Were they really that smart?

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they did some stupid shit because of their ego

The author says they're smart so they're smart. Doing smart things is not a prerequisite of being manga smart.

no. the mangka was a dumb person who wrote smart people which gives us a similar result to this:

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This pair is smarter.

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This is what people call "shitty writing"

Obviously not because they're fuckin dead

Does this look like something two intelligent people would o op?


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>see Morty, there's a chance you could be Kira, I don't know for sure but it just went up by 3% because you blinked

Good writers can write smart characters while still making it believable. The best way to do that is to now show their POV and inner-monologues.

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This. The whole tennis match scene was utter bullshit and proves that the author is a hack.

It's just ramblings.

But Light and L's actions make sense.

He's one of those so smart it rolls back to stupid types. So no

character of a show can only realistically be as intelligent as its author, L and Kira were portrayed smart because the writer made everything up so it was not hard to do

Sorry but this doesn't apply to Death Note. All of the characters action made sense and were into their character. You are forcing that meme way to hard.

Smarter than their Netflix versions.

Yes, really, really smart

It wasn't just one author that created death note, it was a coordinate effort from at least 11 mangakas

i stopped watching after [L died, without someone like L i find it hard to get excided over someone whose not L]

I laughed.

Light Yagami's intelligence was vastly overrated, he irrevocably did himself in the moment he used private police information to commit more murders. At that point any detective could have deduced his identity, regardless of whether or not Light had successfully deleted any relevant police data concerning the Kira murders

>Light gets an untraceable method of killing
>Gets narrowed down in a week
This guy is a moron

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Light made two stupid ass mistakes because there would be no story without them. I'd give the first mistake a pass but the other shit he did was unforgivable.

Does anyone know where I can find the 3rd manga of Platnum End online?
I only found one site and all they gave were chapters 1-3 and 40

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