Which studio will have the balls to make an ova/movie about this?
Which studio will have the balls to make an ova/movie about this?
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Trigger will
KyoAni when they find a way.
fucker beat me to it
I want it from A-1 Pictures and only A-1 Pictures.
P.A. Works was already making one.
>Scraps EVA 3.0 + 1.0
>Makes Movie about struggles of animators
I'll take "Anime that will never the light of day" for $200 Alex
Is Yamakan still in charge of Ordet?
When do we have Shirobaku PTSD version?
so was the roof door a pull or a push? I heard it was a push door. So I find it surprising that even during a stampede of people trying to escape from it. That at least one of them could not take the time to compose themselves to force the door open, doesn't make any sense.
Well the firefighters were able to open it from the outside, it makes sense if it was a pull door, 18 bodies squishing you up to it and you're not Hercules so I doubt you're gonna pull that door open.
Why not just jump out the window?
>The end of Shirobako
Whoever Barisaku sells his story to, once his righteous fight to defend his creative integrity (even if it cost him everything) is inevitably vindicated.
Some LN writer will make it into an Isekai.
Didn't Yukio Mishima write a story like this?
>a crazed 40 year old 3rd Girls Squad fanboy gets enraged by the anime ending and burns down Musani
>Diesel-chan, Sara, and Tarou die horronly in the fire
>Miyamori survives but is traumatized by the sight of Diesel's charred corpse
>Ema escapes but her hands are burnt so badly she can never draw again; she falls into grave depression and contemplates suicide
>yano was late to work that day and has crippling survivor's guilt
>Hiroaka also escapes; with Tarou gone he becomes sullen and withdrawn again, and a month later he casually steps in front of a train
they were a bit panicked at the time, as well as inhaling a shitload of smoke. it's hard to think straight with a huge fire right below the floor you're on
10 bucks they will not make it.
None of them reached the door.
This would be the opening music.
TEmple of the Golden pavillion, about an incel monk obsessed with burning down a Temple because of its beauty
Fuck. So many animes getting cancelled form this. Shirobako was they only good show with moe girls mostly because of the other characters and interesting setting.
I would like to watch a tribute anime about it
Not gonna happen. They WILL rewrite this