What are you watching this season? It doesn't seem like there are many homo shows.
What are you watching this season? It doesn't seem like there are many homo shows
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop making these threads every week the same day
Havent watched a seasonal show in 2 years but watching cop craft cos range murata characters. Pretty fun
RIP Free
So Tsurune is dead for good?
Nobunaga, Enstars and Given are enough for me.
Tsurune was already dead. It sold like shit and the anime removed all the homo from the novel.
At least the second volume got translated.
Kill yourselves with your generals
I wouldn't hold my breath for it if the ending sequence (first seen in ep 2) is anything to go by.
It ouright spoils that that Kichou is going to cut her hair short, dress in male clothing and "become" Ranmaru, thus erasing Nobunaga's historical, factual bisexuality. Thanks DEEN, I hate it.
>It ouright spoils that that Kichou is going to cut her hair short, dress in male clothing and "become" Ranmaru, thus erasing Nobunaga's historical, factual bisexuality. Thanks DEEN, I hate it.
Dropped I guess. The first episode had some nice shota fanservice and Nobunaga was kinda cute, but the writing was kinda garbage.
It's funny that they are all about the homo fanservice as long it's just visual, but when it comes to the actual stuff, they turn it het, even though fujo are the only ones who are likely going to actually watch this.
This Kichou is actually male.
This character design seems really familiar. Is it the same person who did Princess Princess?
Yeah, and Getbackers, Hakuoki and Meganebu among others.
El-Melloi II Case Files. At least the main character has that baralust.
Implying there is not a new homolust in town.
Waver isn't gay for him though
2020 Kaworu
Waver is gay, alone and depressed.
That's what you get for falling for a dead person
cute as always
Is that a real picture or a convincing edit? Cuz if it's real then... huh. Interesting. Maybe I shouldn't judge the show too soon after all.
Why is his face so pointy
Chin cancer from 3.0.
he used to be a mahjong player in a previous life
From the nip wiki - There's gay cop(Tony Mcbee) in Cop Craft and his boyfriend is a photographer named Mike but I have no idea how much it would be brought up in the anime
It's probably the fugly flamboyant dude he had a brief call with in episode 1
Well, alert uf if they do.
It's real. His seiyuu actually does a good boy voice if they let her use it.
I checked ep 1 and yes, he's Tony
She cut off her breasts mark my words
There's also seiyuu at the advance screening who call him a man.
But you can laugh at me if they do pull a reverse trap twist.
Ugh, I was hoping for some sexy cop. Figures.
Why are yurifags always treated better than fujos? It's unfair.
Astra has some cute boys
Tiger & Bunny mangaka Mizuki Sakakibara drew some new art including Reo & Mabu.
Watching Given, Vinland, Cop craft, El-Melloi II Case Files, Kochoki also trying Astra, Dr. Stone and Fire force, etc.
>draw a woman
>call it a man
Thanks I hate it
Watching Given, Kimetsu no Yaiba and El-Melloi. Tried watching Fire force but dropped right away. It's stylish but shitty
Muh ugly married old men representation
Takasaki Misato also posted some art for Double decker & Taibani's Animax airing.
Because Yurifags are straight dudes, who complain when shit doesn't go their ways.
Fujo are meek and used to getting blueballed, completely neutered.
Fuck off already
The show is boring and the main girl is insufferable but the boys are pretty cute, will watch for them.
Honestly all the characters are dumb and insufferable to some degree, the writing isn't that good
>no one watching Vinland
>the Chad fujo Utsumi left Kyoani and saved her life
I did say I was watching it though.
Too bad, she should have been there
cause straight men can't jerk off to gays like they can to lesbians
No shit Sherlock
why ask the a question with an obvious answer then
That dude is literally toi
>Voiced by Uchi
>Obsessed with his brother
>WIll fuck cute trap
At least he/she/they/it looks like an adult instead of 99 % of other traps that look like they are barely 12. But that's moe culture I guess.
Also forgot
>Has a gun
but that's just your projection
I can't pinpoint exactly why but this show reeks of yumejoshi, might be that it's a historical anime with the same character designer of Hakuouki.
I am. Excited to see more of Askeladd.
This. I got so fucking tired of traps. It's like the authors are simply afraid to go full homo and conveniently cover it with ambiguous girly looking traps, so it could be interpreted as het as well. Disgusting. Actually the same shit will happen with Gil x Enkidu when Babylonia will be released. Wait for angry fanboys trying to prove that they are not gay because Enkidu is 'genderless'. They make bishounen into traps these days exactly for this reason, so otaku could fap to them.
Yeah, by he will sleep with anyone for money.
Sure, but that's not exactly rare. I'd sleep with anyone for the right sum.
>Tiger & Bunny mangaka Mizuki Sakakibara drew some new art including Reo & Mabu.
Nice. Still don't like Mabu though, he is too bland for Reo.
That was exactly what I found frustrating when they first revealed Enkidu's trap design. I knew it would be used to no homo his relationship with Gil.
>Actually the same shit will happen with Gil x Enkidu when Babylonia will be released. Wait for angry fanboys trying to prove that they are not gay because Enkidu is 'genderless'.
You mean Western fangirls and fujos that will label Enkidu as their nobinarypansexualwhatever thing and will hunt down everyone who says they think of Enkidu as anything other than "they". Fanboys don't really care when they have waifus to fap over in Fate/FGO.
Isn't he a reverse trap? He has boobs. He's intersexual. The canon couples are all straight though.
He has tits but he also has a dick, what do you think is more important?
That shit will happen too and it's also pissing me off, yeah. But there will be plenty of fanboys here who will claim that he is genderless so they will call him a girl. Like with gems from Houseki.
I don't like either desu
Reo is normal compared to his weirdness.
Who cares about western shits? Enkidu isn't that popular with fujos.
>He's intersexual.
See? This shit is already happening. I'm so tired of it. Can they just draw a beautiful guys and show a normal homo pairing without this nonsense?
He will be after the anime, mark my words.
They're not a canon pairing.
Japan loves the tits + dick combo for some reason.
The point still stands.
Maybe for other series. This show isn't about it.
I don't want to see it in my BL. That's fetish for otaku mostly. And now they are trying to shove into yaoi as well. But they are simply destroying the poit of HOMO pairing with this intersex/traps ship.
You're talking about Enkidu and/or Ranmaru right?
I'm talking about them and about this tendency in general.
FGO has other homo parings with 2 dudes.
I don't care about the fanboys. Most fans of Fate/FGO call Enkidu a guy/use "he". It's few who go with "she" for Enkidu. Not that there won't be more with the anime coming out but they will be a minority in the whole mess. I am going to enjoy the anime and the fanart because I have waited a very long time to see animated Enkidu and no otaku or Western fujo will spoil that for me.
I've seen the guys with boobs thing in older stuff more than nowadays, but I'm not particularly familiar with most new stuff anyway.
I've reached the enlightenment so I find that hot, but I understand why others would be bothered by that shit
Cute and fluffy
Same, but only if it looks like a guy with tits and not a girl with a dick.
>no sequel focused on best boy
It's not fair.
Eh, I can get behind Enkidu's design since he is a shapeshifter and, at least in the type moon butchered version of the original myth, molded himself after the prostitute he slept with, so it makes sense that he'd look andogyneous. Yes, ANDROGYNEOUS, not outright GIRLY like other traps. I think Fate Enkidu beatifully captures the otherwordly, not quite human beauty that he's supposed to be. His design is simple, yet instantly recognizeable. I love it.
Also, I could see the Babylonia anime mention or at least imply that Gilgamesh is attracted to Enkidu no matter his sex. Like, a scene where Enkidu or rather, Kingu I guess takes on a more conventionally "pretty yet masculine bishie" form that is undoubtedly male and Gilgamesh is still like "yeah I'd hit it". But that's just me wishing upon a star.
I know, It still ruins this pairing with this gender 'ambiguousness' of Enkidu.
I think in Astra's case it's not about fanservice nor fujobait. The author made him/her sexually ambiguous basically to showcase the progresses of technology in that universe and how it's possible to create clones with both genders. The manga is a space adventure with references to popular sci-fi franchises, he never tried to do male romance. Also the (grown up) loli in the future seems to have a crush on the emo boy, and I've read enough shounen to know what this implies - though it's not canon either.
More art by Mizuki.
Mabu is cute in his own way, he has gap moe cuteness.
Such as? The only examples I can think of are Astolfo (who embodies everything I hate about trap culture and absolutely despise him) x Gudao, and Fergus (who isnt even interested in pursuing a relationship) x Gudao, and those can easily swap out Gudao for Gudako anyway due to how player interactions work in FGO.
>Yes, ANDROGYNEOUS, not outright GIRLY like other traps
Yes, that's canon, but what I mean it's used for justification of his genderless by fanboys or western sjw. Even though he just looks androgynous and has a dick. But many people will claim he is girl or 'they'. I hate it.
I think that user meant fan pairing, not necessarily canon.
Was there anything lewd in the second volume apart from the beach?
We need more comeswapping
Is there hope for the anime to adapt this?
I'm bitter because we could have had cute edgelord x non-annoying cheerful trap who are also both armpit sluts and instead we got this. Yeah I know we're not the ones meant to be pandered but this feels like a wasted opportunity.
Shoe got another grope in and Minato touched Masa’s hair
You sound autistic.
Pretty much everyone touches Masa's belly and Minato gets jealous.
What I want to know will they add flashbacks from Strange/Fake in Babylonia to show how Enkidu and Gil met each other and lived happily before he died. I think I read somewhere that the director said they plan to add more SoL scenes already.
Also Seiya almost kisses Kaito.
I hope the author gets in the BL because she's certainly holding back.
What the fuck
Too bad the chances of her writing another volume are in the shitter now, I was looking forward to seeing more.
I doubt Narita will let them adapt anything from his LN. He is not even letting FGO make an event unless he allows it (also something to do with the companies) although Nasu has fucked him over with Edmond and Ishtar in FGO, possible with Edison/Humbaba as well. If the director adds more SoL and it's from flashbacks, it will be from Extra CCC.
>He is not even letting FGO make an event unless he allows it
Seriously? What an asshole. But Epic of Gilgamesh doesn't belong to him anyway, so they can base Gil and Enkidu's past on it. Or on Extra as you said.
Every time I read "It makes me hard" instead of
"It makes it hard", goddamnit.
but that's kingu
Any Enstars fans excited for naked Kaoru in 2 days?
this is enough for me
>What an asshole.
Because he doesn't want FGO to spoil his story before he's done with it?
Forgot pic.
They could adapt the part which is already published, so there is nothing to spoil it would only help to promote the rest of the novel.
This video is beautiful. I especially love the part where Enkidu beats him in arm wrestling. Where did you get the art from it?
Fate shitters need their containment thread.
Good thing hakama is good at hiding boners or Shoe would be done for
The artist's pixiv
It doesn't have some of the in-between frames but it's generally complete
here's the specific album I think, not completely certain on how to use pixiv though
Thank you good user.
As the other user said, Narita doesn't want anything to spoil his LN so he won't allow anyone to touch it. I respect his decision although I don't agree with it. EoG doesn't belong to him so if Babylonia decides to add flashbacks it will from the Epic, Extra or ask guidance from Nasu. The LN actually is doing pretty good in sales but an anime would boost them for sure. I think Babylonia will help it although an anime of it's own would be the best deal. We just have to wait 50 years.
Fate has anime and BL pairings, so it has right to be here, shut up.
Why is his body so perfect
Because the gods made it to be perfect
>tfw read your "It makes it hard" as "It makes me hard" too
The gods actually hated him.
That's's not it dumbass. You have the bad habit to spam your shit nonstop all over the threads every fucking time.
No one is stopping you from posting about series you like instead of whining about 'spam'. It's not own fault you are not discussing anything else, you retard.
Not during his birth. He was designed to become the new keystone on the relationship between gods and men, but decided to reject (most of) the gods because humanity was better off alone. The gods were already on their way out due to Sefar so Gil's choice sealed the deal.
I guess no one wants you obnoxious fags in Fate threads then. Heh.
Why don't you discuss your ships or whatever?
>no one wants
It's only you whining here though. Fuck off. YOU are derailing thread.
The topic of this thread should be seasonal (homo) anime discussion. Have some good sense.
here's your F/SF anime bro
You're not even discussing the one Fate series airing this season, wow. Calm down.
So discuss it.
I'm trying. Thanks for the concern.
You're only whining.
I'm keeping my expectations low
>27 ips
>already fighting
Frequent homo threads are a mistake
The novel is pretty much a BL, just without the fun part of the homo. The author could write a handful different BL stories off the main one. Kaito would make a great MC.
I know. And some brainlet keeps on making them specifically in the weekend.
You mean age gap pairing.
The only interesting thing about 8YAG is the age gap, otherwise they're boring
I personally don't give a fuck about this pairing.
Mangaka I follow posted this. Was sure I couldn't fall for viral marketing in 2019 but I was wrong.
Since when have homothreads ever been restricted to that? Don’t tell me you’re too new to know the OP stuff is just mod mandated and not actually restricting the topic to this season
Viral is so cute. Lio is such a poor imitation of him.
Seiya and Minato are even more boring. The only interesting thing about their relationship is Seiya's guilt, once that's resolved in one scene all tension disappears and they're back to being just like any pair of childhood friends. It's telling that the author gives them no scenes together after they make up.
Shoe and Minato is painfully onesided but at least Shoe is funny and interesting and their relationship doesn't revolve around a tragic car accident
Masa is a bit of a Gary Stu but him and Minato being mutually possessive of each other is fun and they have some funny conversations
Viral will always be gorgeous and the best Trigger boy. His doujins and hairy fanart from back then were awesome.
2edgy4me but I recognize he's better than many other boys
wait oregairu s3
Shame we won't get any more 8YAG content for years, if we even get any in the future.
I found it much more enjoyable than free since drama and emo characters were much more reasonable instead of comedy: "Remember when we were 10 years old?I hate you because you broke your promise back then"
Saika is just a joke character who gets barely any screentime though
I’m watching Given. I don’t like the mc at all but I will keep watching it anyway.
Token trap characters and homos never win even if they make it into the final round (ex. Genshitken)
The Hachiman uke artist bitching about that line is all I know about Oregairu.
>Viral is so cute. Lio is such a poor imitation of him.
HOLY SHIT, what's up with that dude popularity. I get fujo, but I see all traps I know posting pics of him and he's not even that girly.
8YAG covers a bunch of fetishes.
It's funny how unpopular tsurune was, I remember when people thought it was going to be the next Free.
>there are people who really ship this
HikiGAYa isn't gay enough
god i wish i was in his position
The artist draws everyone x Hachiman.
Edgy boys are great for homo purposes.
why tho? Love is love and I'm a straight guy
Hung traps is a terrible and cringe fetish.
Why do you hate him? He is a good character, loyal and fair, who made the right choice to save an innocent person even if it pits him against the rest of his team and undermines his chances of winning the war, a true loyal friend, he is a great character in the LN. The only thing I don't like is these fans who seem to like him only because of his apprenticeship and pornography.
Dr. Stone has some in store, but it'll take a while to get there.
I wish shounen authors stopped with the fujobait.
I wish they had more of it
The drama in Tsurune was less stupid to start with, plus the characters were high school first years, so even when they were dramatic it was miles less retarded than college students being hung up on a pinky promise.
>tfw we'll never get to see the Tsurunes in college
The mc will marry a girl at the end. Why bother?
>caring about canon
Because I like the eye candy.
Why is Given so boring?
I dropped it after 1 episode and it was a slog to get through
It's like setting tsundere to max on their sliders, capable of such paradoxical gap moe as a tender hatefuck.
Oh shit. Look at the banner I got.
I know you want us to ask about your weird searches.
No likeable characters either
>no gay sex with hats on
I'm disappointed, user
Why live. I actually looked forward to Free in college because I thought it would mean less drama, turns out I was too naive
Barnaby's "what the fuck am I doing here" face cracks me up.
>general still up
What are mods doing?
What’s a likeable character for you?
College Shoe would be so handsome.
A character who doesn't have severe autism and an annoying voice.
Mizuki also drew Doug.
Yeah, poor Bunny looks so uncomfortable.
I like Ueda's art better though; I miss his manga.
How many TsudaKen shows are you watching this season? I think I'm on four.
Someone fucking camrip Promare already so I can know about Galolio REEEEEEE Fucking nips won't stop drawing it and I'm jealous
Is Given good?
It's boring but you can give it a go if you prefer your BL to be less trashy.
It's okay but all the guys are ugly.
It was nice; try it out to see if it suits your taste.
Who is that in the pic?
How homo is enstars?
Yamato from best Idolshit
That's actually pretty good for fan animation.
Oh shit he looks too similar to Bakugo on this pic. Can't unsee. Actually Viral is Bakugo done right, without the autistic rage and aggression for no reason.
I need porn of him and Waver having a miserable fuck in which Waver can't stop thinking about Iskandar all through it and even calls his name in bed.
Disregard this I'm going senile. It's Ryuunosuke
Settings like Dr. Stone or 7 seeds just designed for canon homo pairings, when there are few girls and characters are stranded in wild. And authors never fucking deliver.
>whining for not getting canon homo in WSJ manga
I'll never stop laughing at losers like you
People say that Waver looks older than his actual age, but Melvin looks like is 50 at least.
Who will top?
Waiting on theater boys next season. Enstars is tiding me over however.
You may have a point with 7seeds but Dr Stone is shounenshit. Have you not learn anything?
Basara had a bi chad, so the author has no problems with homo.
But the way she randomly paired that retard with edgelord #2 just because they were a popular ship among the readers made me seethe.
This is pretty hot.
I'm just talking about the setting itself. I know there is no place for homo in Jump. 7 seeds is inexcusable thou. There were so many possibilities for gay.
*I meant the couple from 7 seeds
Any sex with Waver will look kinda miserable, I imagine he would cry (of happiness) even if Iskander fucks him. That's just how he is.
Iskander has already fucked him, why do you think he blushed and tried to deny losing his virginity during the grail war?
I read a ton of homo manga lately and there's a surprising amount of Chinese ones. I thought they got arrested for that
Have you watched episode? Waver is literally incapable of topping.
Alright but tennis shotas when?
in 3 months
can't wait for whore-kun
Basara also had the two childhood bffs that said they would’ve married if one of them had a vagina, it was cute
That must be a condition to become part of his NP army. Also I want to see more Waver in Greek clothes.
but waver isn't in his np army
I also don't understand how they get away with it. Not only manga, there are many Chinese homo art and games.
I want to see the fucking kiss everyone talk about now
They even showed him in the first ep. It was already discussed many times that dude must be Waver because his NP can summon anyone from past or the future.
That's now Waver, he's someone unnamed, although most likely Eumenes. Waver's appearance is noted to be similar to his.
I guess once you're not popular enough or keep it vague it's fine. Like that 19 days artist kept interrupting any kind of romantic interaction
>although most likely Eumenes
Source - your ass. You have no source to prove that's not Waver. Most people assume it was him. Initially it was random soldier in Zero, but the authors went along with his similar appearance to adult Waver. I don't believe they showed a person literally identical to him without a reason.
Kakeru and Haiji.
I miss them.
I think he's officially in it as of the final Case Files volume, actually.
>Most people assume it was him.
Because they're stupid. Waver doesn't have what it takes to be a Heroic Spirit. Having long black hair doesn't make you identical.
In Case Files, "Hephaestion" hates seeing Waver's arrogant and miserly face because it reminds her of Eumenes.
In FGO, Iskandar's bond 5 dialogue if you have Zhuge Liang compares his countenance with Eumenes as well.
Lastly, the character is shown again in Sensha Otoko as an unnamed accountant in Iskandar's household and considering Eumenes was Iskandar's personal secretary it fits.
Perhaps, can't confirm it myself until translations get there. But so far the evidence I've seen is against it.
God bless wholesome homo.
>Waver doesn't have what it takes to be a Heroic Spirit
Source - your headcanon again. Really, stop it. You still gave no proof that's not Waver. I'm not interested in your theories and fanfics.
I've given examples from three different Fate works while you've given exactly fuck-all.
The spoilers I heard said he meets Iskandar again and asks to join up. I guess it's not like I can read myself and see but I never saw anybody contradicting that and it's been a couple months now.
Homo in all forms is only banned on tv. Novels, art, games and other forms of media can get away with it as long as it's not explicit; audio dramas can go all the way and voice everything except for the sex scenes, it's more stricter for comics though.
At the moment the live action of Mo Dao Zu Shi is airing and it's as homo as it can be without outright saying it
If I liked the Donkey does it make me furryfag?
clae (false) soon
just wish he was drawn more andro outside the manga
Shit Taste: The Thread
Season two when?
Kys fags
Never, the novel is over and it's a 2004 or something book.
Are they Taiwanese?
Why would you want another season of something that had a perfect ending?
Play JP
>Fergus and Astolfo
Don't fall for thatcertain place meme there are way more male servants that are into Guda than these two.
If I like the pig does it make me a furry?
It's a cute boar not a pig.
Is Utsumi dead?
Reading any good BL lately, anons?
Believe in the frogs user
>tfw I love flamboyant gay characters
Will be picking this up
There have been WSJ series with homos in them though
Has potential.
Why is he so cute bros
Didn't this get delayed twice already?
I hope it can fill the hole that Ramens left behind.
I need more of those comfy assassins doing comfy assassin things
>they also deleted a big chunk or Hyoga and Shiryu bromance
It's not fair goddamit.
How will Touma's brother react to him being a homo? Beating the fuck out of him to prove Shitgo's point that beating homos is ok?
I forgot to even read the latest chapter of that, who even gives a fuck at this point. Might catch up when something happens.
Probably won't be homo.
At the very least Shaka is more creepy with Ikki.
There's a least one homo, unless he turns out to be some brand of genderfuck.
>That thing
Is Promare good? The trap is cute and I'm not even a trapfag
>homos are shit desu, it's ok to beat some of them up
>almost zero romance and the main couple has stopped being actual characters
Neither homos nor the ones who started reading for het romance are getting what they came for, I'm not even sure who is the target audience anymore. Shame I like Touma or else I would've dropped already just it like everyone else
I can't wait for Promare to up for people to stop calling Lio a trap and Galo a Kamina clone.
Reverse search isn't giving me anything, homodachi.
>who even gives a fuck at this point
I'm not even planning to read the manga, but I remember people a few months ago being so excited about what would happen next. It makes me a little sad to see you guys so disappointed with something you were really looking forward to. Happened to me too.
I don't think that's a very normal thing to call a 15 years old boy either.
I really don’t like his bro for some reason
I’m just waiting for the group that’s going to translate My Little Inferno
Oh fuck, who's picking it up? Just yesterday I was wondering how the fuck it isn't translated yet.
I have a feeling that his brother may have known or at least suspected it, but minded his own business. I think he care more about Toumas future and what his plans are.
Too much time has passed. Author focused on other characters when we really wanted to know about Touma and the hype died down. Hopefully next chapter will focus on him
>I’m just waiting for the group that’s going to translate My Little Inferno
Oh, thank fucking god. I thought it was going to remain untranslated for eternity.
big hero 6
wait, what?
I don't remember anyone picking this up.
If it's SD then it will be pretty slow.
will you niggers ever learn?
After years of having it on my backlog, I finally watched Hellsing Ultimate and read some of Hirano Kouta's stuff. Didn't realize what a bislut he is. A shame his Bishounen Detective manga was cancelled after one short chapter.
why mrm isn't working
>being this new
Don't call your mom, you are not fitting here.
>crossboarders make a general every week
>if you talk about it, you're a fujo/tranny/insecure/homophobe or any of the above
funny how that works, it's almost like you didn't get enough attention on your faggot board so you decided to fish here
I'm trying to watch Vatican but it's boring.
Kimetsu and the Waver anime while I wait for promare to be up for preorder.
If you mean half of the thumbnails being broken, see , but stopping my blocks doesn't work for me. Just click on shit you're curious about based the titles and pray it's not kemono.
All the fun was in the threads and ridiculous conclusions of the mysteries
Anons here hype it too much, the show had some okay moments in the first episodes and that's all.
Lio's not really a trap, but yes it's pretty good.
I hate MRM, it needs a system like sadpanda for better tagging and filtering.
I main MRM by checking the recent pages at least every few days to check manga and doujins. Then I check sadpanda's tags like once a month since there will be doujins that the MRM uploaders missed. There's no real need to use the barebones search function at MRM with this method. But yeah, at least a simple hyphen recognition filter in the search would be nice, since things do have tags. Ex: searching "hardcore -furry" will search for furry instead of omitting it.
I can’t believe I read the entire killing stalking shit. It was so bad
>Chinese ones
Pic related is pretty good.
Preorder as in, preordering movie tickets?
Who won, psycho or cop?
cop I think? psycho died in a horrible way
Service Boy has gotten into Promare. Thoughts?
You mean hilarious, right?
I'll miss his kappa porn
>now promare
trendy bitch
>psycho died in a horrible way
Awesome, maybe I'll go finish it. He deserved it.
It's good, but first where are the scans for his ReoMabu doujins?
Makes me think getting dominated by Lio would be very pleasant
BD, doubt it's coming to my country.
>where are the scans for his ReoMabu doujins?
Someone posted them on /cm/, pics aren't very good quality though
I only see 4 photos of his gross furshit, we need scans of human x human doujins.
>Service Boy will never do shota again
How do we cope, shotabros?
Shota is dying in general user.
Lio is not a trap, he's more like Kurapika: Well spoken and cool-headed.
I hope bara die too
Furshit will take its place.
Shinkalion was surprisingly pretty popular.
It already is, the bara tag in exhentai and MRM is half furfags now.
Now that the dust has settled: Is CLAMP dead?
I'll never understand why some men want to fuck dogs and sharks.
Wot? They're still working on Clear Card.
A beastman is wild and powerful in ways an ordinary human isn’t.
Get a feeling so complicated.
>Service Boy post-shota
That's some very cute 3D fluff. Shame the actual animation looks kinda weird.
I really don't know, it's weird. He was clearly a huge shotacon, so why did he just stop? Can someone's taste just completely change like that out of nowhere? Or is it just because drawing old expired businessmen in suits gives more likes on twitter?
I'm fine as long there is NOEYEBROW
Shinkalion is still pretty big in Nipland, but half the hype is driven by train autists so I'm not sure if it counts.
He doesn't do porn, though. That's the main problem as far as I'm concerned
We need a muscle shota anime to save us from this demise.
Tastes can change when you do the same thing for a long time and gradually develop new fetishes. I know moving from trap/shota to other shit happened to me.
>Can someone's taste just completely change like that out of nowhere?
Yes, though I'm sure it usually builds up in their head for a while. Speaking of which why the heck has no one been interested in scanlating Kaworu Watashiya's BL? There's just 2 volumes.
They made him pretty cute but yeah, the show is just terrible.
>Kaworu Watashiya
no public raws
damn, I miss Hazaki ;_;
I'll need him to provide some more examples soon so I can properly assess it.
That's a cute Kuro, user.
So fluffy.
This should be attractive but something feels off
>the virgin pale cucked angel
>the chad tanned summer angel
The fact that he failed to cuck a dead man made him even better
the himbo angel. God, I fucking love lucio, good gbf event.
What's going on in this picture
Would be nice for Kuro to get a figma to go with Okami's.
Outdated anime Ken doll face, but it's still rather cute.
This is cute, I like hyoga's face.
Ugh still upset what happened to shun though, I'm kind of on the fence about watching it but I guess I have nothing better to do. Wish they wouldn't cover up to the black saints arc though, that's like the worst arc in SS.
Getting arrested for his relentless sexual harassment of the supreme primarch.
I love the artwork for this event but I still feel like Lucio is a cheap imitation of Lucifer and it really messes with my head.
I need more convincing on this ship.
More from Mizuki.
>as long as it isn’t explicit
As in explicitly sexual or explicitly homo in any way?
Reminder that the new chapter is out
You get jailed for anything sexual "lower than the neck". Making out, canon homo are allowed, I'm not really sure about implied sex but this scene wasn't censored and the author is not jailed
any older mangas you'd like to see a more faithful/any anime adaptation of?
Somehow there's still plenty of chink novels with sex and degeneracy.
Is it really why 19 days is such a cocktease? If so I'll wholeheartedly forgive it who am i kidding i'll keep reading regardless even if my favorite pairing only gets the smallest development once every two years
Pig is cute! Cute!
Hot desu. It means that it came out before the fujo exodus in 2014 when old fucks banned homo and all content with sex.
You can still find the original version with sex on illegal reading sites and in Taiwanese printed versions, while the official mainland sources where it's being hosted, removed the R18 stuff for safety reasons.
I've heard that brave chinese fujos are moving to twitter and AO3 to continue spreading lewd homo content though
>twitter and AO3
Aren't sites like those blocked in China? They have to use their own social media and comic/novel sites.
They made the designs slightly softer than Q it seems.
Rebuild Kaworu isn't fluffy, he's spiky like a jrpg character. Original Kaworu was fluffy.
I see lots of chinese fanfics in ao3 so either they use a proxy or they're not from the mainland.
This show has some cute boys
What happened to this? Did the twins fuck in the end?
Still don't care about Lio.
A humiliating way to die for sure.
>no more Free shotas
>Ash/Karna has turned me into a vanillafag
Is this what they call healing what the absolute fuck I never really enjoyed wholesome homo until now.
Karl was fluffy and an absolute cutie in 1.0 and 2.0.
>That delicious brown
How do they do it, anons? How do they wield such power over my dick?
>no more Kyoani shotas in general
Yeah I forgot that they changed his design for whatever reason mid-movies.
>We will never see him with seele's uniform
Life is hard.
Absolutely disgusting
>other Satoshifags exist
I thought I was alone.
I wouldn't call me a Satoshifag. I can just appreciate a delicious shota.
>muscle shota anime
It's already airing.
Fair enough, good taste either way.
Those are not in any way shotas.
too old
when will you niggers go back to your own boards? you know mods won't enable you forever, right?
What do you think of firefighters?
This one remind me of more angry white blood cell.
Wish I was a frog right now
Keep reporting their shitty template generals
Is there a list of japanese publishers for BL?
>no one cares about Given
What went wrong?
I don't read the manga but the anime looks just super generic and the character design are boring. Didn't even pick it up.
All the characters are ugly.
Is that gonna hold up in court user?
That's too drastic. There's a thread on airing day at least.
Not sure about the nips but some anons are watching and I'm hanging on for now.
It's discussed in its own thread.
A dead thread?
I've heard that geicomi is legit declining right now, is there any explanation for that? Are even gay men turning to BL these days?
More posts than some other shows I follow.
It's a generic BL that already has a manga. What do you want to discuss?
Men now represent 30% of BL otaku and that number has his quite sharply in recent years. So yes, it's possible.
*has risen
It says it's complete on Mangaupdates. Scans never. Hope the bro won the mcbowl.
the Oni teachers manga was quite hot, didn't fap to a bl since so long no matter how many times I reread it
Good work homodachi.
It's not finished yet user, there's another volume.
Not even raw?
Best bet would be mangaupdates
Anyone read it? Feels like the ending was rushed and the author wanted to do more.
not into dramashit, fortunately
They're precious reading LB4 both destroyed me and healed me.
the usual shit, but with better art.
it's based off a novel and the adaptation isn't done yet, just in hiatus
Fujo generals not welcome. Go back to /y/.
/y/ is for dumping images, retard.
gaypill me on hirose
It's your board, landwhale.
>not the first post of this IP
Literally rent free
>retards still haven't learn to ignore basic shitposts
Back to your board.
While Lio is really popular, he's not very similar to him other than enemy turned ally.
>wasting by replying to shitposts
Anyway has anyone seen Hyperventilation? Lewdest BL animation I've seen in ages. Did actual yaoi anime die out? It's sad that this was made by koreans.
Why did fujos get bored of BL?
Not anime.
They didn't, BL is on a huge rise right now. It's the male readership that has increased.
I'm watching it, it's just not very exciting to talk about since I've read the manga already and they're not adapting my favorite couple's arc.
MRM is a fucking cancer and it's starting to affect sadpanda, the quality of the doujins being uploaded just keeps getting worse. And if our communist overlords stop uploading the doujins they steal from the secrets clubs in weibo we are fucked.
high level autism
>tfw some fujo raw providers already jumped ship specifically because of sites like mrm and 13dl
Comradery is dead
yeah, it's a shame.
they didn't even rip it properly and just made the watermarked images even more shit with artifacts and all
Your condition? Sorry to hear
So far it's just made me more desperate for an actual fire or rescue based show. Megumi no Daigo hooked JP Fuji back in the day but we only got an OVA and live action drama.
Had mild hopes Kubo's spotlight after YoI came out would lead to a little something for Tokyuu!! But no.
I just want a show about working men Japan, I've had to subsist on doujins for Free and Kuroko for firefighters for years.
>want to be a firefighter growing up
>now want to be fucked by a firefighter
Life can be strange.
He's that classmate you used to look at too often and looks like this.
damn, hirose looks like THAT? Where's my beach chapter?
I dunno, I thought the writing was decent? At least the UST was off the chart and the build-up was decent.
Why not both?
So, weeks later, how do you feel about Ikuhara's fist all boys focused show?
Should have more episodes.
I liked the gay parts.
Could we all just appreciate that despite being a literal miracle child possessing immense power, Yuno didn't consider himself special enough to skip out on PT even though he didn't actually require it.
Someone decided that being short, weak and lazy are not good qualities for a firefighter.
worst Ikuhara anime
It was fun, I like it.
Forgettable. Shit characters.
It was really fucking bad and I hate that I spent months anticipating it.
Toi was a miracle and that's all that matters.
It's was okay but it should have just gone for incest with Toi and his brother.
>surprisingly not sadist seme shit
And the dicks weren't lightsabers
It was good but not very gay.
I had fun. The only letdown for me was that Enta's issues pretty much got handwaved at the end.
Fumi a shit. A SHIT.
Show should have been about him or Toi as mc
>best design pre airing
>best boy during airing
Everything worked out.
I wish it had been at least a little longer but I liked it a lot anyway. Much more than I expected to after YKA.
His entire character and issues were treated as comic relief half the time compared to everyone else bar Keppi and that was annoying because he's one of the best characters even with all the shit he got.
It was shit. Ikuhara hasn't made anything good since Utena.
That's way too accurate.
Correct answer.
He sara and keppi were worthless characters that served as plot devices and "comic" relief. Almost as superfluous as the monsters of the week.
Fuck you, Penguindrum was good and even better structured than Utena.
Sara was such a wasted character, I love her so much. Great design too in all her forms.
I liked it a lot and threads were fun in a way I haven't felt in a long time on Yea Forums
Yeah it certainly does the show no favors that characters with so much mystery and potential were so lackluster ultimately.
I don't think she was ever meant to be more than the sarazanmai version of the shadow girls from utena or the two idols from penguindrum.
took too much screentime though for just a single cour unlike the other two
She really wasn't, I get complaining about Enta being wasted but you just played yourselves getting expectations about Sara.
Waver selling his bussy to old men!
Yeah, I never had any expectations, she and Keppi are obviously meant to be some mystical characters. Out of the trio the only one to get a proper arc and development was Toi, compared to Enta's wasted potential and the several episodic characters named Kazuki. I kind of wish Keppi got a proper human form though.
abandoned slut
Okay, but I'm just talking about what she could have been instead also because of the manga spin off manga. I feel tricked
He does it for free
She's a baby in 90% of it and it's just a spin-off.
I don't understand these expressions.
I need to see the kiss and subsequent heart explosion again
monthly tsun senpai
I mean yeah, it's easy to talk now user.
I've been following every piece of info since the first PV dropped, and when the cops were confirmed to be secondary characters, the new character that be introduced was baby Sara, whose name was chosen by Reo later and was part of the title. I think a lot of people were led to believe that she was relevant or even the FeMC.
I got overexcited for a sec thinking that the redhead wasn’t wearing a shirt under the jacket.
Didn't she get that foreboding vocal song that ended being completely irrelevant?
Eh no, I recall some including me saying only the twitter account seems relevant during the early episodes until the staff said the manga was somewhat related to the show. And as you see now it's true. As for MC status, it's clear the 3 boys were the mains.
Houkago Kappa, yes. It's an alternative version of the original Houkago Yahoo from the band of Sara's VA.
>not wearing a shirt under the jacket
You have good taste user.
gave me a thicc enta folder and that's all that matters
Are you playing dumb? I'm referring to the time when the first chapters were released, the twitter account opened only in November. Also wow, no shit, the three mains were "clearly" the boys when the new PVs revealed them. Genius.
You mean you still though she would be a FeMC even after they revealed the 3 main boys?
Thanks user but sadly that’s not the case here.
Of course not, but I'm sad that she ended up being more underused than what I expected. Anyway I don't want to go OT so I'll stop here.
To a point, the part where he goes batshit is one of the high points of the movie. Shit was amazing
there needs to be more slutty muscular ukes.
Underwhelming, it feels like Sarazanami would have been revolutionary if released 15-20 years ago, which suggested to me that Ikuhara (Who is like 50 at this point?) hasn't really kept up with the industry.
Mabu and Reo were the best part, especially because of the VAs chemistry, but they lacked screentime and their ending was lackuster.
I really don't know that the fuck he was thinking when he wrote Enta, such a boring ass one-side homo. I would say he's even worse than Nisaka or even Yamagi who at least managed to get get his feelings recognized. Enta is just nothing.
Also Toi should have fucked his brother and the novel spoling half of the anime was fucking annoying.
They can't top Oikawa The Cumdump so they stopped trying
True dat
I remember that post.
meh, not really into bishounens.
the working adult/tired businessmen is where it's at.
unfortunately the only revolutionary thing about it was it got people to want to fuck frogs
Delete this now.
Businessmen of all people don't have time to get swole, barafag.
Frogs' bodies there looks like infant girls' and this gross the fuck out of me
different demographic
It's a stretch to call anyone who faps to this "people".
based homodachi
I hope anzu replies soon so I can provide he the raws
Tbh the whole making history hype made me feel like he only made the show in order to make one underdeveloped character tell I love you to another underdeveloped character. The fuck was this, a contest for what anime has the most homo lines or what.
Case Files is super interesting.
I miss TBF bros.
The cops were just two doujinshi fuel bishonen of the moment thanks to the manga and the hype surrounding them, but their interactions in the anime are so forced I can't feel this pair at all. An underwhelming show overall aside from that.
It was thoroughly mediocre and forgettable and the actual fun/absurd part was only in the first arc or whichever the Hitler thing was.
I'll never understand why so many people think he was so cute and adorable, he's actually fucking insufferable.
I had to drop it at some point because it was not even cringe-hilarious, just cringe
Manic pixie dream boy.
I hate the hyper blond archetype too.
I'm so anxious for movie something from Wonfes
He's cute if you like boy high on sugar.
LSD dust Jesus was fun as hell too.
The voice does not help him at all. I would have been fine with him being a retarded alien, but his voice scratched my eardrums every single time.
I care because that type of relationship dynamic is my kind of fluff. I just want to enjoy it without manga spoilers so I don't visit threads.
Post your favourite boys this year
Bump limit reached. Post your favorite Kyoani boy(s) to pay respect.
I hate obvious female inserts.
You're a good user.
What the fuck was that lol
A moment of mourning for all the Kyoani boys we've fapped to over the years.
>tfw Kyoani's cutest boys are not even from their homo pandering shows
And nothing of value was lost.
Most are just girls reskinned as ugly boys.
RIP Hiroomi and Oreki.
It was literally autism.
I've watched like 2 o 3 Kyoani shows, speaking of the most recent ones
And Kanye.
The Frees were fine but s3 happened
based brocon
I've actually never been able to fap to a Kyoani boy, they're all ugly. Oreki might be cute but still.
How do people feel about the boys in shinkai films? Any of interest in the new film?
Isn't it hetshit?
how do people care about shinkai films?
I don't remember the Your Name boy's name (ironically)
I've only seen FMP and Haruhi. Their current art style grosses me out for some reason.
It's all hetshit and the boys aren't too deep.
You already posted two of them, so I'll go for the sexy sensei. Too bad he cut his hair.
>look up fanart and where it's from
>it's vidya
Disappointing. Thought it's from a manga or anime I didn't know.
I don't know. The designs look so bland but it's popular so I figure there must be some appeal beyond nice animation.
>Minato gets to ride this every night
He was a cute
his shit makes me irate since 5cm. dude can draw beautiful backgrounds and literally nothing else
I've seen Keroro Gunsou porn way before that. Sasuga, Ikuhara.
Am I supposed to feel envy?
I want to shoot my load on his hair.
I wish I could post something but I've literally never liked any KyoAni boy.
My husbando
It's fine user.
Kawoshin is overrated, here's the one true eva threesome
Love and romance are different things.
I bet Albert has the biggest dick of any KyoAni boy.
Incest is the best.
Only when it's cousincest.
Cousincest is barelly incest, fuck off.
>if Haruhi was full fujopandering
>snow mountain syndrome to make him gay again would never happen
It's still forbidden love
They are all ugly so who cares
have a good day, homos
We had Haruhi-chan for that