That's lewd, Akemi
Danberu Nan-Kiro Moteru?
Will they animate the Kengan crossover, and will it have Ohma and company singing Onegai Muscle?
That's pretty much how a I feel watching this series.
>tfw found out my seiyuufu (Akemi's VA) is a whore who fucked for roles
What's the problem? She's putting in the effort so you can hear her more often.
explain with source or reasoning
They all do. Either get used to it, or come up with a way to delude yourself into thinking it isn't happening like 99% of seiyuufags.
i thought she was pure
she was booty called by an old man during one of her appearances. Said old man also tweeted her name and the kana that represents sucking
More experience is better, a girl trying a blowjob for the first time is cute for the first 5 seconds only, after that it's weeks of terrible blowjobs before she finally manages does well enough for you to even stay hard.
what a whore
And then there's the constant crying and apologizing for not doing a good job that just makes you dread every blowjob but she keeps wanting to try. Virgins are unironically the worst partners.
You should see the Manga
Just teach her how to do it properly, dumbass. Have you read all those hentai doujins for nothing? Use your knowledge.
>REEEEEE how dare women have sex
Have sex, incel.
>Akemi's VA
which akemi are we talking about
Go add another VD to your resume roastie
You're a fucking idiot. All women have sex, and so do all men who aren't complete autistic losers. You're a delusional faggot if you think anyone is """pure""" like 2D girls. And why are you getting jealous over someone you will never meet in your entire life having sex with someone? You people blow my mind sometimes
>Telling a woman how to do something properly and it not leading to a meltdown
You're 100% correct, but do you know where you are?
Normal women love men who know how things should be done, especially when it comes to sex. If she freaks out after you tell her she sucks your dick wrong, well, she's trash then.
Jesus fuck can you autist purityfags stop shitting up this thread already
This is the kind of poster that gets mad when people say they prefer virgins.
But that's fucking hilarious, why would you get mad at some delusional people giving you free entertainment?
There's no reason to prefer virgins unless you're so insecure about your sexual performance that you wouldn't even consider having a partner who could potentially compare you to other men. Having sex is normal, being a virgin is not.
You reek of insecurity.
Sukkiri is just the name of the news program where they accidentally appeared on the screen.
Women hate being compard to other women, so why should men tolerate the same? No hymen, no diamond.
I wouldn't want anything to do with Akemi to not be lewd tbqh
Are you seriously going to reach that conclusion just for those two events? At least provide the tweet in question.
Nothing wrong with a woman fucking for a job. If I could get a comfy VA job I would fuck literally any woman, even a disgusting landwhale. You're just a jealous incel.
>No hymen, no diamond.
Adult virgins are weird, male or female.
let's muscle
why does his shirt say sex instructor? I think this is the wrong gym
there are many ways to get a workout
>He doesn't aim for magic powers
Explain. what workout plan do you use for each muscle group?
Yeah, these purity fags are annoying. I like my women with TONS of experience. Only women I like are the ones who have been with at least 50 partners. That's truley wife material
Imagine caring about how many people your girl slept with before you. I mean you wouldn't expect her to want to be with a virgin, so why should you?
Guys prefer virgins over a woman thats had multiple partners. It hurts roasties to hear the truth, but it's just how it is.
>hurr extremes are the only possible scenarios
We really don't.
T. Guy
as every other successful woman
Ugh. Like, why do you care that you gf has sucked 28 dicks before getting with you? A girls past is irrelvant, creepazoid.
you're getting the wrong referrence, zoomer
this user being cucked by his seiyuufu makes me harder than no other
Do you think they filmed it? That would be hot
This show is Ecchi
you arent fooling anyone, used goods tourist
I came here for the delicious 2D abs, not to see endless 3Dshit talking jesus fucking christ, this poor poor board.
that's not extreme you bigot
50 is quite a lot of mileage desu
it's a joke
this show is really great so far but it kind of makes me sad that Kengan Ashrua isn't getting an equally good adaptation instead of a 3dCG Netflix abomination
Forgive me, I'm German
I worry about STDs. Yuck.
Yuno wasn't perverted like those two.
Sounds like your typical woman.
Is it ok to say "come"(highly sexual stuff) in a kids show?
Define "weird". No social skills? Not unique to virgins. Never go on dates? Many people hardly ever date, even the ones that get laid.
It's almost as if men and women seek different things in their partners, despite women's best attempts to force their standards on men.
If she was alive she would be voicing Akemi, fuck
Is that Shimiken? Holy shit.
He teaches the correct tecnique for mating press
so, where's the proof?
The average japanese doesn't know a shit about english. They just think it looks cool. Same with all the people that had a kanji as tatoo with dubious meaning.
His ass.
>This is actually a JAV
Elevens are so creative
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The virgin gym is three doors down.
>Not wanting to fuck Kittan
You're the fool for having expectations. The correct policy is not "pure until proven slut", it's "slut until proven pure".
I think you meant "precious".
26yo hugless social outcast and soon-to-be NEET
here, >we are definitely weird