The reactions i'm seeing to these recent events once again prove that sociopaths are genuine...

the reactions i'm seeing to these recent events once again prove that sociopaths are genuine, unironic subhumans that objectively go out of their way to regress human prosperity.

also JoJo's Thread

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Commit suicide

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no u

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Soon but you first

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why am I supposed to care about some fire when people die every day? I have no ties to moe so it doesn't matter much to me. it is out of my control. just get the guy who did it and go from there

Not OP, but i think he means more like, people making edgy comments or pretending nobody is capable of empathy, and then when called out double down on their edgyness. You don't need to care, you just don't need to pretend that your jaded mindset is the norm.

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Stupid normalfags don't understand that making jokes doesn't mean you lack empathy.

>OP specifically targeting sociopaths = "pretending that nobody is capable of empathy"
did they not teach you reading comprehension in school

Edgy jokes on Yea Forums of all places are fine, The shit I've been reading is a little more than just some epic bantz. a lot of people coming out of the woodworks clearly have underlying dysfunction in the anterior cortex.

I am literally talking about the sociopaths making comments in that angle though, not OP. You're the one who needs to go train your reading comprehension here.

ok maybe, but weren't you recontextualizing was OP was saying in the 1st half?

Purge all degenerates, incels, NEETs, hikikomori, criminals and psychopaths.

The reactions i'm seeing are just proof that Yea Forums has become Tumblr 2.0.

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>too many
>won't breed anyway and can still contribute
>still pays taxes
>has a job
>too many false/virtuous convictions

feeling sad about a tragedy doesn't make you tumblr

maybe you should leave if you cant handle it

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>feeling sad about a tragedy doesn't make you tumblr

No, but publicly brandishing your emotion credentials is very Tumblr. That and quasi-moralfaggotry too.

ok nevermind im retarded

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Why are you so upset by people voicing their feelings on an event relevant to the board

tf are you on about
people allowed to be annoyed at underage edgelords and people that genuinely think "le epic idgaf" mentality makes them cool.

>and quasi-moralfaggotry
can i get a genuine answer as to why moralfaggotry is a bad thing? it can very easily get pretentious, but i dont see how it's inherently bad. closest i've seen to a real answer is a false notion that morality equates to thought police.

Why are newfags so sensitive to jokes?

Moralfaggotry stems from self-righteousness and a sense of moral superiority. It will always come across as hypocritical ultimately, as all people are morally flawed in some way.

Aren't you being self-righteous about not moralfagging

That seems self contradictory. You're cock sure that others are self righteous for feeling something, by attempting to come out as the one on top in terms of mentality.

I'm not morally flawed. I'm basically as perfect as one can possibly be.

Too much social media

pic related?

the memes are hilarious but it seems like some people get very fucking angry and personal about it then it just starts to seem edgy

>still liking memes in the Year of our Lord 2019

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