Why can't more studios be like KyoAni? Do other studios even try?
Why can't more studios be like KyoAni? Do other studios even try?
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This is why kyoani is called special
too soon
How do they do it? What is their secret?
I love you. This is the Yea Forums that I voted for.
Based Kyoto, showing the industry how it's done.
Kyoani burns everything weeks in advance. Other studios often do it the week before airing, or on tighter schedules. This is why they don't fail.
Kyoani doesn't draw anime. They put a camera inside the anime world.
Unfortunately, they don't put fire extinguishers inside the anime world
I feel bad for laughing but fuck it.
What the joke that kyoani makes fire ?
Sensible chuckle.
They draw too fast, the friction between the pencils and the paper is so big that they catch on fire after a few minutes.
Remember when people were saying Dogakobo was going to be the next KyoAni?
>making your buildings out of paper
What's their secret?
making shit anime
VEGgies: roasted
The Chad Crispy Kyoani vs the Virgin Soggy Anime Studio
Kyoani fired Yamakan
Arsonist fired Kyoani
The save an enormousness amount of money by skipping out on fire protection and security services
>So uhhhh we're in highschool
>We start a club and we are cute girls who do cute things
>Also there is music and school festivals
Ah, shit. Here we go again.
das it mane
Honestly, I'm not happy that anyone had to die because of this, but FUCK KyoAni and their incessant moeshit fucking GARBAGE and FUCK the fat, gross fujoshi cunts that uphold this trash.
This thread is what I lived for.
It's a reference to another webm. You would need to lurk Yea Forums to understand, stupid crossboarder.
To be "on fire" is to be really kicking ass and taking names, that is to say, doing well. They were making some pretty good anime for a while, so I guess they were "on fire."
I'm specifically not going to report this post so it's not declaring a report when I say that this post is extremely low quality. Because I want you to know, personally, by reading this:
This post is extremely low quality.
they use the same face across most their works. saves tons
>same face
Well, no shit.
It's the same actress.
Masterly crafted post. Fucking hell
Reminder that kyoani also provides the best working conditions in the whole industry.
They didn't provide fire escapes.
Also, I prefer working in a properly air-conditioned environments with temperatures not exceeding 150°F.
>why can't more studios be burned down to the ground
need more arsonist
Reminder that kyoani is the hottest studio around.
Only two exists, small windows and no fire doors.
I'm obviously sad for people who lost their lives in the tragic event but I honestly couldn't give a fuck about them stopping shitting out more of these. I didn't like a single one of their shitty creations.
Oh! Moeru!
Well, after many years of reading whining like this now I'm 100% sure that 100% moe haters are retarded normalfags who don't know a shit about the anime. They are ofter trying to pretend being super edgy because they watched some shitty MUH MATURE seires with MUH MATURE characters and pseudo philosophy. Often completely western inspired. Generally fuck you.
KyoAni lately produced some normalfag shit.
I miss old KyoAni when they wasn't afraid of adapting visual novels. I still like them for series like Kobayashi though.
As sad as I am for this tragedy, I certainly won't miss the obnoxious retardation of the resident Kyoanifags.
Honestly, also fuck the fat, gross hikki/otaku cunts that get so fucking delusional they murder more than 30 people in a gruesome way.
It's kinda mindboggling how not even something like this can get Yea Forums to get together even for a second, but I guess there has to be a reason why I left some time ago.
>fujoshi upholding moeshit
How retarded and bitter can one get?
>from left to right
garbage, flop garbage, bassist garbage, literally who garbage.
moeshit garbage, Yuri garbage, >losing to keit ai gabarge, netflix garbage.
>Ok we are finished with generic anime #524849, lets start on the next
This. The event, as in the loss of life, is tragic but i fell nothing for kyoani as a corporation.