Shingeki no Kyojin

Magath and Pieck deserve to win against Shitmin, too bad he is a boring stu and will convince them. Shitmin kills the hype in the manga! Erwin should have lived!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Poor Jean!


I miss Yumiru

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Kys peruanism sp**

Show me one single moment in the manga where Annie cared about Bert. Just one.

Nice. You should paste this face on every single pic the peruanism sp** posts.

What if Isayama wrote Erwin to become Douglas MacArthur

Reunion when?

Attached: 1560960622938.jpg (800x1200, 455K)

>replying to yourself~

>Isayama said that highschool AU is how characters would be in real life
>Armin is Gesumin in there while Bort is a irrelevant cuck
>He was also Gesumin in the manga up to RTS when he became the colossal

Attached: 1560843421314.png (900x593, 446K)

Bert or Erwin would have improved the manga. Armin hurts the manga

Yeah, no I'm as autistic as you.

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Erenbros, I know you've been highly disappointed in Eren but you must have faith in humanity's savior, Armin Arlert. He WILL be able to pull Eren back from his genocidal madness. For now, we must stand strong against the Marleyan assult.

Attached: 1556158911875.png (1378x904, 728K)

Lmaooo Pedomin you hate them the most, only Erwinfags should support Eren! Pedomin is boring!

Based globalistbro

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Note that any outspoken armongfag is a baiter.
No one in their right mind likes armong.
Ignore and hide armong falseflaggers post.

Reiner survives The Rumbling, also here is a random Based

>random Based
Based here have a refreshment user.

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40 something baiters and falseflaggers voting?

>main source of power comes from turning their subjects into giant castrated monsters, described by Ymir as being in an endless nightmare
>technologically stunted
>on the brink of defeat even after having an 1800 year headstart via magical eugenic powers
>rulers decided to waste it on giant monsters
>greatest cultural achievement is a poop machine designed for torture
e*doids are pathetic

Attached: 1547368795138.jpg (950x1381, 277K)

Isayama has already confirmed that the final will be about Eren/Reiner. Fuck Armong

God imagine dealing with didanwhisperer and the peruanism sp** at the same time for 3 years straight. Good riddance.


Shitnnie is a preserved corpse

Attached: 1534661109237.jpg (1028x1532, 472K)

and Bort got BTFO really hard in one of the few top tier moments of the entire story, good riddance

>Ymir died off screen
also based

The only shit part of it all is Armong living instead of Erwin, but I can take it.

Slutnie dead soon without any plot relevance
Anniefags on suicide watch

>SergeantMajorGross (pedofag)


are you having a stroke or something?

Attached: 1536301272038.png (167x314, 53K)

>*guzzles on old man cum*
"I thought I heard the wind. Paradis cocks are really good!!"

Look at how much of a lifeless husk he is without the AT's will, and how dumbfounded he is when he has his peace and freedom. Eren is a mindless wardog, a slave to trying to wriggle free from chains and shackles. That's the only thing he knows how to do

Attached: 1559282869832.jpg (366x832, 176K)

>Spergrenautist having a stroke
Your fave is dead

>unironically thinking Eren died
low iq

Even if he is (he isn't) he didn't go out like this, or off fucking screen LMAO.

Attached: 1520275295519.png (728x984, 612K)

Edgen Uchuuniha was even bigger hype killer. Thank GODbi that she was able to put an end to the adventures of Sir Erekose the pussywhipped, who was 4 years late of leaving his chuuni phase

Attached: 1554398300908.png (1448x2800, 3.81M)

>Spergrenautist coping
Your fave has been killed lile a little bitch by a 12yo girl when his ass has been saved by JC.

>gets shot by a girl
Feels bad to be a Spergrenfat

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Don't procreate if you're (((ELDIAN))). The race guilt is there for a reason.

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Do you like Gabi because you're also 12? You type like a child.

You need to be reported for being underage.

What if i want to procreate with Eldians though?

Attached: What happens when you nut inside Best Girl.jpg (636x415, 55K)

Can't wait for another ,,Grim reminder fags are retards'' and ,,Ymir is alive'' collage but this time with ,,Eren is dead'.

Attached: lover_2.0.jpg (5944x1084, 2.64M)

Ignore him. Spergrenautists love Eren because they can relate to a manchild like him


That was almost a direct quote from the manga? AAAAAAHHH SAVE ME is Berthold's last line.

Or "the pages of Eren losing his head are fake. delet them" collage

Hate sex chapter inbound.


>gopnikslut is here

Reminder that Zecuck is a cucked, bootleg JRPG villain

Attached: 1556322369383.png (767x581, 847K)

Screencapped to laugh at you when it turns out he transferred his consciousness to his foreskin

That was Berthold's last line, speedreader

One of last lines then.

Still better than dying like a bitch with no lines, mercilessly killed by a 12yo girl

Are you ready for dub Gabi?

Attached: 1533277815761.gif (156x282, 31K)

Reminder that Armin would have tried to talk to Mikasa's kidnappers.


Eren getting his head blown off by Gabi is pretty fucking funny, don't get me wrong, but thinking he's dead is unironically a low IQ move.

As is assuming I'm somehow an Erenfag because I laughed at Bort. At this point I have no fucking idea who I'm even rooting for since Erwin is long dead.

I mean every collage showing people in denial is fun, im rooting for Eren but it was fucking hilarious to see him get 360 no scoped.
You have to be a real retard to attach yourself to a single character in any piece of fiction.
I like EDGEren Uchiha as much as the fearsome GAB.
You also have to be a retard to assume that only 1 person can post a image on a anonymous board.
Started posting the first version cause it shows nice parallels between them with lover lyrics ironically cause you schizos always assume its the same poster but the 2.0 edit is mine.
I'm in the foreskin camp retard.

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RB confirmed

Oh look, another thinking he is fighting with an Erenfag and not with the armonfag

This. He's not original and overhyped. Hopefully he'll die soon.

>gopnikslut is the BAs***

No, but he would seduce them

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What if Eren died for real? That would be a based and powerful move.

Only if SL pay for being useless and Gabi sees the Braus are in danger by Marley

>Do not understand the Zekechad's magnificence.

Attached: 1560264029889_2.png (740x402, 457K)

How delusional are you?
Bort died like a bitch and I've been posting him getting munched and crying for months.

Attached: a_-_Shingeki_no_Kyojin_-_Anime_&_Manga_-_4chan_-_2019-07-20_13-10-11.png (413x97, 5K)

Not when it leaves a hundred thousand plot holes and would make all the intentional hiding of Eren's POV completely pointless.

>REfujo is the Armongfag

Except he's actually right. Zeke isn't anti-natalist; he's anti-Eldian. You do realize there are humans other than Eldians, right? In fact, there's a whole lot of them! Eldians are a world minority yet pose a disproportionate threat to everyone else with their monstrous powers which they don't even have full control of.

As if that wasn't bad enough, they're also all literally slaves to the holder of the Founding Titan with only a few exceptions that are actually capable of free will. This is why the history of Ymir and her descendants is one full of eugenics and rape: the more people they pump their subhuman seed into, the more permanently genetically bound slaves of the FT there are and the fewer free humans remain.

Frankly, Eldians can't even be considered human. They are the greatest threat to mankind that has ever existed. They're a problem that needs to be solved. Zeke's solution is the most compassionate one there is. The next best would be wiping them out violently. Of course Titan powers aren't fully understood and if the Founding Titan can somehow be used to remove all that bullshit from the Eldian race in such a way that it's truly irreversible (even by future FT holders) then that'd be even better and it'd mean Eldians could be permitted to live, but that's quite a long shot.

No Reinerchad makes fun of Bort unless you're one of those low iq retarded normies who started to like Reiner after the timeskip.

Only the disgusting AAshit would be this hurt by Bort

Based ZekeChad
You see?

Attached: ZekeChad.jpg (754x672, 89K)

Keep guessing armong is also a little bitch and fujos should be gassed.
Reiner was a bretty good and interesting character since his soldier/warrior thing started happening but is subjectively more interesting post timeskip.

EAr reconciliation when?

Attached: D_fZdOrUwAEgQwY.jpg (800x1100, 213K)

Is it me or every character becomes worse with Armin

Reminder that Old Eren > Nu Eren

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>subjectively more interesting
Yeah you have just proven you're one of those low iq retarded normies.

I'm dissapointed fellow gopnikslut, Bort was nice and BR was one of my main ships when he was still alive.

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That's the Armongwhale, who do you think spend so much time posting Bert being eaten alive in every frame

When Armin reverts back to Eren's Gesumi


>(he isn't)

Take that back

Attached: 1556627674678.png (975x768, 553K)

Munched, stomped, destroyed.
Armong is a bitch.
Do you retard realize that its possible to think that Bort died like a bitch and that Armong wanking is the worst thing that is happening to this mango?

Attached: 1549402462686.jpg (598x596, 101K)

That's a scientifically proven fact.

>shits on bort but posts BA related pics
>BAsp** revealing himself
Kys and stop making those threads cancerous

>Eren despite constantly talking shit to other characters refuses to ackowledge any flaw Armin has (even now he just blames Bort for turning Armin into a pussy) and constantly wanks him as the greatest person that has ever existed
>Mikasa abandons everything part of her character that wasn't "muh Eren" because Armin = good and Eren = bad
>Jean isn't allowed to show any kind of leadership skills because Armin is the main strategist
>manlet apparently turns him into Erwin 2.0. because his hopeful eyes see the future with optimism
>Hanji forgets that she was the one that discovered that titans move at night

Oh well, as long as you hate armong you are ok.

Armin being bad is one thing but I don't like how everything adapts to him, like he is never guilty nor responsible of anything and if someone says it
>Ymir did and she died offscreen
>MUH edgy look and being a douche in 112 Eren because hobo Eren would rape Armin with words
>Floch and he kicks puppies and will have a karmatic death Hollywood style

Armong was a mistake

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they've killed every decent waifu

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Why does Isayama wank Armong so much? Does he really want his fanbase to be composed of 30+ autistic virgin landwhales drawing shota?

But the PATHS room is about the EZ conflict

Can you read?
BAsp** is cancer i agree with you that's why i have a bort being munched folder ready.
But it's very hilarious to be called out for being 5 different people already, guess you guys are at 5toubun level of false flags and schizos.

Armong must die

Attached: Attack on Titan - c112 (web) - p031 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg (528x540, 144K)

Isayama is into some kinky stuff

i wonder if the rumble is just an endless titan orgy

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>obsessed with a dead bitch
>posts BA-related pics like the BAsp** would do
No need to hide yourself BAsp**. Not even the author likes BA and your desperate attempts are pathetic.

Didn't the whole "bullied smart weak kid that's brave on the inside" raise any self-insert flags for you?

Though now he says that Eren has become his new self-insert.

>Hanji forgets that she was the one that discovered that titans move at night
This pisses me off so much.

>EZ conflict
I do not see it. There most likely is 'revealed' the true Eren's motive.

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>even now he just blames Bort for turning Armin into a pussy
This triggers me because this downplay characters characterization (the idea of having a better perception and understanding thanks to watch the other side goes to trash) and we spent one year with Reiner who is mentally broken and we never saw any signal of being influenced. Even Eren said that it wasn't Reiner entirely fault, that he had the whole situation of his country and ideals forced onto him and then Reiner says even then it was his own fault
Then you go back to Paradis
>Armin, you are failing now because of fucking Bort
This is bad too because Mikasa despite the autism was very redpilled about survival and was pretty realistic, she even said she learned that thanks to his father hunting. She would say to Armin to stop being delusional

Also hilarious how no one finds Armin talking to the enemy a treason (only Eren but he was ful Shadow the Hedgehog mode)

Armin is the author self insert, of course all characters will go easy on him

(pretty much like Sam in GoT)

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That pic is an aberration in every human sense.
Why even post it.
Why even create it.

>mfw eren is really dead but it doesn't impact the plot in the slightest because corporal death means nothing for shifters

I always knew Hisu was a bitch

Attached: worst girl who ever lived.png (1359x759, 1.59M)

>Eren would rape Armin with words
He did rape Armin with words, it's just that we know that he was wrong because Armin has always wanted to talk things through rather than fight and that of course Armin gets to have the final say by calling Eren a slave.

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Maybe Isayama is into Armongsows?

>become his new self-insert
No, he has always been. Earlier it’s just that Isayama delusional think that he’s like Armin. And now he realized that more like Eren.

Not him, I think Isayama clearly likes and prefers Armin but because of that he gets so overprotective with this character that makes him a worse character. With Eren Isayama feels more brave and risks more, we saw him like that in Marley and getting decapitated
With Armin everything feels too safe, he really adds nothing

This, remember that story he told about how he was jealous of his childhood friend who retained some childish innocence?

I like how Isayama never makes manlet talk to Armin in the timeskip because manlet would just tell Armin to stop being a doll so Isayama literally cut off any interaction between manlet and Armin

Yeah, two years ago he already said the same stuff about being related to Eren before the "I want to be like Armin" interview.

Armin is like Erwin without any of the costly consequences and accountability, so literally a woman

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I do not think that Eren lied to MA, or rather most of what he said was true. Isayama knows how to convey emotions well, and Eren was clearly angry with them when he talked with MA. You can compare his dialogue with Zeke, there Isayama clearly shows that Eren lies visually. But in a situation with MA, the lie lies solely in his words.

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Why is everyone so mad at Armin?

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>mfw it's the only time we'll see Armong being faceraped like that
It's not fair bros.

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I love bort

Attached: bert dead.jpg (819x534, 208K)

He's a shit main and a shit gary stu with no personality.

I agree with you user, but I talked a little about something else. It seems to me that Isayama wants to be like Armin, but he also understands that his dark side is Eren.

He is a bad character.
His writing is awful and hurts other characters development.
He is just terrible.

>AApedo seething
Skroinkmong a shit, landwhale

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That is not true

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That isn't fair, he has got a personality. Just a very shitty and generic one.

>He is a bad character.
>His writing is awful and hurts other characters development.
>He is just terrible.

It's okay Chadminbro, they'll all eat shit when he saves the world

Attached: 80.png (750x980, 332K)

the funniest part is that that was supposed to be Eren's kick the dog moment but fans rejoiced

rent free.

Yeah but Isayama never makes him responsible of anything, he also drags other characters like Mikasa conveniently being a princess who needs to be defended when she was pretty much red pulled on the survival aspect.

>edgen uchiha imagines himself punching like a JoJo stand

Attached: 1556633687564.jpg (1026x1029, 311K)

people like gabi more than armin, enough said

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>the uchihafag was the armonfag
Everything fits, too bad even if Eren is a Gary stu edgy or whatever he is still more entertaining than Armin

Why the hell is Armin vs Bort a thing?

Attached: confused nick young.jpg (800x450, 18K)

>Yeah but Isayama never makes him responsible of anything
What is he responsible of?
>he also drags other characters like Mikasa conveniently being a princess who needs to be defended when she was pretty much red pulled on the survival aspect.
How is this Armin's fault and not Isayama's choice for Mikasa's character?

Always remember the initial reactions when this page was out. Nobody likes Armong.

Because his only function is being Eren's wanker.
All the time.
He gets credited for shit others discovered and could put to use but, because he has to be useful, it's him who makes the final logic leap.
This is so common it's embarrasing by now.
See above

>fans rejoiced
Only on /snk/. The animeonlys that love Armin for some reason will all just start despising Eren just like they hate Floch.

because 7 8 9

It's a fight for the love of a lady

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>Armin would've tried to talk to the captain of the navy instead of blowing everything up
That's how you sound

Historia is cute!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!

I laugh because Isayama tries too had to make Armin the victim but that makes him even more unlikeable

Bert died, so Bertfags had to focus their autistic hatred onto something to cope with the fact that they spent years obsessing with a minor character that barely did anything interesting and Arminfags responded in the same way.

>Because his only function is being Eren's wanker.
Confirmed for being anime only
>He gets credited for shit others discovered and could put to use
Give a few examples please

Because, 7 8 9

Animeonlies are speedwatchers and wankers.
Who cares what they think.

>>Isayama said that highschool AU is how characters would be in real life
When did he say that. I only remeber him for example saying he enjoed writing bitchy Historia the most

>Anne would rather get gangbanged by older men than ever approach these two
BA vs AA is like seeing two dudes fighting for a sociopathic slut with her own preferences already settled. It's funny.

Attached: 0097-002.jpg (1067x1600, 498K)

You can't hide from me, user. Now everyone will know you were 5 seconds too late.

Armin would have talked to the traffickers and they would've kidnapped his shota ass too. Accept it, Arminfag.

Attached: e9f5d02d6e5f61ab23f297cae9da1042.jpg (460x592, 52K)

>minor character
He was listed as a main in the manga
>barely did anything interesting
Did you skip RTS?

>peruanism CREATURA(two devices)

>this is what anons mean when BAsp** see Armin talking to Annie's crystal as a victory because it makes their autistic crack ship seem more valid

He just needs someone to ignite those violent feelings in him again.

Attached: 1531241578983-1.jpg (274x372, 63K)

What was the meaning of this?

Attached: ZLkcRzS.jpg (580x1948, 451K)

>He was listed as a main in the manga
So were Udo and Onyankopon

>Did you skip RTS?
No, and finally growing a spine and taking action just to job four chapters later and die two chapters after that did not make for any good characterization.

He was just there to be MUH DREAM to Eren, once that was accomplished he has done nothing.
>Hanji discovered titas don't walk at night
>The boulder was already a contingency plan but somehow impossible to implement just because
>The traitors already were discovered to be on the 104
>"Lel bort, you have to tell Annie how you feel" "I suddenly remember bort has the hots for Annie even when this was barely relevant ever"

>I'm just a poor innocent girl that has always hated murder. This is all Eren's fault and I wish everyone could get along just like the brave and wise Armin says

Attached: snk-10-27.jpg (1066x1600, 790K)

Eren is not nice, her true feelings know that but her ackerutism prevents her from having bad thoughts about him.

I really wonder if the SteinsGate/Zero Escape memes can be applied to Mikasa in the sense that Eren has been the one trapped in a loop and doing things different but everytime Eren does that Mikasa's brain hurts because of the new memories forced onto her Ackerman blood
I don't remember if it was Steins Gate or another series about time traveling but the character suffered headaches and bleeding because his brain was constantly creating new memories

Attached: Headaches.jpg (1071x1117, 395K)


>hobo Eren would rape Armin with words
95% of 112 a verbal thrashing, user. And the fight broke out because Armin couldn't handle it and threw the first punch, not the other way around. I also seriously don't get all this hoboren wank, lately: it's not a different fucking character, it's Eren.

What do you mean by main character and interesting things?
>inb4 Zecuck who worships the most pathetic and despicable character in this manga ever

>Eren is not nice
off topic but girls who suffered from abuse usually hates people who didn't help them more than the abusers themselves. It's too soon to talk but I didn't like that part, she avoided a whole life of rape and abuse, who cares if Eren was nuts, that's it was saved her. With Armin or any moral fag she would have been fucked and abused till she broke. Unfortunately it might be this
I don't like Mikasa adapting to Armin

If dubs Eren wins

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>He was just there to be MUH DREAM to Eren, once that was accomplished he has done nothing.
It wasn't just Eren's dream, it's a journey that they both shared. And the journey towards that dream is one that they did together.
>Hanji discovered titas don't walk at night
>The boulder was already a contingency plan but somehow impossible to implement just because
>The traitors already were discovered to be on the 104
>"Lel bort, you have to tell Annie how you feel" "I suddenly remember bort has the hots for Annie even when this was barely relevant ever"
It seems to me that you are reaching. No one attributes the merit of those things to Armin(except last one, which honestly i don't see the problem you have with it), if anything he just helped other people.

>The boulder was already a contingency plan but somehow impossible to implement just because
By who? I remember Armon mentioning the bolder first?

Let the dead rest in peace

Attached: bort crying.gif (500x288, 790K)

will chapter 120 have the first sex scene in the series?

Attached: 1563565969191.jpg (720x720, 47K)

Was it? Everyone cheered everywhere and there were memes all over the place, not just on Yea Forums. But then wounded EMAfags woke up a week later and cried for the entire month whining about muh Eren Uchiha.

>SNK not only rips off Muv-Luv's post apocalyptic premise with mechs(shifter=flesh mech) fighting a mysterious abominable force while dealing with geo-political conflicts with humans, but has time loops as well

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>Armin killed my dog and ate my grandma

>I didn't like that part, she avoided a whole life of rape and abuse, who cares if Eren was nuts, that's it was saved her.
It still doesn't make Eren less of a psychopath and she knows it.

didn't he kill Mikasa's rapists when he was a 5 year old child?

he didn't have the AT back then

Attached: momsgonnafreak.jpg (476x455, 58K)

It's a nice change after you spend threads crying about MUH Erenfags or MUH hongoloids. Hope this post didn't trigger more Gabi posting to cope


Attached: 1563503624863.jpg (837x1280, 130K)

Too late
I don't even hate Gabi but Gabifags always do this shit

>5 year old child?
10 maybe

>There is only one person against me falseflagging as 15 different people
Seek mental help

I think Bert has a lot of waster potential. I'll never understand why Isayama privileges the same boring fights with the most obvious outcome when he can flesh out his own characters more.
>inb4 BAsp*c
I like Bert but everybody has been more or less wasted by the plot.

Attached: 0085-002.jpg (1067x1600, 529K)

Just like he tried to talk to the Marleyan fleet?

So now we can agree that Isayama's character writing is shit?

Eren was 9 you retarded speedreader. It's possible for him to kill 2 bandits if he handles his surprise attack well enough.

Eren has always been an unhinged sociopath and absolute madman

Attached: 1563431668330.png (800x615, 202K)

>others made me do it and I'm angry now!

>Did Bert have potential
>Do i wanna get more panels of Bert going from a pussy to being capable of speking for himself while in the middle of the Marley arc
Hell no

>imagine being this mad and dead

Attached: 1563394015403.png (500x601, 161K)

>no colossal Erwin
Fuck Armin honestly

Attached: erwin_smith__titan__form_by_slavik_lee_d6u4y6s-pre.jpg (816x979, 66K)

>Hanji forgets that she was the one that discovered that titans move at night

you need to slowread the post i answered to

Why not fuck Levi or Eren?

Why would he revert to a pussy in the first place? He's one of the rarest characters to show growth before he was killed too fast.

Acknowledging the guy you like is nuts doesn't mean you stop being grateful for him saving you. It just means you stop being delusional about the kind of person he is and treat him as a human rather than some kind of knight in shining armor who can do no wrong and has a heart of gold or whatever idealized image of him you've constructed in your head. That's the first step towards a healthier relationship, even if it involves distancing yourself fr the person.

See? You got hurt again when Im on the side that said Gabi killing Eren made sense. Don't be so mad no one likes your pedoposting and replying to yourself whenever you want to troll other posters.
>in before I'm not replying to my own post
Then you fall for all the baits

Main characters would be people that get a significant amount of screentime, push the story forward by making key decisions and are followed closely by the audience to see them overcome the obstacles that are put in their way.

>interesting things
Things like interactions with other characters, bits that show what drives them to take their actions and how they actively shape and are shaped by the story.

>Erenfags are edgelords and rapists
Dios mio

Isayama said he was tired when writing these last 3 chapters, but many believe it's a redherring and they were just a mass hallucination provoked by Eren's enhanced founding titan powers

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.2234226.jpg (1023x925, 85K)

No dude, it's Armong's influence

>No one attributes the merit of those things to Armin

Attached: snk-84-11.jpg (800x1150, 195K)

>it's a journey that they both shared.
No, he just liked to insert himself into his dream because he was jealous and a ragetard. He cared nothing - zero - about the OSHUN itself.
Nigger, those are examples of wanking writing to make armong seem "smart" in detriment of other characters inteligence.
The aura of ratardation he emits is a thing.
No, it was put there to plug the wall in case of breaching, armong mentions it but it was already a plan.
A stupid one, by the way, because of they can't move it shiftly when the wall is breached why have it in the first place, and second, if no one could move it until Eren, how the hell did they put it there and why the machinery used wasn't present and ready.


Stop crying shitrenfag

There was no one who could EVEN REMOTELY control our Heros Gabi
>didn't need titan powers to survive her 1st battle
>walks up to a machine gun-nest in her undergarments and single-handedly blows up the armored AT train
>Gabba dabba doo's away cackling as bullets fly past her
>Gabs a flying 3DMG user with her 1st shot and makes devils flop harder than a Sawano drop
>charges into the blimp into a perfect combat roll and Gaborts Sasha into going goo-goo gaga for Nicolo's meat (all while wearing dress shoes)
>Grim Reminder'd the veterans into a sobbing breakdown
>takes out the Garrison garbage by bricking him right in the gabber and escapes prison in 1 chapter
>Horseback Riding skill: 0-50 in 1 month
>Gabbles her way into an EMA scene
>Keeps her weapon aimed at the chilling face, pushes down her fear and shoots the neck of the monster! 1:07
>quickscopes The Devil of All Earth with a 20kg AT rifle, not even using the bipod support and cancels the apocalypse
>great try but no genocide
>Grim Reminder'd Zeke for daring to conspire in the attack of her hometown
>100% accuracy in shooting and explosives, that 1 miss on horseface was only to check out dat majestic mane
>name literally means woman of God; my strength is God
>personal hug from General Magath
>such a charming gal, she bends the will of hardened soldiers into sparing and saving her
>femdoms Falco into confessing his love for her even after manhandling and outwarrioring him
>backs up her best girl status without shifter powers, royal blood, Ackerhax, or being a food loving meme comic relief character
>already surpassed Eren and Reiner and became the world's most accomplished warhero at age 12
>about to gobble Eren's corpse and inherit his powers

She saved billions and is our protagonist now. She will restore the reputation of mainland Eldians and save her race without destroying the rest of the world.

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What does have to do with that post

And he is probably like neither.

true, this person is me

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And Eren was being rational there, right? Not at all looking for any reasons he could make to let Armin live

>Mikasa gets tunnel-visionned and aggressive when her Ereh is in danger
Wow, how cold-blooded and redpilled. She'd totally be cool with killing civvies from an enemy nation in a raid she was forced to take part in.

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>push the story forward by making key decisions
Kicking the wall and reducing the SC down to the most incompetents aren't key moments?
>overcome the obstacles
Basically Bert in RTS.
>that show what drives them to take their actions
Killing Marco, impacting BRA (Bert included), Bert sleeping with his enemies and carrying the guilt associated with it.

what i mean is that the shitty writing is on purpose and part of Isayama's master plan

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Repeating that Mikasa's character not being what you want her to be is Armin's fault won't make it true, you know? Or are you trying to argue that she wasn't always delusional about Eren?

>Allies with EMchads
EHcucks gopniksluts and hongoloids get OUT OF MY THREADS

Attached: GABIGABIGABI.jpg (350x350, 28K)

This still triggers me to no end.
By the way that page is portrayed, those are things that Isayama wants us to aknowledge as armong's accomplishments, not only Eren's armongfaggotry.

But he wasn't angry because of that, just resigned. He wasn't just talking about himself either, but everyone who took part in the attack on Liberio.

Those aren't actual Gabifags (they barely exist anyway).

>Hongoloid still skipping chapter 108
>The still think Eren is the father

Attached: Gaboss.jpg (505x925, 62K)

jokes aside, this is true

all eldians need to do in order to get accepted by mainstream mankind is stop being so jewy and emulate honorary marlayans like Gabi and Reiner

that's it, people like Eren become selffulfilling hebrew prophecies by attacking before asking questions first

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>No, he just liked to insert himself into his dream because he was jealous and a ragetard. He cared nothing - zero - about the OSHUN itself.
You are very stupid if you actually believe this
>Nigger, those are examples of wanking writing to make armong seem "smart" in detriment of other characters inteligence.
I don't get how it affects any other characters at all?
>Hanji still discovered that titans don't walk at night, nothing changes that
>Using the boulder was Armin's idea, he didn't take it from anyone else
>Armin just confirmed what they already knew about the traitors with more evidence
>And Armin realized that Bort likes Annie, can't see how that affects anyone

>it was put there to plug the wall in case of breaching
How? You just said it's impossible to move it. Where was this mentioned?

What does that have any of your sperging to with my post or Gabi? You're just proving my point.

>By the way that page is portrayed, those are things that Isayama wants us to aknowledge as armong's accomplishments, not only Eren's armongfaggotry.
Nice opinion, but why don't you let the smart readers actually interpret the panels?

Eren saying that in that situation is a bad example.

>laugh about your friends death and don't apologize for it or for killing her
>if you love your friends lock them up in a building full of serumified Eldians
>if you love your nation plot to poison your government
>if you value your friends use overwhelming force on one and emotionally betray the other
>if you want to keep moving forward, backdown from titanizing muh precious pissu
Based shitren.

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there are ironic gabifags and there are unironic gabifags, both groups are equally unfunny and low IQ

Attached: homodemons.jpg (525x247, 29K)

It's not about the civillian casualties, it's about changing her entire worldview

Attached: snk-32-037.jpg (1066x1600, 483K)

Unless there's another time skip probably not. Falco and Gabi are way too young for that right now.

They will always be monsters, weapons, and one of the easiest cards for any falseflag. Kill Paradis, then they would need Paradis 2 to hide their flaws, more so with all the new interests a new element like the icebursts would introduce

You don't seem to understand that there is a gigantic step between this panels and actually massacring innocent people

>if you love your nation plot to poison your government
>women things nation = govt
Like Europe right?

>if you actually believe this
He fucking says it himself.
>how it affects any other characters at all?
It makes everyone around him a blabbering retard. (THREEEEE)
>All that green text
It's BAD writing.

She is best girl.

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Not you I'm guessing.

Is Gigguk, dare I say it, a fellow EHchad?

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> Gigguk (youtuber) is an EHtard

if you follow another man you can't be a chad

be free, be different, don't be an ackerman

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They were fighting whom they knew nothing about beyond the fact that they were giant monsters actively trying to eat their asses/wipe them out, for god's sake. The attack on Liberio was a slaughterfest whose victims were mostly innocent people and which no one actually signed up to participate in. If you can't see why Mikasa would be conflicted over this you might simply be autistic.

>It is bad writing because I SAY SO
ok retard

Based. Ereh a shit.

>if you love your nation plot to poison your government
>normies forgot the whole point of Uprising
Is this level of the readers?

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Being against massacres is perfectly understandable. The thing is that Mikasa completely went from an "us vs them" attitude and being willing to kill anyone that got in her way (in an even more aggressive way that Eren did) to being shown agreeing with talking to their enemies with no onscreen development behind it other than wanting her to be on Armin's side.

It would have been perfectly fine if she had been shown on Eren's side at first and the massacre had been what opens her eyes about her narrow worldview which makes her change accordingly but we don't get any of that, we just get her crying about how bad Eren is and blindly supporting everything Armin says.

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And Floche literally called him out on acting like a brat and letting his emotions take over logic like 4-5 chapters later. It's not that hard to see he was throwing anything he had to sway Manlet's decision rather trying to make a fair point.

>Luyacor La Creatura del Peru...

Where does he say anything about EH?

>implying you aren't a slave to the internet, so you can write cringy shit like this and talk about your obsession with snk

She is not Annie though

Attached: Best Meido.jpg (737x882, 290K)

>tfw people are so entrenched there is no point in discussion
All this boils down to pro self defense vs against it and it seems there is no way for people to consider anything.

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not only that he believes the government and the nation are one and the same

that's american education for you

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I mean skipping Eren being a waifufag SL
>waiting and risking losing Zeke and the serums
Can you explain me how being waiting would protect Eren's friends from a coordinated attack from the rest of the world? I always see complaining about muh AM feelings but I never see someone suggesting an alternative, even titanizing Historia would require to get serums and you have to deal with Yelena not cooperating without her God Zeke

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a rock can't be best girl.

EHfags see their ship everywhere

>that smile

>defending the titanization of 300 people, which is described as being in a nightmare state

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zeke is a thirdpostionist: "neither, just stop having kids"

Annie is the best rock AND the best girl!

Attached: Best Girl is sweet.jpg (715x722, 127K)

That's burgers for you, apparently Eren being mean to their precious Armin and Mikasa is more important than being fucking genocided

>e-celebs from jewtube
Kill yourself EHcuck

kill all marloids

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>we just get her crying about how bad Eren is
Reread this, but slower this time

People forget also that no matter what, millions upon millions would die since even a small scale rumbling would have to be used for it to be effective as a deterrent.

Man, why did they have to cut this scene short? I just want to see Eren being awkward.

Attached: Attack on Titan-155.jpg (1200x1800, 736K)

Yes, because abusing and titanizing royal children or waiting to be invaded by other countries is a lot better.

Since the anime is the final product, i'm guessing it wasn't that important

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t. delusional spicnigger soiboi bugman Redditcuck Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun aka YHfags aka "not him"

But he wasn't awkward here at all.
If anything he managed to break the ice perfectly.

High IQ post

>still triggered by Eren insulting her selfinserter aka Mankasa
>doesn't add solutions because all roasties can do is complain without adding solutions


>Story = Historia
Dumb peruano spic

Historia is his waifu

Yes user, I'm sure genociding Paradis wouldn't hurt walldians

You never learn huh

I don't get it. What was the point of the video???????


But he inserts as Onyabonga

He was still an autismo about freedom and shit back then. He doesn't know what to do with it though.

Says the shipperfag.

They are too focused crying about EH now so they will ignore you but you re right

In this page it looks like he didn't know how to respond.

Attached: Attack on Titan-156.jpg (1200x1800, 789K)

Dios mio
He's using google translator

>SnK is great GREAT G R E A T !
Paid fucking shill.

Yeah he could've said the same thing in 3 minutes. I guess he makes money off the ads

You made a fatal mistake user, you are assuming these pieces of shit actually think for a second before they post their toxic garbage or even that they want to.
No, they don't want to have discussion or consider anything beyond the most shallow thought, they just want to shitpost, act as retarded as they can to make people give them (You)s since that's how they function, as pathetic as that is.
He was just thinking.
Any awkward person would have folded as soon as she stated she was like that, cold and silent.

The possibility of them becoming villains is interesting to see to be honest

>Comparing SnK to Naruto

Appropriate. SnK is Jewish Naruto.

>peruanism sp** confirmed for not giving a shit about the current plot
And he wonders why nobody likes BA

Why do you retards spam this bullshit here when he cannot even write english and uses a translator?

What's wrong with you?

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The AAwhale and his metashit bringing random people from around the world. Not even the other shipfags are this autistic

>A pregnant woman is a frightful object. A new-born child is loathsome. A deathbed rarely makes so horrible an impression as childbirth, that terrible symphony of screams and filth and blood.

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We're not defending Shitren deciding on slowly and brutally genociding billions for a race of brainwashable monsters anymore, right?

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He shouldn't be posting here if he doesn't know english

Why do you loathe proper discussion?

What's going on here?

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>roastie taking a manga for teens seriously
Look roastie, this is about survival, that's the whole debate and fun of it. If you want to have a point don't post the Warriors, post Zeke, you are dumber than the LEpedo

That you can't recognize bad writing because MUH armong is not my problem.

Damn straight

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Oh my, user...

They are both bad, but in the latter less people die.

She had a point though, supporting Zeke makes more sense than supporting the warriors if you care about humanity, all warriors did was brutally murder people for years and going for the genocide of a whole island for resources

Lovers quarrel.

My uncle (oyajisan) works at Isayama. He told me that the final chapter will come out in February 2020. The next chapter will be a flashback chapter. Eren will be dead for the next three months. Also, Historia won't be appearing in the manga until January. Finally, Mikasa will e

Said people welcome the genocide of an entire people, are you fine with that kind of humanity?
If so then you should be okay with say, killing everyone in africa to stop their suffering and the resource sink, right?

I can agree that he isn't perfect has some issues(like every character)
However your sperging about him is so exaggerated and blown out of proportion that i gotta wonder if you have something personal against him

I found Zeke's motives laughable and too fantastic, but ignoring eldians in Paradis the others eldians would die little by little by "natural" cause and the monsters would disappear . Then again those saying shitren or selfinserter are just salty tumblrinas hiding behind reiner, don't take them too seriously

The titans will still be passed down, just not by royal children.
Also i don't know if you realize that in the big scheme of things 9 persons dying every 13 years is basically nothing.

I think we can all agree Bert was a badass during his final act, leaving out how he went out so pathetically

Nobody in africa has the potential to become a 15m inmortal cannibal.
Maybe just cannibal, but nothing else.

And you are speedreading when I say that the part about Mikasa's character that doesn't involve Eren was changed offscreen simply to adapt to the story Isayama wanted to tell.

Reducing all that Mikasa was just to blindly following a bad person just does even more of a disservice to her character than all the years of irrelevance did, and Isayama intentionally does this by even saying that Mikasa's purpose is to be torn between Eren and Armin.

>Nobody in africa has the potential to become a 15m inmortal cannibal
They have the potential to become terrorists, which is something they have demonstrated.

>trusting (((Eldians)))

He explained it at the start, speedwachers

Yeah but you are admitting you are also committing murder for the greater good. I am still waiting for the explanation as to how doing nothing would protect AMJC, because you cant get the serums without Yelena

>swallows the ultimate blackpill just to be able to carry out a simple task without breaking down like a bitch
>breaks down like a bitch anyway
Bonus points for Armong of all people playing a part in his defeat

Attached: Bert's favorite part of the manga.png (1279x719, 909K)

I've only watched him once but I'll always remember Armin's get in the fucking titan in his video

Choosing to get into his fucking titan when Eren, Annie and Reiner had already done that ages before does not make for a badass.


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He as hesitating the whole time under a facade of stoicism.
>they survived
>heh whatever
>armin please just let go
>fine I will kill you

The bad thing about armong is not armong himself, but that Isayama writes him in a way that the only way for him to shine is making everyone else around him an idiot, that is the worst because it affects other perfectly fine and rounded characters.

You can smell the cats and the blue hair from here

>that body structure

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"Us vs them" was "Me, Ereh (and Armin kinda) vs those trying to hurt Ereh" to Mikasa, which translated to "Us vs Titans" until recently. But she's grown a little since then, tried to be less clingy, trusted other people with Eren's safety etc. The world also got a lot bigger after the truth was discovered, and I feel people tend to forget that most Paradis characters' don't have the perspective Grisha/Kruger's memories of the outside world allowed Eren to have. That's why everyone was having fun at the beach except him, to give just one example, or why they would naturally wish for diplomacy to be possible; especially if time spent with some of the foreigners on the island had led to technology sharing, positive dialogue (Nicolo with Sasha for eg.) etc.

There was always going to be a rift between Eren and Mikasa (just like the others) when she didn't have the tools or the means to get into his headspace when she never shared his worldview, sympathized with his active pursuit of freedom nor was fully aware of the dilemmas he had to deal with during the timeskip. Add to that the fact that Eren's actions are completely clashing with the image she always had of him and it's not hard to see why she wouldn't know where to stand anymore.

If anything Armin should get some flak for not seeing where things were going with his bff soone when all the red flags were raised since chapter 90.

Imagine blindly latching on to Reiner and to characters that never had any onscreen interactions with BA just because your favorites are written out of the story


Attached: erenbtfo.png (503x875, 523K)

End yourself

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-20 (0) a - Shingeki no Kyojin - Anime Manga - 4chan.png (405x189, 29K)

Arminfags hate Erenfags

>bert was mentionned at least twice by PP
>nothing about annie
Annie is forever the forgotten whore of the team

Having multiple IPs doesn't make for your speedreading, Spergrenautist.

Arminfags and Erenfags are the same thing to the Bertfag that unironically calls him "chadholt"

Everyone can become a terrorist.
But a terrorist is not basically an inmortal, flesh eating, battery ram that has to be taken down with heavy artillery.
And let's not begin to talk about shifters.

Epilogue leaked.

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I'm sure he doesn't buddy, mostly considering those shitty 4 examples where the best you could find when i asked you

Keep being "acting" like a paranoid schizo, I am sure that will do you wonders.

After Eren BTFOd Armin they would.

Wait for the


Attached: FALSAS MEMORIAS.jpg (1068x743, 126K)

This, if anything Erenfags Erwinfags and Bertfags dislike Arminfags
Nah that was the AApedo

So people being forced to do horrible things deserve to die just because they can be forced to do said things huh? Seems to me you are being biased.

EHfags don't actually want the story to end like this, right?

Why not?

>the Spergrenfaggot refuses to admit Bert was badass despite his own fave crying like an autistic bitch with ADHD and dying pathetically
Must be hard to be a Spergrenfag

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But those 4 "shitty" examples were Armin's main contributions to the story.

Aside from that there is the finding the three cups, getting titan Eren to wake up by simply talking to him (when Mikasa doing that failed) and being willing to kill himself to capture Bert

Those shitty four examples are the most blatant ones because he is specifically credited for them when he shouldn't be.

I get it, you like armong because, god knows why, you selfinsert as him or want to buttfuck him, but it still doesn't make him a good character at all.

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They all know that it will not end like this.

However it would have caused a huge wave of anal devastation.


>That's why everyone was having fun at the beach except him
They also didn't invite him because they didn't want him speaking to Yelena

Nope! Only Pedominfag is the problem! Of course I prefer old Eren and Reiner over the nu Eren! But Pedomin always tries to impersonate to insult Erenfags or LHfags!
BUT of course Marley>>>>>>>>>>>>>Paradis!

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>muh nardo ending
I for one would be satisfied with Eren and Historia getting away with destroying the world and living cosily for the remaining years Eren has, but it's obviously not gonna as dank.


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>So after killing hundred of millions of people chadren gets his corny ending and goes back to his lovely wife and son to live happily for the rest of his 4 years, no consequence whatsoever for killing millions of innocent children, Eren doesn't even feel bad
You tell me

oh look it's the original version of this pic not the pedo's weird blank face edit.

Which one anons?

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I'm not talking about morals, who deserves or who doesn't deserve what.
I'm saying, from a civilian point of view, that people like eldians were going to be reasonably feared and despised if they existed.
Even if the 90% of them did nothing at all.

The cycle continues...

Attached: Armongfags vs Bertfags.png (1920x1080, 2.14M)

>AAfag so deep into shipping war he changes sides constantly when it's convenient to him
I was wondering why the "Bertfag" was sperging against Eren when that's obviously an Arminfag

Why would he regret what he has been striving for all these years? If the world wanted this to not happen they shouldn't have tried to genocide his people.
Also he does feel bad, you are a fucking retard for thinking he does not, probably just your average shitposter crying about Eren incessantly.

Man, you have problems. Bert simply didn't do much that other characters hadn't done before.

She needs to stop

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me on the far left

That was a long time ago and Joseph is in therapy now, last time he told us.

Then they should be attacking Marley since they are the ones using Eldians as war machines.

Why would AAfag defend Bort


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>not knowing who the superior CT is
CHADmin will stomp all over your kyojinlets

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I can get behind Hanji or Erwin but Jean and others? Jean was never a master strategist, he's good at quickly making smaller scale plans.

That phasing contradicts what you said earlier.

I'm the other user arguing against armong, and yes, the THREE cups was stupid, but the other two are actually ok.
Eren likes armong way more than Mikasa, that's his role in EMA, being the one that makes Eren follow freedom, and the sacrifice was nice, IF HE ACTUALLY DIED.


Because he hates Eren and Bert a lot so he is trying to create Erenfags vs Bertfags out of nowhere

I am beginning to think it is actually the peruvian faggot people cry so much about.
This retard is clearly ESL.

Edited Anniepics are the best Anniepics

Attached: Best Girl selfie.jpg (1280x1656, 162K)

Which left though?

He has shit taste but the one sick enough to do this is the AAfag

>compromising your government and causing a civil war doesn't affect the well being of your nation

Attached: 1549441546231.jpg (1536x2048, 1.12M)

Jean is Moe

Yes. YES!

>kicked the wall
>gave paradis a grim reminder
>made armin shit himself
>fenced mikasa
>kicked eren like a bitch on top of the wall
>made jean sperg
>would've won if isayama didn't use the retardation smoke trick and the power of KOFF

Attached: 1538934133410.jpg (640x1038, 94K)

The AAtard is ESL too
t. Woman

I'm curious, did Armin rape your dog?
Of those 4 examples(the best you could find) two are rightfuly attributed to him(rock plan and bullying Bertotl).

Look, i know that you seethe everytime you see a panel with him, but please don't make up hit because it makes ou look pathetic

Yeah, he stopped blindly sperging out at every piece of FG or MA fanart and self inserting himself in pictures with Gabi and Annie.

I think he also dropped the series after pic related.

Attached: 118-36.png (907x1300, 558K)

>waiting to be genocided doesn't affect your nation
>no peaceful country suffered from a war in the past
Burgers education everyone

The thing about eldians is that they are basically living nukes, and that is what makes them feared but desirable.
You don't want to be nuked, but if you could have a couple of them "for self protection" you wouldn't reject them.
And everyone is attacking Marley, they are at war with a lot of other nations.

Also, this is why I think Eren's real plan is getting rid of the titan power and make eldians regular humans.


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>HooveredBraunie is here

You sure? BAspic has been caught falseflagging multiple times

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cwlanon was joseph?

>muh nardo ending
Really, I don't understand people who keep spouting that shit. Killing billions for the sake of your own family and million people in paradis doesn't sound like nardo ending at all. Asspulling one common pure evil enemy so Paradis and the outside world can work together to beat it, now that sounds like a nardo ending.

>basically living nukes
What do you get out of exaggerating things like this?

>this is why I think Eren's real plan is getting rid of the titan power and make eldians regular humans.
Why won't Zeke suggest it then or Eren propose it to Zeke?

Why so fast?

He was one of our official scan provider so fuck FG.

>Jean was never a master strategist, he's good at quickly making smaller scale plans.
Jean's problem is that he simply can't coexist with Armin in a military where the leader's job is to come up with battle plans and execute them and since Armin is always going to be the better strategist, Jean's only talent is to be good at yelling out orders.

They should have been the same character from the start, it would save Jean from irrelevance and give Armin a character arc that doesn't make him that much of a Stu.

I'm not saying he doesn't falseflag but you have been caught falseflagging a few times already. You are both garbage

>Why would he feel bad, retard?
>Also he does feel bad retard?
Are Erenfags finally losing it?

>muh AAfag

Regret =/= "feeling bad" you gigantic faggot.

t. Hist2506

>Eren doesn't even feel bad
Did you miss chapter 100? I think it was clear from that chapter that Eren feels bad about what he is going to do but he has to do it regardless because he doesn't have any choice.

This, hope Annie dies and they kill themselves

Of course they do

>Erenfags are mentally ill

I don't falseflag lol. When i think something i will just say it, i won't hide under another identity like this sp*c

Yeah, you thought EAfag was Joseph?

Most of those were simply because he happened to have the most overpowered titan power of them all, but delude yourself into thinking that makes dead Bert an ebin badass, AAfag.

samefag(2 devices)

Yeah, that's why i'm saying that ending would suck, since it clearly shows Eren happy and feeling no remorse

t. EHfag aka beruanism spic aka ZPedo aka PPedo aka mentally ill ZLfag aka AA roastie aka YHtard aka ErwLmod aka EMfat aka ZE autist aka LEpedo aka REfujo aka EAr whale aka JMdumb aka LHredditor aka RBfaggot aka AM tumblrina aka sneed aka Benji aka Mrs Smith aka Mrs Braum aka Widow aka hanpetos aka EremikaHaven aka ErehisuHaven aka hist2506 aka katyaisgone aka SergeantMajorGross(youtuber) aka Connie Springer(youtuber) aka yelenergoid aka agopnikslut aka noaryr aka benmed aka ErwLmod aka LA CREATURA from dumblr aka Joseph(dollfag) aka Luna67767883 aka Chili989 aka Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka FL poster aka Urifag aka johanpedo aka shitposter from /pol/

A character dying never stopped its characterfags from sperging out. It just reduces their numbers a bit.

You are retarded

>what is just going along with the 50 year plan

>Joseph is using r*ddit now


That got thrown out of the window when Marley attacked.

What is cwl? Catholic Women's League?

Yeah I thought the EAfag was the pedo
Didn't we use FG or MA to BTFO him?

Hanji and Erwin are the ones most shafted by him, yes.
But the main problem is how everything becomes suddenly convenient for him to find the solution.
Pixis, knowing the boulder as it was a garrison plan, and not connecting the dots with Eren is one.
Reiner suddenly "reminding" the reader, because it wasn't a thing at all, about Bert's crush so he can later use it against him.

i got one of my normalfag friends to start snk but he’s watching it on netflix and the subs are fucking garbage on there. how do i convince him to watch it somewhere else without seeming like a sperg

Joseph simply moved on to some other pedo series. Most of the current Gabi posters are just shitposting.


>goddamn I hate these shitposters so much why don't they leave
>let's spend the entire thread talking about them

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>Everything is a falseflagging conspiracy


Attached: ABnnie.jpg (400x400, 45K)

That's not even the same image i use, and it's not a secret i dislike Eren

I can barely keep up with it all but I find it fascinating

Kek, what a retard. Joseph hates Eren for saving Mikasa and only edited RA and BA pics for him to self insert.

BAsed. Do you have fanarts with Bert raping Annie?

Take it to some other shithole then.
I can't fucking believe how this shit is allowed.


This is the one i use btw

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>the absolute state of the AAtard

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Isayama's greatest contribution to humanity is creating the greatest generator of butthurt
averaging a rate of over 30khb/s (kilo hurtbutts per second)

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>Armin's hips
His body looks so weird in this edit

I don't care about this meta shit, I just find it fascinating

>admitting he is the one spamming chadren will break Gabi pussy

If that scene becomes canon, how do you know he doesn't feel any remorse from one scene? Do you want Eren to look miserable all the time? Even Reiner sometimes smile and we all know how he feels inside.

The EAfag was an entirely different Anniefag that is under the complete delusion that Eren is hopelessly in love with Annie, that he asspulled some sort of founding titan power to crystalize her in order to protect her and that Lost Girls is a masterpiece that proves that the series is about EA's parallel journeys that culminates in an EA romance.

The pedo is just a sad autist that pretends that Annie and Gabi are his precious little girls that only he is allowed to have. He isn't that strongly opposed to EA and BA because since he has dark hair he can use pics of those pairings to self insert better.

I was talking about the ocean discovery, not the picnics with Marleyans, however I doubt it was the reason he wasn't attending the picnic we saw in chapter 105, since both him and Yelena were attending the railroad ceremony that happened years later from what we know, and there was someone supposed to keep watch on her (Floche at the time). Eren most likely just didn't want to be there.

>why yes, I *do* think we should try co-existing with an entire world who sees us as monsters, that is greedy for our resources, and which will soon develop tech to surpass the wall titans

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Wow how convenient AAfag, shall we ignore al those posts of Armin saying to rape Annie every Sunday?

I meant 106*

>Reiner was first shown being able to run trough straight up canonfire without even slowing down
>was shown surviving WW1 tier canonfire with slight dents
>in the latest chapter a few pebbles destroy his entire titan

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pulling the rug under the arya stark meme soon

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You say this but you cry a lot about Eren, Pieckfag

zeke throws harder than all of those

>we eldians, we dindu nuffin, we wuz kangz n shiet

>Joseph hates Eren
t. retard(EAfat=pedo)
Joseph self-insert as Eren and he basically doesn't give a fuck about Mikasa.

Yelena says in 107 that she hadn't been allowed to see Eren up close since he lifted the ship.

>and which will soon develop tech to surpass the wall titans

>Eren's gotten to your brain...

Just tell him that the subs are fucking terrible and give him another way to watch it. I watched it with my brother and we started watching it on Netflix and he agreed that the subs were terrible.

What? People disliked the serumbowl?

>Isayama planned everything from the beg-

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Friendly reminder that Connie will kill Zeke.

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I dislike bad characters.
I'm not saying they are not, because Isayama tells me that they are.
Doesn't mean that his writing isn't inconsistent when other characters already had the solution avaliable and suddenly became retarded. It pisses me off because I like those other chatacters.

Armong had good moments, I can see them too, like his defense of Eren when he first transformed making Pixis save them, his suicide plan, discovering Reiner inside the walls and identifying Annie personally based on her appearence and demeanor.
Those are GOOD smart moments, the ones I'm pissed off about just work because he had to be smart while everybody else was an idiot.

doesnt matter how hard you throw a rock, it wont do shit at a certain point because they shatter
a steel ball will do much more damage at a much slower velocity than a rock of the same size going much faster

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He does have the choice, but the other choice he has is one he isn't willing to make. So here we are with the world destruction meme about to become a reality.

>they aren't far away from developing heavy ordinance

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Why would a pedo selfinserts as someone who killed pedos men? Sometimes I wonder if you are so autistic here you literally made up one enemy for getting into your ship

Attached: I+wonder+how+many+of+those+500k+likes+are+actually+_ac7a341a8a8fb6c0e9fcb1fbc3cc5134.jpg (1000x800, 166K)

They are used as such.
Maybe he doesn't see it possible and Eren sees his brother as too far gone within his beliefs.

>doesnt matter how hard you throw a rock, it wont do shit at a certain point because they shatter
in the snkverse it doesnt shatter

are they bamboo rocks by any chance?

best thread

That's just El Blanco(forma primera)

Cruel World Loli
I don't miss those threads.

>al those posts of Armin saying to rape Annie every Sunday?
Most of those are just excuses to masturbate to Annie's comatose body and to trigger the Anniefags that give a shit about stuff like "muh waifu is pure".

I was only pretending to be retarded

Attached: N-nani!.jpg (254x253, 23K)

The rocks Zeke is using are part of the wall which is the same thing his armor is made of.

You weren't here when it happened in the manga, were you?

yes, steel bamboo rocks

Are you a newfag or an animeonly?

>to trigger Anniefags for disliking my Armong selfinserter

>identifying Annie personally based on her appearence and demeanor.
I've always hated that because of how convenient it was that he used to clean his 3DMG with Marco and then he happens to get the titan killer inspection right next to Annie who used Marco's 3DMG

trips confirm

>convenient it was that he used to clean his 3DMG with Marco
And that he was capable of identify it.
And that he never said anything, yes.
Adding this to the list.

Doesn't she just say she didn't see him since that time to which Levi replies she won't be allowed to get any closer when she tries to shake his hand? In any case, they still both attended the Kiyomi meeting and the ceremony, so I have to wonder what exactly where the parameters of that restriction. I also doubt she was there everytime Nicolo cooked for the 104th, so it definitely feels like part of the isolation had to do with Eren's unwillingness to mingle.

>pedos men
They were not pedos and please don't try to understand the mind of a pedo(EAfat)

What? Those traffickers would sell Mikasa to pedos. I just find hilarious whenever someone liked Eren and Annie someone points him as a pedo yet everyone ignores some Arminfags doing the same.
Admit it, you are the faggot who made up a boogeyman

Were you an animeonly until S3 ended, by any chance? It wouldn't be an overstatement to say that serumbowl absolutely destroyed /snk/ and it never quite fully recovered. The only thing that would create a similar or bigger shitstorm now is the father reveal.

Kid me would’ve killed them too desu

I still fail to see how the fuck a 15 years old kid x a 15 years old girl is pedo. Seriously, I'm lost with your threads

Kek, he literally said she would be better off with the adults who tried to kidnap her and spammed Lolikasa pics including the ones with her being raped as a loli by the traffickers. But that's all for me now, I'm not going to argue with a schizo any longer than this.

Because the AAfag made up Joseph to make some EAfags uncomfortable

Joseph the pedo is real but his back story was altered by the AAfag, just like what happened to the bible. He's also the autistic nukefag and the one who gave us crunchyjew scan every month before, including the guidebook etc. Fuck, I bullied him too much before.

The pedo was around since way before AA became anything else other than a side pairing for EMfags

It was explained why we was capable of indentify it, so it's not much of a problem. If convenience is the main problem, snk has so much convenient moments it's kind of ridiculus.

>crunchyjew scan
Are you a newfag? You can download better scans from nyaa and Joseph is so dumb that he only can screenshot the chapter.
Show me Joseph complaining about EAfags, you can't.
He hates AA/BA/MAfags but he *convenently* ignores EAfags, weird right?

I don't think he hated BA either.

>I don't think he hated BA either.
Check the archives and stop talking things that you don't know.

Are you though? I bet you don't even know why he came into this general in the first place

Yes, but in armongs case is even worse tho.

imagine being so shit you have to trace

Reminder that peruvians are mocked for eating pigeons.

Wait AIR DISPLACEMENT fag was the pedo all along? I feel like my entire life up to this point has been a lie.

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wow... so impactful... bertfags are so smart..

No it's not. The worst one was Dina/coordinate shit.

Yeah I was bullying him then some fag posted "I miss the autistic nukefag" or something like that and he replied to me and that fag. Of course, Joseph also posted the chart to validate himself.

Armong's are not the worst, the worst is Dina of course, but with him they are so much it's embarrasing too.

The most retarded "convenient" thing by far is that 4 titan shifters and 2 secret princesses were all the part of the same military graduation class.

What were others besides Marco stuff? I might be forgetting some things.

>4 shifters
Kek it's ctually 5

5 shifters and 6 titan powers

Holy kek

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Last for Erehisu

Why the fuck does the BAspic thread get to stay?


The other thread was kindof shit too.

It’s the power of THE PATHS

Arguing about dumb shit was a lot better than arguing about ships

>Isayama planned everything from the beg-

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There are 27 posts deleted in this thread. The guy probably banned for linking thread .

anything traveling at light speed is enough to completely obliterate objects

>arguing about db shit was a lot better than arguing about that other dumb shit
Oh you know, same difference to me. Just waiting for the chapter at this point.

If that were the case then the BAfag would have gotten banned as well.

Only 26 posts were his. This one was mine and I got deleted for calling out the Redditcuck Benji, who is friends with Zachary Whitchurch (the cuckmod ruining Yea Forums).

Fuck off (((Armin))).

>Isayama has already confirmed that the final will be about Eren/Reiner
>Reiner jobs for the 5th time

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EZ conflict is all over the room and incidentally all over the manga as well. Reiner and Eren's opposition is important too as it shows the mirrored progression of two boys from opposite sides of the ocean/walls and how they ended up in the same place but the core of SnK's message resides in the confrontation of Zeke and Eren's ideologies.

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Which is why AMJC feel so irrelevant in the large scheme of things.