My favorite anime of all time...dead now...jesus fucking christ

My favorite anime of all time...dead now...jesus fucking christ

Rest in peace.

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>everytime I watch the chase scene, the goat scene, the pumpking scene it will be laced with sadness

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I know depressed anons who's sole happiness was dragon maid, and now I'm worried for their well being

they also made Dragon Maid??? Fucking christ, fuck this fucking arsonist fuck, I hope he burns in hell forever

they were also the only studio to pioneer new animation and drawing techniques, since they had the money

I already gave up hope of another season cause it's been so long, but now that it's all but confirmed after this fire I don't know how to feel.

Goddamnit I'm extra depressed now. Why couldn't he have targeted a shitty ass shounen studio instead

Because these make good anime.

Non Non Biyori is better

Did the tsunami in 2011 really fuck nichijou sideways? Every thread I keep seeing someone say the earthquake fucked their sales and thats why it died.

mentally ill trainfags like Soon we'll just start genociding the mentally ill instead of tolerating them

Well it certainly didnt help... but the reason it flopped was because Kyoani set the bluray prices too high and otaku protested

Why couldn't it have been JC Staff instead?

Did Arawi Keiichi posted anything in response? The final episode, which was an anime-only ending, was written by him, so he must have known the Kyoani staff really well throughout Nichijou's production.

They were making a S2

They’re making Kud Wafter, once that comes out they have my permission to die

I looked up kyoani and found out the one loved are mostly from Kyoani. Fuck that train autist

Tbh I'm slightly relief that Nichijou director was confirmed alive

Their output was legendary.
The cornerstone of Yea Forums

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>completed anime adaptation of a completed manga
>dead now

He actually can't even tell
>only studio to pioneer new animation
You're just quoting some idiot you saw on reddit, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and neither did he.
>am I cool yet?

Can't wait for these fuckers to go back.

t. mentally ill trainfag

learning a lot on our first day of Yea Forums, are we?

learning a lot on our first day of Yea Forums, are we?

>almost a decade since they put out anything watchable

Well, at least it happened to a studio that was clearly in decline.

I don't know how this stuff works but isn't there a chance that another studio is able to do nichijou now that kyoani is (about to be) dead?

>Free dive into the future

there is no future for you

what a fucking retarded thing to say. why should any hard working underpaid animators have to die? just burn down some nigger-infested ghetto or something. i don't mind the company of black individuals, just not niggers, so please don't delete my post jannies.

if an anime studio had to burn down, I would've preferred whoever was in charge of producing shit tier shounen. Of course it would be preferable if no one died, I'm just answering a hypothetical


Good one, OP. Funnier than a Nichijoke.

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>the 50th thread
Stay in the fucking sticky.

>My favorite anime of all time

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I hope Silver Link picks it up

lurk before posting you absolute fucking casual

sorry I don't watch anime 24/7 you incel

go back to facebook and share some retarded weeb memes

Thank god
You people are the worst
How do you not grow tired of yourselves?
Lack of shame?

no I think I'll stay here and piss your virgin ass even more

>a decade
But they made their best show in 2011, which was eight years ago.

It was ruined by robotgirl and scienceloli.

if you're a guy who watched dragon maid but didn't know it was kyoani you're definitely a virgin who watches for fanservice

I didn't pay attention to the producer, I don't get why this is so hard to grasp man

get educated before posting lmfao