Why did Seele attacked Nerv in EoE if they had the same objetives as Gendo?
But why?
because they didn't.
Gendo was trying to resurrect his dead wife. SEELE were trying to become gods.
Gendo tried to steer Instrumentality in some vague effort to reunite with his waifu
SEELE just wanted Instrumentality, of course with them at some kind of head role (though this isn't confirmed)
SEELE might have just wanted instrumentality in general, it's unknown if Shinji's version of being able to leave fits into their acceptable designs as well
Also, they basically won at the end, Instrumentality was occuring, might as well fuck up annoying NERV if you're that close to victory anyway
I read seele as seethe. Fuck this website.
don't let Yea Forums memes get to you, block it out, punch an angel
they both wanted third impact
but they wanted it on their own terms
in the end it was on Rei's terms
The mass production evas and ll the crazy shit Seele would do with them wasnt part of Gendou´s plan, he wanted to defeat the angels, fuck Seele´s plans of destroying human civilization, and after humankind is safe enough use the process intended for complementation to be with Yui inside Unit 01.
or something like that.
Both wanted Instrumentality and Gendo/Nerv archived, there was no need for a fucked up attack with napal.
It would made sense if Gendo showed signs of not wanting Instrumentality.
Seele knew how capable Gendo was and in the show he showed blatant insubordination multiple times
Fuck NERV, that's why
Fuckers didn't pay their taxes probably
That makes more sense.
>fuck him, we don't want him in our pool of lcl semen
Why was Shinji able to leave Instrumentality?
Was the wasteland on Earth or somewhere else?
Was wasteland!Asuka real or Shinji's guilt at having become too cocky and ascending to godhood?
What was Yui's goal in throwing herself into the complex? What happened there?
Why were SEELE and Gendo feuding about Instrumentality? If it happened, wouldn't SEELE ascend and Gendo could see Yui again?
Did Lilith and Adam know what the fuck they were doing?
What happened to Adam?
Pretty much this. They all wanted to trigger instrumentality in their own way and whoever did it probably had some power on how it will all go. Gendo tried to do it through Rei, using her like a remote control or something but she found her individuality and rejected his goals. She gave the choice to Shinji. Shinji made things the way they are. I think Seele wanted to use Kaworu clones or something like that.
I would've done the same thing, Gendo was too smug for his own good
>Why were SEELE and Gendo feuding about Instrumentality?
Because whoever controlled Instrumentality would basically become god? Rei more or less gave Shinji the keys, and Asuka survived because she was protected by the AT-field of Unit-2
I suppose the only thing different this time around is this mysterious secret agent who knows almost everything about everyone, she must’ve orchestrated the fallout between Nerve/SEELE/VVeel
I still don’t know if Adam and Lillith were sentient and benevolent in their own way or that everything that they did was a result of adapting for survival from humans trying to assimilate and use them for their own plans.
Because fuck them all, that's literally why
Would you really trust the guy that started second impact with a smile on his face?
Neither Seele nor Gendo's goals for instrumentality were fully completed. Gendo wanted to be with Yui again but she rejected him. Seele wanted to use the Mass Production Evas to make themselves gods, didn't happen but it seems they were satisfied with being tang'd anyways.
they're jews
asuka turned into lcl
fuck off mother complex
>SEELE killed Kaji
Is this one wrong?
>Ritsuko is best girl
guess I'm a kabbalist.
This is a SEELE free board, scum
SEELE har absolutely no idea what Gendo really wanted. But what they did know was that he had been consistently undermining them for a long time.
All Gendo truly wanted was too reunite with his wife but he also spends some time in the tv ending talking about instrumentality so he probably liked the idea. But Yui however seems like she doesn’t fully like the idea. So if Gendo reunites with Yui there is a chance he would have changed his mind about it.