Let's all not kid ourselves we all only care about the fact they drew anime, had they not some might feel bad but none would be nearly this invested. Is that wrong?
Dragon maid season 2 when?
Let's all not kid ourselves we all only care about the fact they drew anime, had they not some might feel bad but none would be nearly this invested. Is that wrong?
Dragon maid season 2 when?
Auto correct doesn't like weeb speak. Kyo* not you. No one cares about (you)
>Auto correct
It's times like this that I remember this website is filled with some of the most jaded cynical assholes on the internet. Your view on human nature is disgusting and, frankly, dead wrong. If you think the majority of people think the way you do then you would be sorely mistaken.
We just don't pretend to care.
They made awful anime, which means I don't care. Their impact on the industry has been terrible.
>Auto correct
fuck off and die mobileposter
Well duh what kind of question is that you idiot. Also it doesn’t change the fact they died in one of the worse ways possible.
>you are the same as me!!!!!
Shut the fuck up, bitch. I don't like kyoanus animes, I just feel bad for them to die in a shitty way by a train molester.
Show you care then, retard.
No, praying to moot is not caring.