ITT: Guilty pleasures

Attached: rabbit rady to mate.jpg (728x1044, 297K)

LoliBBAs are never something to feel guilty over.

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What's that rabbit manga from?

>No results with reverse image search
Would you kindly give sauce, OP?


Konjiki no Moji Tsukai, Yuusha Yonin ni Makikomareta Unique Cheat.

Isekai, hence guilty pleasure.

Attached: sleeping rabbit.jpg (728x1042, 362K)

Oh, it was from that manga?
I had forgotten her existence until now, guess the vampire stuck harder for me.

dat bottle bigger than her stomach

Just to add , yandex image search works ten times more often than google search so use it next time.

Qhy the fuck is my 4chanX still using thumbnails for reverse image search?

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I can't tell people I'm into lolis. I like them. I like them so much I want to be isekaied into a world where I can have a loli for me to do whatever I want. But I can't tell anyone. And so my guilty pleasure remains to this day.

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Feels bad

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Don't bother, it's isekai trash.

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Attached: lolislayer.jpg (744x364, 70K)

just tell them that you are not interested in women under the age of 1000

are you retarded? i got like 8 results from this image.

What about 60+?

Attached: sleeping cirno.jpg (1500x1388, 478K)

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I want to take advantage of this Cirno

>search for "cheat" on dex
>get 2 full screens of isekai garbage with "cheat" right in the fucking title

Attached: e2a.jpg (900x673, 220K)

>World's End Harem
>Dead Tube
>Domestic Girlfriend

In the reverse order it's some of the best TRASH I've yet seen in manga form. Any Yea Forumsnons got anything that trumps this steaming hot garbage?

That rape island manga which is currently being translated right now

I think it's already finished. I read an absolute garbage translation of it from some guy who keeps inserting begging notes into the margins (he literally doesn't understand possessives or pronouns so just writes the character's names to refer to themselves).

Schlocky sci-fi story where the plot eventually gets in the way of the PLOT and it just wraps up really quickly. The idea could be done well as a David Lynch movie.

I remember they said that they only translated unpopular manga at Nipland that they found interesting
Most of them are either cheap gore or NTR

This one was a bit like a B-movie and actually pretty tame. I don't get where the whole 'rape island' thing came from even though that LOOKED like where it might be going at one point.

At least the multiple personality disorder love triangle seem promising

Try R402

This would be so much better if the MC was interested in their bodies.

Those damn Aussie make it fun tho

Wasn't it britbong slang?

The mc isn't interested in people in general. Which is a shame because at least a couple of the girls are pretty good.

>Not fucking her raw every single night
MC is a fag

It had to be done.

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She isn't the only only he should be doing that to.

It's a trash isekai, the MC is expected to have a dozen girls permanently wet for him.

The MC should also be expected to use those girls too.

But they are all little girls.

No, the MC shouldn't be doing anything that would disturb permavirgin otakus.

Gal Gohan and Dead Tube

You, sir, got a fine taste in garbage. Keep it up!

Attached: gal gohan.jpg (483x680, 88K)

Yes, and? The MC's companion is made a blatant lolicon specifically so there's a worse example and you don't feel too bad about lusting about kids when you self-insert into the MC.


ntr x yaoi