Kyoto Animation fundraiser

I have never seen this money in my life. Kudos to them!

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Other urls found in this thread:

They should give the money to JC Staff to make Haruhi S3 instead.

>*Sentai Filmworks fundraiser

Just let this company located on the same state as AT&T handle all of your shekel, go- I mean friends.

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>bodies are still literally hot
>plz gib monies

since when do japs accept donations?

Money can't bring the dead talents back, mate
Even if it reaches $50M, Kyoani that we know is dead

I don't trust charities. How do you know this money will reach the families of the victims?

Started by Sentai, mate
They have their name on the line

Just trust them and donate you silly goy

>Kyoani that we know is dead
That might actually be a good thing, considering they haven't made a good anime in 8 years.

I think it's worth the risk cause they've got so much more to lose than I do. If this turns out to be a scam, I lose the 20 bucks I donated, but they lose EVERYTHING. This is the biggest tragedy in the industry's history, and it's shaken everyone. If it turns out Sentai profited off of the deaths of KyoAni staff, they're finished. Nobody will want to work with them ever again.

I wanted to wait until my next wage, but guess will send some money now and more when get paid.

As for sentai filmworks shitposters - i don't care who`s raising the money. First thing i though after seeing the news about KyoAni is if i could do something to help them, and its great that someone made it on themselves to organize stuff.

And no, buying KyoAni BDs/merch will not help them directly, especially now when its organization and channels are in shambles (though Japanese found a way by buying all Free! movie screeening tickets).

I am russian poorfag, but its only time i ever unhesitant to part with my money for charitable goal. Looking at donations, it shows who the real fans are - and i have to thank the Chinese fans, that contribute most right now as it seems. They truly love KyoAni and are passionate to help it. Thanks guys. Hopefully KyoAni remembers it when it recovers.

Just buy something from the kyoani shop and you'll be 100% sure all profits will go to them instead of wondering whether the local jew pocketed a % in """"administrative fees""""

Finally they can recoup all the losses from their flop anime.

>be an adult with a secure, professional job
>don't have life insurance
asking for it desu

>what is gross margin
Yeah, because when buying merch there are no administrative or other variable costs involved at all, you retard.

The money is for kyoani to replace the staff

Why am I never quick enough to start these fundraisers.

>Kyoani shop
burned down together with the building. They have another location and merch manufacturing/logistics building, but its not sure if they operate normally now even. KyoAni site hasnt been updated since the fire (since duh, people responsible might be dead).

Buying from KyoAni shop is not a good idea, since the shop might be inoperable and not just delivery not happen, but money hangs not reaching them. Buying BDs and stuff, helps but too indirectly, through distributors and shareholders and would not reach them any soon.

The most direct way are either charity (theres Sentai gofund me, and for japanese they gather money in Animate shops), or as japanese did - bough online tickets for Free! and other kyoani screenings - as its direct box office profits.

Theres also reason what you want your money to be used to:
1) Help those who suffered/families of those who died - GoFundMe, Animate etc. direct charities are the way to go, as money will go for this purpose (not for "rebuilding" KyoAni)
2) Get KyoAni funds to recover - buy their goods, movie tickets, BDs.

But really, if you want to help them recover in future - best way probably would be to wait until they release new product, if ever - and buy it. I for one will be 100% buying VEG movie BD. (even with fire, it should be mostly ok as at this stage should be in Tokyo where their montage/voicing etc. is being done)

Fundraiser was shown on live JP TV earlier this morning on TBS
If they do anything stupid with that money then they're pretty fucked

I'd hope most of the money being given isn't based on people trying to get them back to work on more anime. As the page states it's to support the people affected, so hopefully won't go towards the studio at all.
Compared to buying shit from the Kyoani shop this should just directly support families that may be left with no income now and make up for what could be long term disability for the injured.

Reminds me of the ALS ice bucket retards.
>N-No way this reputable source would profit off literal cancer!! Their reputation would be ruined!
>30% of donations went straight in their pockets
>nobody even gave a shit

If they want to absolutely destroy their own company and ruin the reputation of everyone involved, they'll never dare pull anything stupid

The GoFundMe will go to people who suffered and their relatives i.e. victims. It still however "hepls rebuild KyoAni" if even fraction of injured people will be able to heal/recover from ptsd and continue to work.

Its also pretty sure Hideaki Hatta will be using own funds to aid them as well, as KyoAni owner and employeer.

Neverless, the passion of people helping, shows their love for KyoAni and that people want it to continue existing, in whatever form it would be in the future.

There is huge difference between running away with money and actually using 20% of collected money while writing out remaining 80% as expenses like literally every charity does.

>All these salty edgy fat mecha perma virgins
I love how the out pouring of love and support for kyoani just eats you faggots up
Must remind you how completely alone and unloved you are.
Hahahaaaas I love it.

>we should just let things as they are
go be miserable somewhere else

>recover from ptsd and continue to work.
Even for the Japanese I think it’d be a bit ridiculous to go back to work after living this nightmare.

They are still dead though lol and will never make another trash anime ever again. I love it, too.

Nice falseflag, Hunterchad.

Americans and their tips

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I hope the money goes to victims and their families and not to kyoanus pockets.

>those free money
ooooooh I'll do my own donation page and keep the money for me

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I never donate money for free, nothing is in it for me...

Mate, they sell digital download on that shop

people arent ever going to find out where the money went
do you think kyoani is going to go on the news and say they didnt get all the money

If they keep the money, that's fraud and Kyoani can sue them for more.
Not to mention the massive backlash.

I want my money to go to the victims, I hate the comments from weeaboos about using the money to bring the studio back. Are they not aware of the trauma all the employees just went through?

We did it reddit.

You buy symbolically graphics for 200¥ from

Pretty much so.
You can't use someone else's face for fundraiser for personal benefit. That's wire fraud punishable with $1M fine + 30 years in prison

This. Pay for their funerals, give families enough to cover costs of living temporarily, medical bills of survivors, counselling,etc. Not to hire more people to make more anime for you.

Are you mentally retarded? Anime aside this is the biggest mass murder case in Japan of the last few decades, it has an immense amount of attention both in Japan and internationally. Do you think a multi-million dollar gofundme is going unnoticed?

I must have been on Yea Forums for too long I barely care. 34 sounds low for me for some reason.

Is this board unironically plebbit now?

What else are they gonna do?

Because you are not in Japan. In US someone shots that many in school shootings etc daily. In japan its unprecedented since WW2.

I`ll not be surprised if there will be multiple manga about the incident later. The other comparable in relevancy event in recent years in Japan is probably only Fukushima


It still seems to be getting worse.

Based on everything we know now, would you say this was justified? Personally I'd say no. No matter how bad it is to steal an idea and make tons of money off of it, hurting people is wrong. But morally speaking, it's not an easy question to answer desu. I do see his point, but his actions were over the top. What do you guys think?

>eceleb doesn't donate anonymously like a decent person

I think if this is how you really feel, even in light of what we actually do know, that you should definitely consider killing yourself.

They didn't steal his idea, mate
Guy was insane

They did steal his idea. This should be considered.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>sentai fundraiser is aimed at the families
>but is fishy as fuck, especially with all of the literal shills spamming the same message about it ruining their reputation if they happened to pocket as much of the cash they can get away with even though as pointed out "charitable causes" do that shit all of the time
>buying kyoani digital goods will support the company directly in a 0 cost for them way
>but heaven knows how much of that will make it back to the families
Remember to wait a little while to see if any better options come up.

I'd like to donate but I'm going to hold off until Sentai explain exactly how they're going to distribute the money.

>I do see his point
He was fucking insane and taking it out on the animators who had nothing to do with it even if his work was stolen is just stupid. Don't give these types of "people" even an ounce of credibility.

just because western weebs like haruhi, it doesn't mean it's good.
>endless 8

Seek professional help.

No need to be rude. Theft is still morally wrong and should be punished. If someone stole your million dollar idea, you probably wouldn't be happy. However, the proper authorities should have taken care of that. That's all I'm saying.

I view him as a hero for bringing down Capitalism. I hope this incident teach big companies that there is limit of how much you can oppress the proletariat.

Here comes the money laundering

You can simply buy digital art from the official KyoAni website and all the proceeds will go directly to KyoAni with no thirdy party involved. There's a guide on how to do on twitter & reddit.

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Who is Janice Peters?

me :)

It's gonna be hard to accept, because what exactly do you do with the money?
Do you make a new Kyoani building.
Do you share it to all the families who suffered and how much would you give to each family.
I'd wouldn't be surprised if this didn't happen until 2020 or late in the year.

It's gonna hurt like a bitch when people find out Kyoani, like most businesses in Kyoto, bribe public officials so that they don't have to renovate their buildings to meet standard safety regulations.

Exactly, blindly throwing money around isn't going to help.

How do they plan on getting the money back after putting it into a charity?

tripfags dilate

Except the building was recently renovated,, up to all standards and they recently build another similar building.

it was a terror attack, not an accidental fire. 40 litres of kerosine, possible something explosive as people heard bang as well attacker armed with knives and hamers. Most died from smoke which filled the building as explosion after ignition by attacker.

I don't trust it at all.

please post financial records for your claims so I can inspect them

>cynical autists think Sentai Filmworks would risk to kill their reptuation for 1 million

user. No fire escapes. One main entrance. One side entrance. One major stairwell. Police and Firefighters reported a failure in the sprinkler systems. No fire extinguishers related to chemical or electrical fires.
Fire fighters around the world were calling the building a death box based on the reports from the ground.

The explosions were caused by the gas he poured in the lobby vaporizing as he doused the rest of the place. Once the fire reached it the now airborne gas exploded.

I think the gesture is good and surprised it raised over 1 million but it's gonna be hard to distribute it since it's A LOT of money.

I understand a little gofundme's have been used for scams in the past but this gofundme isn't started by some Joe Bloggs in Florida it's started by a licensing comany who if they somehow screw something like this then Sentai would probably close down due to sheer back lash and other parties looking down on them, Who would give them licenses if they hold the title of the company that stole from a Kyoani fundraiser.
I don't know how much they're worth as a company but surely it's higher than 1 million.

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Blame it on Japan's shitty fire code. What did you expect when the building is wood-framed, with paper walls, and full of paper?

I know you're baiting, but he can go fuck himself, I hope his hanging is arduous and prolonged. Even if they actually plagiarized him, if he was sound of mind and had any sort of respect for life he could have just hired a lawyer/public defender. If he had ample evidence he'd get a hefty settlement. And I bet you anything his claims are baseless.

I don't have any sympathy for him, even if he's schizophrenic in Japan and his family abandoned him. That's too bad and I'm sure he wouldn't have been like this in another life, but just because life gave you a bad set of cards doesn't mean you're relinquished of any responsibility.

Primarily wood buildings actually take longer to burn than modern ones made from a higher amount of synthetic materials. The reason this building burned so violently and quickly is because HE DUMPED 40 LITERS OF GASOLINE AROUND THE BUILDING AND ON THE PEOPLE. Seriously, never underestimate a gasoline fed fire.

Reminder that smoke killed most of them, not the fire itself.
This smoke looks so fucking vicious, I'll check the emergency exits of every building I'm entering in the future.

Retard, news reports noted that the building was up to code. The issue is that Japanese fire codes are lax (partially out of necessity, they can't exactly regulate in the same way that areas with more building space can and the building was a small office studio so even less regulations than usual applied. Also buildings are not built up to resist arsonist-based huge gasoline fires because that's impossible to predict.

The smoke was able to spread so quickly due to the open spiral staircase being a major design flaw not covered in any sort of building regulations present. Fire was on the first floor so it acted as a chimney that funneled the rising smoke up to everywhere else easily and had the entire building blanketed in it in no time flat.

Can you prove otherwise? No? Thought so faggot.

I am assuming the money will either go to the victims, given to family/cover funeral costs for the dead or be used toward the memorial the company pres said he is interested in doing at the building site

Has anyone here developed pyrophobia after this incident?
I couldn't sleep on the night after it happened, not just because I was sad but because I was afraid I could wake up with my house suddenly on fire.
It didn't help that there was a fire not too far away and a firetruck passing by my house earlier that day.

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I've seen this thrown around a lot... is there a specific reason why the Myojo 56 building fire is excluded? Is it because there were no arrests? The police did conclude that it was arson...

Imagine actually doing this so they can keep killing anime lmao

i am pretty sure they`ll release VEG movie still, but what about VEG OVA that was sheduled for august?

It made me think about what I would do at work or home if there was a fire. Once at my job we did have the alarm go off (coworker was using a toaster oven that started smoking) and none of the customers reacted to it, which really annoyed me even though it wasn’t serious.

Life insurance is pointless unless you have a family or other people depend on you income. Considering that most of the victims were animators, I highly doubt it was the case.

If you hope he gets hanged, you are no better than him.

>Life insurance is pointless unless you have a family or other people depend on you income.

Funerals are expensive as fuck.

I've always had pyrophobia. It's one of the worst ways to die I can think of. Even drowning doesn't destroy your body like that.

>If you hope the guy who burned over 30 people to death and left a dozen others in horrific pain and permanently disabled hangs you are no better than him.

I think you've read too many shounen dude.

Both on schedule. Delays only upon request by Kyoani.
Statements by the publisher.

Nobody knows what he meant by plagiarism as of yet. Might be ramblings of a totally delusional person, he was previously jailed for three years for stealing money from a convenience store after all.

Wtf sticky is kill??

>thinking kyoani hasn't made anything good in recent years is edgy
Based retard.

Oh I've just read that he's considering knocking it down to create a public park with a monument, Guess a chunk of the money would go to that.

Nah they'll come back, and be better than ever before.
Stay salty
Sorry don't fallow efags
> thinking
Either you're a complete homo, or you didn't read/ accidentally some words there..

Yeah. I held out of donating to the gofundme for a while but Kyoani at least acknowledged they’re aware of it, so the money should go to something.

I'd suggest the reason Sentai did it was because otherwise by now there would be dozens of fake ones circulating.

You don't distribute it, you set up a trust with KyoAni employees as the trustees and people draw upon it.

What a strange word salad. Did you have a seizure?

What the fuck
Did these weebs steal from their parents' locker or what?

After this is Sentai going to be known around the globe as Super Sentai?

>pseudo intellectual argument attempted

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We are all Janice Peters

>kyoani knows about the fundraiser and gofundme page
>"hey sentai filmworks where is our money"
>oh sorry lol we spent it all
>okay we cut off all ties to you, you can no longer license our anime, also here is a tweet and a news report about the scummy thing you did, have fun media + donators

This is it isn’t it. There is NO WAY for kyoani to recover right?

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Except everyone including the people receiving the money can see how much they should get, and if they don't get a respectable amount of it they can say "what the fuck, hey everyone we only got 20%"

>>oh sorry lol we spent it all
More like
>here is 60%, we took the rest as costs
>you're not ungrateful to your fanbase are you?

Are you asking if burning 31 people to death and severely disfiguring many others is justified? What the fuck.

>donating to a fundraiser being organized by some company not even connected to the people the fundraiser is for
>no official statement from the beneficiary saying they're working with the organizer
>no mention at all of what the money will be spent on
>"Just give us your money and trust us you fucks"
Yeah no. I will save my money for a victim relief fund acknowledged by said victims. I want my money to go to people who need it, not greedy American companies.

Donated to make haters seeth. KyoAni makes autistic people rage even after it burned down.

The money will go to the right place, they'll just move it through their own accounts first so they can write it off as a charitible donation and save on taxes while also taking all the credit

please buy something at

>Located in the same state
Ooooooooh, solid connection there mate.

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Just stop being such a pantsy bitch

>disaster frauds don't exist and never happen

Where were they when it was time to buy BDs for the anime market in the west to be taken seriously?

>Giving money to a FUCKING COMPANY
What the fuck is wrong with people?

Do you people also fund McDonalds if it has an issue with profit this quarter?

>Janice Peters
damn, wonder if it's someone important donating that much or just some rando with money to spare

You don't understand a thing about all of this.

based 22i

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So fucking stupid, nobody left alive to get the money, they all died in the fire. Money goes straight to the already loaded directors who had insurance on the building fucking lmaoing @ you. How about donating to the families of the deceased or a charity instead of worshiping some corporation?

Are you fucking kidding me dude? There must be something really wrong with you for even fathom the idea that killing so many people and burning an entire studio can be justified by any fucking reason unless we are talking about literal terrorists or some shit like that.
You are sick mate.

White people be like "oh no there's a tragedy where people died, I have to donate my life savings to some Multi million dollar company"

Are you suggesting that terrorism is justified?

>Quanjing Song

This company is also located in the same country that nuked Japan. I don't think we can trust it.

What do I need to understand?
The company turns around orders of magnitude more of money people are donating to it, do you seriously think a few drops into the bucket will make any difference at all?

You are LITERALLY giving money to a multi-million dollar company, it's legitimately like donating to McDonalds.

35 people were injured

Did we ever find out Grumpy Jiisan’s family name?

I'm suggesting terrorists are some of the few kinds of people that should die in such a terrible way.

user, I can't tell if you're joking or you're actually that retarded; it must be a gift for you.

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Give me one serious argument why you are donating to a company.
Just fucking one.

If it were small enough, such that this kind of money would be relevant in any way, I could kinda see a reason, but this is a multi-million dollar company.

So the donations should be going to the victims, not KyoAni, what the fuck. It's really obvious everyone here cares more about KyoAni than the victims, because the fundraiser could have been aimed directly at where it the money should go instead of hoping it ends up in the right place.

So you think all of the victims are going to be compensated? On what basis, goodwill? By who, KyoAni? I'd hope so but nothing is guaranteed, this platform by a trustworthy company ahs said that they will put the money specifically to the victims of the incident and nothing else, noone else has made any sort of pledge. Worst case? They've said they'll return all the money if the victims don't accept it. Best case, a family/victim recieves a little help in something they will never recover from. This entire donation run is specifically for victims of this tragedy, how can you compare it to something like donating for McDonalds. Nobody cares if your too poor to donate anything, or more likely underage. Your bullshit isn't needed, fuck off.

Why do these companies even collect donations from private citizens? Think about it.
Why doesn't Sentai Filmworks just donate a few million of their own dollars?
Of course I know the reason, and it's because they don't actually care at all and just want to write the donations off as taxes.
But if I think about it they're real assholes

I never donated user, you just don't understand how people work

Are you trolling or stupid? The link is even on the catalog of this very website you are posting on. Click it, spend 10 seconds reading it, then use your pea sized brain and try to digest the information written on where the money is going to before posting again.

Your existence wastes oxigen

>Are you trolling or stupid
Is there any difference?

How can someone literally give away 50,000 dollars over an online platform without knowing where the money will actually go to?

If I donated 50,000 dollars, I'd probably just take 1,000 of that for a plane ticket to kyoto, and give the remaining 49.000 to the victims directly

One is an intentional act, the other isn't.

Thanks for the (You)'s guys.

Nobody else bothered to respond to my posts today...

Would you guys actually care if it was some no name studio that get burned like doga kobo?

Who is this Janice Peter's that shelled out 50k?

As long as I can make your heart go doki doki user, then it was all worth it

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There are people spend 50k on fucking gacha games and all they get out of that is some digital pixels.

There's already a lot a fake ones circulating, if anything, this crowdfunding is the reason why they are increasing

perpetrator not found

You don't know what is going to happen to the money at all. They vaguely promise that it's to help kyoani. The company? The ones who got injured in the fire? The families of the deceased? Just what? It'll also be interesting to know whether Sentai will keep a "cut" of it. They could even just put it in their own pocket, but the backlash would kill them, so if you donate to them you can just hope they're not that utterly stupid.

>but the backlash would kill them
Exactly, that's why you know it's gonna go where they say. They're not going to risk there reputation on what might turn out to be a couple million dollars.

>all these idiots willing giving up their money to a scam that is obvious as fuck that not a single cent will ever reach Kyoani

Bokuben author?
And how many of these are peoples real names?
I mean look at this

Depends on how many people really like them. A lot of people really liked Kyoani.

Go back to Twitter, herkz

You can check their twitter if they are famous, it's not that hard.

>Please consider donating to help the victims of the KyoAni studio fire.

It odd that small studio gets this compared to other bigger recent disasters.

This is the 2nd biggest mass murder in Japanese history since WW2. Even Tokyo Sarin attack claimed tripple less victims.

I like a lot of doga's works so I'd care a lot. If it was a studio I've literally never heard of I'd feel bad but not to the extent I do right now.
KyoAni's entertained me for years and is like a close friend/relative.

There were plenty of previous disasters to post on top of the site. I am not of fan of how the mods pick and choose shit, like with which dead celebrities to pin.

I liked clannad and haruhi. Shame.

That goes to KyoAni the company. Corporations often can't just use their money however they want. I donated to the GoFundMe to get money to the victims.

Maybe its because anime board on a site created mainly for discussion of anime and stuff and it was terror attack on best and Yea Forums`s most loved animation studio?

Weebs don’t have girlfriends, so they have plenty of disposable income.

When I first saw the news report that just vaguely said "anime studio" it was a huge relief to see it wasn't Doga Kobo when I read the full story.
Considering I think they've done more good anime in the past year than Kyoani have done in the past 6 years they would've been the biggest loss for me.

This is a no fucking brainer, where do you think you are? This entire website is founded on anime, this entire board is based around talking about anime, this is the single biggest thing to happen to the anime industry since forever. What does random recent disasters have anything to do with Yea Forums or Yea Forums compared to this?

Nah, that top shit telling me to donate is on all boards. It would be understandable if it was just Yea Forums.

You must be new here. Yea Forums is an anime image board, no matter what you /pol/tards think.

Yeah that might have something to do with this being a site founded to discuss anime and Japanese culture that is currently owned by a Japanese guy.

The owner really likes kyoani

Yeah but those literal whos didn't create my waifu so I don't care about them.

As said, Yea Forums was created primarily as anime community. Non weebs can fuckoff and suck Hiro-admin thumb. This is litterally the biggest news event that happened in Yea Forums history. Only death of Yoko Kano can be more devastating.

Meanwhile stuff like 9/11 or another war are irrelevant and not worth the discussion as only are topics for short interest and shitposting, while as for KyoAni people actualy CARE

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To be fair he'd probably put it there even if it was DEEN. I'm not the biggest KyoAni fan but I don't think they deserved what happened so I donated a little to hopefully help the victims and their families.

Why does Anonymous always think that everyone is as big of a selfish, uncaring dick as he is?

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A bunch of third-world poorfags see people donating an average of $30+ and get jealous over burn victims.

god enough explanation for me than. I forgot this place was owned by jap moot.

Based Japanese moot, but would moot have done the same?

sentai would be too busy being in prison for fraud

It's easy to never donate to anything ever if you just act cynical about all charities/fundraisers.

There have been stickies when single japanese persons, that were part of the industry, died.
Try something else, fucking moron.

donating even 10 dollars or 20 dollars topotential scam should even be a big problem unless that 10 or 20 is what keeping you from ending up on the street.

Real question here - what healing manga should KyoAni adapt to heal own and their fans wounds?

Or now, ptsd driven directors and stuff will project their suffering in their future projects, making grimdark tragedies with no ray of hope?

>being mad about a small donation link when this site has actual sinister ads that server malware

cmon user, hiro is doing much worse than this shit

That is bad real question considering there might not be a KyoAni to adept it.

Yes probably.

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>This is litterally the biggest news event that happened in Yea Forums history.*
*That we didn't cause.
I found out about the killing of bin laden through Yea Forums being changed to american flags and embedded videos. Wild.
This is more important, though.

He would have done more, he was more interventionalist than the current admin.

>I have never seen this money in my life
Neither will they.

I am not mad, just slightly annoyed that it took a disaster related to anime to get that post on top of the site. Where was that for the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings.

Who cares.

>Where was that for the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings.
That's not anime or Japanese. This is a site founded on anime and Japanese culture. Just because there is a politics section doesn't mean it's about politics in general.

What about a fundraiser for the arsonist?

>Where was that for the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings
No one gives a fuck about this, probably not even people who live in New Zealand. While the vast majority of people on Yea Forums have watched anime some time in their life.

~34 dead
Of the surviving staff, some are going to be fucked by burns to their fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, torso, thighs, buttocks, legs, feet
Others have whole limbs amputated
Anyone [everyone] that came into contact with the fumes has their eyesight between blurred to fucked
The ones that inhaled toxins risk their mental faculties being messed up, nevermind the poisonous effects on the rest of the body

It's over
Gas all the mentally ill
schizos, trannys, downies

Its sad to share the site with autistic machine people like you. They project their lack of human and emotional understanding to life, mistaking their inadequacy for their advantages not realizing they are a kin to person missing half of the brain and unable to enjoy half of the joys of life.

Charity, is first of all show of support - most people don't even think about how money will be used. Its just their way to tell "hey! hang on! we are with you!".

Secondary, cinically, its also a kind of "indulgence", like the church sold to absolve sins. Paying a little rids you of survivors guilt and shame of being a hypocrite that does not support people/works that he pretended to love.

You are not a good person unless you actually do something good, even if its a minor thing. You, as person, are not responsibe for all the bad stuff happening with other people in the world - but when you have motive to help, reason to help and means to help and you don't do it - the loser is you, for you missed a chance to help yourself, primarily: as you are doing it not for them, but your own good feeling and your own concious and self awareness as a person.

nice copypasta!

Not an option at all. You have no idea about KyoAni if think so. Even if everyone in that building died, KyoAni still would exist and be capable of making anime.

>Where was that for the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings.
/pol/, kind of.

You don't know what is going to happen to the money at all.

now it is

People in Yea Forums distrust fundraising because they donated for building the wall and were scammed, so now they think everyone is so crooked as their right wing friends.

Yes user, they're dead
But the money will (or should) help Kyoani get back on their legs, bit by bit
All those talents who are now dead were once nobodies as well

Not everyone on this site is /pol/tard or even like anime.

i am fucking retarded. i meant it shouldn't be a big problem.

Why do poeple think it's an arson?

go away

Wasn't the goal for that fundraiser like a billion dollaridoos or something? You had to be an idiot to give your money to that in the first place.

fucking kek

>Interviewer: How do you plan to use the funding?
>John Ledford: Our plan to use the funding is to help the victims, those who have lost loved ones, and those who were injured. Hundred percent of all the funds we are collecting will go to those people.
>Interviewer: I'm sure you're thinking about they need right now.
>John Ledford: Right now they're grieving, and so, you know, I think money might be the last thing on their mind. But, when the time comes, and their grief is, you know, subsided, I believe it's going to be time to settle everything up and get the money to these people, because they're going to need it.

Attached: ledford.png (959x530, 997K)

put shackles on the jew if that money hasn't left his side after a week of the fundraiser being over.

a portion goes to gofundyourself and fraud laws keep them from using it for any other purpose, but i didn't think of that.

日本赤軍 did nothing wrong
but on a serious note go back to

I'm very happy to hear that. The exact place I'd want my money to go.

It is confirmed that perpetrator is autistic Trigger fan that watched Promare, imagining himself as fire demon as in the movie and wanting to get rid of Triggers main source of humilation - KyoAni.

The incident with KyoAni building burning, negatively affacted two anime shows airing this summer:
-Fireforce was indifenitely delayed, because fans lost all magic of the shounen story about the hero that is supposed to fight fire, as reality shown them miracles do not happen and no magic hero will appear to save victims.
-New Shirobako movie, about fictional studio that is based on KyoAni, dealt with real incident that happened in the past - a fire that claimed many people that worked on Hare+Guu (coincidentely show KyoAni worked on as well) has to be delayed, as airing it now would be insult to the victims.

Attached: kyoani fire 3.jpg (461x650, 76K)

>Phillip Defranco
>Hey guys! Phillip Defranco here! I'm here to tell you why the fire was in the wrong here but so was kyoani in how they didn't reason with the fire and litsen to its side of the story either, both sides have themselves to blame really

>Where was that for the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings
who gives a shit bout desertnogs? Why should the average person who completly opposes their beliefs be concerned that they are fucking dead?

Too lazy to read through most of this thread.
How many people here are retarded enough to think Sentai is gonna walk away with the money?

>How many people here are retarded enough to think Kadokawa is going to mess with the golden egg that is kemono friends
people were telling this not too long ago,
but as they found , companies are not necessarily rational actors.

The big difference with this is that Sentai is making literal worldwide news doing this.
No CEO is so retarded that they'd think they'd be able to get away with pocketing the money at this point. All eyes are on Sentai; If they do something sketchy, people will know, and Sentai will go out of business.

They get more out of this by not pocketing the money. This is huge fucking publicity for them and even better it's completely free and makes them look good.

Ok you're just baiting at this point. Christchurch was a cause célèbre across the Chans

But nobody is complaining about the publicity they're getting, they're complaining that they're gonna pocket the money.

Insincere charity is better than sincere apathy/naysaying

>The money will go to the right place
The only thing that matters here


I was surprised that many Chinese donated for Japanese.

You read my mind. Seeing these idiots spread FUD and talk about how people have insurance has been surreal. Not even taking them seriously as leftists anymore.

To be more clear, it's about how Sentai is gonna transparently deliver 100% of the money to the victim's families and survivors.

Welcome to particularism. You'll also find that I donated money to the disaster recovery in 2011, and not to a lot of thing you would rather I care about.

No one likes you. People in your own cult don't even like you, and will always look for opportunities to destroy you for their own benefit. No one outside of it even wants to be around you, and when you enter a space you make everyone else irritated. Eat shit and die.

They don't have to. They just have to write this off as charity and they'll get a huge tax cut.

taking a portion of the donations as an overhead cost would be perfectly legal
virtually every single organized fundraiser allocates a portion of the donated money for overhead costs and other organizational fees
if you people want to give money to KyoAni buy their digital art

I'm considering the idea of buying fire extinguishers. We don't have any at home.

Attached: 1548100916739.jpg (350x294, 35K)

Make sure that you also learn how to use them. Your fire department will usually have sessions for teaching people how to use them effectively. Otherwise you should exit the structure immediately and call emergency services.

I have one but what if that place catches fire

Attached: 1557045292697.jpg (976x550, 413K)

Also make sure you know the different fire classifications for your country and fire extinguisher. Check the "Fire Types" chart here[0] because for example a Class C rated fire extinguisher in the US isn't the same as one in Europe. It's good to have a fire extinguisher but you have to make sure it actually puts out the type of fire you expect.



Attached: wutt.png (987x526, 791K)

Does anyone have their revenue to compare so we know how much this actually is?

While we are at it, does anyone have their employee count?

Not as much. The biggest problem is that these were very much the best people in the industry.

The GoFundMe is intended for the victims so a comparison to their revenue isn't really important. KyoAni likely has insurance to offset the cost of the building and other material losses.

- Kyoto Animation has 160 employees.
- 74 people were in the building at the time of the fire.
- A total of 34 people were killed: 28 from carbon monoxide poisoning, five who suffered severe burns, and one who later died at the hospital.
- At least 36 people were injured initially, of whom 10 were reported to be in serious condition, and one victim had their legs amputated.

Is it unlikely that most of the survivors will still be able to work? It might not all be lost if they don't give up. I just hope KyoAni can bounce back from this.

It depends on what kinds of injuries they sustained and who received them. For example, a director might be able to deal with burns to his hands better than an artist.

>my bike got stolen recently

literally no.1 consumer of animes

never fall for the charity jew

Are you fucking retarded? How is murdering over 30 people and an equal or more amount being critically injured justified?

Disasters are not the same as mass murder user. What the fuck.

Yes, the 2011 Kanto Quake killed over 15,000 people because of the tsunami, but you can't claim that nature murdered them. It wasn't premeditated; to think that is egregiously stupid.

That funding will basically go into helping with funerals, dealing with financial and legal matters with loss of kin such as transference of wealth, inheritance, assets, etc. It will also help with therapy sessions all next of kin will and any survivors will need both physical and mental on their path to recovery. Finally, it would be used for any potential legal pursuits the survivors and next of kin may want to engage in, with the Japanese government, to push for specific reforms both in how say buildings are designed, how security is handled, and towards a greater push in addressing the mental health issue that plagues the country--and taking the stigma and taboo out of it.

In other words, almost all of it will go towards events that happen under the surface. It won't be flashy spending, it will be quiet spending--and in cases like these, that's exactly how it should go. The charity is collecting money in preparation of this, and is waiting for the right moment to meet with the survivors and families on next steps. Because if you do it too early and try to bring money to the table, it backfires on you and you look like a piece of shit that has trivialized all your employees into just dollar values to be replaced EVEN IF YOU AREN'T ONE AND THAT WASN'T YOUR INTENT TO BEGIN WITH.

We actually don't know where the funding will be spent. The campaign just says "to the intended recipients"


Same honestly, I saw Notre-Dame burn right before my eyes when I went to Paris and it fucked me up for a couple days but Kyoani was fucking traumatazing


Stop spamming the board with your off topic kike shit and fake virtue signalling.

The only good thing about all of this is that it shows how many leftist kyoanigger faggots dominate Yea Forums these days when you feminist sjw fags would have been hounded away in the old days of 2013 and earlier.

Fucking cuck gookmoot ruining everything. True anime fans should be celebrating the spiritual death of moecancer. Deaths of 3DPD are irrelevant. The only good thing is if the piggies smelled like bacon.

Stay mad little boy

Stay cucked kyoanus licker.

Go KyoAni.

Attached: 1563591360892.jpg (904x3516, 514K)


Wait if you're here, then who was that tripfiend that died all those years back?

There might be some fuckery, and I'm not going to donate to this, but I do believe that the money will eventually end up where it belongs. I'm just not sure that this is the best move at this point, and while it's a great show of support, I can always donate later once we have more information.

I have read more like 200 employees in recent years.

Your should user. They go on sale at Costco fairly often. You should have one per each floor, plus one extra for kitchen, and two in the garage. Is a bit of an expense up front, but it's just like backups, you don't think you need them until you wish you had them.
Also as other user said, learn how to use them effectively.

I have absolutely no problem to stand together with plebbit on this one. Even a broken clock etc.

Imagine thinking a couple of million dollars was a lot of money in corporate life worth risking a PR disaster for. Its like not wanting to hand in a wallet at Microsoft reception, oh noes, Bill Gates will take the money from it.

Imagine thinking nobody knows what to do which such a colossal sum and couldn't possibly figure it out.

Protip: it will go into a trust, representatives of KyoAni (management and all levels of staff), friends from businesses they work with and local officials would be the trustees. You might even see directors of other anime studios helping out in this way. People that need money will then draw on the trust regulated by the trustees. You don't randomly mail out cheques to people "to help".

This stuff happens everyday, if you have a proper job and haven't been to jail one day too you'll get roped into something like this.

I'm embarrassed for you, not because you are young but you are stupid enough to think you have a valid opinion on a topic you know fuck all about.

Endless 8 is why it's good faggot.

I swear to God that if this is another of Daiz's steps to kill anime I will kill him first.

can't touch the bulletproof monk

I would love reliable sources, but I have no clue where to find it.

Caring about the people who make your favorite anime is not virtue signaling idiot. Now I won't have good series to look forward to, how am I supposed to no be upset?

enron was a thing
also from houston

have they made a statement on how the money will be used specifically?

can you use any name you want for these?

>how am I supposed to no be upset?
benzos help


Also look at the total DVD rankings. It's basically the same thing but with some Marvel shit thrown in.

Are you fucking retarded? Do you not understand how taxation even works holy shit.

what do you expect from that user? this is Yea Forums after all..



I like him, he's got spunk.

descendants of sun goddess>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>||>>>>>>>>>>>>desert niggers

> Money can't bring the dead talents back, mate
And this is why it is the last chance to give them the tribute.

They can donate all the money they want, but it will never bring back the dead people. So I don’t see the point in this fundraiser, KyoAni has to disband.

>Money can't bring the dead talents back, mate
With enough money and few people that worked in the production line and remained is possible to reverse engineering at least the animation process, of course that's just one portion of what Kyoto Animation was but that's enough in my opinion

>it's not an easy question to answer desu
Seek help, fucking schizo

They very clearly said they wouldnt do this

See If that's pointless for you, then you're in the same mindset of someone about to arson a building you fucking mongoloid.

It's to help the grieving families, this has been explained numerous times.

Dying is fucking expensive in first world countries.

KyoAni isn't going to disband.

What fucking novel idea could a 41 year old madman come up with that a moe slice of life anime studio would feel compelled to steal?

I feel more worried about my family when they leave the house.

Install air vents. Most people died from carbon monoxide poisoning, not burning.

Nigga, the animators who died had absolutely fuck all to do with it. If he MUST take justice in to his own hands, then he should've only targeted the director involved in stealing his work, assuming that even happened which isn't confirmed.

He probably didn't know who it was that he thought stole his idea. More importantly, he is literally crazy.

Not everyone is poorfag like you, user.

Hopefully some of the money goes to data preservation.

Are you fucking retarded? We don't even know what his idea was, let alone whether it was actually stolen. And no, plagiarism is not fucking worth more than 30 people dying a horrible death.

>what is paying for funeral expenses
>what is paying for any personal debts these people may have had
>what is ensuring that any of their dependents will have some money until they get back on their feet
I swear you have to be 12 years old to actually invoke the "but it won't bring back the dead" line of thinking

>Implying this isn't just the ploy of Sentai to take the last bit of money from KyoAni since they wont produce anything anymore for them
Fucking disgusting
Fuck kikes

Janice is BASED

No shit captain obvious, money can't bring back dead people but it can help the survivors and families of the deceased.

>Just donated my annual incoming like that
Someday it will be my turn.

How are they still alive? Did they get bought out? What do they have license?

Tarrant did nothing wrong

Attached: 1544318320479.jpg (2850x3525, 2.79M)

Chinese worship KyoAni.

>same state as AT&T
Holy shit.

Show Must Go On. Netflix TV series about KyoAni when?

Attached: pray for kyoani.jpg (1237x480, 67K)


I wish i had money to buy this all.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 01 [1080p].mkv - 09;22;06.369.jpg (1920x1080, 737K)

KyoAni unironically is Amaterasu official anime studio

Attached: file.png (600x600, 165K)

>KyoAni has to disband.
not happening.

Money isn’t for Kyoani but the victims and their families.

Funerals cost $25,000 in Japan.

tfw want to get the Liz limited edition BD but there's no stock

Note the goscamme doesn’t say how the money will be spent, it should go to the vitcums family’s, period. But it won’t. Sentai’s interest is to help the studio not the family

They'll need to flambé a few more employees to use up $1.8 million.

Was this drawing made for the fire?

I think that, just in case you're not trolling, your post should be reported to the authorities so you can get the help you obviously need, and of course to prevent you from taking similar measures should you ever feel slighted by some person or company in the future.

Attached: file.png (1838x1136, 1.88M)

Attached: file.png (1134x1200, 1.79M)

>located in the same state

Attached: 1504500548720.png (314x278, 129K)

Attached: pray for kyoani 3.jpg (1035x1200, 954K)

>no u

this was set up by sentai dumbass, kyoani isn't begging

Attached: file.png (758x1200, 1.25M)

Attached: file.png (1200x838, 1.12M)

ever heard of the clinton foundation?

Attached: file.png (934x1200, 1.32M)

Does Japan not have insurance or something? Why are people treating this like a disaster in a 3rd world country?

Attached: file.png (1200x654, 617K)

I like how this was set up within minutes. I wonder how much winds up getting pocketed by Sentai? Should've been smart about it and do it in a way where nobody can see how much money was being made so you can present them with a "generous sum" while keeping 90% of it.

What the fuck are you even talking about? The shop is completely digital. They just sell high res drawings and art for download

Just replace oxygen with helium, bro.
Fire needs oxygen to burn, and you won't notice the helium anyway.

When you`ll die, you`ll die alone and no one will mourn you. Your body will be incinerated and your ash burried in inconspicious grave no one ever visited. No one will take note of your death same way no one took note of your living.

So different, from people that others actually care about, truly miss, mourn and will remember - those KyoAni martyrs who ascended to Sainthood and became grim part of KyoAni Legend.

>is burning people alive justified
What kind of retarded question is that? I bet 90% of the dead were just animators and random personnel. Would you shoot the fry cook because the McDonald's CEO stole your big Mac recipe?

Congrats on being the most retarded person on all of Yea Forums in 2019.

Does insurance even cover arson? Insurance companies are obligated to their shareholders to do everything in their power to get out of paying.

Argon is better since it's heavier. Helium will work but it'll be harder to use since it won't blanket an area but kinda just flush it out then dissipate very quickly.

>open a GoFundMe
>accept all the money
>write check for equal amount to kyoani to disperse
>get a FAT tax refund or discount because it's a charitable donation
>redditors and normies praise you
I would hate them if I wasn't so envious. All this shit is just a game to these corporations.

>gave my money away to pwn the Yea Forums incels!!

That's not how taxation works you fucking child.

What the fuck are you on about? I'm talking about insurance. If I get shot at work I'll get a 2 million dollar payout from my company at minimum. It's called insurance. Does Japan have it or not?


But considering the circumstances, they'd be inviting someone to arson one of their buildings.

>the 50 dead from the christchurch mosque shootings.
Good riddance to bad rubbish

Except that's literally exactly how it works you fucking mongoloid. Do you think corporations do charity drives out of the goodness of their hearts? Corporations are entities designed to maximize profit. If they have to pretend to be empathetic to do so, they'll fucking do it. Graduate middle school before replying to me

Anything that leads to property damage or injury to personnel is covered by insurance. That's why insurance exists. If Doug opens up a bagel shop and his employee loses her hand in a toaster, he will owe her money. Without insurance he's fucking bankrupt. With insurance, the insurance company pays her and Doug's premiums are increased. Is this board full of actual children or something?

If insurance in Japan is anything like in the States the insurance company will pull every underhanded trick they can to try and get out of doing the thing they're paid to do.

Not that guy, but you're clearly wrong here. In order for them to claim it as a donation, they'd have to first book it as revenue which would more than offset any tax benefits they get from the donation. It's accounting 101.

There are special accounts for that. It doesn't have to be recorded as direct business revenue to count towards a tax credit. Take accounting 102 next time

I doubt it. This incident is so high-profile. It'd be like an insurance company denying a claim in the U.S. after a school shooting: the shitstorm would be enormous.

Nah insurance here pays out pretty well especially during disastrous events. Regardless, running a business without being insured is incredibly irresponsible.

>Graduate middle school before replying to me
How ironic. You're a fucking idiot if you think that's how tax works in this case.

Insurance companies don't exactly have a great reputation as is. PR isn't all that important to them.

Pretty fucking sure you don't pay your own taxes or manage it. This is fucking basic shit and you fucked it up.

You don't need to be a CPA to realize how retarded this is. You can only claim a charitable deduction on money that was originally yours and in order to claim that money to need to record a taxable event.

Based, and I repeat, BASED retards.

>t. underage b& who's still stuck in highschool and hasn't worked a day in his life but read some article about tax once on the internet

>gofundme by sentai
Kyoani hasn't endorsed them yet, so if you're skeptical, wait until they've been endorsed. It's not like they need the money immediately.
Or you can just buy digital products off the site and give the money directly.

Someone should tell Mr.Beast about this, he could donate 100m easy.

KyoAni threads are so dead. Has Yea Forums moved on?

I live on a third floor. I probably should consider buying one.
I also have an oak growing close to my balcony. I wonder if I can use it as an emergency escape route if I prepare beforehand.

It's 3 AM in burgerland, don't worry your regularly scheduled shitposting, hindsight, and retardation will start back up again eventually.

There's been no new info. People can only rehash old posts so much. Most of the people who actually care are waiting for updates/casualty list; what's left is just crossboarders and /pol/fags complaining about "da joos."

Once we get a list of names, there'll be more mourning -- although frankly, at this point, I think people have pretty much inferred the status of the people they care about.

go back brainlet

Attached: 1554227772692.gif (540x304, 957K)

Go to bed you fucking child. You're not allowed to talk when you ain't paying for shit.

>The GoFundMe is intended for the victims
Did you even read its description?

That is so fucking sad to hear. Never donated to anything, this case is special.

Did you even listen to the television interview with Ledford?

>burned down together with the building.
It's literally in a different city. Studio 1 is in Fushimi, the rest of Kyoani's buildings, including the merch shop, are in Uji.

They will take as moluch of the money as they possibly can for "administration"
If you want to support them buy merch
If you don't want to pay postage so that every cent goes to them they also sell jpegs.

Even in America its fairly high
But in Japan it is obscenely high. It's the least violent country on the planet so shit like this is unprecedented.

Yeah it's way too early to start giving away money.

They should distribute all the arsonists money amongst the victims families.

only retarded 2016 tourists and boomers donated to that shit surely


Attached: 1554399919274.png (620x640, 260K)

Unfortunately the arsonist didn't have any money, he was literally living on neetbucks

>located on the same state as AT&T
What the actual fuck is this supposed to mean?

Littererly nothing of value was lost but I still want to support Kyo after this.


I thought you were memeing but he really is being butthurt on twitter about it.

>he isn't a building sized overweight mechanized warrior who hasn't had sex because his penis was augmented

Attached: I seriously hope you don't keep your augs in the fridge.jpg (250x250, 24K)

>he believes that the money is to rebuild the studio and not for the victims
what a retard

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>Burger charity
You'll be lucky to see more than 50% of that money actually go to the victims. Most will be wasted on "paperwork".

>Only death of Yoko Kano can be more devastating.
I don't think you understand what "devastating" means. Yeah it sucks and I know a lot of people came here in 2004-6 exclusively to post pictures of Konata at the ripe age of 14 while sucking at mammy's tit but the world at large was hardly moved by yesterday. I can think of a dozen man-made disasters that made more of an impact than KyoAni. To say this was the worst fucking thing to ever happen to everyone on this site because it ties in with a lot of the culture is so fucking retarded that I don't know where to begin.

And my disdain for BAAAAAAW THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ledditing aside, yeah, it was fucking horrific, but jesus christ dude

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Fanart for tragedies always feels really inappropriate.

>Muh pain Olympics
Go fuck yourself

Idolfags need to be drawn and quartered.

No one cares about you. Go away.

Ironically, best thing to express my sentiments for KyoAni and hope they`ll rebuild themselves after this disaster, was made by Yamakan himself, for Tohoku earthquake

KyoAni will Blossom again

it's not just you.

Make your bet, KyoAni is

will give us

is everything

and we will be left with

or eventually will be

Either way, its

And KyoAni is

because you adscribe the behaviour of some to a collective whole you've unified into a single fictional person

Yeah, somehow i doubt an anime distributor in texas has the kind of pull a Clinton.

I thought Texas is the capital of conservatives?

Quality post

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just donate some in GoFundMe