ITT : Race traitors

>Be half ningen half werewolf.
>Entire family and race got exterminated by vampires
>Vows to kill all of the vampires.
>Finds out that his brother became a vampire.
>"Nii-san, I love you! But even so, all vampires must die!"
>Meets loli vampire.
>"V-Vampires have feelings too! I'm sure werewolves, humans and vampires can coexist! We have to save the vampire race!"
What the fuck was his problem?

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this show was such a trainwreck, you could see how everything, animation included, degraded as the episodes went on

Loli vampires are awesome though.

>What the fuck was his problem?

I miss the Sirius threads

Hard to disagree with this.

>last of his race
>didn't even knock up thirsty kendogirl

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The Sirius threads went to shit towards the end. Though I guess that's because the show did as well.

Loli vampire is worth it. I'd too.

When you are talking about "race traitors", Monkey man and his litlle brother are alwais on the spot

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The show peaked at episode 6, after that went to shit. Threads were comfy around those episodes too.

I really wish this could have been a split cour instead of Fairy shit.

Basically, Sirius became bad as soon as it left Japan and dropped the occult noir setting.

The writing completely imploded at the end. Character's motivations followed no logic.
Yuuri and Mikhail were great boys though. There were tons of other things the show had going for it too. I just wish it went a different way.

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>loli vampire
You answered your own question.

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>B gets second season
>retarded vampires don't

Ando and Tsuji admitted in the second BD artbook that Tamara replaced Ryoko in the ending because they didn’t want to overshadow the brothers (and likely piss off the fujos). A trainwreck all around.

Such a wasted character, they set her up as being determined to fight and then they sideline her in the most boring way possible.

How much of a trainwreck is the Fairy Gone compared to this?

>they didn’t want to overshadow the brothers
So they killed one of them. Great.

Fairy Gone is just boring garbage, instead of a slow descending trainwreck like Sirius, atleast Marlya is cute

t. Someone who finished it and planning to watch the second cour

I wouldn't call Fairy Gone a trainwreck since its shit from the get go

Except they are both bluffing you zero iq moron

I still don't understand what the flying fuck was happening with the story. It was fairly competent for the first 6 episodes.

Who the fuck in their right mind would want to save vampires? They are undead monsters and murderous psychopaths who deserved to die from magical AIDS. It's literally in everyone's interest to get rid of them and the problem was taking care of itself.

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It's unfair that that hot garbage is 2 cour, yet Sirius is forgotten forever.

>Loli vampire
You know, when re-watching the whole thing, you kinda have to admit that Yulyi giving in to Tamara was somewhat telegraphed/foreshadowed.
The guy was always very sensible and kind to children (especially little girls, for some reason). And she's like the first child vampire he ever met and also the first one to be visibly scared of death.
You're also kinda reminded that Yulyi also used to be a child monster with a sibling so he can kinda project himself onto her too.
And she's legit cute too. Can't blame him.

>What the fuck was his problem?
he has a functioning dick and balls

>got swayed by loli vampire
>forgot the heinous crimes of vampires and seek for coexistence

Is Ozaki our only hope to exterminate vampiric faggotry

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Sirius was good fun. Loli vampire endings are so rare and incredibly enjoyable. As a bonus it made fujos real mad in the end too.

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With how the show consistently BTFO Ryoko I find it hard to believe she was ever considered

Back when the show was kino so we thought this had actual chance of happening.

Loli vampires can cure hatred.

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You pretty much missed the very point of the show, user. Way to ruin it for yourself.
No wonder so many people consider it a "trainwreck" when they antagonize the core theme the show was propagating from episode 1 onward.
Granted, most people were too stupidly focussed on action, combat or imaginary fujoshit to notice the story itself. When character growth is considered a negative, what does that say about a viewership?

Yeah the show did not derail anything or make any illogical leaps to arrive at it's conclusion. I don't know how people could use a trainwreck meme for a show as tame as this.

That would've been the whole point. She'd just be an innocent caught up in the conflict, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. All the other vampires either helped burn Dogville or hated themselves (Mikhail and Bishop), so they aren't sparkling examples of vampire goodness.

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I think the poster you replied to is the renowned Agathafag, he lives in a world that exists only in his head. No point in arguing.

Ah, I forgot what really ruined the threads: If you liked the show and said so, you immediately got called "Agathafag" by little shits like you and your argument shut down. Just fuck off, troll.

Race is a joke. The dick knows the truth.

No, the point OP was trying to make was:
>revenge good
>peace bad
He must have wanted some Die Hard or Rambo type protagonist who just goes around killing bad people. And the same kind of meaningless action.

This. if someone's 100% your type and looks human enough your dick would not care if they were from a different race.

>Be half ningen half werewolf.
How the fuck does that work?

Yeah, because action sequences in Sirius were really meaningful, especially at the end of this trainwreck.

>because action sequences in Sirius were really meaningful
I never implied they were. But Sirius wasn't ever about the action like Rambo is. That's what obviously got you confused.

>Not getting that OP actually is a tsundere Vampirefag and the thread is actually an ironic thinly veiled Vampire loli appreciation thread.
Come on user, OP even went out of his way to call humans ningen and dumbed down Yulyi's motivation to being swayed by loli vampire pussy.

If only. I fear OP is just a massive moron who didn't think much about what words to use.


I wonder what they were thinking with that last fight scene

Betrayed his race for an alien thot - no mean feat when you're basically a space Hitler. By running his empire into the ground (cause literally the only thing he gave a fuck about was talking to the thot on the phone), letting his edgemaster subordinates do whatever, then trying to destroy his own capital with the millions of its innocent civilians suposedly to combat said edgemasters and save said thot. Oh and destroy the alien ship which got there because of the traitorous thot in the first place. Thot didn't even like him back, cucked him with a human and got knocked up.

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