Mozart anime when?

Mozart anime when?

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Because it would be cute.
It obviously starts with him as shota.

>I've been dead for hundreds of years

Attached: hmmmmmmHM.webm (1280x720, 1.41M)

How do I delete a post I've made?

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>Mozart's moeshit
Man the fuck up and have some Ludwig Von.

Attached: Beethoven.jpg (512x640, 84K)

You call that manning the fuck up?

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In the Piano no Mori anime Mozart appeared a few times iirc

Will be cool to have a story about him as a child prodigy I guess.
Along with his shitty jokes along the way

Steins;Gate 0 also reference him way too much. And it doesn't help they take Miloš Forman's movie Amadeus at face value.

You can run but you cant hide
>inb4 phoneposting

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Oh wow the ironing. There's me, seducing the wife of my best friend, then fucking and marrying the daughter of another friend, 25 years younger than me. And then there's you. What did you do apart from giving every hooker in Vienna an STD, Johnny-boy?
Pic related, it's me and my bitch.

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Mozart TV Marcel Bluwal 1982

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How come modern CG-shit doesn't look that good?

It's just gonna end up with Salieri related angst, especially considering how Stein's Gate and especially Fate put him into the Japanese consciousness

Its a shame because the man was close to a saint in real life.

Seems in poor taste to make an anime about someone who's still alive.

What did they do to good ol Wolfgang?

He was also in that awful music show from one or two years ago. I already forgot what it was called but it had Schubert and Chopin too.

In fact, they should do a Salieri show.

At the time musicians were regarded as servants, albeit highly skilled servants. The career path was to be a foundling or an orphan and get trained up. What Salieri was known for was doing lots of charity concerts (this is actually why he conducted some Mozart premiers in real life, not for the reasons in the film) for these kids and also training them in things like composition and conducting to give them a chance of advancement.

In later life he taught Beethoven, Liszt, and Schubert and also did premiers for Beethoven's first two piano concertos. And like, er, all the best people, he did it for free.

But we're encouraged to think he was a monster? It isn't fair.