need a miracle.
>having sex ironically?
Fucking hipsters
You say that now, but wait until Adult Swim/Viacom buys them
... because that was the most important part of his post. You know, for a bunch of summerfags that are getting ready to go back to school, you clearly don't learn shit over the school year. Makes me question whether public education is a worthy tax expenditure at all, really.
>public education
>worth anything
pick 1
What? Violet is done? For real? Sauce?
If real it's nothing short of a miracle for the movie considered it may very well have been lost forever.
Yeah, it's game over.
/jpol/ force
>Samu Haido
the joke has gone over your head
Let's be honest here, just how much money is that VEG movie going to make after this tragedy?
It's Japan. No guns. A knife, gasoline, and a match is enough to strike terror into the hearts of people who draw for a living.
But I agree with the rest of what you said. I can't see Kyoani's staff wanting to work together anymore. It would come with way too much baggage.
tree fiddy
>They'll adapt Fire Punch instead.
A story about an immortal man being set on fire for eternity striving for revenge for his dead relative… Holy cow, user, that would actually be deep on so many layers. It's like a poetry.
>>mfw the dead are low level animators, accountants, trainees or interns and people who didn't define kyoani
They will rise from the ashes and make masterpiece never thought possible.
Everyone knows all the great creators are sad and depressed.
So what better time to make something great than after this.
Most schools aren’t fiery death trap in waiting like this building
The arsonist should consider himself lucky if there weren't any of the victims' relatives or friends vowing revenge and starting to hunt him down.
For me, It depends what genre it is. If it's a space opera, I'd be down to watch their anime.
He's just sleeping, user.
>Everyone knows all the great creators are sad and depressed.
but not dead
Yamada, Ishidate and Ishihara are safe. That's 3 of their big 4 names, they'll grieve for months but the studio will make it.
I hope Takemoto and the rookie directors that were inside the building found peace.
His hasn't gotten his cellphone charged, silly Takemoto.
There is a rumour that kyoanifags already stake out shinji aoba old place and his family. He is as good as death even if he get out with an insanity plea.
>if he get out with an insanity plea.
Even with his previous criminal history of robbing a convenience store?
Because most schools are mandated to practice fire safety evacuation several times a year and the way most buildings are set up is to have lots of fire exits and windows for just such an occasion.
Not to mention buildings tend to have sprinkler systems and are designed to contain/delay a fire for as long as possible.
There's no sprinkler system for school shooters as of yet.
>industry has a severe animator shortage
>potentially multiple key animators dead in addition to the regular animators
>trainees were the company's future
>potential hires will be cautious about applying to a studio who just lost a massive chunk of their staff to fucking arson
Even if they have the big directors, directors can't do much, even if kyoani make it through this they will have to rely on outsourcing some work to other studios for quite some time.
>There's no sprinkler system for school shooters as of yet.
Sprinkler system spraying peppers, perhaps?
>have sprinkler systems and are designed to contain/delay a fire
yeah, but not a fucking gasoline fire exploding. if you manage to bring a bucket and throw it to classroom, they are dead, considering all these videos
plus getting gasoline is way simpler than a fucking gun
Out of town vacation. He'll be coming back by Monday.
>stake out shinji aoba old place and his family
If that's true, ain't revenge sweet?
>they about to go through their biggest way-finding yet?
I like this redemption arc
that's really depressing.
well, there's enough talent leftover that it has to go somewhere/do something with itself. do you guys think they'll set up a small, new studio? or are they going to go find work elsewhere?
can they even find work elsewhere? it's not like studios will discriminate against them, but other studios have to look at everything some of these people are bringing in with them: a significant, life-changing, perspective-altering mindset.
shit, do these people even want to make cute things now after what's happened? so many questions. time will answer most of them i guess
Kyoto Animation has the luxury of choosing what stories they want to make an anime out of, so the 4th point is moot to say the least.
Or maybe Kyoani will be acquired by another animation company.
>probably the best director of the bunch who has done the most series
This hurts the most.
>gofundme up for 2 days
>1.7 million and not slowing down
how far will it go?
>reverse image search
>bob cut
Thanks google.
Until someone torches their headquarters
It's surprisingly hard for a company to go under. As long as the core team is around they can revive. Especially when they have good income otherwise.
Isekai'd into Gensokyo RIP in Peace.
There'll be a big insurance payout from all of this.
Once we get better confirmation of where the money's it should shoot up even more.
At least, that's what I'm waiting for.
Its Takemoto, lad.
He's almost certainly dead.
From the sound of things a lot of their core people were in the office and are probably dead or horribly injured at best. The financial blow of losing an office and all their materials is a bad enough set back, but losing so many people, many of them very important to the company, is a deathblow.
still pennies for the damage they have to pay
Kigami, Takemoto, Nishiya, and Ikeda are irreplaceable for the studio
They had insurance. As far as financial damage is concerned all of the donation money will do them good.
But of course the human damage and material damage cannot be undone.
>sticky is gone
ah shit
is there a list of confirmed dead names already
Will the insurance be enough to cover all the material losses?
Which studio's next?
Yes. Ching Chong and Huan Zuo Dong were among the newly confirmed deaths.
From the sound of things 3 out of 4 directors and their CTO is still alive. Loss of creative talent and the set back is great, but to kill a company means to kill the income. People (workforce) are, in the end, replaceable.
Unless the security system happened to be disabled. That might qualify as a safety violation.
When he said material damage he was talking about the animation work.
If by material losses you mean the tools and building cost, yes.
If by material losses you mean the art and digital data, no.
I meant CEO, damn.
Don't worry, in a few years, Ikuhara will make an anime series that references this tragedy and Kyoani.
The sad thing is, I can see it happening.
I would be glad. put some shitty live-action remakes on hold
Plus, the gofundme isn't going to the studio. It's going to the victims of the fire. It's not going to help Kyoani as a studio very much.
Don’t they have like 5 other studios
They’ll find a way
They are completely fine, you know, besides the dead people. I don't know why everyone is ignoring the fact that Kyoani wasn't doing well on sales and money in general, everything they been making for a while was a failure, but now "thanks" to this accident everyone will treat their coming works as diamonds, once the VEG movie comes out people will go to the theaters in masses to support the studio and so on, Kyoani is fine and now they have a chance to make as much money as possible like they never did before.
You cant replace master copies of show bibles. That's totally irreplaceable.
Confirmed dead.
If they have insurance it might not hurt them at all
Go ahead and list that "everything they've been making for a while was a failure". I want to laugh at your ignorance.
This is a terrible loss for the industry. This train otaku fuck has so much to answer for.
>Lose over half their animation talent
>They're completely fine
I mean the company will survive in the end, but it's gonna be a long and tough road to recover from this.
Does anyone know how many are confirmed dead now? I last read around 30.
Myriad Colors Phantom World
Sound! Euphonium 2
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Violet Evergarden
Liz and the Blue Bird
Sound! Euphonium Movie 3
Let me hear your funny replies.
>NHK reported that police have told family members of KyoAni employees it will take about a week to conduct DNA testing to identify some of the deceased. words of support continue to pour in for the victims as they wait for more news on missing loved ones.
retarded nigger
>hibike 2
Fucking kek what a retard.
>carry on with day as normal playing shitty gacha games and watching anime
>come back to Yea Forums and again reminded some fucking autist burned down KyoAni
I still can't believe it.
Is this the biggest animation studio disaster in history?
Literally none of their art or work besides maybe some personal collections exists anymore.
>didn't even livestream it
What a casual.
It's literally the second biggest mass murder in Japan post WW2
what was the 1st?
He's not the train otaku. That's just 5chan's version of Sam Hyde false flagging.
>googled to see if capital punishment still exists in japan
>it does
Wonder if we'll get a date within the next month or two when the guy will be hanged.
Subway Sarin attack.
>tweets are death confirmations
low iq-post, go back to yahoo! you faggot
Thanks for the laughs, as expected.
wouldn't the money go to the family of those hurt by the worst of the fire? Hospital bills, and family to support their loss?
>So, is kyoani forever screwed or are they about to go through their biggest way-finding yet?
the studio is done.
every single director of talent is dead. most of their artists are dead. all of their material is destroyed.
It will take a min of 5 years and millions of dollars to get back up and running. If I were the owners and just lost most of my close friends and colleagues, I probably would just close shop, mourn and retire.
A lot of them were married, it's why studio 2 has a daycare for their infants.
the wording is a little vague, but that's also good for the studio if the employees need money for treatment
the guy from the sarin attack in the 90s only just got executed last year.
Not to mention the people left probably wouldn't want to work with anything related to their dead colleagues, and competitors would try to hire them.
I think at most it's going to be a handful of people left.
Its totaly not THAT, he actualy beat subway sarin attack if you go by death count.
It honestly feels unreal.
I heard they have several buildings, was really everyone packed in this one tiny apartment block?
Don't forget Ho Lee Fuk
The company is talking about how all their material, artwork, and completed and past projects were destroyed. They are also talking about leveling the studio building and building a memorial park for the victims. I can't see a way out for them. They lost 43% of their workforce 69 out of 160 employees) due to death or serious injuries. I really love Kyoto Animation, but I can't see them surviving this. Heck, my understanding is that they also used Studio 1 to store extra merchandise that would be sold at their new Kyoani&Do Shop.
>was really everyone packed in this one tiny apartment block?
yes, there is a NHK tv crew coming by so they brought all their senior staff in for interviews.
True, but the Tokyo subway attack is a greater burden for the country because of the religion/political reasons behind it, plus they hit at the heart of the city.
The culprit for the arson at Kyoani's studio is a sociopath who wasn't spanked enough by his parents when he was a child.
in Japan they make you commit seppuku
>This may be pointless to say
Yeah it is.
>I'm sure there isn't a poster on this shit hole that wouldn't mind
Heres hoping that they find new talent!
still seems like they tipped him and then waited around the corner with cameras rolling
horrible what journous can do for "exclusive" story
I think Geto Dawata also died
My understanding is that while being condemned to death, they don't just give them an out with death. They deprive them of everything minus a bed mat, toilet, and food. They are locked in tiny solitary confinement rooms with nothing, not even a book. They have nearly no interaction with anyone, they do not see sunshine or night time, they do not have access to the time and their meal times are randomize so they never know what time it is. They make them stay like this for at least 10 years before one day taking them out of their cell without notice and telling them at that point they will be executed in the next hour or two.
>one fat fuck with some gasoline was able to singlehandely end an animation studio, at least for the forseable future
this is kinda fucking scary
>captcha: select chimneys
even google is having a giggle.
it is, although it needs to be said that building was a death trap
was that the guy what though he was the reincarnation of jesus?
good on them. our society should learn from them.
that's one of like 15 options it uses you idiot
The view of the execution chamber above and the prisoner falls through a trap door and hangs above that drain below.
I think they do the same in Italy too, but only to mafiosi
Sticky should have stayed for at least a week.
>a little more hope from Hatta: “I don’t want the works we created with such great care to go to waste because of this tragedy. I can’t foresee what we’ll face in the future but those of us left want to do our best for the sake of the staff we have lost.”
>the works we created with such great care to go to waste because of this tragedy
Then you should have saved it in cloud lol
Good. Condemned prisoners should either be hung (neck broken, not choked), shot, or exanguinated so they can be harvested as much as possible.
Someone PLEASE make a shop of some sort of cloud backup ad featuring the KyoAni rubble.
It's not like anyone gets death in japan either, you really have to do fucked up things.
I always find those ritualized methods too archaic. Sure the family and friends of the victims might see them suffer a lot but honestly keeping them alive until someone fitting needs and wants a transplant makes a lot more sense.
In the arsonists case it could be skin or limbs for burn victims.
Kyoani couldn't find a way (out of the building)
Japan dont resolve problem of hikkimoris and other mental problems like depression.
Some tragedy like this would happen
If the fat guy deserve death okay, but theres others people like him and no govern to help and prevent more tragedy.
Japanese dont call medic help for theses people.
See this article:
>In Japanese society, the social expectation is that supervision or caring for people who have disorders associated with loss of mental and behavioural self-control will be borne by the patients or their families. Thus mental illness is not viewed as something that requires professional treatment.
Japan dont give a shit about threse people. The bae msut be awre with the fucking Olympics. Imagine a crzy guy like doing shit.
I still can't believe they are gone, lads.
I find it morbidly amazing they thought of putting a drain under the hung person to collect their bodily fluids when the die or if they need to hose down the area if their head pops off.
whats professional treatment really?
>potential hires will be cautious about applying to a studio who just lost a massive chunk of their staff to fucking arson
I think this actually makes it safer. Now an arson hit them once, the chance that it would happen to the same studio decreases. I would be more worried if I work for JC Staff or Deen
agreed, lethal injection is expensive and makes the body useless for medical purposes, all for the sake of "humaneness", it's not even less painful than being shot or hanged
My Solo Exchange Diary Vol. 2 by Kabi Nagata is a non-fiction manga and she describes her mental illness and depression and her hospitalization being treated for it.
>shitty VN somehow indicative of reality
You have to be 18+ to post here kid.
Around here mild cases usually get something like shared living under a physician's care so it's noticed when someone starts to behave weird/weirder and they always have someone to talk with and to help them with life in general.
The bad cases end up more or less confined to a clinic, I guess.
Japanese people refuse seek help for psychological problem.
See the high suicide by workers.
Psychologist and psychiatry is expensive for japanese
Abe really need resolve this problem alongside the procreate agenda.
>all for the sake of "humaneness"
What do they even use, a normal sedation can't be that expensive I think. You wouldn't even have to use too much, just enough so they won't feel the killing blow.
and they dont got any employee plans that cover mental health?
What was the arsonists reason to kill so many people?
I'd take a shotgun to the back of the head over any any of the governments mandated """""humane""""" ways to go.
I doubt.
Kumiko wasn't lesbian.
mine does, but all the guy did is give me pills
>Psychologist and psychiatry is expensive for japanese
Guessing most people with more severe psychological problems won't have it easy to find a good paying job or a job at all that's really stupid.
The reason is most likely that suicide isn't as expensive as maybe unsuccessful treatment thus the costs for society are lower but thinking about how some of those people do work or even have children the long term costs might actually be higher.
literally who?
They stole his novel
Well, we should wait until he faces his accusers in court
>Highest tech in the world
>Cant backup
I bet is the oldamn, the president dont wanting.
The dark and brutal KyoAni, marking the return to the ultraviolent 1980s of muscular badasses.
I think that for someone who loves what they do as much as they did their work would be a means to put the trauma behind them, even moreso the need to make something great that their coworkers would have been proud of. They’ll rebuild, it probably won’t be quite the same after losing so many creative people, but it will be done with passion and honestly that’s the most I could have hoped for. To me what makes kyoani who they are isn’t the look of the characters or how a scene is shot, it’s the dedication to making something fun that anyone can enjoy.
Just have them getting 'shot' in the back of their head with an empty gun every morning and when one day it's loaded they will be used to it already and relaxed.
It's what my uncle did with his livestock because he didn't want them to be scared.
And pic related will be their first project coming back.
>sodium thiopental - strong anesthetic
>pancuronium bromide - paralysis
>potassium chloride - stops heart
cause that's nice and clean and doesn't leave any gross injuries and makes the hippies happy
Just drop him into a cremation oven and you can save a few steps. Normally I'd say it's a cruel way to go but considering what he did it's perfectly apt.
Is there any actual proof that KyoAni lost irreplaceable master copies of shows in the fire? All I see is so speculation. I can't imagine there not being off-site backups of these kinds of materials.
"Cloud" is literally the dumbest buzzword there is.
I'd absolutely support a law that murderers die by the same method they used on their victims
Isn't there a manga where that's how the death penalty works?
You have a lot to learn if thats how you see things.
Head of Kyoanus literally said everything is lost. Anime industry uses HDDs at best, cloud is UFO tech.
>crazy person kills lots of people
>it's society's fault for not helping the man!
No, it's the man's fault for doing heinous things.
A human adult is expected to act rationally and obey the law, a failure to do so is the responsibility of the adult alone.
Jap society is fucked one.
THIS. People underestimate the emotion known as Wrath.
Some Family Members will never forgive.
KyoAni CEO and President likely will be sued.
Well sure, but other depressed Japs just kill themselves instead of going on a killing spree.
At least the one killing themselves are doing society a favor by not being a burden.
Makes sense, It takes months to correctly identify Vietnam War era soldier remains with the latest technology.
Makes you wonder how Coroners handle this shit, though.
Their job is to perform autopsies on dead people, even murdered people.
Do Coroners just have Minds of Steel?
It's a necessary task to help those still living.
They won't shut down, the real question is whether they drastically downsize or try to really rebuild
Amazon or Microsoft should do Good PR by giving free unlimited Cloud Backup to KyoAni for 20 years or more.
But I am not an Amazon or Microsoft CEO
This person says their older sister used to work at Kyoani and had confirmation about his death.
I get it's a random twitter account, but they don't look like a troll. It could be true.
the human mind adapts
>Some Family Members will never forgive.
Hell, many of the disfigured and disabled survivors probably won't forgive.
America shut down all their mental asylums.
Ever heard of Colorado Mountains? A lot of famous asylums used to be built in the Colorado mountains.
Square Enix lost their Master Gold Disc ofFinal Fantasy VIII, remember?
Pixar almost deleted Toy Story 2 by the way.
>the sick bastard even pretending like he's mourning
stone cold killer right there.
FINALLY! I have found my Katawa virgin!
Now even a smelly virgin NEET like me can find love. It will be so easy to swoon her. I can already imagine my smegma being sucked off by her mutilated lips as I force bumpy discolored head on my cock!
>KyoAni CEO and President likely will be sued.
That makes no sense. Why don't they sue the fucking perpetrator? Or his family?
That kata shouji girl found one.
>post yfw you realize he's actually the co-conspirator who tipped the arsonist off on the low security day and had the fire escape locked the week prior
>yfw he skipped town knowing the cops would be coming for him
Has the family of the arsonist been lynched yet
*Katawa Shoujo
I hope.
>someone rich enough buys the company
Ask Notch to buy them.
>America shut down all their mental asylums.
There is absolutely no reason to harm his family, he is an adult.
No? Leave that to the sweaty overweight otaku and their street justice.
So who was the most laughable type of poster these past few days?
>wanna be john wick
Would 360 noscope the bad guy the second he stepped in the building
>amateur building inspector
The entire building is not up to code, I know I was in a building once.
>armchair fireman
Fire extinguishers are literally magic
I'm not saying that there is a need to do that, but I think I remember that blaming the family of a criminal is very common there
The ones who keeps saying the arsonist should be killed in odd and cruel ways.
He will be punished accordingly to the law which is likely death by hanging.
Funding and lawsuits.
Remember, Tuberculosis Hospitals also existed in the Colorado Mountains.
Taxpayers covered the cost of Mental Asylums and Tuberculosis Hospitals.
Doctors, real doctors, did prescribe sunshine and fresh air to Tuberculosis patients back then and this is a very real historical event.
You have Tuberculosis patients pack up and move to Colorado and then for the rest of their life, send letters back and forth with their friends and family while living in Colorado for the rest of their life.
The phrase "sunshine and fresh air" reffered to the Colorado Mountains in America and it was meant for Tuberculosis Patients.
You could google "tuberculosis Colorado mountains" or "tuberculosis Colorado history" for more info
KyoAni ceo and president have nothing to with the schizo faggot. It's not their responsibility.
President at the time said so.
Not exactly "laughable", but definitely the most annoying types were the obvious Yea Forumsedditors who were celebrating the attack because they think KyoAni invented moe in 2009 and ended the reign of "manly anime of old".
Unlikely. The building was following fire regulations and the president has zero blame for what what a random deranged cunt did.
look at the newfriend trying to fit in
To be fair the mental asylums as they existed back then deserved to be shut down. They were big fans of performing lobotomies all the way up until the late 60s.
They have 5 studios. They can exist in some way even, although yes the way we know them is probably gone.
Personally a lot of good directors and animators seem fine and I really believe that theyll yamato damashii or something. I hope they do.
Victims will say why security system for the door was turned off that day
There's still no open stairs to pull it into the rest of the building, and plenty of exits. Also not so many stacks of paper and acetate.
>hey the place my family member loved working at was arsoned despite following regulations
>let's sue the shit out of that company and bring even more misery to the remaining coworkers and friends
Well, who else?
I'm worried that there will be copycat criminals.
Japan has been getting more massacres where a guy goes crazy with a knife, now that this is out in the open, they'll start becoming arsonists.
So no actual hard proof then. Thx guys.
are there any lessons to learn from this incident?
Fuck trains and fuck train otaku.
I am not a 1940s Doctor but I could understand the mentality behind inventing lobotomy.
"Mental illness is from the brain, maybe there is something wrong with part of the brain I could remove, making everything better?" - 1940s doctor
Remember, stuff like MRI of a whole human body only happened in 1977
Yeah well obvioisly apart from them. Theyre not Yea Forums types though, its a site wide problem of faggots shitting up discussion, they just usually keep to Yea Forums or Yea Forums because these are the most accessible mediums but whenever something big happens like now they migrate to a given board and mass post their retardation.
Yes, but asians will never learn them, so it doesn't matter.
Nothing that makes sense to non-schizos, he was babbling about KyoAni stealing his thoughts when he started the fires
Sure I get where it came from but that doesn't mean it wasn't fucking crazy. The asylums didn't treat mental illness; they took an icepick, shoved it up the patient's nose, and swirled it around until they didn't act crazy anymore. That was how all the asylums operated, and they deserved to get shut down because of it once people realized that shit was not fucking right. Unfortunately, most modern hospitals don't provide enough psychiatric care, if they provide any at all, so this is all still a big problem. That said, psych hospitals are just a band-aid. The idea is to not let people get so alone and isolated that they go fucking insane in the first place, but society doesn't give a shit about NEETs or hikikomori so they just seclude themselves until they don't have a connection to society anymore and then take out all their pent up anger on them. Like the arsonist (I'm not excusing his actions by the way, fuck him), that dude was muttering about how he was going to kill people for a while before he set the building on fire but nobody petitioned him for psych evaluation. That shit only happens when all of society has turned its back on someone.
If there had been a fire extinguisher I could have thrown it at the hostile and shot it with my concealed weapon, neutralizing the hostile and the blaze.
Isn't it fucking irresponsible for NHK to ask for security to be turned off?
Is there evidence that NHK asked for the security off? It's more likely KyoAni thought it would be a hassle to print badges for them.
how much money will the kyoani movies make in the next 2 years thanks to this incident?
Society doesn't give a shit about NEETs or hikikomori because adulthood and free will means they are responsible for being failures of human beings on their own.
God, here fag.
>Material damage is so extreme they cannot estimate it.
Why didn’t they just have an employee bring the guests in instead of lowering security?
That's true but at the same time given what we know about isolation and psychosis you can't be surprised when it turns out badly.
multi floor busniesses should probably have fire escapes on the higher floor
having enclosed stairwells is a good thing too
Kyoani's way was locked from the other side.
Did you forget to post a Frodo?
Was Haruhi destroyed in the fire?
>>industry has a severe animator shortage
this only affects them. Are they still doing subcontractual work?
It's kinda hard given their location relative to where the other big studios are.
>the culprit returns to the scene of the crime
It sounds like that's the attitude they're taking
But geared more toward "we want to keep going for the victims"
This is what happens when you don't have red blooded men around. The place was full of japanese women and herbivore men. If they had some real men maybe they'd have fought back against the crazy dude.
Nah, it's dead. It will also negatively affect the rest of the anime studios, because any lunatic can just walk to their building and burn it down with ease.
The era of anime dies now.
You could say that about the Aum too
>not finishing the job and making sure that they all die
I hate that mentality. Doing away with group punishment was a huge mistake. Long long ago it used to be nighorhoods in England were formed into community leagues and if a member. Of yours did something wrong, everyone would be fired 1 pence. Forces you to actually support and care about each other and watch divients, now everyone is atomitized into silos.
Parents kick kids out at 18 and fuck off.
Protip: if your life is shit in a first world country by age 18 it is all your parents fault. I am not saying you should be rich, but f you don’t have at least a decent job, decent social skills, a few friends, it is honestly all their fault, t 45 year old who knows how your parents should have thought.
How many anime studios do you think are now fearing for their lives at the possibility that copycat criminals might start cropping up now?
Casual fag here. Why? who is this guy?
The savior of anime.
too much pseudo-humanity for their own good
you'd be surprised how many Station nightclub fire survivors started relationships, got married and even had kids despite looking like irl pink wojaks
>so they can get married instead of being forced to work
Horribly disfigured women don't have that luxury, as a matter of fact I would argue they get treated worse than men in a similar situation because most people only value women for being attractive.
There's a certain stigma associated with those who are disabled/disfigured that is much worse in Japan than in the US.
I don't know user I think some of them thought Katawa Shoujo was cute.
2D fat and disfigurement can be cute, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and pretend 2D translates well to real life in any way.
what the fuck
I had a dream about a building identical to that image just a few weeks ago
Miyazaki warned them all about otaku. Nobody listened. They continued to chase cash instead.
Now look what happens when you pander to the mentally ill incels.
A simple low burn on the skin is not a problem even if it's on half face, the anime girls with that trope always have that kind of burns at a minimum. But more serious burns can lead to melt and quite disturbing deformations.
Jonah Hex like.
Faki Itshotto confirmed this morning
The killer backtraced them. Consequences will never be the same.
>install drain to catch post-mortem bowel/piss release
clever nihon, the curtain is a nice touch too
Is that a real translation? I can never get a straight answer
>flay the faggot alive to directly improve the lives of the victims
I like the way you think
The security is to keep out thieves. Regular businesses don't protest against terrorists. The security being off during certain hours they'd expect the visit wouldn't normally be a big deal.
An employee on fire chased after the guy and that's how police got him you ass.
Was that ever confirmed? The avatar of kyoani's vengeance straight up flooring the fat bastard while still on fire takes a little of the sting out.
How long do I have to wait in order for my idiot dragon to thrust his hips at the enemy correctly after I summoned him
I wouldn't say fear for the lives now, but more of stepped up security. Now if an attack like this happens again it'll probably be an inside job, or ex employee.
He is part of the culture problem, he ignored his own son for his work who says he was rarely around and had to watch his films to know his father. Where do you think otaku come from?
>0:00 Door opens
Realize door opening.
>0:03 A person walks in with a bucket
Throw a look at person, something seems fishy
>0:08 Person spills the bucket
"Excuse me, wth?" Jump up
>0:13 Person took out lighter
Start walking up to him "Could you please expl-"
>0:14 BOOM
But that has nothing to do with this case you fucking tourist.
if that piece of crap building was following fire regulations they need some new fire regulations
You have a point
>Forces you to actually support and care about each other and watch divients
Even better would be not having them pay money but social hours spend together, gives people actually extra time to learn to know each other on a level besides controlling 'bad' neighbours.
>would it not be a little [wrong, immoral, awkward, distasteful, soulless, difficult, and/or weird] for these folks [to stick together and carry on the work they were doing]
Uh. What? Difficult maybe, at least at first, but most of those adjectives seem like complete non-sequiturs. Carrying on projects/labors after terrible things happen isn't abnormal at all. Whether they keep going or not, there's really no logic to considering either choice somehow morally invalid.
>Playing the "you're all just weird/too young" card when you're the kind of autist who characterizes this kind of tragedy as "letting it happen"
Cool your jets, jackass. Even assuming you're not just a 22-year-old who thinks he's figured it all out now that other stupid kids call him a "senior", you're not really showing signs of having grown up much at all.
now that's worthy of an anime
Wikipedia page of the arson attack had direct link to the KyoAni webstore with wallpapers. That was two days ago, now the link was removed (and replaced with news source article), but the link to the gofundme remained.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this.
The Free! movie unironically survived which means people will sympathy watch it and rating will go through the roof. The studio will redirect even more of its reduced resources to the franchise and create more fujo works to play safe while they recover. This will usher in an era of BL, yaoi and shounen ai. Have you accepted your fate yet?
VEG movie airs months before that one.
Excellent. I can't wait.
What about Wai Doh? Is she okay?
The guy who got fired for the first 4 episodes of Lucky Star.
this isnt america where you can shoot someone breaking into your house and then get sued by the person you shot
Why was he fired, the episodes were fine
they lost plenty of irreplaceable people and all their projects they were working on
it's dead, if anything rises from the ashes it won't be kyoani
>24 minutes about food and no jokes
He tried to be Seinfeld and failed hard. He's a hack
To be perfectly honest i wont be missing the kyoani face.
Literally 1 security guard with a taser or pepper spray could've stopped all this
Which animation studios have fucking security guards at the entrance of their workplace?
I wouldn't fucking know, nor do I know anything about the area but "fearing for their lives" is a bit overkill now that everyone knows that simple things can stop a similar event from happening to them, if they're sacred than 1 or 2 guards is all they need, also a fucking sprinkler system.
Sprinklers don't put out or retard a 40l gasoline fire.
The Free! recap movie out now's been selling out in theatres. People aren't even going to watch it, just buying tickets.
Google Translate:
>According to the president Hatta, the front door usually closes the shutter, and the employees are coming and going from the employee entrance on the other side. However, there was a visitor on the morning of the 18th when the fire started, and the shutter was open.
>In preparation for suspicious persons, a security camera with an entrance was also installed.
>Since the studio is completed in 2007 and there are spiral staircases, Kyoto City has instructed installation of a smoke barrier in the completion inspection. In response to this, they installed a 50 cm long smoke-proof wall that hangs from the ceiling.
>President Hatta, who was also involved in the design, shook his voice, saying, "I'm sorry I didn't attach the emergency stairs."
They aren't coming back from this.
can't wait for school to start up so you disappear.
This doesn't read like criminal neglect but a man tormented by hindsight.
Well either way the building definitely wasn't up to safety standards
Well the guy's wife died in the fire as well, that doesn't help things I'm sure. Tragic situation all around.
We will make damn fucking sure they find a way! The best studio cannot go down like this.
By the way, Free! is a gay show, right? wtf is up with all those male characters without a shirt?
That's how swimming works
Do you normally swim with a shirt on?
>anime is real life
i would agree that it’spossible, but using a fucking vn is a shit comparison
They're either going to die or have one of the best redemption arcs in all of anime.
>get injured in horrible accident
>unable to work
>have marry an ugly fuck that loves the fact your arms got burned off
>just to have bread in your belly you must lick the smegma off his cock every night
>"Cloud" is literally the dumbest buzzword there is.
IKR. Third party remote computer is way better.
>implying PTSD is allowed in Japan
They will have to go on because shou ga nai
Son of God Lord Raygun you mean
>Third party remote computer
Rolls right off the tongue.
Please user, we both know that was already a slim chance to get animated before, now itll never see the light of day. Good think too, last thing fire punch needs is normalfags bandwagoning it
Official reason, they said he was not up to standard
The real reason, he was a well known sexual harasser, he probably got fired for slapping yamada ass. He even posted in his blog that he will keep sexual harassing girls few years back
Shut up Abe
All trash.
I can't believe I'm wishing for Aoba to get well soon, just so he can face his punishment
Is Yamada a name? Or slang for fine women?
Not kidding. Before that, I want him to explain himself with full detail. To know if the whole plagiarism thing was true or not (and which novel).
If was a lie, and he was just a lunatic, I will certainly hate him even more, but at least that will completely clean Kyoani's name and turn them into martyrs.
If it was true, I don't know... His actions blew 10 universes out of proportion but at least will give all this a more logical closure. I'll never forgive him but I feel kind of annoyed to think that this guy killed all that people for no reason, or some schizophrenic inexistent reason in his retarded head.
They pocketed $11.8M last year, they'll be fine.
How much does it cost to resurrect over 30 bodies?
Too bad they lost a lot of priceless things
I think this is the school building that KyoAni used to base the K-On school on. It's not in use but became a sort of K-On museum because of fans making pilgrimage.
Did a quick google search on KyoAni revenue and they made a net profit of 1.3 million on 19 million of revenue in 2015. That 11.8 million will probably end up as less than a million in actual profit and might actually be a loss.
Actually if the Gofund reaches 2 million dollars, and Kyoani receive it integrally that's instantly 1/5 of that amount. With government support, and all Japan support in different stores, studios, donations, etc. They might have all that they need to bounce back slowly.
I bet Kyoani's next building will be a gigantic single floor building.
It will be an underwater installation.
Yes with a barbed wire fence surrounding it and armed security
Yay, I love drowning to death when an earthquake hits.
They need something like PA works.
Israel was behind this
Chinese revenge for Rape of Nanking
Now Chang will produce quantum bootlegged nanoparticle satellite relay anime
I work in a place like that and it's pretty great. Even if there was a happening I'd just lock my office and hop out the window.
>Wikipedia page of the arson attack had direct link to the KyoAni webstore with wallpapers. That was two days ago, now the link was removed (and replaced with news source article), but the link to the gofundme remained.
And notice the goscamme link doesn't tell you how they intend to spend the money.
The guy is probably just a schizo and will ramble some incoherent nonsense like "Haruhi made me do it."
>They pocketed $11.8M last year, they'll be fine.
Excellent, I guess that should be enough to produce 20 years of source material, materialize all the talented individuals who were burnt to a crisp and heal the mental and physical wounds of the survivors.
It's time.
>The studio is basically dead
So is it still a mystery as to why he did it?
This shit just perplexes me and probably will for years. I don't get what'd drive a guy to do this.
The most humane way to execute a person is to put them in the ground zero of a nuclear bomb testing site.
>walks in with a can of petrol, pours and alights
did the building not even have a security guard or does no one care about anime in japan
Is it time to use all the weebs' suffering to make a wish?
For depressed people, committing suicide is actually a selfless act.
Its Japan, security checkpoints are non-existent
Because shooting with a gun is safer for (You)
The arsonist got himself caught in the fire and is still unconscious, it’s why we still don’t know why he did it .
rip in peace
It's a building in the middle of a residential area in Japan. It ain't Detroit or something.
>He will be punished accordingly to the law which is likely death by hanging.
Unless some western liberals or some nosey international human rights organization decided to step in and pressure Japan against exercising death penalty.
They had a keycard system but it was disabled for the day because they were expecting visitors.
you have to go back
>my concealed weapon
you're not allowed to carry any firearms in Japan.
how is it a miracle if they were working on it of course it would be somewhere on a pc to review or something
You would hope so but there are real scumbags who make these things as a scam
The time for otaku pandering is over. The silver lining is that anime studios will be returning to pandering to normies.
Where they even producing something this season?
living is expensive so they might need the money
Yes to cover my fat
>I don't know how Jap mentality works
The Japanese mentality is one that will immediately look to coming together to do the dead proud. The worst injured likely won't be able to return to work, but those unscathed or able to work will feel obligated to return regardless of how you feel about it. After the earthquake or any other massive disaster the locals didn't disperse -- they and their country came together and worked nonstop to get back on their feet. It's simply how the Japanese operate, and that's not even considering the work culture. In Japan you rarely jump around from workplaces and the relationship you have with your coworkers and company is much more intimate in the West. There is literally no way the survivors would leave their company after this, abandoning the passion projects of their deceased friends -- working on those projects will be their catharsis as will staying with the company. The Japanese aren't the kind of culture who find peace through moving on like some of those of the West.
>Money is nice, but this is just one of those things it can't buy I'm afraid.
Money is the only thing limiting KyoAni's return and it seems like that is being taken care of. KyoAni finds a way.
Reminder that this is damage control for this tweet (that he has not deleted).
they already are though with donations
it is not as if they will hand over their staff for kyani to use
Not everyone is a fat sue happy American
The arsonist was a Trigger agent
KyoAni will bounce back from the dead but they'll make a grimdark subversion of the SoL genre because the staff's all depressed and mentally traumatized and it will be the Evangelion of moe.
>KyoAni is a feminist studio, that's why they were burned down to the ground *smuckles*
What did he mean by this?
stop shilling your own fucking video kid
Reported you and your video.
>still can't get enough of the Yea Forums outrage bucks
I will keep reporting your video until you can't monetize it or your channel anympre, alt-lite.
What the fuck would an "Evangelion of moe" even be?
Answer me faggots
Just a typical incel who won't honor the 33 who died. It's clearly obvious why over 3k disliked this. Fuck you till dead. There's a reason feminism exist, because of the billions of men like you who hate a fair game. You want to be a privileged man with an advantage. You also hate Yuri because the thought of a woman rejecting your smelly cock for another woman angers you.
So he's the manifestation of all those "kyoanus" retards and shitposters I see in sales threads.
Similar to Madoka but it'll make less sense.
Imagine K-On! but Ritsu gets diagnosed with cancer halfway through
>Kyoukai no Katana
There were some pretty awful stories coming out of shitty ones and then a journalist filmed inside one. The footage honestly looks like somthing out of a horror film
CNN and typical Western media: "The studio is male dominated and makes anime targeted to men"
This clown and other poltards: "The studio has so many female employees and le feminists uuugh! and makes moe trash directed to girls!"
Clowns everywhere.
>getting outrage clicks from moefags
The perfect crime!
New employees are more likely.
It wont be the same studio.
Remember. It's people that make up the studio. Recovery or not, it will never be the same, even if it suddenly becomes sun and roses. Not that I know what will happen to the studio, but it will change forever, and it's qualities we love wont ever be the same.
The best thing you can do is for yourself:- don't fall into a cycle of sadness. Time will tell what happens next. You can't let yourself dwell on it all.
Why did he post that video again, Yea Forums?
Mr. Obvious did nothing wrong.
The rangeban didn't work and he was getting traction on his shitty video.
that looks nice
Nah, he's been stuck at the anger stage for days now.
These are fighting words.
Gay swimming anime hahahahahah I thought the same
kill yourself
What planet do you live on where every business has security guards?
Does your job have a security guard?
Western media actually included KyoAni having a disproportionate amount of women when they covered the fire. A lot of chuds took that as an insult / politicising a drama.
Trip over and hit your head hard on concrete.
>the dislikes have finally outnumbered the likes
The fact that he has beta orbiters doing damage control for him is honestly dismaying. They should all die in a fire.
well it is politicizing the drama, who cares how many women worked in the studio, would it be less bad if it were all men and made hentai? no, not really
I wish someone would make an Yea Forums sings Baja's ED
>Mr. Obvious talks about Yea Forums thinking he's one of us
>Gets his video ratio'd by Yea Forums every time it's posted and he's called a mega sperg who should kill himself by the majority of posters here
They were horribly abused. There was basically no standard for admission, so rich families would constantly have any child who acted remotely delinquent admitted and lobotomized so that they'd spend the rest of their lives a drooling idiot. They were also less "treatment centers" and more "free human experimentation and lifelong cashflow" farms where they'd keep people for five plus decades without ever attempting to actually cure them so that they could go home unless the purpose pf doing so was to prove that their batshit new treatment, like cutting a fourth of someone's brain out, worked.
Sadly, instead of fixing these problems, practically every mental health institution in the country was dismantled and the entire field discredited. Even large metropolitan areas have maybe two or three qualified psychiatrists. So if you are mentally unwell in the US, you can be forced to wait up to two years before anyone can see you, and then you get bankrupted by the cost of it, in a field where treatment is spotty and potentially unhelpful. It's no wonder Americans get prescribed SSRIs so much instead.
Holy shit, IMAGINE being so upset that KyoAni isn't catering to your shit taste that you celebrate them being burned down to the ground like the edgy /pol/ NPC that you are.
Kill yourself in a gasoline fire.
The moralfags pretending to care.
This is a scar left by a 2nd degree burn after I accidentally poured boiling water on my arm when I was 9 years old. During the first days I had blisters, then scabs which would come off by themselves. It was painful and took like 3-4 weeks to heal.
I don't even want to think what those who got burned to death felt before going unconscious.
It's a big part of what the studio stood for, like it or not. I doubt any of the victims will be angry about this. It's misplaced anger on the part of people stuck in gamergate limbo.
The studio obviously cared about hiring women, so they wouldn't have an issue when foreign media when describing them mentioned that.
Mr. Obvious fishing for outrage clicks.
Just keep reporting his video until it autodeletes you spergs.
stop, he is just missing
He wasn't missing before the fire, so when the fire started he just went to osaka or something idk
imagine being this retarded to believe that
>Also, their stocks are falling
It's really mindboggling how some retarded troll was able to post a picture from the Nikkei Index telling people it was "KyoAni stock in freefall" (from 23,000 to 21,000 or the like, kek) actually convinced people that KyoAni was traded at the stock exchange. I blame the Stalker threads (are they still a thing, btw?)
>/pol/ posting in Yea Forums: How do you do, fellow weebs?
This video in a nutshell.
>A lot of chuds took that as an insult / politicising a drama.
To some degree, it is. Think how relative it is to the arson attack. Hardly if at all. Mentioning it is like buttering bread. Some would try to preach to those who care that women have a place, like a celebration of the success of a primarily female run company. Others, well...
That's a very complicated answer. A lot of people after seeing the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest thought that mental asylums were little better than prisons run by abusive staff and that the patients were just "eccentric". Now the first part was genuinely true in a lot of cases, the mental health system was in dire need of reform. The latter however is simply untrue, there are people who really need care that society alone can't be counted on to provide.
Jimmy Carter when he was president tried to do reform and create a combination of home care and hospital care, but when Reagan got elected he scrapped the whole thing and basically just let them all out on the streets. And that's why today people say most homeless have mental issues, because that's where they are.
If you have multiple YT accounts, use them to report this sperg for hate speech and terrorism.
>Yea Forums has been reporting this video all this time
>it's still up
Aaaaay lmao. Get rekt, moefags.
What a fucking edgelord saying controversial shit to get a reaction.
insurance only covers accidental fires, not arson
Ok but you're forgetting 2 big things
>they were genuinely trying to help those people
>technically, lobotomies DID work in "fixing" the malady in question, they just caused way too many other problems.
imagine what his corpse looks like
Honestly I tried posting this news in multiple sites and the only link that got traction was the one that mentioned women. I can't blame the media for doing that stuff.
ITT are probably mostly kids who never experienced real hardships in real life. We can laugh (and should laugh) after the tears fell to bounce back from grievance. It's a coping mechanism.
Yeah, Free! and VEG movies are in Tokyo with the post-production company, they have all the materials.
Still not a guarantee they will be released, but I don't see why not. It would be some sort of tribute to those involved who lost their lives, to not have died in vain, so to speak. But who knows what will happen now, it's all speculation at this point. IF the stoic attitude of the Japanese people is an indicator, I'd say they carry on and rebuild, as they have rebuild oh-so-many times after earthquakes, floodings, storms, fires etc.
A society that doesn't care for the lowest members of it deserves whatever it gets.
>reading Yea Forums posts to get money in his Patreon
The Mundane Matt of Yea Forums.
Because school shooters don't actually give a shit about killing the largest number of people. They want attention. If they wanted to kill a lot of people, they could just use 30 dollars worth of electrical supplies to fuck up the power grid during the US's current heatwave and kill hundreds of old people without the risk of ever being caught.
where's my phantom and amagi season 2?
I hope for the sake of the animy industry and humanity entertainment that they stop producing anime
That's some bs, it's not dark humour to cope with a feeling of loss, it's genuine hatred.
>tfw you will never find out where Mr. Obvious lives and pour gasoline over him, shouting "Die! Die!" in Japanese as you light him on fire and watch him burn to death
don't you gotta a black bvll to prep, Mr.obvious?
To all the people claiming Mr Obvious was condoning the crime, please show a timestamp. I think his take on this event was fresh. There is no point making the usual video: "people died in arson. Thoughts and prayers go to victims families. Yadda yadda."
If that is genuinely the approach you take when people get killed, you can never say anything offensive, and have to continuously wear a dark suit for grieving since there is bound to be an accident or a crime where people die somewhere in the world almost every day. And we hear about it in a few hours thanks to the internet.
Yeah, but still there was also some lending going on here and there. And as it's standard in the rest of the industry, there is no reason for THEM going TO KyoAni to help them overcoming the next hard months. Though maybe some would actually like to get a permanent job at KyoAni, they were sort of a role model after all.
Do we know who else died besides Takemoto and Kigami?
Is Mr. Obvious right? Is Kyoani really composed of feminists? Is the reason why K-On doesn't have panchira is because ONLY females believe that cute girls being cute (the tism, as he describes it) can be fanservice in and of itself?
kill yourself
Wait, Takemoto died? Where was this confirmed?
Who gives a shit, fuck off.
t. mr. obvious
This is me being optimistic but the people who have injuries shouldn't be too serious besides the ICU people right?
In the building you probably jumped out of the building otherwise you would have been knocked out by the toxic gas and killed. I'm guessing the ICU people were on the first floor for the explosion
This guy is genuinely a sociopath, isn't he?
Imagine having so little self-awareness and choking on red pills so much that you think a studio with more women on them (not even directors, just staff) is an indication of muh feminism.
>here's a reason feminism exist, because of the billions of men like you who hate a fair game. You want to be a privileged man with an advantage
You mean like women?
K-on but they all turn into prostitutes.
I hope his life is pathetic enough to justify his content. Kyoani, regardless of if you like their shows, was a model studio for the industry in every sense of the word. Except for the spiral staircase They were one of the few studios where you could raise a family comfortably. They were the most nurturing to new talent and served as an example of how shows can be made without destroying their workers' health. Not only that, but they proved that this results in high quality craftsmanship.
Anyone jumping into this blind to push an agenda or make outrage money are reprehensible.
wow you seem genuinely mad, looks like the dislikes hit a nerve
"Low drop" hanging is more painful than a proper one. When it's done the right way death is pretty much instantaneous as opposed to slow asphyxiation. A firing squad execution is quick and relatively painless too, it just looks like a violent death to bystanders. If you want a particularly painful execution you gotta go the way of drowning or immolation(imo in this case that would truly be poetic justice).
Was the motive finally confirmed?
>everyone that disagrees with me should die reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
He can even re-use footage from Penguindrum:
Sorry for the shitty music, couldn't find a better video right now
Kill yourself and stop spamming khk.
No, in that particular scene he was talking about some statues he had taken home and were taking care of.
I do so kill yourself, spammer.
You retard took his bait and now look like a /r9k/ sperg. Fuck off both of you.
>Shinji Aoba wakes up
>starts crying and ask nearby people how is Kyoani, visibly worried and affected
>begins to say they're his favorite studio, and he will never forgive the culprit in tears.
>a pause happen
>silent again and with a slighlty angry face
No, that's him.
worth more than your life
There's nothing to learn from crazies like him, and there is no way to "treat" or hospitalize everyone who's acting somewhat irrational. Our own society is going the complete opposite way right now, removing mental illnesses from the DSM-IV as if there's no tomorrow, and the SJW crew already coined the term "saneist" to shame anyone who implies that loonies should be treated differently than normal people.
There is no telling which person will snap and go on a rampage on which isn't.
Not so fast nigger. I won't click on your bait video so you can farm more views.
They should and play it safe. They really have no choice now. This sets them back years.
And the company will say that a security system isn't necessary at all. By that logic you could sue basically ANY building/company where you can just walk in the front door.
That applies to that user on youtube m8.
Heard that the Chinese came up with the idea of buying up all the tickets in order to support the studio. I'm not interested in the Free! franchise, but when/if the VEG movie airs nearby, I'm gonna watch it.
I've never seen a man so based and redpilled
He perfectly summarized kyoanus works: gay shit full of filler
How old was she? There was only one death in the 60s, and that was supposedly Kigami.
I hate the Wikipedia crew with a passion, but that might just be because one is a "charity"/donation link and the other is still a commercial shop after all.
Its fucking nothing. The gall to air a dead girl's recording.
A young woman named Ohno Moe, upcoming animator with her first credits.
>Is Kyoani really composed of feminists?
Wait, I'm sorry. That was supposed to be directed at No deaths until now are official... Personally I'm in a weird state where I don't want to think about who died even though yes I know Takemoto and Kigami died. I just can't accept death and survival reports until the people break silence or there's an official report.
Even read a rumour Hatta Yoko, the actual founder of the studio died. If true I feel just broken thinking about how her husband and president Hideaki is managing the aftermath.
Sorry for the accidental quote.
I'd still give him the brazen bull no matter how unhinged he is. Mental illness it no excuse to escape the law.
There is only 1death in the 60s age group which is most likely Kigami.
IMO it's actually all the more reason to kill them.
What if they're so traumatised that they can't make moe anymore and start making edgy action shows instead
Feels horrible to say thanks for that. But here we are, thanks for taking that off my mind.
I and myself speaking for the rest of me will be utterly and thoroughly displeased.
That was actually my hope when they made Kyoukai no Kanata, it had surprisingly dark themes, betrayal, death, monsters, conspiracy - it could've been so much more. I still found it quite okay, but would've changed the ending quite a bit, wasted opportunity to be a really great show IMO. But I had hopes that this was a preview of attractions to come, a return to FMP times with darker themes. Not always, but once in a while some more "serious" show would've been nice.
>It's what my uncle did with his livestock because he didn't want them to be scared.
There's a mundane cynical explanation: stressed animals taste worse. Having the animal be relaxed when you kill it improves the meat.
I low-key like KnK but I think that has more to do with being in life with Nishiyas design style.
how is reforming going to help the minds of taxpayers who will still pay for these abusers paychecks even if the rules are changed the fact remains that the system was so broken and the people so fucked that it needed to be entirely dismantled or have most of the people replaced and new ones go through a school which would take too long anyways
the entire thing was fucked people were disposing of kids by cutting their brain out quite literally and dumping remains of whatever conscious that was left after in insane asylums it was sad story
Yeah, we should stop treating mentally-ill people like human beings if they have committed murder. Fuck all this "muh equality" bullshit.
Is mental illness even real?
You can just pretend to be crazy and no one would even know. It is just like chuunibyou.
Has been registered that a person with dissociative identity disorder can have differences so big between them, to the point as one personality can be diabetic and the other not.
I'm not saying there aren't cases which the person faked it but, this kind of mental ilness is pretty much real, and certainly intriguing.
That's pretty fucking weird and I have trouble believing psychosomatism goes THAT far but if true we really don't know shit about ourselves.
Are you baiting? Or just actually this stupid?
Illness is anything that's out of norm and detrimental so it's definitely real.
If it's out of norm and beneficial, then it's not an illness.
It's hard for people to accept but from the current medical science point of view, free will does not exist, a person acts accordingly to his genetics and the social interactions he's had in his life. But acknowledging that would break how human society works.
I wish psychology, psychiatry and so on develops enough that we can literally change how a person thinks using a combination of drugs and therapy without having to worry about infringing on human rights and so on, because sometimes individuals are just terrible, dangerous people and needs to be changed to fit into society. But then comes the ethical question of whether society has the right to decide what kind of behavior is bad, etc.
WHY HAVE THEY NOT RELEASED ANY NAMES YET!? Weren't they supposed to yesterday?
These threads are getting boring man. There's nothing like a sticky.
Some people are going to need amputation, which meant they got 4th degree burns. On the other hand 3rd and 4th degree burns actually aren't more painful than 2nd because all nerve endings are destroyed. Not that its any consolation.