Fat bitch

fat bitch

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Post your body

>Dumb bitch

Yes, and?

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I just want her to get with Bakugo

is that too much to ask?

Her character sucks but she's super cute. The anime character designer deserves an award. The mangaka, not so much.

T. Krumbs

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For too

P-p-p-p-p-pleasantly plump!

I actually wish she would be featured more in BNHA, but she's hardly even main girl tier, shafted in pretty much every arc.

is that some BNHA thread tripfag or what?
I normally stay out of shounen threads

If you don't know it's best that you stay blissfully ignorant.

tell me, I'm ready

Some fat tumblr landwhale who can perfectly replicate the anime drawing and animation style but wastes it on Kacchako cancer shipping.

What said.

She's just doing it for the money, user.
She wants to support her parents.


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better than shitty dekuxorarara pairing

I'm talking about Ochako when she does- uh
Things, with nice, stand up guys with a darker skin.

Big boobs and big butt, but the waist is normal. Not fat.

These are fat.

Fat traitor



I still don't understand this; ignoring the obvious MC pairing (for both of them actually) as MC pairings are derivative and incite people to no fucking end, both of them ship better with everyone else.

>Despite being widely mocked in his class for being an edgelord, Bakugo still ships better with everyone from the female villains, his one friend and the fucking frog of all people
>Uraraka ships better with Iida, RED ROCKET, and half the female cast

If anything, they'd essentially be rivals for Deku, if either of the guys even swung that way. Their interactions consist of

>Trying to beat the shit out of each other, both being egged on/inspired by Midoriya
>One line of input when Bakugo was kidnapped
>Bakugo calling her a fatface

It's like Zutara 2.0, but instead of outright antagonism it's just... nothing?


Who in the god damn fuck unironically thinks that is fat, Momo is fatter if this is what fat looks like.

Yes. Bakugou belongs with Eijirou.



Cutie pie

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>bakugo ships better with a dude
fujoshits, get out

I didn't say he ships well, he just ships better.

A dumpster fire is chaotic and smelly, but at least it can provide some warmth. It's also still preferable to the void of nothing, and worse than having some nice strawberry ice cream.

Bakugoufags are diseased

not a bakugofag

I just hate boring male mc x boring female pairings

>It's like Zutara 2.0
This except Katara and Zuku are good characters.

Abortive shoujo shippings are not better.

Oh my wishing energy!

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imagine the zero-g sex

Can you imagine fucking a marshmallow in 0g?!

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Nothing that a Virginia smash can't fix

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why do you want to see his body? that's gay!

fuck is that really her?

Right. Just followgeneric shoujoshit or haremshit if you need occasional verbal and physical abuse to be turned on. The rest of us are doing just fine.

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the fat is in all the right places

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She is perfect. Unless you are gay of course

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Even Ochako knows when she's beat.

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> Basically an hourglass figure
> "Fat"
Yikes bros...

You first.

I honestly don't understand

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Built for facesitting

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>not skinnyfat twig
>has a remotely feminine bone structure and fat/muscle in the right places
She's fat
t. Yea Forums

If Uraraka were a villain and gave no shits, how broken would she be?

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