I guess I missed the boat on this manga because I dropped it around ch 99 but I just finished it and I want to know what you think about 1. the series as a whole and b. the ending in particular.
Kengan Ashura
Probably my favorite Martial Arts manga.
Check out the ripped ass Sasuke down there in the bottom left.
KA took my number 1 spot for manga
>trump card power-up with a cost kills the user
>ACTUALLY kills the user
Series had a fair bit of mystery, comedy and action and the fights were entertaining a brutal. Loved how much most characters were built up with each having a unique trait and background as well as a reason to fight. Plot armor wasnt really a thing with situations changing drastically for main characters (e.g. Saw Paing's village's demolition depending on a single fight). Overall pretty motivating and made me think about perspectives and life.
so, how will they adapt giganigga?
In spite of the CGI, will netflix do this series justice?
Depends on whether or not you want a piece of the big toblerone
It's amazing how pretty much everyone is likeable.
I especially love how the world felt real, with characters meeting in backgrounds, and becoming friends off panel.
But what do you guys think about the ending? Everyone treated Ohma's death as if it's a foregone conclusion from even before the cosmo fight but why? Why was it so obvious he was going to die?
There was not a single chapter that wasn't an absolute joy to read, and the ending gave me real feels and thoughts. It's a very precious manga
>Why was it so obvious he was going to die?
They did say he would during most of the series, and he did. Satisfied
Okay nibber let me spell it out to you. I am here to read other people's thoughts on the ending. So don't just say it gave you thoughts, tell me what are the thoughts.
we looked up the spoilers
The advance was secret forbidden technique tier and once in a while the blowback is real and not wished away or whatever.
Baki: Ultimate Jobber
Does the series ever change from "introduce new characters before fights between current characters are even concluded?"
What are you even talking about? 90% of the manga is a big tournament where every character is introduced before the tournament even begins
It's literally a manga about a tournament moron. Once you get past the first round of the tournament you already know all the character's fighting styles.
I hope so.
Don't expect excellent quality at all times just because of the sheer amount of fights they have to cover
It's bingeshit so no. The series doesn't deserve 2 weeks of buzz then completely forgotten like AICO or B the Beginning.
Most of the series is like Baki's Maximum Tournament arc basically, you sound like you didn't get passed the very beginning though.
My favorite martial art manga.
Best cast of characters I even see in this type of manga, amazing fight scene, all humor are on point etc.
My only complain is, later fight in tournament are not as interesting as early round.
1st round is top notch, 2nd round is very good but after that it's lose some charm but all in all it's still good.
i only watched the netflix series lole
this is a completely different series or arc isn't it
It may not look the best, but I hope the fights will be fluid, which is enough of justice that I need from it.
It's literally Street Fighter: the manga and I fucking love it. Too bad there aren't much manga like this. Baki is the only one I can think of but they're not really similar
Fucking loved it. The art seemed to improve with every page and it's probably the most well-done tournament arc I've ever read.
Would've made more of an impact if ohma didn't say he was going to die every 2 panels and gensai wasn't hyped up ad nauseam, hence why i liked looking at the raws more.
Gensai was the least hyped up character out of the final 8
and much more which i don't want to look for, all of these were before the kiryu fight, except for jerry's comment.
Gensai's a shit character anyways.
I don't know man, every opponent of the fang was hyped up as shit. They gave the fang all the fights you would want to see. I legit thought Gaolong stood a chance, then I believed Hatsumi would take him down. After they both got crushed I thought the hype was fake. The fact that Ohma said he is going to die every two panels really confused me because I still don't understand why. Is it because of the fight against Raian?
>Is it because of the fight against Raian?
Yes. He took way too much damage against him, putting him on the edge of death, then the fight against Watasuki pretty much sealed the deal.