Did they?

Did they?

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Protect the world from devestation?

Pretty sure James didn't swing that way.

No, they never decisively captured Pikachu.

B-but girls can´t love girls!

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Unite all peoples within our nations?

No, Musashi and Kojiro are both gay. They're still a power couple, though.

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Denounce the evils of truth and love?

James has a vagina


Didn't they get married in the manga?

Yes, they deserved to win.

Carry the pokemon series? Yes.
I don't give a fuck about whatever happens after s1.


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James only fucks his pokemons.

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Based Sun & Moon poster.

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Oh wow. Son or daughter?

>Interesting backstory
>Fun personality
>Actually really cares about all his pokemon/his fucking growlithe is bro-tier as fuck
>Travels with Jesse across the world
>Not really evil he just goes with the flow

How old were you when you realized he was the best character in the series?

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Like eight.

Did they what?

Team Rocket had a much more intense friendship than the supposed main characters, shaped by a lot more hardships. How can Ash even compete?

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>>Interesting backstory
wait what's his backstory?

By finishing second as always

team rocket should become main characters for at least a pokemon miniseason
i would watch it all the way through
i don't give a shit about boringash or his loli of the week

Not him and it's been probably 18 years but I think he was a rich kid with family issues.

Came from a wealthy family but had a shitty childhood with mentally insane parents.
Ran away from home and joined team rocket in his teens.

what the FUCK did he mean by this?

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in electric pikachu mango yes


That's right.

I love that ep with the romantic ass ending.
Sad that character development is forbidden.

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>Musashi and Kojiro
Literally who?

>that episode where his parents tricked him into thinking they were dead so he would come to their funerals and they could marry him off.

you know what?

Their motto's pretty cool

Unite all peoples within our nation?


>obsessed with rare pokemon
>running after a fucking peasant pikachu
>ignoring the only pokemon in the world that taught himself to read and speak, and can translate for other pokemon

Pretty sure James is the reason I'm a faggot.

If I were either of them, I would do the other so much. Maybe it was uncomfortable with Meowth around.

maybe they were into role reversal

>Meowth jam it in


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wonder why Giovanni never sold meow. a pokemon who can talk sounds like something people would pay fuck load of money for.

They did 3P

Naw. That nigga gay dawg

Also best dub voice

He's also the one that builds all of their robots and gadgets so add genius engineer to the list.

Also a very cute trap.

Dye their hair? Yes.

I always thought they were brother and sister

Just give us an anime with them as the main.

Kojirô is actually terrified about having a relationship with Musashi. she is really mean, bossy and lazy.

James goes into full PTSD mode whenever someone suggests the idea, because he gets Jessibel flashbacks.

The way you wrote that makes it seem like he ran away as a teen

He ran away well before that

>she is really mean, bossy and lazy
spoken like a 7 year old

Have we ever had an episode of jessie’s background?

Yes, several. And a radio drama. Her mother works for Team Rocket and got lost while searching for Mew, so Jessie grew up REALLY poor (she often mentions having to eat things like leaves and snow). When she got older, she had a very long string of failed careers before joining Team Rocket.

And there was the bike gang and Pokemon university stuff that hasn't been canon in forever.

>generation z autist redditor telling me how to write

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>He wins the Alola leauge since it's full of jobbers

>thinks the problem pointed out dealt with the way it was written

I've got bad news for you.

>autist doesn't comprehend what writing is because he takes things to literal
Maybe Trump was right about vaccines.

Sun and Moon is great, and is made even better because of team rocket. They're fun to watch always, and they're even better now. How did they do it?

Several times, in fact. They never seem to get any thanks for it.

sorry that you're mad that there was a suggestion to vaccinate you
but if you couldn't figure out the problem was your infantile reaction to jessie's character then perhaps you need to vaccinate your stupidity from existence

And let someone else make money off it, no way, it's just that he doesn't use him in any intelligent way like spying

Jessie's hard is dumb

Yeah, the business model of Team Rocket is not very clear. They sought rare pokemons to sell?

Seriously, the guy is not only a pokemon marvel, but also super loyal to TR. You could do a lot with an agent like that.

Hair*. I'm even dumber

Dubfags pls

All those 'gay jokes' were just stupid dub things. They literally fall in love with people of the opposite sex

>He doesn't remember the snow sushi
>He doesn't remember her trying to become a pokemon nurse's assistant (as in a human Chansey) because she couldn't be a Joy
>he doesn't remember the doll episode

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