Is she so perfect Yea Forums?

Filename very much related.

How can I get a flat chested ascended tsundere highschool girl Yea Forums?

Attached: all of my want.jpg (869x1248, 189K)

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In your heart in The Force.

Why are YOU so perfect, op?

Have Sex, Nagatoro

Don't be confused. Her man takeaway is the teasing. Tsunderes for the most part don't do shit like this.

She's not flat, although that would be good too.

She's not a loli, she's not flat, wtf is she?

A loli-reminiscent normal chested highschool freshman? Why do you think it's ok to ask people to write all of that? Fuck you user. Fuck.YOU.

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Imagine if this scene went on and Senpai didn't have garlic breath.

>Naga Slowly moves closer to Senpai's neck
>Senpai can feel her breathing she's so close
>Without warning she delicately nips at his neck
>Senpai yelps at the slight pain but it's not enough to break the skin
>Naga moves so they are face to face.
>"It seems I need to try again, Senpai! I need your blood!"
>Naga moves to the other side of Senpai's neck
>"W-wait! Don't!"
>"Don't move Senpai

Attached: naga sweat.png (423x464, 123K)

Attached: 944[1].png (800x426, 295K)

But do they fug tho?

The facial expressions in this manga are as arousing, funny as they are terrifying.
I don't know what race she is, I still find her attractive however.

She Mexican.

She's not fucking Mexican


That's a thing?

Still pretty tsundere.

Yes she is. And so are you

Would somebody please do another typeset of this chapter? I'm fucking ashamed of the job i did on it.

No she isn't and no I'm not.

Japanese negros

she's blasian. her dad is a black bull and her mom is japanese.

It's a fucking tan you niggers
And yet she's still whiter than you

She just has a tan ffs.

She can't handle Paisen's displays of affection because it's embarrassing, so she doesn't want to admit her feelings, and uses teasing to cover all of it up. That's as tsundere as it gets.

An actual tsundere wouldn't do a quarter of the things she does though
And she does admit her feelings to herself a bit, which although less than a perfectly functioning human being, is still a lot more than the average tsundere.
Last chapters shenanigans literally happened because she thought senpai had actually asked the president rather than her, not because she's denying anything
Of course she still melts and spergs out when her cute senpai manifests affection, but what teenage girl wouldn't

>An actual tsundere
She is beyond tsundere though. "actual" tsundere's are beneath her. She is ascended.



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Hadn't seen this trash pic for a few months and I really didn't miss it

Shut the fuck up there were multiple panels depicting her tanlines no one's fault you're a retarded fucking mole.

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I want to lick her tummy

It's nape of her neck for me.

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I want to lick everything

You're not wrong.

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Naga knows how to motivate a male.

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>Is she so perfect Yea Forums?
Because she was made to satisfy your beta incel fantasies.

Attached: naga.png (545x625, 217K)


Thanks, no fun allowed redditor, I bet you get laid a ton lmao

It looks like she's wearing a white swimsuit

>flat chested ascended tsundere highschool girl
Didn't you just said she is perfect?

2D will always be better than 3D, now fuck off back to plebbit.

Not him but consider custom-order robowaifus

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>that expression
Why is she judging me?

I suppose for not crowdfunding development of the rest of her body?

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Is there a reaction pic for my small penis?

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>rest of the few chapters afterwards is Senpai trying to hide his Nagatoro hickey

I'm sorry mistress

Good, but with a suction rather than a kiss, leaving a mark for days
Cue Naga commenting on branding her senpai (pet)

They are darker and genetically diverged.

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anime when?

Because she is a nigger who panders ronery user

After kissu.

After kiss than suction? Best of both worlds.

A suction is a kiss gone wrong (right) so yeah

It is, but they reportedly look either identical or very different from the mainland Japanese. They are in the Japanese cluster and don't diverge that much, but can still be considered a separate ethnicity. Their darker colour probably is a result of higher sunlight rates in their island chain. I've met Okinawans pale as snow and others who look like Thais
And to add, "Nagatoro Hayacchi" doesn't sound Okinawan at all. Okinawan names look kind of alien if they aren't translated or Japonised, like Higa Kame, Tamagusuku Seishin, Kinjou Hana

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What about some more licking?

Maybe she does break the skin and she licks the blood

Manga peaked I'm the first fuckin chapter

It became more of a traditional tsundere as things went on but it's what the readers wanted.

>Nagatoro isn't about an abusive relationship between an emotionally stunted autist and an unironic sociopath, so this means it is tsundere and shiet
Fucking hell this board

He's going to draw her nude. Fuck you.

Wait, wait, wait... what's the name of this manga again?

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Stop turning this place into reddit, (you)s aren't upvotes, Nagatoro

Where's the gabagool, Nagatoro?

Your friends are hotter than you, Nagatoro!

Attached: This is not how it looks, Nagatoro.jpg (960x1378, 211K)

I sometimes ask myself this. If the author let this progress as they have, it will be some ToLoveRu level shit where the fucking main heroine just fades into the background.

>dat retarded Nagatoro face.

Why is she such a horrible person?

God(774) made it so.

based fellow nape user

Can you explain to this brainlet what I'm looking at here?

>that leg

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She's on a diet.

All her fat and brain power is in her tits.

Each little dot is a sample from one individual from a selected ethnicity, which are differentiated by colours. Their relative position in this chart corresponds to their genetic closeness with other samples. They do it with other populations as well and it's a major source of autistic discussion in /his/ after Y-DNA haplogroups
F23 is a Jomon woman from Rebun Island if I remember correctly

Thanks, that's sufficiently advanced for this layman. Weird.

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