Did he deserve it ?

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Was Lucky Channel pleb filter or simply plain garbage?

lucky channel was the best part of the show you faggot

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Hit or miss

Look how smug this motherfucker is, of course he deserved it.

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Even the first 5 episodes it was great

Pleb filter.

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>best part
Do you mean only good part?

>that roof

My OTP Spinoff when Kyoani

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He spent an entire minute saying how much he loved nature and hiking, said he'd love to go walking through the forest if he had the chance, and then walked in all upset that he actually had to go, unshaven and dressed like garbage on a live studio.

Of course he deserved it.

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is this... there?

Best part were the ED songs, you philistines.

Did Sakamoto's voice ever recover?

Yes, facing south

That roof's on fire.


Lucky Star killed anime.

>The roof
Shit, this is so messed up...

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There's a mangaka who made like three different series just to ship these two.

Absolutely the best part.

It was the one good part of Lucky Star

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She looks so soft AAAAAAAAH

wa wa wa wa wa wasuremono

I want to rape her so badly.

>Mi-mi-miracle Mikuru Mikuru-run-run