Imagine being Oda and getting exposed THIS hard

Imagine being Oda and getting exposed THIS hard

Attached: 24-25.png (1829x1300, 508K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i don't get it

There I summed up this whole thread for you

So is Boichi trying to increase sales for Dr Flop like the Shokugeki no Sanji a while ago? Why are they doing this now?

i have no idea who boichi is

So basically One piece takes place before Dr. Stone and the petrification was someone who used the mero mero no mi on a global scale

It doesn't particularly come from him. It's a series of old chapters redrawn by multiple artists. Boichi was the first.

It's fucking One Piece, I can't imagine that much artists woudn't want to give a try at officially redrawing a chapter of it. Boichi is a workhalcolic who did Origin and Dr Stone at the same time, now that Origin is over he has enough time.

>Why are they doing this now?
22 years OP anniversary. A bunch of renowned artist are gonna redraw some of the most iconic chapters of One Piece in their own style. This was the first one

22th years sounds like a weird number to do such a big project. I would more expect it for the 20th or 25th.

Early Oda > Bochi > trash > late Oda
Drones do not need to reply

> t. guy who just reads OPM with the shitty scans

Nice projecting

I was right Odas artstyle really does ruin Wan Peso

Mihawk is drawn so cool in it.
I wish there were more content with him.
I want to know his story.

Well he fought Shanks (a yonko) on equal terms while he still had 2 arms, after which Shanks (a fucking yonko) was beneath him.

Clearly he's pirate king tier or higher.

>It's a series of old chapters redrawn by multiple artists
>Inb4 they somehow manage to bring Togashi into this
Imagine the shitposting

Attached: 1562512245389.jpg (1004x684, 185K)

Mihawk looks good but I can't unsee the classic Boichi face in Zoro

that would be legit hilarious.

not a surprise, that's almost always the case when a mangaka draws others characters.

To be honest I wanted to see him draw the chapter with his Sun Ken Rock/Origin style.

Attached: 1453756594361.jpg (728x1028, 167K)

Jesus. Do you think he was told to make it half-assed on purpose as to not upstage GODa?

A guy who draws multiple manga at a time without taking breaks just effortless redraws one of Oda's chapters with 1000 times better art.

>they somehow manage to bring Togashi into this
Pretty sure the editor of these chapters can draw stick figures himself

boichi has no talent
could not draw a human without tracing or seeing one irl

>Oda > Bochi
>at any time
Oda is an artlet and Boichi is one of the best in the business

Really? Then why aren't we talking about that guy instead of this fucking Bochi hack?

Not with those ayy faces

Wallmen is so fuckin good and underrated

Why does Pell get a fucking line. Hell why is Pell even in the chapter? Fuck this guy with his fanfiction.


Cause Bochi can only but can't write and he can't draw cute girls.

Don't open it.

Attached: zOjs0C6.png (194x280, 158K)

Can we get a list of artists?

>The greatest swordman in the world is not a Yonkou.
>The coolest shit a Yonkou has ever done (WB's legendary "no wounds on the back" death) is something a third rate swordman like Zolo did hundreds of chapters ago.

WB destroyed the keep with a punch and Big Mom defeated a whole giant village as a kid.

>that ugly ass zoro face like somrt brazilian kid trying to steal apples in the streets

early Oda girls > trash > late Oda girls > Bochi girls

This is the tragedy. I like his art but his writing is so bad.

I thought Boichi was good.Why didn't he draw it like he drew Sun Ken Rock?This just looks like child shit, everyone looks like a manlet.

ohhh god

Can you read?

He'll do the cover and take a 6-month break.

He can't even draw his manga.

There's no list yet but if I have to guess Kishimoto and Shimabukuro will probably draw something since both of them are good friends with Oda. Horikoshi will also be in since he's been a long time fan of the series. Other than that it's everyone guess

Oda has always been a lazy hack

you cheeky bastard

Why Tori dont get to draw?

he probably will do a chapter too. This is a series.

He tried too hard to stick to Oda's style instead of fully using his own style seen in his own stuff, was he not allowed to go all out or something?

Wish he had done his more realistic style, I know he did it cartoony to somewhat fit Oda's style but I think that goes against the point of having other artists drawing your manga

I think he chose not to.

but this isnt the style he wants to draw in. Its a huge pain in the ass. Plus if oda ever did this you wouldn't have weird disproportionate looking people.
It takes all the goofy fun away for realism.

>Implying the events of Dr. Stone aren’t the Void Century

he didn't want to humiliate Oda too much

The end result just looks awkward, mate. You can push all of the manga war bullshit you want, but he honestly should have just played to his strengths instead being to concerned about being authentic

>artist is a perfect fit for HxH
>Togashit is still too big of a faggot to actually hire them

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Is this about Zoro jobbing a few times after he swore to not job ever again?

>It's a series of old chapters redrawn by multiple artists
Can I get a list?

i came to see if Boichi made this because i instanly recognized the art stile.
Would kill to read something written by ODA/Togashi and drawn by Boichi or Murata.

there is none yet.


Its an homage, if he does Sun Ken Rock cosplaying as zoro it would be awful and disrespectful.
He should maintain some base.

Those shots were absolutely necessary

Why would it be disrespectful?I remember the last time they did something similar to this everyone did it in a completely different style to Oda's

if you could see another chapter of a manga be redrawn by someone else what would you want?

Unless you gay, if that's the case shut the fuck up.

Lucci vs Luffy fight by Miura

I wan't Togashi and the Berserk faggot to hire people so they can finish their shit and i can start reading it.

The fun of this project is seeing all these iconics events redrawn in different art styles.

I want to see Araki redraw any random fight from Ippo
It'd be fucking ridiculous looking

I can't explain to you why if you don't understand from the get go, but everybody else will tell you that it is.

Not the same user but while I wouldn't call it disrespectful I would call it boring, just like those X mangaka draws Y mangaka's series tribute images tend to be boring when it's just characters from the former cosplaying as the latter's. The tribute Kubo did for Kishimoto years ago is the first example that comes to mind but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

Now i want Itagaki to do the Dio Vs Jozuke fight.

*jotaro, brain fart.

When will Luffy surpass Mihawk?

Attached: D29U.png (1772x1300, 1.38M)

So he's just like Oda then

The Japs love dubs.

I don't get it.

Why doesn't Bochi just re-draw Oda's One Piece like how Murata re-draws ONE's One Punch Man?

cause he dosent want to live in odas shadow for the rest of his life

That's not even comparable. One Punch Man's webcomic wasn't serialized, it was a hobby project.

>artist is a perfect fit for HxH

Great, now I can't unsee it

Attached: spy x family.jpg (735x1080, 192K)

I don't remember that page from Spy x Family. From where is from?

Sure the art looks really nice, but Mihawks felt more casual in the original. Also looks generic as fuck also the attack Mihawks used in Oda's version is an actual fencing move, Boichi fucks it up[/spioler]

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-07-20 à 10.27.56.png (1299x502, 505K)

Is boichi doing more? It would be cool to get a version without the trash and better artwork

Attached: 1560546917601.jpg (532x596, 53K)

>Is boichi doing more?

actually looks like shit, more lines and detail are enough to fool brainlet into thinking this is good because they can't understand paneling or style.

>The tribute Kubo did for Kishimoto
They looked distinct enough. On the other hand, Araki's tribute, now that was cosplay

I didn't look it up before posting but I remember Naruto looking like Ichigo with a wig.
I thought the Araki tribute was funny, more than anything.

I did some fencing in the past and immediatly saw it, the pose he did looks like Mihawk is falling.

Attached: escrime1-370x280.jpg (370x280, 6K)

Naruto had huge eyes for Kubo's style, Orochimaru didn't look like anyone in bleach

Attached: 1563632929301.png (1805x502, 683K)

>Oda's version is an actual fencing move
Anymore real martial arts moves in OP?

Sure, my bad.
Replace that example with whatever you prefer, same difference.

It was the one-shot

One Piece's art is actually serviceable enough, even if it could be better.
The OPM webcomic is an absolutely amateurish zero effort trash.

One is what happens when somebody with mid tier talent starts drawing at a late age as a hobby

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-07-15 à 16.20.39.png (600x421, 205K)

Brook uses fencing as well

this chapter is back when one piece had soul

None of the main cast looked good. Mihawk was the only improvement.
Probably trying to get a boost in ratings since the anime just released.

You mean like now?

Attached: 16-17.png (1840x1300, 764K)

How fucking cool would it be if Araki did the katakuri fight.

This looks like garbage.
So much clutter on the characters, you can barely tell what's happening in the first panel.

>you can barely tell what's happening in the first panel.
If you have brain damage maybe

I swear he just traces $2 blowup dolls for women's faces.

>My ability is「mochi」
>「Rubber」can't beat 「mochi」
>Eh? What's that? Your mom is real bitchy?

I wanna see fujimoto do the chapter where Zoro gets btfo by Kuma. Let's just redraw every chapter where Zoro is nearly killed

I'm fucking still waiting for Oda to introduce a Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether. I'm at far end of my tether, Oda

Do you think Oda's a fan of Poe?

Obviously, a story like that would be right up his alley, but it is from different hemisphere and century.

there's nothing special about this

early one piece was good because it was very clean and neat both in terms of artstyle, designs and setting, and because things were actually new so they mattered instead of everything just being a massive retread with flanderized strawhats and the same cast of oppressed villagers every time

luffy vs arlong was much more emotional and suspenseful than an attempted assassination of the like third strongest pirate on the planet. Hell, did sanji gain even one molecule of character development from that arc?

Two centuries, even, but yeah, i have to imagine Oda in his 20+ years creating entire crews and armies and royalties and nations and governments has been searching for names and references and come across the insane asylum short story from Edgar Alan Poe. Add on top of the reference to Aragi's "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" to include E.A. Poe + Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether (especially considering the source material and the bizarre naming structure with intention)...I can't believe neither Oda or Aragi haven't used 'em yet. ESPECIALLY, HOLY FUCK ESPECIALLY Aragi since that's got Alan Parsons Project RIGHT THERE!!!!! It's just what I need to make me feel better!!

I'm starting to think I'm a chicken. Or cheese. C'mon, humor me, Oda/Aragi.

Attached: TalesOfDeathAndDementia.png (780x438, 828K)

>Would kill to read something written by ODA/Togashi and drawn by Boichi or Murata.
Dear Lord, no. They're great, but Boichi lacks simplicity and Murata lacks rawness.

>people caring this much if the covers look better than the originals

Happens in music all the time too, plenty of covers that are better than the original artist/song. Doesn't diminish the original.

People have different preferences when it comes to style/art, no sense in squabbling about which is better. Just hope they pick some dope chapters for redraws and that they do a good job.

Nah i bet i could beat that Zoro in a fist fight.

>If you have brain damage maybe
how to spot a fucking Oda cum-guzzler 101
One Piece literally amps up the clutter during Fishman arc, and its been not the same ever since where it literally became style over substance. Who the fuck have fun deciphering scribbles and lines of a clusterfuck that is current OP panels? It's good that Oda had a very distinct style of characters, but when you jam 20 character in a single panel, give them all weird speech tic, and have the panel being small as fuck, dont blame the reader that nobody can read that shit.

His character development is that he now has a fiancee and he’s fine with cheating on her anyway.

Yes user Oda art has gotten worse that much is an objective fact
>you can barely tell what's happening in the first panel
But if you can't see the big guy exploding on that giant panel you are either completely blind or suffer from brain damage.

PLEASE have Araki do one


Looka better than the actual one to me.


Left Soul

right souless

Any year is a good year to cash in on nostalgia.

There was that old kingdom chapter page that was redrawn by oda and many others.

His writing is fucking phenomenal you retard, he showed this with origin as it was incredible, he just cannot end his series properly and always feel rushed

Oda's best friends are Kishimoto, Shimabukuro, and Takei.
Kishi and Shimabu are probably going to do redraws
But Takei hates Shuiesha for what they did to "Shaman King" so I don't think he would stomach working with them on this project

Origin is by far the worst thing he's written though.
If you want good Boichi writing, some of his H one shots are legitimately funny.

>a disgrace for a swordsman
>not "...a swordman's shame"
Why do people who are retarded insist on TLing?

>Boichi managed to make a come back
>Oh! Great didn't
I miss Air Gear

Attached: 1539793428433.gif (720x404, 1.02M)

Right looks like Mihawk twisted his ankle and accidentally stabbed Zolo

Luffy being consistently shredded now is cool but that's about it.

He's doing the Monogatari manga now


Now imagine ayylmao Nami and Robin

this, it's already pretty embarrassing

we don't need to imagine

It's nice and all but I wish he'd do another urban fantasy series with a crazy plot and godly art again.

Attached: 13.png (835x1200, 325K)

>Yes user Oda art has gotten worse that much is an objective fact
But it hasn't, retard

left: talentless hack

right: master

This thread is proof Oda's art is an amazing pleb filter

Can't unsee now.

I'm glad Boichi drew a chapter with no girls in it.

>one of the best in the business
If you can't even draw women you only deserve to be called average.

Yeah, if you think his post-TS art is acceptable in any way you immediately identify yourself as a pleb.

Attached: what is paneling.png (1752x1300, 2.17M)

If you really had problems reading these then you should get your head checked.

I actually enjoyed revisiting this chapter and the redraw.

Excited for the "I want to live" redraw and wondering who the artist will be.

That's super basic paneling, you might have brain damage if you have trouble reading this.

>Horikoshi One Piece girls soon

Attached: DgJU8zVX4AI1yt5.jpg (540x750, 67K)

I'm pretty sure the paneling intentionally has reactionary images around the main panel. Basically encompassing Oden's story.

But the redraw was super awkward, Boichi was unable to portray anybody but Mihawk consistently well. Even Zoro had problems when he actually swung his swords around.

Don't even see how anyone could honestly defend OP's art. It always has been - and still is, trash. Really no debating that. Probably the biggest turn off to most people wanting to get into it, that or the stupid premise of Luffy being a huge retard with stretching limbs as a power.

how will poor Oda ever recover.

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Give up on manga if this is the biggest complaint you have.

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Pleb filtered

boichis art is skillful but in the context of one piece lacks the aesthetic need that oda can pull off.

I love shit like this. When everyone was drawing jojo characters a while back was so damn cool.

Which are the iconic chapters that need to be covered?

Attached: One Piece v9-202.jpg (999x1500, 317K)

it was really weird reading One Piece again from the beginning, the layout for each page is much less busy and I prefer to his current style

I drew some red line does that make me smart?

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Zoro vs Mr 1, Enies Lobby, Zoro and Kuma, Chopper and his dad last one Ace's death

The panels mirroring the smileys on his hat get me every time.

Attached: ace.jpg (1443x1080, 330K)

imagine being such a dr.drone that you can't recognize that the original version of this chapter outclasses this remake in composition, paneling, flow, and facial expressions

No, because half of what Toriyama into what his manga is... Is as simple as the fact there is 3D motion in the pages
For most manga you have trouble telling the movement, even has that problem.
For Dragonball that movement is so good it translated very very well to TV, which is half the reason why the show is so popular.

For a lot of manga, reading 2 pages can be amazing, since there is a lot of mirror elements when the mangaka is good.

Attached: DBZ_Kaioshins_admittinghisjobberstatus_chapter452.jpg (1024x1530, 1.09M)

Boichi drew this with his foot.

Looks like dr stone.
Is this the same guy?


Oda has a decipherable mess, some of the blame is with the cleaners, but for what the fuck is going in this scene tier, look to current DGM during a battle.

>Probably the biggest turn off to most people wanting to get into it
Clearly not that big of a problem if it still became the most successful manga ever

Hotel had some good short stories.

>in their own style
In what way? Looks like Oda's style to me.

Luffy fighting Usopp for the role of captain was the best scene about the series.
Series is usually comically stupid but that was a well written part.

In their own ART style, bud.

i want to see someone do a remake of the ringing of the bell at the end of skypiea but i don't know who

i don't understand how boichi struggles so much with female faces

A better question might be to ask what chapters would each artist excel at covering? Though I agree they need to be rather climactic chapters.

Which artist do you want to see draw the "I want to live!" scene? Either Fujimoto or Hori for me.

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Luffy's power being dumb is one of the reasons the comic worked so well, authors who always want their characters to be cool and never silly or emotionally vulnerable are lame as fuck.

He wants to make them pretty. He then overcompensates a hundred times over, and instead makes aliens.

He also drew mihawks hand big as fuck, the left one at least.
He lso cant draw drapery right, the way he folds clothing is fucking weird.

Boichi is a great artist undoubtably, but i think i prefer Oda as an artist, especially for One Piece. his more simplistic style fits the tone more and on top of that the way Boichi draws the wood and water in this chapter is a total ugly clusterfuck. i get that some of it is from speed lines but it looks like shit and i dont think it conveys quite what Boichi wanted to convey

Attached: iouyt.jpg (497x719, 101K)

Not a lot of action, I know, but I'd really like to see Blackbeard's introduction

Attached: blackbeard one piece a man_s dream never dies.gif (500x576, 100K)

I'm more bothered by how Mihawk's jacket/cloak isn't flowing in the redraw. It's very blockish.

Ironically, despite how goofy Luffy looks, this page hit me like a ton of bricks

Attached: one piece ace death.png (658x962, 206K)

Zoro vs Ryuuma is a single chapter, and I'd say a better swordfight than Mihawk was.

Of course, only retards that haven't read OP complain about the artstyle incessantly. Anyone who's read it could tell you that it's great.

The walk to the park.
Remembering Dad.
Ringing the bell.
The duel for the ship.
Burning the flag.
Ace's death.

I just finished rereading One Piece from the start. Why did Oda degrade so much at drawing and story writing post time-skip? Old age?

Oh!Great's current manga sells better than Boichi's.

That's what makes it so powerful. It's raw and ugly and inappropriate. It's the face of a broken, shattered Luffy with not thought given to making him look cool or badass, just trying to convey the pain he's feeling and nothing else.


>look at mihawks legs in the right side
>people praise that

>implying Togashi won't join in

Attached: tohackisubmitstogoda.gif (400x300, 83K)

Beneath him in an organised sword duel. Shanks will obviously have a lot more power from elsewhere and his crew is obviously monstrous

I'd have loved to see more of Nami from Boichi :

One Piece knows that crying and being traumatized looks ugly as shit.

He forgot how to draw several of the Strawhats until Punk Hazard started.

Whichever retard drew this made zolo look 12

I was rereading this yesterday, and it confirmed to me just how flagrant shitposters are. The actually emotional part of this scene is right before.

Attached: ace death.png (1520x1200, 2.45M)

How many of these redrawn chapters are out? I'm not really into OP but different artists' take on other manga is my fetish.

You just described Oda user.

This is the most retarded post in Yea Forums history since 2015

I unironically do not get why Togashi refuses to have a ghost artist at this point. Fucking Japanese culture and pride ruins everything.

This is the first one, there will be more later.

Looking at these faces, you can tell he understands certain fundamentals about perspective and anatomy. The nose is properly a trapezoidal prism and the mouth is rounded and wraps around the face, not just sitting flat as if the face is just one side of a cube. The eyes are shallow (more typical of asian facial features) but they are still sunken in a bit compared to the brow. Boichi clearly knows how to draw (men), and is a good artist.

So why the fuck does he draw ??? I get that he wants to deviate the look from masculinity, but the nose has almost no human facial planes, the mouth sits flatly on the face and she has no lips at all, and those eyes are awkwardly huge and don't sink into the face at all compared to the brow. Usually when you go for the anime huge eyes aesthetic, thats consistent between men and women of the same age (dragonball, evangelion, etc), but here the difference is alarming. Boichi knows the planes of the human face and draws the men pretty well, but why not the women?

Attached: Planes of Face.jpg (1584x1224, 283K)

second one should be Like others said, this just looks like a blow up doll

LOL Oda wasn't in his prime at that point and he still did it better.

>quotes a Daiz post
what are the odds

This was Oda's prime you retard.

>Boichi frequently states that he prefer drawing girls than dudes
>gave him a chapter with no females in it
Why is Shueisha so cruel to him?

Fuck no, bitch. Prime Oda is now.

Stop gurgling Oda's cum for a minute and open your damn eyes.

Oda's art peaked at Skypiea.

So why is he so shit at drawing girls?

All of you take notes on Skypeia through Enies lobby was peak artwork. Before that was awkward and after that is too cluttered and feels rushed.


Mihawk broke his right foot

>Imagine being ONE and getting exposed THIS hard by Murata

Attached: the bait.jpg (262x193, 15K)

Why has no one posted the original to compare this shitty copy to?

nice thumbnail, booger face

Looks like gantz

Because as much of a good artist he is, he's also a shitty otaku

Oda was barely out of using rulers to draw log cabins for houses at that point.

Is he still drawing that weird manga about people with holes in their hands and the two male friends get fused? Or did that end?

>togashi, miura, and inoue all participate in this without saying a word about their own works

Attached: 1562878072855.jpg (470x470, 31K)

The editors put in references to their own works because that's how advertising works.

Right that'll take about a decade to complete.

boichi didnt even writted that one, he had a writter for that and enven then that was one of his worst works, whit that rushed ending and all i cant bealive you actually are defending boichi whit one of his worst jobs