Create your stand

Create your stand

1. The name of the last song / band you listened to.
3. Extra points, draw stand picture in paint.

Mine is:
Stand name:『In Degrees』
Power: Candle Manipulation

I guess i control hot wax?

Attached: stands.png (350x393, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:

『Down The Road』


Kinda fitting name i guess? No idea how it would look like.

Strawberry Fields Forever
Death-force constructs, which could probably be spun as "I have to kill people to make things"

Let It Die/Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
I guess my stand is a stand to destroy stands. The opposite factor of stand arrows?
I can't draw but I guess I'd imagine it as a grim reaper looking specter.

Attached: ceb410c560118010d687e16f2ee4a98b.png (700x910, 392K)

Wallace and Gromit Theme
Feather Manipulation

Attached: fucked that penguin up gromit.png (801x800, 31K)

Stand name -『Ommadawn 』
Power - Past Creation

I already have a stand, it's called 『Starless』and allows me to control the distance between certain objects

Stand name:『Venice Bitch』
Power: Healing Empowerment, the power to gain strength from healing.

Sounds interesting. I wish I could draw. I imagine a design inspired in a gondolier.

You're the main villain user

Get stand mogged

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I am okay with this.
I can't draw for this, so pic related is the album cover and awoo is my Stando.

Attached: 1547694968462.jpg (500x500, 118K)

Stand name:『Close to the edge』

>『Red Swan』
i like it, could be OP witn good stats

Attached: stand.png (330x292, 9K)

Stand Name: Transphobic Techno
Stand Ability: Remove penises
Standcry: "Bitch got a penis"

at least i dont listen to metalcore

Attached: F58981B7-E7A7-4E4D-BD0D-5CBDFB35EDDE.gif (332x250, 3.63M)

『President Heartbeat』
Power: Multiple Hearts
Allows the user to remove their heart and implant it elsewhere in something inorganic. When the user recieves damage, their body responds as if it were made up of what the heart was implanted in. Likewise, attacking the heart's host object will cause it to react as if it were a human body. The user cannot be killed while using the ability unless the heart is destroyed, but can be rendered ineffective by extreme damage.

Pretty shit stand in terms of power but would probably make a passable one off early filler fight.

Bitch mine was magic destruction. I don't care if you eat the whole universe, if it's magic it's verboten.

Yeah ok buddy how do you propose you’ll utilize that stand if your entire fucking reality gets eaten

Doesn't that make it a matter of quickdraw? Whoever shouts their stand name first wins.

ok whats the name of yours, mines 3 syllables

"Let It Die" would also be three syllables... in english. (It's also a very similar name to yours, coincidentally.)
But remember, these are stands, so the name is actually in japanese!
I guess I'm the dark hero who saves the universe? Kind of a crummy arc if you ask me.


Stand Name: E=MC2

Stand Ability: [Crossover Manipulation](

Power - B

Speed - A

Range - A

Durability - A

Precision - E

Potential - A

Description: The ability to manipulate how anything crosses over to other universes. The user can manipulate how things crossover into other dimensions, realities, universes, realms, etc. They can determine if things can leave their home universe, exist in other universes, handle the different physical laws and concepts (if any), gain new abilities, skills, knowledge, etc., gain new forms going into those worlds, how they interact with things in the other universe, if their abilities work, if they can...

So by calling upon the Theory of Relativity, I can re-enact the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, and the only drawback is that it's not very precise. Sounds kinda broken.

>Listening to Crystal Castles

Well that seems pretty on the nose.

Attached: file.png (819x1024, 2.18M)

Stand name: 『Wild Cherry』
Anything it touched with its bulbous fingers begins to degrade/rapidly age. And yes, it flies around on a little tornado, à la Doobie Wah!

Attached: wild cherry.png (644x538, 54K)

『Crystal Castles』
Power: Papyrokinetic Shapeshifting
I guess i can transform into anything but as paper? or turn paper into anything?

Also I guess the Stand itself would literally just be this guy, straight up sucked out of Dr. Stone, making the very existence of the Stand a crossover.

Attached: senku.png (350x447, 163K)

Stand user:

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Attached: spiderman^2.jpg (800x450, 46K)

『Soft as Chalk』

>I fucking love JoJo

Attached: 73667b129a478499979dbea2bd3b026c6649060da20798aef5b84f7306780c07.jpg (665x800, 157K)

Stand name:『The Width of a Circle』
Power: Helium Generation
Cool applications?

hello, Yea Forumsermin

『Celestial Terrestrial Commuters』

Multi-Shapeshifting- The power to take the form of more than one being at once.

Stand name:『Big Empty』

Attached: BigEmpty.png (945x773, 25K)

You can beam energy like the one produced inside the sun and make floating balloons

Attached: nuclear-fusion.jpg (1000x598, 58K)

I'm a shitty artist, it's supposed to look like a blue jellyfish with triangular eyes

Attached: tegaki.png (400x400, 13K)

Stand name:『Mournful, yet and forever』
Power: Cosmic Bow Construction

Attached: Untitled.png (1152x648, 214K)


I'm a three episode side character at best

Ability: Exorcism

Can I banish someones stand from their own body? damn

『A lots gonna change』
Actually seems like it could be really powerful, I wonder what the limitations would be though. Probably like chrollo

Attached: faceapp-Yakuza-5.png (720x720, 661K)

『Leather Rebel』(after the Judas Priest song)

Kinetic Energy Manipulation

I haven't purposely listen to a song since gangnam style was popular if that doesnt count my uber driver had the radio on when i got in this morning, I asked him to turned it off and dont remember how the song went
also my power is retarded
>Cold Physiology: the power to transform into or have a physical body made up of cold.

Name: Mötley Crüe
Ability: Emotional Manifestation

『Chaos Japan』
kinda fitting, I guess

Are you ok man?

『To be the Best』


I'm guessing some sort of passive stand that alters things to be the best outcome for the user?

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『i love my computer』
Interface Creation
this... actually works

Power: Improbability Inducement

Stand name:『DEUTSCHLAND』
Power: Roboticization

The user has the ability to convert any biological or elemental matter with free will into a mindless robot or machines. They can roboticize anything they desire, converting their flesh and bone into circuitry and programming code, and in many cases of doing so, utterly destroying any free will the victim once had.

Attached: 81rWOrcYsgL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 184K)

『Future Club』

Everyones getting fucked, even me

Attached: F4AE44B7-C0A5-41ED-9FEA-E4052ADC81FB.jpg (928x813, 140K)

『Bad Religion』


Yeah it could be worst I guess

no, not really


With my stand STRANGER REMAIN, I will cause all probability of success to drop to [say the zeros like ora ora] 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 PERCENT!

Attached: Doctor_Crocktopus.png (360x450, 252K)

>User can reshape entire planets/worlds, including the land, environment, climate, terrain, weather, etc., allowing them to change everything on the planets surface and/or its internal structure, letting them not only change how the planet looks but even how it functions.
I’d say it’s pretty busted

『Secret Separation』


I make all those around me, men and women, experience the joy of child birth.
Also plant manipulation, I guess.

Attached: DSC0189.jpg (1000x737, 458K)

When using the link at to decide stats:
Power - A
Speed - A
Range - E
Durability - A
Precision - C
Potential - A

『MARCH OF THE BLACK QUEEN』is a punchghost stand that can physically pull the stands out of a stand user (like the ghost hands at the end of part 4) and seal the stand as a puppet with it's own powers. It can then use the opponent's stand as a meatshield, have the user attacked by it's own stand, or just kill a stand that it has sealed outright. It can only seal one stand at a time. The stand is like Echoes Act 3 or Sex Pistols.

I hit the fucking jackpot boyos.

Attached: MARCH OF THE BLACK QUEEN.png (280x305, 10K)

>The stand is sentient like Echoes Act 3 or Sex Pistols.
fixed it

I laughed way harder at this post than I should have.

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>blue oyster cult

Attached: 10000hoursinpaint.png (900x546, 31K)

Crush 40
i may look fast but i just make attraction fields and move shit with it and maybe i can become fast because i can make the use said fields to repulse my feet of the ground

Attached: im not even sorry.png (1170x1220, 61K)

H-he's fast!

You can be a cult leader with this shit my man.

『Red』 (King Crimson)
Absolute Counter
Power to counter an attack, both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect combination of offensive and defensive. The ultimate version of Counter.

Stand Name:『Lateralus』
Ability: Quantum String Manipulation "Final Villain" tier shit.

Attached: lateralus-51b0c267a40ba.jpg (1000x1000, 879K)

『Platinum Disco』

Is technically better than Star Platinum/The World. Would be extremely busted, as freezing time would be possible, just bring a jacket. Any heat-based ability is completely BTFO.

Attached: 1563592817253.jpg (1600x1200, 679K)

> Random Power Listing
> Not following Araki's Golden Road to Manga and drawing inspiration from anything you fucking want just so long as it's not broken
pleb-tier and bluepilled
t. somebody who is a living Stand generator

That being said:
> Ability: User is able to transfer emotional energy into technological devices to affect their functions. An engine charged with rage may violently explode; whereas a computer charged with "sadness" will experience a drop in processing power and ability to function.
> The "affect" the User transfers from themselves must organically be present, so that it may be drawn out of them and into the device. The amount of energy transferred in this manner proportionally diminishes their affect.

Post your musical references too, niggers.

I got uh
Power: Phone Manipulation

「All Day」
World's best healer

『New Order』

POWER - Adaptive Development:

The power to permanently improve at a incredible rate through challenges when limits are reached. Enhanced version of Accelerated Development and Adaptive Metabolism. Variation of Adaptive Power-Level.

>Plan to lose

Attached: 9l0h5zw.png (500x389, 103K)

『Gangsta's Paradise』
It works.

Mass Locked』

Earth Imprisonment

Totally not rigged

Komm süßer Tod
Space-Time Phenomenon Manipulation

Attached: 2f7.jpg (680x817, 70K)

>Stand:『Red Nightmare』
>Reference: One More Red Nightmare by King Crimson

Attached: 1553077598341.png (1280x960, 3.61M)

Name: can't be Saved

I'll negate your ability to use your stand and your ability to think critically

Stand Name:『Brockhampton』
Power: Extended Activity
Could be dope if I can change the object I’m good with on the fly, could fit with the motif of brockhampton having a bunch of members who do different things?

『Soul's Resting Place』
The power to destroy all powers. Sub-power of Meta Power Manipulation. Ultimate Version of Power Destruction. Opposite to Meta Ability Creation.
Power - A
Speed - C
Range - C
Durability - E
Precision - B
Potential - D

You sons of-
If you don't start posting youtube embeds to your musical references I'm gonna do something.

>for numales

real men love Jojo

Adding stats is a good idea
>Power: None
>Speed: Infinite (a la MIH)
>Range: Infinite
>Durability: E
>Precision: A
>Potential: C
I imagine it as some sort of fragile eye

Locomotive Breath

I can erase past events? A better Mandom?

Attached: big red.jpg (960x960, 159K)
Just diy

My Stand Is:『motherfucker=redeemer』

Power: Reality Crossroads (User can create/open pathways to anywhere/everywhere, including other afterlife's, worlds, realms, realities, dreams, planes, dimensions, universes, times, domains, etc. linking those places with the world the user calls it from.)

Attached: 85496fe60dd40eef331ef6c09b747f0d.jpg (408x612, 78K)

Stand Name: Synchronicity

Stand Ability: [Psychometry](

Power - D

Speed - C

Range - B

Durability - C

Precision - A

Potential - B

Description: The power to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. Variation of Extrasensory Perception. The user obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. With objects they gain the knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body the user learns their general life-history, but...

And it's Evolution :

Stand Name: Synchronicity II

Stand Ability: [Property Manipulation](

Power - C

Speed - B

Range - A

Durability - B

Precision - A

Potential - E

Description: The power to change the physical and chemical property of matter. The user can change the properties of matter, including density, color, shape, state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), hardness, ductility, rigidness, etc. They can make things harder/stronger or weaker/more brittle, turn gas into solid, make metal stretch and rubber break as glass. They can make things hotter than the sun, or...

Attached: Police-album-synchronicity.jpg (300x300, 86K)

Stand name:『Smooth Operator』
Ability: Upon making eye contact with another individual, Smooth Operator allows you to restart any conversation from the point of contact. The Stand also allows you to know what to say to get a particular outcome or reaction.

i.e. You need to get information out of someone. Smooth Operator will allow you to ask anything, then reset the conversation. You'll remember what you the other said, but they won't be aware of anything. A little jank because you can torture someone and undo the torture by reseting the conversation.

Maybe the Stand consists of multiple entities - and you can selectively divide your performance capabilities amongst objects to be either a jack-of-all-trades; or concentrate on one object to be an absolute master with it?

Nice, not too overpowered. Definatly Job to tier.


Kid A
sounds like the main antagonist of a part

『Come My Way』
Power: Sex Magic

I can force you to Cum My Way.

Attached: 1460736163155.png (768x832, 291K)

『Into The Void』

Seems Oddly Fitting

Stand name -『Closed shop 』
Power - Abundance Manipulation

Attached: 00B4F72A-A58D-40FD-B86A-47CD988D4029.png (464x678, 250K)

『Working Man』
This stand makes me a wagecuck for all of eternity

Yeah, that seems pretty cool

Another fellow Weyes Blood fan good to see
『Leave a tender moment alone』
Basically denial : the stand, i was gonna correct the anatomy but then i remembered it was a JoJo thread so...

Attached: IMG_20190719_231739848.jpg (654x821, 169K)

Stand name: Social Distortion Reach for the sky


REACH FOR THE SKY: a stand that's humanoid with a infinite notebook and I get a copy of the infinite notebook. It has the power to turn any fantasy regardless of any physical laws into reality. Or repalce an physical object attributes into fantasy ones. Me and the stand must write down the "wish or command" within a 30 seconds of each other, if we fail to do this the creation/wish we created will turn against us and the target(if used against a target). It cannot kill or maim any human or stand, unless the target activates the second ability BALL AND CHAIN.

BALL AND CHAIN: Which only activates if the target makes an wish to my stand or object that has been marked by my stand(only one mark can be in reality at a time). The wish will take the targets positive essence(dreams) and warp into their darkest essence(nightmares)

The Humanoid part of the stand cannot attack but can only block a little damage and is sentient. The two books are indestructible and any one can write in the users book

Power - Infinite
Speed - Infinite
Range - Infinite
Durability - C
Precision - Infinite
Potential - infinite

Very overpowered

Attached: 1551521893797.png (736x665, 1.04M)

Stand Name: Indiscipline
Stand Power:
I guess it kind of fits


Seriously though what the fuck is this

Attached: my stand.png (489x481, 18K)

Stand Name:『Far Fowls』
Ability: Cartomancy
> Ability to gain insights into a question or inquiry using cards
Extended application
> Good at fortune telling with decks of cards when using my stand. Has no effect otherwise.
> Able to see tarot cards associated with a person's immediate future
> > Can invert the fortunes, albeit with some effort. Can be performed more easily on the willing, and with greater difficulty on the unwilling.
> The fortunes are merely an interpretation of the future, and rarely tell what will actually happen or how it will affect their lives in the future. Inverting fate can be risky for this reason.
> People are ultimately in control of their own fates at the end of the day. If they meet someone with a stronger fates than them, whatever readings or inversions performed on them will not matter -- they will get swept up in that person's fate.
> The stand can only read peoples' fortunes within the next three days. The strongest "fate" is what is detected.
> The stand becomes slightly visible to non-stand users in low light

tl;dr I can do fortune telling. It's more reliable than fake fortune tellers but still merely interpretations of the future.

I'm seeing Yes next week, fucking hype.

Attached: Yes_Asia_JohnLodge_CarlPalmer_2019_Clean1.jpg (1500x1748, 643K)

Power: Infinite Stamina

Stand:『Take On Me』

Power: The ability to copy one power from another stand. However, there are rules:

1. Take On Me must touch the stand in order to copy it's power

2. It can only copy 1 Stand power per touch

3. If I decide to copy another Stand power, Take on Me must lose the previous stand power it was holding to copy the newer power.

>Don't want another The Hand or Gold Experience on our hands, do we?

Power: Superpower Evolution
"This power can upgrade or evolve any kind of superpower, including enhancing one's physical and mental condition an unlimited number of times, to virtually any level of gaining new powers or form."

Stand Name:『Flux and Flow』
Ability: Enhanced Brain Capacity
> The ability to use one's brain capacity far above the maximum level

> Brain-like helmet that plugs directly into a person's brain. Has vents on the side to relieve heat

> Mental processing power is increased far beyond that of a regular human being, including but not being limited to problem solving and perception
> Memories can be stored indefinitely
> Low-level telekinesis

> Enhanced brain capacity does NOT necessarily mean enhanced intelligence
> Brain gets hotter due to the increased activity. Longer periods of heightened activity will cause your brain to overheat, requiring time to (literally) cool down in less extreme cases, with the potential of causing brain death in more extreme cases
> > Telekinesis can greatly hasten this
> Stand is fully visible when manifested, and can be stolen similarly to White Snake's discs
> Can be plugged into a computer to provide extra processing power, but memories stored on it cannot be altered. Additionally, requires a Serial Port.

Someday Never Comes
Ring Physiology
It manifests as a halo above the head of its victims. While manifested, the victims thoughts are trapped in a loop, they find themselves unable to get their mind off of a certain topic. With practice, the user can use suggestion and manipulation to trap his victims an a disadventageous mindset

Attached: SomedayNeverComes.png (1080x1220, 72K)

Stand Name: Get Got

Stand Ability: [Prima Materia Manipulation](

Power - D

Speed - C

Range - E

Durability - A

Precision - A

Potential - E

Description: The power to manipulate Prima Materia. Sub-power of Primordial Force Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate Prima Materia, a formless, primitive form of matter that the universe and all matter is said to originate from. The user is able to create whole universes from Prime Materia, transmute matter (for example, lead into gold), create new types of matter, affect its state, etc.

Stand name: Tennis System
Stand power: force/induce others to lie

Would be a good stand power for politics

Stand Name:『MR.BUNGLE』

Stand Ability: A circus tent with infinite maze like space inside trying to kill you

Attached: Tent.jpg (1024x681, 361K)

Stand name: Baco Exu do Blues
power : Mysticism

Stand Name: Cook's Bay

Stand Ability: [Nether Ball Projection](

Power - B

Speed - D

Range - E

Durability - E

Precision - E

Potential - A

Description: The power to project balls of nether. Sub-power of Nether Attacks. Variation of Ball Projection. The user can create and project balls of nether of various levels of damage and size. These spheres can be projected, used as a part of melee attacks, orbit around the user, or ways of transportation.

[The Thing That Should Not Be]

『Look at Me』

The user can replicate anything such as themselves, objects, powers, and anything else they can imagine

Stand name 『Providence』

The stand has the power to mark objects with energy fields, these fields grow stronger in relation of how fast the object is moving/accelerating away from the user, when the object impacts a sturdy surface it releases a explosion (no heat, only shockwave) that travels through the ground or solid objects over a predetermined area or direction. The object itself is invulnerable to the explosion but not to outside damage.

Attached: Stando.png (567x542, 27K)

Power: Mass Teleportation
sounds very part 8 to me

『Pumped Up Kicks』

Shit, so I'm fast, can make others go slow, I can manipulate friction so that any surface becomes as slippery or as grippy as I want it allowing me to traverse just about any terrain at any angle.


Shit I also forgot about the defensive capabilities like making yourself so slippery all attacks just slip off of you, and on the offensive side you can make your fist or feet so god damn grippy that you just rip their skin and flesh off.

Idea Creation
The user can create principles, the complete and fundamental underlying nature behind everything.

I couldn't handle a power that strong. Imagine making so many principles you couldn't make heads or tails of anything anymore and it ends up being your downfall.

Tried to make it look good. Forgive the ugly face and small size.

Attached: Quicky_flux'n'flow.png (567x542, 23K)

I actually love it. But I'm a good kid and a bit dumb so I couldn't use all my potencial
Just like okuyasu

Stand name:『Close2U』

fuck why does it have to be so gay

『Blood Command』
Alarm all assassins!
Illusion Attacks

Power - C
Speed - C
Range - B
Durability - C
Precision - A
Potential - E

feels like Justice and Hierophant Green put together minus the ability to straight up control people.

Attached: a1433499038_10[1].jpg (1200x1200, 570K)


Name sorta works, as if you're pretending to be already defeated. Seems really weak, but definitely has a whole bunch of useful applications in a stand battle
acting is if the user already is dead from a non lethal stand attack to score a cheap ambush shot/make the user invisible by creating illusions that 99% of their body was destroyed

『What Love』
Power : The user can reduce and decrease and multiply something already existing, whether matter, emotion or concept. Note that user cannot actually create anything, simply decrease what exist, no matter how little or big there is.

>multiply/reduce concept
>multiply good games thread
>reduce jojo thread

Stand Name:『A Saucerful of Secrets』
Stand Ability: Chemical Substance Control/Manipulation and Chemokinesis (
Ability Description : The user can create/generate, shape and manipulate chemical substances that can create new elemental or chemical, toxic, combustible, or explosive substance. Users can also manipulate the reactions of the chemical substance.
Stand Limitation :
- May end up severely injured or even die, if not careful when mixing minerals.
- May be poisoned by certain elements or radiation.
- Certain chemicals may cause mental dysfunctions.
Stats :
Power - D
Speed - B
Range - B
Durability - A
Precision - C
Potential - D

Attached: saucerfulofsecrets_mc_turkey.jpg (509x792, 123K)

>Art of noise
Checks out

>Big Gigantic - Little Things

Holy shit.

Stand Name:『Au Revoir』
I'm the main character.

Attached: 1509153806018.jpg (615x820, 132K)

『Bodysnatchers』: Summons giant hands that move at high speed but low power, these hands aren't durable but can regenerate from any damage. Upon contact the hands attach and become amoebas that enter the bloodstream and changes the targets perception of their feelings. For example, changing your perception of feeling the wind against your skin to that of being stabbed all over or removing you perception of everything and making completely blind and unable to feel anything/move. Despite the hands weak power, the stand itself can hit very hard, able to tear a human apart with high power.

Attached: bodysnatchers.jpg (3000x2000, 816K)

Stand Name: 『The Pillows』

Stand:『Let Me Live』
Ability: Astral Sugestion
My soul flies off my body and puts suggestions in peoples minds.