Reminder never to watch anime because of a meme. God, what a waste of 5 hours...

Reminder never to watch anime because of a meme. God, what a waste of 5 hours. At least thee OVA was somewhat interesting.

Attached: charlotte meme.jpg (1440x1440, 376K)

>watch anime because of a meme
who the fuck does that?


Him stealing all those other people’s powers made me so fucking mad fuck this guy.

half the jojo fanbase

Charlotte is my wife

Is pic related worth watching?

Attached: Anime Yuruyuri 1.jpg (256x256, 8K)

>who would watch X because of a meme
i mean thats how MLP got its own board

Your wife is a comet?

>God, what a waste of 5 hours
Hey at least you got an entertaining trainwreck

Not everything gets shit so spectacularly fast and in such an amazingly retarded fashion