
Post favorite anime/manga quotes.
Starting with the obligatory.

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Post Eren.

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I was blind. Chikane-chan, I never realized. You are not an angel or a devil. You were excited to pass by the person you were in love with. Just talking with the one you loved brought you a secret bliss. But there were nights you would lie awake thinking, what if she hates me? You were just a 16-year old girl.. But, I thought of you of so much more than that so I never saw it. Because you were strong and kind, I looked to you for support. I always relied on you and only thought about myself. Chikane-chan, you kept the pain and sadness bottled up inside, and sacrificed all the things you ever loved or cared about. No one ever knew that you were the one who suffered the most. And I left you alone to endure the sadness and loneliness by yourself. I'm sorry. I don't want you to hold anything back from me ever again. I want to know about your pain and suffering so I can share it with you. If I'm with you, I'll be fine no matter what happens. I can withstand anything. The sun can shine because it's with the moon. It can smile and glow with happiness. Because the moon teaches the sun how to shine, it can struggle with all its might to become brighter. I want to shine upon the moon. I want to become your very own Himeko, and warm the moon with my light.

Happy Birthday, Chikane-chan

Attached: kiss.webm (852x480, 2.9M)

Literally the only good thing about this garbage series was this scene

Maybe there've been times when I've been pissed and hated things, but it wasn't from this work. My dad's a no show, my mom's a lush, and school sucks, but this job is the one damn thing I've ever been good at. And if all the crap in my life hasn't screwed me up yet, then neither will this, and neither will you.

Attached: YusukeOfficial.png (442x617, 385K)

this was cringe though (like the rest of the series) and became a meme

Absolutely based. Marco Folgore is easily one of the greatest comic relief characters of all time

Been trying to find the exact episode with this quote for a coupe years. It really shows how a guy like Yusuke (street punk surrounded by the ugliness of the world) ended up a better spirit detective then the emotionally sheltered kid who only ever saw things in black and white.

Damn this fucking page for making me read this shitty manga and disappointing me so fucking much

Episode 85

Kumagawa and Kurosawa would be best friends

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Thank you, user-kun

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What would be his minus