>wants to destroy his home village to avenge his dead brother, who was manipulated by the system into massacring his own family
>waaaaaaaaa daddy hurt me so I hate everyone and massacred my own family
Herofags must be blind to think their trash is actually better than Naruto.
They're both shit, but lower one Is worse than upper one
How can you manage to make a shonen worse than naruto?
By ripping off Naruto
>herofags think their kids comic is mature because it has gore and edge now
This is beyond pathetic
>blood /= gore
Will herotards ever learn?
It's the mystery of the century. I have never seen a manga villain so bad in my life. Even Fairy Tail's villain that went back in time because his cat died is more compelling than this kid who got bitchslapped by his dad.
Hero Academia 's villains seem to have mental problems and no real motivations.
The only good villain was probably mafia kid .
by making bleach.
>mental problems
>no motivation
Are... are we the baddies?
>implying anons havent always been the baddies
Next are you going to say something like anons arent little girls?
No user didn't you read MHA the baddies are always the daddies
yep Shiggy is based on Yea Forums
Whoa, crazy that someone who dedicated his life to such a well thought out cause as killing everyone could have a shit motive.
Stain, Compress, Muscular, Moonfish and obviously AfO are all better villains.
Even All Might, Deku and Prime are better villains than Shigaraki.
by making black clover
I actually really liked Black Torch.
Both are given stories that we're meant to sympathize with, but there's a difference between sympathizing and forgiveness. Sasuke isn't awful because his backstory is trash, he's awful because we're meant to ignore the horrors he committed because "muh sad back story".
Shigaraki's best-case ultimate fate is to be imprisoned. He'll never join the heroes and have everyone around him just pretend he isn't a mass murderer.
Naruto was good in the beginning
>"Horrors he commited"
Name one thing Sasuke has done that so bad as to be called horror
He killed some no name samurai.