How do you write an amoral / evil protagonist well?

How do you write an amoral / evil protagonist well?

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probably like Light Yagami, I guess. Idk. That bitch in your OP sucked tho



Like Shinji.



Like that bitch that stole Mugi's strawberry

But he is not amoral. Just because his morals are different does not make them non existent.

yeah I guess you have a point
what happened to the VA

Never seen one. So you don't.

Depends on what you're going for, you can have extremely complex and compelling guys like Guts who find themselves doing evil and amoral things at many different points in life for not necessarily evil reasons, or you can have a completely batshit genocidal motherfucker like MD Geist who revels in it but is so entertaining and over the top about it that he doesn't need to be all relatable and complicated on a personal level. In this way it very much depends on the tone of the story and how well the protagonist works with it, I see a lot of people praising Murcielago in this regard but I haven't read that one yet.

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the Colloid/Maya from Eden - It's an Endless World is the perfect example of that

He only cares about his personal interests, even if it's for the greater good, no matter the cost.
Accelerator is a good example or Lelouche.

A character is not amoral just because they sometimes choose to break them.

Endless "was Light evil or righteous?" debate aside... That's PRECISELY how you write a character.
Pure good characters are boring, and pure evil characters are retarded.

There were no "Good" Nazis.

Char Aznable. Morally ambiguous, believed he was doing a favor for humanity, and that was after he stopped trying to get revenge to boot. He himself thought he was reformed.

You do it with the intent of saying something thematically. Talk about the folly of a behavior or the effect of a behavior or what it takes to be that kind of person ect.

American psycho is about the predatory, hollow nature of 80's business culture. The godfather is about how one justifies becoming a crime lord ect.

If you have a theme or central idea, and you do a good job understanding your character's motivations, you got it.

By making him do literally nothing wrong.

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Give them consistent subjective internal logic that justifies their actions.

Ever heard of the Battle of Castle Itter

Like Tanya, someone who's purpose is strictly for self betterment or adheres to the end justify the means completely, that's why she's a good character.

By making them a lesbian.

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By writing them to be deep.
If they are evil, make it a deep evil. Reasons that play a symphony in the mind of a character every time he proceeds. Motive for even the smallest action.
The same for amoral. Make it a void. These are particularly good since they can be better than good or worse than evil. They must be capable but ignorant.

that's not a nazi

Charisma, honestly. Make them someone the audience will root for in spite of the fact that they're a piece of shit. The good-natured protagonist doesn't have to be particularly charming or interesting but an evil one needs to be or no one will put up with their bullshit.

The same way you write a good protagonist. You make the character interesting first and foremost. Goals, motivations, complex characterizations, a lot of people fall into this trap that if they create a complex character or they give them a tragic backstory that justifies their evil deeds that somehow it would make them a good villain. That's not necessarily true. The Joker for example is a pretty simple, static character. His characterization doesn't really have any twist and turns, just a straightforward evil villains that enjoys chaos and disorder. On the other hand you have Mister Freeze, who has a tragic and relatable backstory about turning to a life of crime for the sake of the person he loves. Mister Freeze is a complex villain with many layers, while The Joker is pretty much what you see is what you get. But Joker is the one that most people say is the best Batman villain. These people like Joker because he's a fun, entertaining character.

And the thing about Mister Freeze is that he's a complex AND well written character. A lot of other villains that go for that complex/relatable route tend to fall short because they're written to be complex for the sake of being complex without any real substance to make them interesting.

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>Good motives

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>Do something cruel/evil/bad to someone
>Wide toothy grin with crazy eyes and out of place frown
>Strange, loud, long winded and exageretaded cackle for futher enphasis that this character is enjoying someone elses misery
Stop it

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Mugi was the one who stole it.

Mugi did nothing wrong.

Main character in Ajin's pretty nice.

lmao death note fucking sucks
light was a faggot
he wanted to kill everyone that was a neet or not a drone

he was a faggot cuck

You don't. Evil for evil's sake is a shit tripe and you won't find it in any good story. Any good villain is either relatable or at least understandable for the sake reason that every good hero must have flaws.

She took it back

I write how I feel myself when I'm angry and I just don't care for the world.

For starters you don't pigeonhole them as "evil" or you will inevitable end up making a laughably destructive, or aimless, protagonist.

It's bait user, you should have seen it a mile away.

>Light's motives
>Hard to find fault in

pic unrelated of course

Light's morals rapidly change with the circumstances, which is why he shifts from killing criminals to killing anyone who inconveniences him. The whole point of the story is his moral degradation.

>faggots posting characters with justifiable motives
The only evil ones are those that kill without a cause or just want mayhem and pain to others.

Well written in tv means tragic backstory and deeper meaning motive

Realistic would be just because

By making them completely logical. That's it. This also applies to writing good villains.

A real life example of amoral/evil people is Unit 731. They're the ones who performed horrific experiments on Chinese people to test out new biological weapons/study the extremes of human tolerance. The problem is, the more evil they are, the harder it is to relate to them as protagonists. You can overcome this by making them extremely affable, like Hannibal Lecter. But even that has its limits, depending on the topic.

Point is, the more logical they are, the more likely the audience is going to believe they exist. But getting them to relate to them/want to read about them is another matter entirely.

By not making them an edgefest? A villain has to have standards while still being evil.
Think Moriarty, or because I doubt we'd get a good Moriarty a Moriarty with the campiness of Dr. Evil.

Because they were all great?

give them big anime tiddies

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goddamn that's an UGLY DUCK


They have to view themselves as the hero in their story.

MCU Thanos believed in his ideology and his righteousness. He slaughtered countless civilizations in order to accomplish his greater good. He sacrificed things he cared about, and it affected him.

By making her a cute girl.

The best way to sell a sadistic and cruel character is to make them laugh like a child when they’re doing something terrible to someone else

Give them reasons to be that way and a goal that could justify it

Pure evil characters are fun retard.

your opinion is wrong. here's a proof

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I think Light is an extremely boring character because he doesn't develop at all. For starters, we don't get any insight as to why he got his worldview to begin with. Even the arc where he intentionally forgets being Kira only has him saying "This guy's ideology is similar to mine" and leaves it at that. I imagined that his beliefs would actually be challenged by him killing someone who would later turn out to be innocent or after settling down in between the timeskip.

But instead, the series is so focused on maintaining a cat and mouse game that he doesn't change at all.

give them a cause

It was all just a power fantasy, user, he didn't actually give all that many shits about idealism or whatever. He had a naturally competitive streak from maintaining his academic spot nationally and found himself easily coming out on top of everyone, so he was one deus ex machina away from developing a god complex. From there on he develops quite a bit, especially when L, the FBI, Penber's squeeze, and Misa come along, don't really know what you're on about.

>truck kun as mid tier
made me laugh giggle


He's morally ambiguous you asshat. He literally has the weight of mankind on his shoulders all at once and all he cares about is Daddy's approval and himself, not even Asuka, Rei, Misato... or Kaworu, in the end. Fucking newfag

Have them reflect the evil qualities of the protagonist

You must read the manga user.

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She's not evil, she's just willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

Get your autocorrect reigned in.

should always be a rapist

rent free

Just have them not do anything evil. It's that simple.

Is this the Tanya thread?

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My wife is very cute.

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Amoral and Evil are really different though...
It's the same as writing any other character? Give them motivations and make them somewhat relatable as humans.

he was more based than you will ever be

Not even, anyone that watched the anime and still thinks she's evil is a retard.

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t. 12 year old

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His morals were non-existent from the point he killed Naomi, i.e. right at the beginning
It's just about a mass-murdering autist chased by another high IQ autist in high-stake 4d chess

>David Irving
>David Duke
>Richard Spencer
>Richard Stallman
They're all evil as fuck

Can be.
