Goodbye guys. I'm gonna leave this board and anime altogether and start being normie because I start engineering school next month. It was good 4-5 yo. ride we had...
Goodbye guys...
Michael Moore
Dominic Hall
see you next week, fucking attention seeking faggot
John Taylor
Ok dumbass nice blog and bait!
Xavier Adams
you're not a fucking normie unless you worship Dragonball, One Piece, or Naruto. Fuck off. You don't even know what a real normie is.
Samuel Davis
>tfw starting med school in a month
see you in 9 months anime..
Nicholas Stewart
remember, you can never leave
Ethan Hughes
I don't understand these why are you making them? I hope it's related to kyoani incident
Joshua Ramirez
You're delusional if you think entering enginering school alone can make you a normal fag.
I'm in one of those and still lurk this board.
Christopher Sullivan
>engineering school
/m/ will always be there for you user
Landon Johnson
>he thinks he'll become a normie because of college