You have 10 seconds to escape.
What you gonna do ?
You have 10 seconds to escape
Other urls found in this thread:
You are one of them.
If I'm one of the guys, I grab one of the other guys and say, "hey, that fat faggot is pouring gasoline all over the place and about to light it. Why don't you and I tackle him to the ground so we don't all die?" And then we do it and all those art qts spend the rest of the afternoon riding our 3 inch cocks.
Tackle train autist or if on higher floor, bust a window and jump once I hear screaming and see smoke
wow, you can see through two floors beneath you?
Fucked if you spawn in the third floor.
Looks like there's a shack or garage thing next to the building, not sure what it is but it's just below the second floor window. How about use that as an escape route? Might need to throw something else our as well to ease the fall but it might be doable.
This would never happen. The staff was majority female.
that building was a fucking rat trap
Probably hard to improvise solutions like that when the building is being quickly engulfed in flames and you have no idea what the fuck is happening, so you just start panicking.
Why they don't go to the nearest windown and escape from there, it's just 3 floors buiding,fucking idiot
I'd just sit there and die
this. fuck being burnd alive. i rather broke both my legs
You retards realize you can just break a window and jump, right ? Even from the third floor if you land on grass chances are you won't even break a leg sure it might hurt and you need courage to jump, but when the smoke gets you and you start suffocating you WILL jump.
And jumping from the second floor is child's play.
Escape to the roof and jump or break a window and jump. You won't die from that fall unless you land on your head or spine
Well, I would too because I'm depressed and would accept any form of death because I'm too pussy to suicide.
They tried getting to the roof. A bunch of them passed out on the stairs from the smoke before they could get out.
Look let's just be real. Probably we'd die except for maybe lucky anons who were already near an exit
Clearly you're not the first to think "I would've rushed the dude and taken him down easy!" and in a room of 70 people I'm sure a few thought that once. It just doesn't happen. You wouldn't do it. You wouldn't.
wow that place was a deathtrap
Ted Bundy jumped from a similar height and he didn't break shit, he got a sprain and managed to escape the police on foot afterwards.
Walk through the fire and exit the building. Dying by fire is for pussies.
There were corpses all around that window, they tried. You don't understand just how much smoke there was.
Were they playing rock paper scissors to see who jumps first ?
If thinking that makes you feel better, sure.
yeah but all those japs trapped there would immediately break if they jump lmao. maybe stay inside was the best decision
I wanna be the bad guy.
this is not accurate illustration. barisaku start the flame in 2nd and 3th floor first. he is stabbing people in 2nd and 3th floor, which is why there is a lot of victim, but police haven't confirmed this part yet.
They fucking couldn't see because of fire smoke.
You think you do have enough time react, but you don't.
It's at worst a 20 foot drop and it'll fucking hurt but hanging from the side lowers that to 15 and that's totally survivable.
I'll jump out one of the windows, i'd rather break my femurs than die of carbon monoxide.
I had to click fire hydrants for the captcha, google with the comedic timing.
The reason why there are many victims in 2nd and 3rd floor is carbon monoxide. And barisaku brought knives but didn't use any weapons.
>jumping out of suicide proofed windows
Even if you survived, you've got 3rd degree burn and want kill yourself.
>fire escape leading to the roof is locked for suicide prevention
>japan YES
If you open a window, air will come into the room and make even more smoke and even more fire
it wasn't locked.
And also the employees had bombs in their heads that would explode if they left before work hours ended. A very trustworthy user told me.
If I'm on the first floor, I'm taking my chances with the son of a bitch. 3rd, I pray I can make it to the roof and the building doesn't collapse. 2nd, realize I'm boned and use the last few breaths to call my folks and tell them I love them. And tell my brother to destroy my hard drive.
>Opening the window while the room is burning
I don't need 3rd degree burns to want to kill myself.
Then how come no one made it to the roof.
>carbon monoxide
Become unconscious in one breath
it was locked. Apparently people were littering on the roof so they locked the roof that week.
Police confirmed it wasn't locked.
The door opened backwards so they couldn't open it
Is that the only solace? That they were knocked out instead of burning to death?
>police didn't want the company to look like negligent idiots working within a stifling, oppressive Japanese work culture in an incident which is garnering national attention, so they said it wasn't locked
Because the fumes were perfectly funneled up the stairwells and climbing up them to a closed door is not a smart idea, even if it seems logical at first. The way the stairs were designed was the real killer. This is why they should be closed off instead of an open chute from ground to roof. All it takes is a few people to collapse on the third floor stairwell and now getting over them in the blinding smoke becomes an impossible task that keeps taking more lives.
well shit. did they all inhale too much smoke then? I guess they couldn't make it to the roof
Google Albanian hospital fire. That's a pet bottle of gasoline. This guy brought 40L on trolley.
How painful is this? Poor guy
>staying inside the building you're trying to burn
I don't get it.
Why didn't anyone shoot him?
Yeah. Most of death on fire is due to the carbon monoxide not from being burned.
He didn't though. He just dumped gasoline in the first floor near the cylindrical stairs, ignited it (and it burns faster than he imagined, hurting him as well). He was apparently chased by a burning employee in the streets and was caught by the police. He did have 6 machetes and a hammer but they were not used.
doesn't look like its connected. probably not part of the same building
No, there's a photo of the fire fighters opening it from the outside. They found the 20 people in a pile near the top of the stairs.
Yep, the stairs needed fire resistance plus a direct fire exit from the stairwell on the first floor or they were useless in fires like these. Imagine the smoke getting thicker as you go up and then people in the lead collapse. Game over for everyone.
>chased by a burning employee
Why didn't anyone shoot the fire?
Yeah noone can see (or even conscious) with that thick smokem
Should buildings have giant fan/ventilation systems to suck out smoke in case of a fire?
>They found the 20 people in a pile near the top of the stairs.
A fucking deathpile. What a shit way to go.
Why does Jap television always include some random people reacting? Do they need to be reminded how they should be feeling?
gasoline fire would've melt the windows on lower levels anyway, so...
Yep, the roof access stairwell was the highest point in the open building so hot smoke piled up at the top near the exit.
A commercial building like this would certainly not pass inspection where I live. They're required to have an egress stairwell with 1 hour fire resistance (i.e. fire doors and insulation all around) so the escape route doesn't turn into a death trap. Also an exit at the bottom of the stairs directly leading outside would be nice
The room wasn't burning you moron, the smoke reached the second and third floors before the fire, employees who cared about their lives would've ran towards a window the moment the smoke was starting to fill the room.
Why reaction video on Youtube get millions of view ?
Everyone wants to see others reacting.
Smoke ventilation systems are a thing you know..
Imagine being in there. Pitch black, burning hot, probably really fucking loud from all the screaming and things burning and breaking as well, and toxic fumes on top of that.
Good luck even having the word window in your mind in such a situation.
Extremely painful. And he's not even a big guy.
>KyoAni's the good guys of the anime industry
>Office is a death trap because too stingy to have fire safety measures
Why not?
It is a good way to gauge a person without listening to them directly
Proper commercial buildings have pressurized non-flammable stairwells able to resist fire intrusion for hours. This KyoAni studio probably passed fire code by some residential loophole.
How long do you have in this situation before the smoke ends you?
one breath probably
Same reason every youtube video has a facecam now. Even my javascript tutorials have them.
No, but fire doors would be a big help. 33 deaths could have been prevented had the building not been such a architectual nightmare.
How the bloody hell did this building pass fire inspection with tonnes and tonnes of kindling lying around and nothing to help prevent/control a fire in the event of an emergency.
How painful is jit to die from the smoke? Or do you pass out immediatelly?
I hope at least most of them didn't feel anything.
In that situation? You're toast. You're already unconscious from the carbon monoxide within a few breaths and it's a race between the fire and CO poisoning to finish you off.
One deep breath of hot smoke will cauterize your lungs. People are seriously underestimating the dangers of being in a burning building.
With 40L gasoline explosion, I bet 2nd floor started burning after few seconds.
I love how japanese news media look like buzzfeed reaction videos
The whole building design is awful for dealing for fires from spiral staircase to the whole interior being made of wood. Seriously I hope other public places or office building immediately get to renovating to hopefully slow down the spread of the fire.
Probably instantly with a fatal combination of thermal damage, carbon monoxide,hydrogen cyanide and other combustion microparticles.
They can deal with normal fire easily. No one expect 40L gasoline fire.
This is indoor gasoline explosion with 1500℃ fire.
You just can't escape.
I would fry like everyone else. Armchair escapees are so retarded it's amazing.
Probably about 10 seconds. From when the gasoline was lit.
gas. smoke inhalation kills fast. you see people say "nerve gas" on gore webms, but it applies here.
the only reason people keep prattling on about "why didn't they do x or y" is because they don't want to imagine themselves dying in the same situation, they can't comprehend the fact that these people did everything they could do.
they don't want to face their own mortality.
Weren't there any fire estinguisher?
>They found the 20 people in a pile near the top of the stairs.
My only hope is that I would die quickly in this situation.
probably. it all comes down to right place, right time.
Get to the roof, wait for firefighters to show up below, get rescued
Even if they did get to the roof, there was so much smoke on the roof they'd have died anyway.
Flame and smoke went so fast even blasting it with piss wouldnt help
fire extinguisher is for normal small fire. With gasoline fire, it just useless asf.
But muh self-defenestration skills are second to none
The spiral stairs, the lack of fire doors, no sprinklers, and apparent lack fire resistant stairwells. The place was one electrical fault away from a deadly fire. The gasoline doesn't help things, but it's just not a good way to house 80 workers. While it looks cozy as hell on the inside with all the wood and decorations, it's not like any small commercial building I've worked in.
could you even imagine how hot the roof was? fuck...
Yup 10+ victims wanted to go to the roof and they all died from
carbon monoxide.
I'm sure they did everything they could, this is absolutely Kyoani's fault for not meeting requirements for fire safety and passing inspection through some loophole.
If you wore prone would that increase survival?
The spiral stairs was right but fire doors, sprinklers won't help at all with this type of fire.
They could've jumped at least. Better chance than being trapped inside.
Reminds me of this
Smoke was so bad it killed everyone in the tunnel and a couple people at the station on top.
You have no reason to believe it was locked
Exterior doors don't lock from the outside, least of all a roof door. How would someone get up there to unlock it from the outside? Dumbass
based retard
You don't have knowledge of stairs.
You can't make decision like "jumping from window" because you think stairs are safe.
They're not. It's death trap. They died trying reach roof and died. At this point you can't even see where windows are
I wasn't asking if they would have been effective, I'm just asking if there were any
The moment I see smoke, run full speed jumping over desks to the nearest window because I know our building isn't very high. Climb out the window pumped full of adrenaline and hang off it to get my legs closer to the ground before falling, then fall. If I'm on the top floor I'll attempt to grab the border between the two top floors to at least slow my fall or ideally catch it, then fall again and do the same for the next window. Pumped full of adrenaline as a male this has a 99% chance of me escaping without even a broken leg
>They found the 20 people in a pile near the top of the stairs
Groups of people panic and get stuck. See The Station fire from 2003. 1:50 is the death pile from people getting stuck in a doorframe.
they would have died before that. they DID die before that.
2:15 actually but still
Most people probably don't know or remember how much smoke stings your eyes.
It will. Gasoline doesn't magically make a building go up in flames. Look at the drawing. The place gets filled with smoke instantly because of the retarded design.
I feel like someone saying "I smell smoke" in eleven, and you hear screaming, is all it takes for me to run toward a window.
>Huh there's smoke
>Is something going on?
>Oh god is there a fire?
>Let's try the stairs- Oh god the flames are coming from below
>Dash towards window
>takes 6 seconds to climb over desks and push past people in the dark smoke
Whoops you're out of time
Stupid fucking nips, why didn't they just think of Ted Bundy san?
Run straight through the wall
This is 0.5L pet bottle. That guy brought 40L ofgasoline.
My typo was wrong sry, yes the spiral stairs is retard. Google it if fire doors and sprinklers will help with 40L gasoline explosion. Answer is no.
A bit IIRC, but it's so hot it doesn't really matter.
You'd probably live a little longer. Not by much though.
This answers every idiot who think they can escape from window or those who think anti-fire system would work.
Spiral stair is main antagonist.
>two stairs
>x2 faster smoke
>smoke was thick as fuck
I've seen the station fire video multiple times. The cameraman was guaranteed dead if he wasn't paranoid about fires like I am. He was one of if not the first person visible in his video who fled while everyone else was in the stage of "What's going on?". It took him ~30 seconds to escape the moment everyone realized the same thing he did, then 10 seconds later the door he exited had no one leaving it anymore and was instead nothing but black flame. I'm also paranoid about elevators. I put my hand between the doors when they open before putting my body through and quickly step out for example.
A bit. But it won't save you from the huge amount of smoke.
How did the others escape anyway?
Holy shit. Did they all die?
Jesus, that's like 20 bottles of Coke.
Elevators aren't very dangerous. Fires are definitely extremely dangerous.
Je suis kyoani
Finally something I can relate to as an american
all fire exit stairways need to have doors to keep smoke out
3 sides of the building should have escape exits
whoever paid for this building should sudoku
It's ridiculous if you think about it
Two routes. Limited time. Literally like in game.
>one is dead end
This shows a fire in one room. Gasoline can set a room on fire, that is correct.
It will.
the ones on the first floor weren't subject to the same amount of deadly smoke
According to the description 3 died. I'm assuming the guy that got sprayed is gone.
he acted smart in a situation where he didn't know anyone. these people had friends in thier colleges.
even if you did bolt before the explosion, which might have happened, the survivor guilt would catch up.
Fire doors are meant to slow spread of smoke and fire. In the case of stairwells, fire walls and doors keep the volume survivable for at least a few minutes so people can escape through the ground floor emergency exit directly attached to the stairwell.
In the case of the KyoAni studio, their stairwell had no smoke barriers and no exit at the ground floor.
Exactly. Go into an US commercial building to see how it's made. Self-closing fire doors on every stairwell entry point and panic bar doors leading all the way outside.
0.5L set a room on fire.
imagine 40L, it will set a whole building on fire.
The question now is how he managed to successfully deploy 40L of the stuff. Shit must've been heavy.
check how small the building is you guys talks like KyoAni studio is a mall or something. There's no way those fancy things on in the building.
What if I told you that it doesn't fucking scale like that you absolute fucking retard.
He borrowed hand cart from gas station.
Just saw, fucking hell talk about a nightmare inducing scenario.
Arsonists are immune to detection while dousing their target.
source: town of salem
>take a vacuum cleaner or two
>suck up all the fire and smoke into the vacuum
>throw it out of the window
There, I saved 33 lives.
>hear some rumble, disregard because probably a harmless earthquake
>notice smoke
>'haha guys did someone burn something in the kitchen?'
>get up from my chair
What if someone trips over the power cable and unplugs it?
Japanese buildings are made out of paper. Just walk right through the wall.
Why was there minimal smoke from the upper right?
>Apparently people were littering on the roof so they locked the roof that week
doubt it
Many people in disaster/mass murder threads are shonen protagonists with plot armour.
Personally I would have stopped the hijackers and flew sideways through the gap between the twin towers. It's a bold strategy but it would have worked.
the screams are kind of how I imagine what some of Dante's Inferno would sound like
You'll need two
Baby size
you would think that japan would have great evacuation plans in cases of emergency considering all the earthquakes
imagine if this was a school
in the west there would be a huge lawsuit
I guess this is representative of the culture in the east
I think there was a meeting room at that end of the upper floors. It would take longer to fill up because of the small opening as you see on the floor below.
I would break the doors with a karate kick then evacuate everyone then put out the fire with water then do a judo lock on the attacker and finally I would get a medal from papa Abe.
The first breath will burn your lungs, airways and mouth. That's just the thermal damage. You'll also inhale carbon monoxide, cabon dioxide, cyanide and particulate matter.
Combine this with being inside a building full of screaming, panicking people.
Because sharing the misery makes it feel better somehow.
> Do they need to be reminded how they should be feeling?
How autistic do you have to be to think this is the reason?
As I know lungs have no nerves so you don't feel pain. Or not?
is the roof even a safe place. judging from the pictures look like the roof wouldve been ingulfed in smoke as well
I don't know, but having hot smoke cauterize my throat and mouth would probably be enough for me.
Jump out the nearest window
Enough is enough.
No but at least you could jump off from there. Finding a window amid all that smoke would have been difficult.
I guess I just die and get isekaied. With the roof door closed you can't escape.
Fire safety doesn't cover intentional arson with 40 liters of fucking gasoline.
Well I used to be pretty stupid as a kid and loved to do dares, usually got dared to jump from 2nd floor and I'd do it ... like a retard. So I'd jump.
>Most importantly, the door to the roof top is locked.
Reminds me of the lottery winner at nipton in new Vegas
I sprint to the storeroom, grabbing armfuls of stray papers along the way. I kick down the door in one swift motion and grab the stockpile of glue, on my way back, I mix the two ingredients together, molding and tossing it in the air like pizza dough, creating a strong paper mache like compound. I spread the newly formed adhesive substance over the spiral staircase opening and around the doors, buying valuable time for my co-workers to escape.
Which expensive university did I learn all this from you ask? Heh, I learned everything I know from one Dr. Stone.
No escape.
Use a window, they look big enough for a person to fit through and the building is only a couple of floors
Was it a tsundere door?
Science in Dr. Stone is not usually under
heavy pressure.
Im retarded, nvm I'd just die before the thought occurred to me. In such a small building I'd be quick to notice the smoke but hesitate too long before sprinting.
Running to the roof is retarded than the Windowfags.
They also let the arsonist enter inside the building because of their own laziness when they disabled door security. It could have been a mere knife nut, or a robber, point is, that guy could easily enter, and did so.
It actually does.
link to video?
>arsonist blocks or sets on fire all emergency exits
>why didn't they just build more emergency exits? shit fire safety
What you say happened didn't happen. People could have been saved from upper floors by firemen if the building wasn't so fucking shit.
What's wrong with the windows? Too hard to open / break?
Serious question, i've never tried to break a window so I don't know
Execute the stupid faggot whoever locked the roof door if he's survived.
See There was an explosion and smoke filled everything, killing everyone very fast.
I think there was one guy who got out through a window.
But the fire and smoke was so fast and intense. its easy to be disorientated.
I would probably be in panic like every other normal human being and couldn't think rationally so the 10 seconds would be over in no time.
Staircase was full of other people that were in panic so fleeing was impossible anyway
How the fuck was a sole autist able to pour 40L of gasoline without anyone noticing? Even if you don't want to risk fighting, just run the fuck out from the place
>smoke filled everything
It did. Because the building was terribly designed.
That's probably what the people on the first floor did. Only 2 died there and they were on the far side of the room in/near the toilets.
He had knives and was blocking the exit.
why did they just stand there recording and didn't help what the fuck
They don't have security cameras in Japan? I still don't understand how a single fucker was able to do that
Survival comes down to "right time & place." If you're working alone right by a window I'm pretty sure you'd be a lot quicker to think about jumping.
Realistically, there's no way you'd be able to maintain composure in that situation. You wouldn't even consciously think about jumping, you'd just panic and do anything to escape the smoke.
The door was unlocked and it opened outward. Just nobody made it that far. They all died on the stairs. That's how fast it happened.
What do you suggest they do, run into the burning building and start pulling people out?
Most of the bodies were found near windows.
Wait what's the fire station video?
I don't know how the guy did it, but don't you just need to pour only one bottle on top of the others and you got a bomb right there. That wouldn't take much time to do.
I don't think they knew there're still some people trapped in the building.
Not fire station, Station fire.
If you want to see a really harrowing piece of footage, look it up.
He pour it into a bucket and splashed it around.
Run up the stairs to the roof and die by the door
Third floor is so fucking low. If you are lucky you won't even break your legs.
Less than 1 minute and you're dead.
Dead man walking. He looks like Moshe Silman from all those years ago...
>in the west there would be a huge lawsuit
I clapped. God bless Burgeria.
Your country doesn't have something similar? Obviously not every news segment uses this, but some certainly do.
Meh spiral staircase isn't that bad if separated by fire doors from the rest of the building.
Break the closest window and jump, try to fall on my feet.
This is fine...
Everything is going to be daijobu...
Even if he did that that should still have been like 2 or 3 bucketfuls of gasoline
Yes, he drove them on a cart.
Almost 1/34125438 of an Olympic pool
>Yea Forums - Fire Hazards and Safety
Compartmentalization absolutely helps with stopping/slowing the spread of fire, so yes fire doors would help even with a 40l gasoline explosion. First floor would be screwed, but everyone else would be much better off if the first floor didn't connect to the second and third floors with a fucking open chimney.
Fuck it then
What they needed was a security guard in front of the building, not better fire codes or something
Door wasn't locked and it opened to the outside. With that much gasoline there was just too much nasty shit like CO in the air, nobody even made it to the top of the floor. CO drops you fast.
not painful at all he probably feels nothing. due to adrenalin and burned nerve endings
The arsonist used gasoline for a reason. It's a good lesson for everyone. It's also why in every state, deadly force is justified against arsonists.
grab an animator jump out the window and have my bones break their fall
Very dere
If he feels nothing then the burns are way too deep and he's pretty much dead already.
The REAL Anime Tenchou.
Ted Bundy trained his ankles in his cell for weeks before hand. He also had the advantage of not trying to improvise jumping out of a building being engulfed in flames and smoke.
>What they needed was a security guard in front of the building, not better fire codes or something
Wrong. If the building was built properly, it's not unlikely that everyone who wasn't on the ground floor had survived.
Have you even burned petrol at a bonfire or anything? That shit will pretty much blow up in your face. I know a guy who threw a little bit of petrol on a fire. His pants caught fire and he got third degree burns. The Nippon had 40 litres of the stuff. It was basically a bomb with that amount.
and that's terrible
Look at his stance.
Never said he had high chance of surviving but burns don't have to be that deep to not feel much like I said adrenalin plays a big role too
I worked at a burn victim clinic for 1 months for my apprenticeship trust me after getting a full body burn like at least 50% 2B if not 3 in some areas those guys don't feel much of anything there in a daze
Is there a version of OP image (or just the video) with a timer?
I'm curious how fast it happened.
Who would win? One fire extinguisher or 40L of petrol?
You want to get prone on a floor which is probably melting your shoes from the heat?
A litre is roughly a kilo for most stuff, so yeah about 40 kilos
Would be about the same volume as 2 of those large square chlorine containers you get for pools to give you an idea of size
>see smoke
>retard user-kun takes off for the window again jumping over desks.
>he hurls himself through the window getting caught in the glass
>with massive lacerations to his face and hands struggles to open the window.
>the rest of the office ignores him.
>he attempts to parkour out the window but shatters both ankles on impact with the tarmac below.
>another co-worker apologises for leaving the toaster on too high a setting again.
It doesn't scale like that. 80 liters wouldn't make the building burn twice as first.
I once got the idea to go on /x/ and discovered an audio recording of trapped people just howling and crying inside a fire like this. Not going to fucking play this.
Its a grueling choking sensation where your lungs, eyes and nose burns from the smoke inhalation. You then pass out and then proceed to die unconscious
Sure it doesn't exactly scale upward like that but petrol is already partially gaseous at room temperature and that much of it would almost certainly engulf the room it was in.
Gasoline is significantly less dense than water, it's closer to 30 kilos.
smoke inhalation is different, it burns everything along the way to the lungs. So you'll be feeling it in your nose, throat and mouth.
Station Fire is/was a nightclub that got burned down because the pyrotechnics were way too much for the stage. Everything started burning in a matter of seconds. It basically rewrote Americas fire safety rules and regulations
Can we stop with these shitty bait threads?
I dodge the smoke, shoot the fire out with my gun and bodyslam the perpetrator. I saw someone jump out of a window in a movie once and am therefore an expert on situations like this. I just simple dont understand how anyone could have died...
why didn't they just blow out the fire fucking retards didn't have to burn to death if they did that
Did they not have fire extinguishers?
>what is a backdraft
Do people here just not understand how fucking fast and volatile gasoline is? You don't slowly realize your building is burning and go for a window. You're sitting at your desk and suddenly get hit by a fucking cloud of dark smoke that doesn't let you see shit and doesn't let you breath, followed by a fucking cloud of fire that also doesn't let you see shit but also sets your skin and lungs on fucking fire while you're still choking from the ash.
Damn I remember this from some national geographic documentary/show; how long until kyoani gets one?
Fire extinguishers arent magic
You expect sheltered people to understand?
Embrace death.
The TV station the cameraman was from settled for $30 million out of court since he was apparently obstructing the crowd he was filming. I think the offending part is right before he gets out of the main entrance.
kill myself since kyoanus is a sin and i should've died for that anyway
>grab chair
>break window
>jump out with chair
>just before hitting the ground, jump up off the chair to cancel my fall
If the fire climbed the support pillar like in OPs pic it should be manageable. I used one before.
You aren't going to douse a fire started from 10 gallons of gasoline that's quickly spreading in a matter of seconds. You use extinguishers at the source of the flame and you sure as fuck aren't getting close to it in this case
I can only hope Japanese fire inspectors start going ham on every fucking building that's not up to snuff on fire safety code.
It's all fun and games until your negligence leads to human casualties.
Happened here (Russia) when a shopping center burned down and 60 people died because it was an absolute disaster in terms of fire safety.
>and that much of it would almost certainly engulf the room it was in.
It probably would, yes. If the building was built properly it probably wouldn't have made much difference if it was 10, 20 or 100 liters though.
Not relevant when the floor your on isn't even on fire?
In a properly designed building you would have plenty of time as long as you weren't on the floor with the gasoline.
Lmoa. The problem isn't the actual staircase burning. It's the whole fucking first floor burning, filling the rest of the building with smoke in an instant because of the stupid staircase(s) and overall design of the building.
I 100% agree with you. If the building had proper fire doors and the correct equipment then it wouldn't matter how much petrol there was. 10 litres or 100 litres won't matter if the fire is starved for oxygen.
I remember that news. It was a mall in some province near Siberia, and the fire exits were blocked (bad design?)
The doors were locked for whatever reason, iirc
Jump down as fast as possible and try to kill him.
Possibly as painfully as possible, would gladly exchange my life for that if the chances of killing him were high enough
He's armed user. Unless you're a martial artist or armed as well he's just gonna fuck you up, or just light the gasoline and let it blow up in both of your faces in a second,
Fun fact people often make fun of the build materials for American homes but they are made of heavily flammable material after Waco so the government can just burn you out
I think that the camera man somewhat hates crowded places as well. As soon as pyrotechnics went off, he moved back because people were pushing up to see. Seconds later he saw that the smoke was way more than normal, so he dashed out. But man, kyoani, Stationfire and the picture of 2 people stuck on the windturbine gives me nightmares. Its not the fire that kills people, its the smoke and/or panic that kills people. Should they make the alarm bells less scary to prevent panic of this level?
>Should they make the alarm bells less scary to prevent panic of this level?
Alarms are the way they are to grab peoples attention and to make them aware of the danger, not to soothe their minds
>I smell fire!
>finally, it's my time to shine, just like I always daydreamed
>I bet if I rescue Shoko-san from this she will be forever indebted to me
>this will make such a cool greentext story
>I can already hear her screaming for help, don't worry Shoko, just come into my arm-
>ok, time to jump out the window
>goddamnit everyone, stop running into me, I'm about to be a hero
>just you wait, I'll make a rope out of clothes so everyone can safely climb out of the 3rd story window, but I'll need everyone else's clothes as well
>wait, when did my clothes catch on fire?
>now who turned off the lights? where is eveerghhhhhhhhhhhHHhhhhhh
You can train to reduce panic
I think fire drills should be mandatory
Do anons here telling you that opens windows would've exacerbated the fire not realize that one of the most basic instructions in case of a fire is to open ONE window and escape? Especially if it's a small story building like this, fuck your legs, burns are way more horrible and the smoke will knock you out quick.
Not for the fire extinguisher argument, but I don't honestly think that the security standarad on that building was good enough. It was almost completely made of wood and there were no doors, which could have helped cutting out flames and smoke. There were also no emergency exits which is absolutely unacceptable in a working enviroment in my opinion. I don't know about japanese rules about the workplace but in my country that would not be considered a safe working enviroment.
They are in the US, not so sure about Japan
a deer is as heavy as 800 hamburgers.
big if true
I've just seen now that there was an emergency exit on the rooftop but the door was locked lmao
Literally read the damn thread
Couldn't they just go to the rooftop?
Your talking about safety. Security would be preventing the guy from setting the building on fire.
They tried, but all the smoke got channeld through the stairwell like through a chimney and they lost conciousness before reaching the door
Where I work I don't have security guards. We have emergency stairs though and occasional fire drills
roof locked
The only ONLY option is to get to a first or second floor window and jump
Run for the exit, probably survive
Run up the stairs or if I was in the room on the right try breaking the window and fail
Run up the stairs
Basically anyone not on the ground floor was shit out of luck.
did anybody survive by jumping out of the window?
CNN and BBC reported some did, suffering bone fractures, but you know, not dead.
How did the arsonist get inside anyways? Were there no guards around the area? If someone was using a cart to carry 40L of gasoline I'd get suspicious immediately especially considering his destination.
> 2018
> just started a new business
> it's a tilt slab warehouse with mezzanine office
> my car is parked under the office
> Monday morning - first day of business
> I was up until 3am preparing the warehouse
> sleep in office - need to be up at 7am
> wake up to a car horn and a fire alarm
> look out the window and a smoke is rising around the office
> smells like an electrical fire
> run outside and look into my car
> small fire in the dash - can feel heat rising from the vehicle
> need a fucking fire extinguisher
> turn to go get it
> car suddenly engulfs into flames
> nothing I can do
> just step back further watching it burn
> 30 seconds later fire fighters arrive - security guard called them as soon as he saw smoke - that was the car hooting
> the main thing I remember is the feeling of helplessness because the fire spread so quickly
People underestimate fire. It spreads so rapidly and can kill you in seconds, especially in confined spaces. I'm also ex-Navy and specially trained to fight fires in close confinement and there was literally nothing I could do in this situation. Had I been unable to escape from the mezzanine I would have died, because all the windows were shatterproof and there was only one exit from the warehouse.
I know it's paranoid, but today I always come up with a quick fire escape plan when entering any building - just in case.
The door to the roof was not locked. It opened just fine when the firefighters tried to enter from the roof. The people on the stairs died from the smoke before they got to the door.
the roof wasn't locked you fucking retards.
read the threads. read the actual articles.
20 people died on their way to the door due to inhaling too much smoke. they never even made it to the door.
the firemen opened the door from outside, it wasn't locked and they didn't need any key.
the only chance any of them had would have been jumping out a window, and no normal person chooses to jump out a window within that small a timefrime. they probably had 5 minutes from the fire breaking out and everyone being unconcious
Hope I was in floor one
Otherwise, die like everyone else did
I don't know why people expect the Japanese to update building safety. Remember what a mess fukushima was and how bad they fucked up the safety regulations?
normally you get in with a card key but it was disabled that day because they were holding an event or something.
>no normal person chooses to jump out a window within that small a timefrime
Well 36 people were injured not killed, how did they get out? That's still about 50% of them.
Sure you would.
Don't we have any smoke filtering equipment? What do firefighters used
Why would someone want to kill Kyoani's creators? Of all the studio, Kyoani? I hate Free and Violet Evergarden but I never wish for the creators' death.
they were on the ground floor
It's bad enough that their name is on the credits of free and VEG.
>You have 10 seconds to escape.
>What you gonna do ?
Prepare to die. 10 seconds is too short a time to do anything at all. Especially considering you're having to deal with a rapid fire, smoke filling the whole building in seconds and a psycopath actively throwing gasoline on anybody that tries to escape. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Shit happens but don't worry you'll have all eternity to recriminate Saint Paul or Jesus for not having done anything to help you.
Personal SCBAs for all workers from now on!
climb to the roof and jump off
or jump out of the window
Could happen, japs wear masks almost everywhere anyway.
Hard mode: You can't see shit.
what's crazy is the news company that the cameraman worked for got successfully sued for 30 million dollars because the group representing the survivors/families didn't think he personally did enough to save people. what kind of bullshit is that
japs are autists and need to see other faces to know how to react
So amaricans are secretly just chinese people?
Well, he could have tried to help instead of just filming shit.
Can't I just hold my breath for at least a minute?
have fun with that soot in your eyes
For us gaijin, 40 liters is about 10 gallons, brought there two cans
I like your style of dialogue:)
>already 1.400.000 burger money donation
Hey, wanna ride? :D
>Kyoani earns more money by burning than by releasing shitty shows
Confirmed inside job.
The money won't reach Kyoani I can bet my ass on it. At most only 5% of it will reach them and the rest will be gobbled up by Sentai.
Sure as shit won't reach the dead people.
Stop, drop, and roll my way out of there.
I will be amused at how many Americans would be killed by their retarded the safety education if there is ever a way happening on the mainland.
that's for when you're already on fire dude
1.4 million isn't that much.
Nah, it's not much, really, in 2 days, nah.
If you disguise yourself as fire, the smoke won't chase after you.
He literally had a 40L+ bucket he had poured the gas from 2x 20L gas cans he filled at the closest gas station saying they where for a generator.
He walked it in the front door, stopped at the base of the spiral stairs, kicked the bucket over off the cart and ignited it.
The whole thing probably took him under 10 seconds.
If this the case then why are there so many people who say "WELL WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST ESCAPE/JUMP/LIVE/etc"?
>why are there so many armchair escapists
Did you forget where we are?
Escaping this is more a matter of luck than a matter of competence
Dear god
Because edgy crossboarders and reddit have invaded Yea Forums. We need to take back our board.
That's always how it is. If you want to be generous, you could say it's people trying to comfort themselves into thinking this couldn't happen to them. Or they're just stupid and confuse pop culture media with reality. It's not like it's limited to the internet either.
The Japanese are fucking retarded with fire safety. True story: When I was on JET, the second story in my school had a glass door that simply opened into nothing: a two-story drop onto gravel. Finally curiosity got the best of me, and I asked what it was for. I was told it was a fire exit. But, I protested, it was always locked. I was told that the vice-principal had the key, and that he'd unlock it if there was ever a need. But, I protested, his desk was on the first floor, in a different wing of the building. I got that look the Japanese give you if you start complaining too much about the way they do things - it was the same look I got when I asked why my local bank closed their ATMs at night and on the weekends (this was 20 years ago, in a small town).
Unable to restrain myself, I asked why at least there wasn't something more pleasant to jump onto underneath the door. I mean, gravel would kinda suck, especially for girls in uniform skirts if they ended up landing on their feet and falling forward onto their knees. I was told there was a mat that could be out down there over the gravel if need be. Where was it? In a utility shed about 200 feet away. Yes, locked, but the vice-principal had they key.
At which point I just gave up and accepted it.
People don't realize or don't want to believe that you could die just like that.
Congratulation on saving all those people. As a reward, I will give you 3 Japanese woman which you will have to breed with.
Because Yea Forums is fucking dead
You think animators want to live?
The victims gave themselves to the flames willingly.
RION please.
Because they are sheltered retards that never looked into what a building fire with accelerant entails. Accelerants are fucking terrifying and even the smallest amounts(0.5-2L) almost always have 3+ deaths.
>Why are there so many people who have never been in a life or death situation who are convinced they're smarter than everyone else because they've only seen these situations on tv
Yea Forums is full of retards these days. The board is a shell of it's former self. I shudder to think this after the 15 years I've spent here.
That sounds like a retarded ass answer.
Found another retard.
Not OP, watch:
from 1:51:10
This whole thing is slowly starting to sink in to my supposedly apathetic self. What an awful tragedy.
wheres the photo
This news reporting is sick. They're treating it like a reality show
How did they not manage to break the glass? is that some kind bullet-proof glass or what?
>This news reporting is sick. They're treating it like a reality show
No, that's just a typical Japanese daytime news program. It's like that every day - it's just a format you're not used to.
Because people are retards who like to pretend they're actually competent. These are the same people who talk about how they would totally stop a mall shooting or meme about how they would totally take down someone in a fight through amazing tactics
Yes but afterwards the tissue starts dying and falling apart, he could still lose fingers/hands or even a leg if the burns are severe enough
could've been a plastic kind of panel
Holy shit, never saw or heard about this before. I feel a bit bad now for goofing off during fire drills in school/uni.
Depends on where I am.
If on first floor I'd probably die a horrible dead.
On second floor I'd try to jump of a window.
Third floor means that I'd have more time so I'd soak a cloth with water and run for the roof.
Grab chair, smash window.
jap tv is extra sociopathic
Had a hearty, audible kek
My larger gaijin eyes would be better able to perceive the light from windows and safely guide me to escape
Interesting that you got the fatality levels completely reversed
Jump from window.
If only Safety Squad existed back then, we could've prevented this.
People don't realize how much space a flailing human takes up, especially when a large amount rush to a small, confined exit while under duress
*dies a few meters away from the roof*
Reminds me of how the Fukushima power plant had its generators in the basement for some reason. Really dumb how these disasters could be avoided with simple regulations. Thank god for the U.S. federal government.
Why do they have those fucking live reaction screens even for serious shit like this?
It's more entertaining. They even hype things up before commercial breaks
Definitely. Someone posted the Great White fire video, but here's a layout of where everyone died; majority were smothered near the exit. Honestly everyone asking 'why didn't they do x/y/z' just shows ignorance.
Implying then didn't all wanted to die anyway.
Not the case for an animation studio that's famous for treating its employees well.
>that one fucker that was partying hard on the dance floor until the end
Jesus christ that fucked up.
i'd be distracted by how fake that smoke looks too
>he wouldn't take a knife to the gut if it meant stopping him
DYEL cartoon makers, they couldn't have broken that door in a million years.
Fire doors would have at least saved every person who died on the staircases.
... so it does open outwards? they said it didn't
Step 1: Work in an office with electronic locks on everything so some rando can't just stroll in with a fuckload of gasoline.
Step 2: Work in an office that is properly fireproofed and has fire doors on the stairs so it doesn't immediately spread to the entire building.
Step 3: Make popcorn while corporate security beats this dude into a pulp outside
Or you know, they don't live in a fucking wood lined furnace with no windows but in a country where sane safety standards are upheld so they can't even imagine being trapped is such conditions.
What do the ||| lines mean? Stairs? Why is there a stair or ramp near the batherooms but no doorway there?
As a former JET myself this story is 100% likely to be true
>31 in one giant pile of bodies at the main entrance
Good lord
One, maybe two breaths of that dark smoke, desu and you drop.
everyone headed for the main entrance even though other exits were available.
Panic is a dangerous thing
Imagine what they went through.
>I'll just climb on top of the body!
>opps, too much energy spent need to breathe
IIRC a bouncer was preventing people from leaving from the closest exit by the dressing room saying it was for 'band members only'
Many were holding beer bottles too, so not in the best of mindsets.
>no firedoors on any of the staircases
>no sprinkler system
>wood and paper everywhere
an electrical fire would have killed a dozen people, what the fuck is wrong with japan
To all the fuckers who feel like being Captain Hindsight
>breathe and then
>retroactive spider
rare times I kek at western animation
That's fucked
It was probably hard for anyone in there to even find the other exits because it was really dark, and the smoke was toxic and black from the insulation that caught on fire
They should show that video around more so he could save a lot more lifes by bringing people to actually take safety regulations serious enough.
Watch the video. You can see a pile of people of stuck in the door frame screaming for their lives while smoke billowed out from the gap above them. Nightmarish stuff.
And yet asshole crossboarding Yea Forums circlejerkers will laugh and make troll posts about this
Why the FUCK did they put in that spiral staircase? I thought KyoAni was known for treating employees well not forcing them to work in a firetrap.
They probably only do that for firefighters, when it happened the newstations only showed the initial “uh oh” and the fire catching on the ceiling instead of the rest of the video. I didn’t know how bad it really was for years.
people who take screencaps to "expose" irreverant discord chats are the lowest form of life
They spent all money on salaries, nothing was left for fire safety.
>go into thread literally asking people to be captain hindsight
>complain when people do it
I don't think most anime studios are constructed with resisting arson in mind.
But it's a funny picture?
Go to the 4:44 mark for that story.
ヘア アー ユア ウオメン
Steam looks like this now??
What if the psycho is a coworker?
Jump out the window.
>Only people from Yea Forums and the other boogeymen do things I don't like!
You gotta be 15 years old or younger to be this stupid.
At least they passed out quickly. A silver lining, if you can call it that.
Ban gasoline.
It's like in plane crashes where most people break their necks due to the violent movements before all the other horrible shit goes down.
The 10 seconds they used running to the roof I would've used going superman out the window.
I'll gladly take cuts and a broken leg over burning alive.
The ones in the 3rd floor were unlucky as fuck, poor dudes.
Because dunning kruger effect
Some train autist thought Kyoani stole his nickname despite it being used in a completely different context. Literally the most retarded reason possible to kill 33 people. Like Chris-chan x100 levels of retardation.
There was one guy nearby who brought a ladder and actually helped a few people get out through windows, and then the smoke got too bad... for a guy who was OUTSIDE.
panik and die praying to Jesus
Spot on
Then the pasty basedboy will pussy out halfway between the building and the parking lot.
What has Chris chan been up to this year? Last I heard, he was still going to court for the missed payments, a,ll the while, amassing an expensive lego collection.
Who would wait for a ladder in that situation? I'm guessing it was immediately right after the explosion?
Part of me wants the train theory to be the real one just because of how pants-on-head retarded it is, but until the cops slap him out of his coma and make him talk everything right now is pure speculation.
Literally both stairways, particularly the round one, were both chimneys pulling the fire upstairs.
It's the gasoline vapors that catch fire. If it weren't for the vapor, you could put out a match in gasoline.
Lex Luthor go home
>Station Fire is/was a nightclub that got burned down because the pyrotechnics were way too much for the stage.
They didn't even have a fucking permit, yet some fucker set them off anyhow. There was flammable as fuck foam on the wall behind the stage.
>I'd soak a cloth with water and run for the roof.
The time you spend with that will cause your demise.
As soon as you hear the explosion you take a last, deep breath and check the way to your escape to memorize it. Then continue to aim for that escape blind and without breathing while a lot of people run around in flailing panic.
It sounds debunked because (supposedly) the train guy has been posting on his twitter account since yesterday
Most places aren't either. Nothing is stopping a madman from setting gasoline fires to all the exits.
Yes, it was some guy from a nearby building, I saw it on the NHK news (8PM English news is on my PBS), some guy actually got like 4 people out, first one was hanging by the gutter above the 2nd floor or something.
what a hero.
Kyoani staff confirmed for pussies
Most people don't know that smoke is the most dangerous thing about a fire.
Wow, that went up in flames so quickly, practically instant flame and spread. All these user saying they would have survived a gasoline fire is in for a rude awakening.
>Yep, the stairs needed fire resistance plus a direct fire exit from the stairwell on the first floor or they were useless in fires like these.
Apparently Japan can't into one-way doors, or push-to-alarm door latches.
But then they also couldn't figure out not to put a generator where a tsunami won't flood it.
Props to that guy. His quick thinking at least saved a few people
>first one was hanging by the gutter above the 2nd floor or something
This guy would've been fine either way.
Why don't you jump off the nearest window? Like, now.
Half of them escaped. Half died.
Just like your brain cells.
Use Linux
He'll prob be fine if it's the first or 2nd floor.
Do we have any information about how the people escaped left the building?
I live on the bottom floor.
>no smoke or open fire nearby
Stop shitting your pants.
>anybody inside?
well duh
If that user would jump off 2nd floor simply to prove his point he's totally not fine.
One addition to that:
The town I was in was out in the country, but close enough to Tokyo that I could make a day trip of it on weekends. I did a lot of shopping in Akiba, and my impression of all those old stores was that they were basically deathtraps in a fire, and if one broke out there, we were all screwed. Same with old-school department stores (like the one Sylphine takes Umaru to in the second season of Umaru-chan) or shopping arcades. They were all very comfy and such, but I still went out of my way to limit my time in them.
Hopefully this will bring about some reforms in Japan, but that's always a tough thing to hope for over there.
>Heavy smoke filled the hallways, prompting an evacuation.
>Four residents and three police officers were injured by smoke inhalation and heat exhaustion.
metal as fuck
>A day after an apparent arson killed at least 33 people at an animation studio in the Japanese city of Kyoto, a neighbor, the 81-year-old Ken Okumura, remembered seeing several women jump from the building’s second floor. They were so badly burned that blood was coming from their noses, and all of their clothes but their underwear were gone.
Football fans are fucking braindead.
Deserve it for being retards desu.
>I'm such an uberchad, I'm going to push everyone aside and leave first
>oh fuck, turns out I wasn't the only one unerchad and now we're stuck here
Feel bad for the people that got blocked by them though. Some were probably trying to find alternative exits but got lost in the smoke.
wood is 12MJ/kg
The door was two way, they never fucking reached the stairs.
Actually, the only uberchad there was the guy recording.
He noped the fuck outta there instantly.
Why didnt they gather chakra at their feet to climb the wall
Two buckets of the stuff on a hand cart. Charged in, threw them and ran out. Literally done in around ten seconds or less.
holyshit they're just walking on the field and clapping
They didn't put it in. The building owner had it. Second, plenty of places have spiral staircases; they're efficient and look good. Belive it or not, architects and interior designers do not generall plan for someone firebombing the ground floor with ten gallons of petrol. The office was perfectly fine and even a full on this-year, "we build everything to contain fire and nothing else" would be fucked from this attack as well.
>ITT: bunch of keyboard warriors that have no fucking clue how explosive and dangerous petrol can be in an enclosed space, which is also a tiny office building with loads of paper and other flammable material everywhere to ensure a ridiculously fast burn, who are also dumb enough to think the escape routes weren't the first things to target by any half decent arsonist
>Shit on fire
>Niggers start dancing and singing
Shut the fuck up you dont know shit.
>this image artist cg mock-up
>those faces as if they're trying to crack this century's craftiest murder case while appearing to be at the verge of tears
>no emergency exit
>nips will build earthquake & tsunami proof... BUT NOT FIRE PROOF! rollsafe.jpg
>watchu gonna do?
Depends, if I am Arson-kun, I would do the Orange Justice dance:
If not, then Kamikaze Banzai™ out of the window while listening to:
>A man who was working nearby says he managed to help some escape from the building. He says he brought a ladder to a man clinging to a gutter and removed a metal grill from a window so three women could get out.
>"After I helped some people, I was surrounded by smoke and I couldn't get any closer."
Ladder-kun is a fucking hero.
>removed a metal grill from a window
>metal grill
>"Waaah why didn't they just break the windows and jump out?"
>doesn't even show his face on camera
What a fucking lad.
>tell my brother to destroy my hard drive
what's in your hdd?
Holy shit, this guy is a real-life seigi no mikata. I hope he has good fortune or something for the rest of his days, because four people are alive right now directly because of him.
That window was inside a bathroom the three women ran into.
What the fuck, were the grills bolted or can they be unlocked with ease?
Who the fuck design the building?
3 are alive one is probably less injured
Bottom floor.
That's standard for nip news
see , makes sense
Didn't a shit tons also died from trying to get the windows?
This building is such a clusterfuck jumping through a window would be literally impossible, That being said I don't think leaving through windows is impossible in other circumstances
but jesus christ dude not sure how this building passed any sort of fire inspection code
>he did have 6 machetes and a hammer
Fuck burning the place up, use those instead, should used the petrol bomb as a final last resort "take-you-down-with-me" trump card and just rushed them all with the 6-style butcher chad rampage, now that would've been legendary.
Some (I assume very few) did actually jump through the windows and lived.
Maybe they were already close to the windows when the explosion occurred.
Running through smoke and getting to a window and managing to open is another story though.
Thrust me, you can't. Such smoke is so thick you literally can't see as far as your arm's length due to the soot particles.
Most likely burn to death.
>you don't have time
>you just don't know smoke is bad
If you took to heart your childhood warnings by the nice firemen that smoke inhalation will kill you you have a reasonable amount of time before you pass out.
Hard to have the presence of mind for that. It went from "what's that smell" to "holy fuck where is all that smoke coming from" in seconds.
If it was like a typical animation studio that second floor was a maze of cabinets and random cubicle walls, covered with paper and acetates. At least we know from the outside pictures that they put blackout blinds on all the windows, as if they wouldn't be hard enough to find from inside.
>this is your average LN author
I don't want to know what an average LN reader looks like.
Never happened. I've seen in the news that it was the criminal who was burning slightly and then collapsed 100 meters away from his injuries. A nearby woman poured water on him to put out the fire thinking he's one of the victims. Then police arrived and arrested him.
Not him.
Separating the stairs with fireproof walls/doors would give the people on the upper floors more reaction time since the smoke would take longer to reach them.
wood: the house
They reached the door. Because of the panic they couldn't pull it open due to the crowd.