Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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It was. Top waifus as well.

You say Cowboy Bebop, I say Outlaw Star

You heard it, didn't you?

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Quentassential 90s anime.
Researched it recently and I thought it was still good.
I unironically think OS is better than Bebop.

It was great. Shame about the ending though.

*re watched
Fucking autocorrect

I'm very nostalgic for this show

No idea what your Yea Forumsermin speech is saying, but Outlaw Star was a good show unfortunately overshadowed in people's memories by the other space gunslinger shows Cowboy Bebop and Trigun.


my favorite anime of all time. the only shows that ever came close to it for me were Spice and Wolf and Busou Renkin.

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Completely? No. Rewatched it and some of the shit like grappler arms seems stupid AF.

That being said though the vast majority was pure kino from the OST to the characters to the scenography it hit alot of high notes and is still one of my favorites. What really killed it for me though was the fact that the ending felt a little rushed.

Yeah the OST had alot of good tracks. Learned to play Breeze on the harmonica when i was a kid because i though the track was so cool

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I still get Melfina's song stuck in my head sometimes...

And I do think the other ED was even better!

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Outlaw Star might be the best looking TV anime of all time. The BDs blew me away when they came out.

Never managed to go beyond ep 2.
Somehow found magic bullets and ships with hands really retarded.
Might give it another chance since I've gotten dumb enough.

Wow, what a fag.

If it's boobs you're after, stay tuned.

I jerked it to aisha, a lot

Well, imagine not having much for the basis and going from Bebop straight to OS.

seems like you should've enjoyed it immensely since OS is a vast improvement over bebop.