Burn Scars

It's okay if a girl has some scars, right anons?

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Other urls found in this thread:


its fine if her face doesn't resemble a pepperoni pizza

Of course it's OK.

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I don't mind one bit.

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Amputees are cool too

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I found this one image in an OPT but it’s too simple for SauceNAO to give sauce
Anyone recognize this? I want to read more comfy manga about scarred girls, but it almost feels like a rarity

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Oh fuck I just realized
Is the one in OP’s pic the same manga but a timeskip version? Or is the one page I have a flashback or intro?

there are other search engines

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Unfortunately, there are some KyoAni animators who will have to consider this question

I'm pretty sure OP made this thread because of it.

My mistake
Thanks a bunch, cool homebro


Delete this user

Why even live

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post some real scars and we'll talk
stop fetishizing this

Hi welcome to Yea Forums.
This is the anime and manga board.

You sound like a burn victim insecure with your scars
I bet ur a qt

Sandwiches are more than good enough for a lowly slave.

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There is literally nothing wrong with scars

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>Bringing 3DPD problems into Yea Forums
Back to plebbit

when did I even say anything about 3d you literal retard

>post some real scars and we'll talk

based autist

>real scars
>when did I even say anything about 3d

>Play this
>Time to choose between sandwich and pancake
>Well she's malnourished do a sandwich will be far better to her than just empty carbs and sugar

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we get it, you're stupid

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My waifu has scars and that's my fetish.

I'm sure pancakes are waaay better
t. Doctor

Burn scars are sexy.

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You have to go back

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besto bacon grill

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>there's no mistakin'

Scars are cuter than rolls.

I don't like how her burn scar looked in the anime though desu

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Man, this was depressing. It's implied that they don't get together in the end...

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This is right.

leave them be
let these anons fetishize their fake scars in peace

Most of my upper body was covered in scars for a long time, but, now that I've gotten old, I've noticed that I can't see them as clearly as I used to be able to. It actually makes me really sad.


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Do you think my waifu would get offended if I licked her burn scars more than I licked her vagina?

I feel really guilty and selfish for this, but I want a physically handicapped or otherwise disfigured gf so I can take care of her, probably just to fuel a savior complex, but I don't care.

those people exist
but don't expect them to look cute or beatiful :)

She was pretty cool

>cutest route until MC basically rapes her
fuck this route desu.

I mean, those girls prob don't get much love so more power to you.

They're not gonna be cute though.

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Fuck off.


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leg nub>arm nub


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You should be beaten to death for this you sicko.

Ooooooh fuck that hurt

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Now I want a full series of bacon-chan's spiral into depression and suicide.

All women should be amputated.

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Which is why the route where the MC himself gets raped is the best.

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Very much so.

They don't want their burns to be the object of a fetish.

Are girls with burns ever this cute IRL?

there's that one fencer girl

Not really no and when they are they have no trouble whatsoever finding a partner.

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All things considered she got off light. She still looks cute.

As I see it the difference is that IRL there are gradients to the burn. Areas of the skin that suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns around the area that suffers 3rd degree burns. So the scarring is never as clean as anime depicts it which is more like a tatoo. With definite Burn and not burned areas directly adjacent to one another that keeps the symmetry (and beauty) intact.

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Girls with burn scars deserve someone who'll finish the job.

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the problem isnt the burns, she was never cute in the first place

If anything, they're encouraged.

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bad burn scars are horrific. like a dry zombie. light burn scars are kinda cute. I prefer deep cut scars though. I saw this barista whose face looked like it had been a dog's chew toy once


But user, manipulating emotionally damaged girls in to loving me forever even though I'm a human sack of garbage who he himself just wants to be loved is my fetish.

And there's a line of prettier, taller, more confident sacks of shit to manipulate her, you're at the end of it too.

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yummy ears

molestation avid hyper-erotic something it's based off Toilet Komoru manga.

Ah, so it's hentai. Thanks mate.

I got the game but still has to play it.

Die in hell you piece of crap.

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Just give her the chocolate

>fuggg DDDD-: felds bad man DDDD:
Based spurdo.

Fucking anime burn scar
Someone post real life burn scar

in the early versions of the game there was a bug where the sandwich event would lead to a game loss every time even though it was meant to only be something she'd not like as much

I couldnt find the image I wanted to post, but theres a whole bunch of fan art where she's surrounded by sandwiches and terrified/crying because of this

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But Rin doesn't rape Hisao. In fact, their sex scenes were the best. More kissing and they would have been perfect.

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Well, that's kinda funny, in a way.

Burn scars are not inheritable, so why would I care? Burn scars > glasses.
It depends on how disfigured she is though. If it's like one of those acid burn survivors it would just be too unsettling.

No, why would I want some freddy kruger looking loser by my side lmao

made me tear up a bit

Her standards being low enough for you to pass.
Also extensive suffering either breaks people or matures them, deepening their personality.

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leave it, there is no point.

real burn scar in women look horrible and anime girls make it look cute.

Same thing happend when koe no katachi arrived , everyone wanted a deaf girlfriend but in reality most deaf girls are shit.

remember: reality =/= anime

She can be scarred but if she can't make a decent sandwich, then to HELL with her!


Depends on the scale of scarring and base rating of the girl. Cashier in nearby super is still cute despite having burns on 1/4 of her face and half her neck.
Also stop spacing like a spastic retard.

She had too much Monster energy drink.

Kill yourself retard.

Stop saying real burn scars are ugly, KyoAni still has hope

Anons manage to be ugly perfectly fine without any burn scars.

I could never love a burn victim.

Stick your head in a deep fryer, fag.


toasty roastie

all haiul the queen

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