Muh Barisaku




I almost wish it was a butthurt yuri fag now

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Other urls found in this thread:

A fucking TRAIN? Is he one of those stupid Thomas the Tank Engine faggots I used to see Blackbustercritic shit on?

He was mentally ill.

Being a trainfag didn't clue you in?

Please leave /n/ alone.
He may be a trainfag but don't lump him with the others.

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There is no group more autistic than trainfags

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Hobby of peace


We're just mourning. We're not seriously angry at /n/

I found the culprit

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How is 2ch responding to this?

kyoani stole (in his deluded mind) his train 2ch meme name. This made him very, very, very, very upset. Then the anime girls from kyoani started appearing on his trains, only enraging him further.
You can't make this shit up

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Fucking tripfags

Imagine for a sec, being that fucking deranged.

Yea Forumsutistic

>Train autism vs. anime autism made another train autist burn down and kill at least 30 people

This is actually infuriating. These people are mentally ill but not in the "they need help" way, like in the "you made yourselves into this" way

Man, I hope he doesn't get off with an insanity plea. I want to see him beaten to death with baritone saxophones.

I said it before and i'll say it again: this sick fuck makes AlQaeda's motives look perfectly reasonable, as in 'GO AHEAD! blow up the white house too, at least you have religious reasoning behind you' perfectly reasonable.

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i won't let my guard down again

I'm honestly heartbroken over the whole situation and fuck that train humping sperg

Every time you see a trainfag push them onto the tracks

well, countries go at war with each other over their different brands of magical being in the sky, so why not?

I'll push the ones with cameras

Mark my words

>there are actually people celebrating the deaths
So are these edgefags? Or just people too dumb to realize this is a huge loss for the anime community, regardless of what you think of their productions.

>mentally ill kyoanusfags invading a peaceful board
Yeah you got what you deserved

Nobody knows anything for sure yet, it's all speculation at this point (this includes newspapers with unattributed quotes).
It will take a few days before we will have a more complete picture, if at all.

Wow, what a trainwreck.

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h-honk honk?

/n/ genocide soon

He could have singlehandedly saved anime and been lauded as a revolutionary if he had instead pointed to the fact that KyoAni is the biggest blight to the entire medium right now.

Imagine how many spergs like that are actually on this board, and how many remain on 2ch.

There might be copycat attacks on other KyoAni locations. They will pay for their sins eventually.

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read OPs fucking post then eh?
absolute degenerate.


You should probably learn to read. I hear that's a very valuable skill these days.

Or maybe you're an edgy fag

2ch nerd mad over ‘stolen’ phrase.
Fix your internet silly.

The OP post literally explains everything

I'm glad that these people will never find out that they were murdered because of a nickname

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This is beyond pathetic.

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Still love your station huh, Yea Forums

All this over some trains and your gay ass phrase? You utter fucking idiot! Over 30 people are dead over this?? You have to literally be shitting me sunshine. Fucking Japanese and these stupid loner hermits who have the social understanding of a shoe string. These mongoloids should be shamed 24/7. Fucking hell.

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This shit is so fucking lame, not even memeable. Just pure, senseless autism.

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Please let this be fake, how can someone be so pathetic

What the fuck is so exciting about trains?

>but the nigga didnt know anything about music

whole story kinda falls apart when people start inserting their own thoughts. its like me giving my 2c on hitler not knowing painting is for fags

Mentally defective people like him need to be OMAM'd.

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You don’t know what you’re talking about. KyoAni is absolute garbage but it is absolutely awful that innocent staff members were caught up in the middle of this. I never wanted it to go down this way.

2019 ladies and gentlemen.


No, he got mad because "Barisaku" (short for Baritone Saxophone) was used in Euphonium and he thought they stole his naming for a train photoshoot technique

But you just said if the reason was different, that this would have been a good gesture for anime's sake? But to normal people, no matter what he claims, he would still be a psychopathic asshole.

We all have silly interests user.

It’s the things like how it’s made, the history, the industry of it and how it works inside, etc. Kinda like car fanatics. Train Otaku so I heard are common in Japan.

It’s literally a 1 in a million chance this dipshit thought a studio ‘copied’ him.

I could let’s say, as a child imagine a kung-fu clown and as an adult get pissy that Hisoka in HxH sounds like my half-assed imaginary character.

You'd be surprised, I'd wager 90% of any group of people couldn't pick a bari sax out of a lineup of instruments, even less so for nips

>It’s the things like how it’s made, the history, the industry of it and how it works inside, etc. Kinda like car fanatics.
no it's way way more autistic than that
they aren't like car fans
they like recording the schedules and taking photos of them and stupid shit like that

Clearly, the japanese language is too blame. Too many homophones.

But one of them isn't even a real word, it's baritone saxophone condensed into bari sax and translated into moonrunes

As far as motives for mass murder go, this one's the silliest I've heard about. And now his dumb catchphrase will forever be associated with a deranged killer.

Way to go, barisaku-kun. You sure showed them.

True although hundreds come to ride on Victorian English trains at historical events same like viewing a Cardiac car showcase tour. I’ve been to some you’d be surprised the kinda people who come. Probably not as odd like Japan is.

Having such a limited number of syllables to work with makes same-sounding combinations that come from different backgrounds more likely.

Don't lump us in with trainfags, they're on a completely different level.

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trainfags are so fucking stupid and autistic. You cant even reasonably own a train and even if you did manage to buy one, you cant even do anything with it. Literally all they can do is take pictures of their beloved trains like cucks.

It's kind of true, most people don't really know there are different types of saxophones (and you can generally tell by the way the neck is shaped), and wouldn't even think of Kenny G's instrument as a form of saxophone. It's [the soprano] just a straightened form of it that plays the highest range of saxes.

So you're saying he had a loco motive?

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legit the funniest carlos I've ever seen

It's about on the same level as believing the Noid was a personal attack

Kyoani didn't even come up with the barisaku abbrevation, this guy doesn't know how to do basic research.

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Nothing is confirmed yet you people will shit yourselves over the closest available explanation without even considering its authenticity?

And this is the same website that will go "we'll need to wait and confirm the facts" over every political fiasco

As a alto player myself, I know beginners get confused due to idea of a a Sax being only alto or bigger (tenor). Still no excuse for senseless violence, guy could’ve googled the term of Bari Sax to save the trouble of ruining lives.

kek, based Carlos

>kyoanitards support board raids


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>Then the anime girls from kyoani started appearing on his trains, only enraging him further.
I can understand where he's coming from here. If I liked trains and just trains and then suddenly someone turned my trains into anime, I'd be upset too.
It's the same line of thought as people who watch anime getting upset when people from outside the in-group decide to change anime to suit them. "These people don't like anime/trains for what it is and now they want to change it"
I probably wouldn't be upset enough to set fire to a studio who's marketing department would have been the one who put the wrap around the train but I'd definitely be salty enough to complain on an anonymous messageboard about it.

holy shit I'm laughing so hard rn

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Must be the same thoughts running through truck engines as they send heros and demon slayers to the great beyond.

they're probably just normal people. train fags are something completely different all together. They don't care about history or culture or anything

Clever for once

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is this the cope thread brehs

>33 people murdered over a train meme

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Has a foamer in the U.S. ever tried anything approaching this level?

Rubbing salt in the train wound they did

Shut up Piko

You’re doing a good job, Carlos.
We all need a good chuckle after today.

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No, there isn't. He reminds me of retarded outlandish morons I met on IRC who acted as delirious and delusional as this guy sounds about stupid shit. It was so easy to take for granted that they were just in another place and so was I, but I can only imagine how these days these kinds of people are going to "take a stand" for the stupid shit they believe in, and it's completely trivial, inane, autistic bullshit. It's more blatant on the internet than in person because people are willing to let go in person, so it's really hard to spot that kind of stuff outside the internet.
I also played alto sax, hello fello alto.

/n/ is so slow that those threads are going to be up for months if they're not deleted by mods.

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Chris-chan almost crossed that line when Sonic got blue arms

>the same website that will go "we'll need to wait and confirm the facts" over every political fiasco
/pol/ literally never do that. Look at all those "happening" thread.


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That'll always be the weirdest fucking story

Assuming this insane bullshit is seriously the reason this happened?
I needed that. Thanks for making me laugh, user.

Fuck you, man.

I'm sure.

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Well if OP is to be believed it wasn’t even a meme. It was one guy pushing a phrase which never became a thing.

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That’s what the internet can do to some people. Living in your own weird bubble doesn’t help. while ya at it, learn Arashi No Saxophone 2 from KOF. It’s bangin

Genuinely funny for once

You're a fucking monster, Carlos.

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That’s why Noid is gone.
People need to seek help.


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Can you imagine that they showed this for kids?

Well-deserved (You)s

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>it's even a spanish pun
The greatest Carlos I have ever seen.

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Why did Yea Forums let trains destroy their favorite studio?

I looked this up and
> After the incident, Police Chief Reed Miller told reporters, "He's paranoid."
my goddamn sides

fug ok you fucker that's funny
put me in the screen cap please

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Autism killed kyoanus
>Asperger syndrome and arson

Dammit Carlos

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Remember that German co-pilot that brought Baneposting into reality?

kek fuck you

This site and 2ch deserve to be shut down forever if this is true

Don’t worry I will.

I mean I keep seeing this but without any reputable sources. Is this really why he flipped out? Is it even confirmed to be the same guy?

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I needed this after today. Thanks user.
Maybe things will be alright.

I fucking hate that I'm laughing at this, but goddamn Carlos, bantz.

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(You) because I want to fit in.

Seriously man

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How did the people on 2ch respond to his deranged shitposting? I have a hard time believing the nips would call him out like we would here. At least we would do our part and call him a retarded faggot or a nigger.

I think what they meant was he didn't know that "barisaku" was an abbreviation.


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33 people are dead and you're all laughing at a fucking train pun.
I just want you to know that you're all terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad people.
And so am I.

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We don't have enough information to go about right now, but it seems convincing enough. Confirmation will come sometime this week I'm sure.


i mean he's not any more deranged than the kyoanus forced memers

That doesn't make sense. It was an autist being autist. It's not like 2ch enabled him or something

I've tried it already. And keywise, I can play it. Unfortunately my saxophone sucks because it's still the old student saxophone I've had since I was young, with a shitty octave key, you know the left thumb's not the key itself, it's the "spring" or wire that lifts up the muter on the neck, and it hardly works so half the time I can't sound out D on staff or up. I wish I could afford a better sax, but that's life in the poor lane. I also tried learning trumpet, and it's harder than saxophone despite only being 3 fucking valves.

Based train autists BTFOing autist weebs. This was a good day.

Not bad, Carlos.

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If you were writing an anime, or any fucking story even. A comic book. A manga. A TV show. A movie. A VN. Some erotic fucking fanfiction. And you made a character with this motive and had him burn down a building, nobody would ever believe it. It would be called the worst character ever written. His motivations make no sense. Who the fuck would flip out about something so insignificant and then go on to murder people for it? Even the most deluded retard would go "THIS CHARACTER ISN'T REALISTIC AT ALL".

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If you were hoping 2019 would be the year where you could post your awful 3DPD image and not get called out for it then you'd be wrong. Leave Yea Forums and close the fucking door while you're at it, scum.

>religious reasoning

This is clever on multiple levels, and deserves all the (You)s it's getting.

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Imagine going to the store and losing your life because Rick and Morty gets cancelled or Ryan and Baby Shark don't acknowledge some weird gay fanart.

This is our world today.

There's a good derailing pun in there somewhere

She killed dozens

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that's ironic for a board about transportations

Why couldn't I be killed by some autistic train otaku instead of people that were actually doing something with their lives that made themselves and those around them happy?

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Damnit Carlos, laughter really is the best medicine.

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We need to kill every fucking train otaku out there. They are the worst kind of scum.

if this is not a tracing, i'll stop drawing for the rest of my life

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All of this could've been avoided if his mom just had an abortion.


I think he lost his train of thought.

Does this mean gods are waifus?

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This is the first joke about this that actually made me laugh. Enjoy your (you).

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I'm pretty sure this shit is not yet confirmed at all.

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I want to lick her feet and die happy

It's not just about Barisaku, and it's not just about the moeshit all over his trains. It's the combination of the two that convinced him that KyoAni was out to get him and that he had to fight back.
A lot of Schizos have a hard time believing in coincidences. They think obsessively about the most trivial things, looking for patterns and connections. A good conspiracy theory is highly addictive.
It's a big coincidence that this man would be at odds with KyoAni both online and in real life for totally unrelated reasons. The average person would recognize that sharing an abbreviation and a favorite train station with a cartoon made in your city is absolutely meaningless. The committed schizo will not rest until he figures out their agenda against him and puts an end to it..

It's never really about realism. It's about what a character contributes to a story. The charm of stories are that unlike real-life they are structured, logical, sequences of events that all tie together to create something more than the sum of its parts. This sort of motive is too shallow and moronic for a drama, too absurd for most comedy set-ups. Unless you're writing some absurdist bit of fiction then something silly like this doesn't belong.

There was that guy that cosplayed joker and shot up a theatre in 2012, but the motive wasnt as loco


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Because they actually did something that affected their surroundings instead of... you know, nothing.

>you love trains so much
>take pictures of trains everyday, share it with other train lovers
>find a silly slogan because you want others to be happy too
>no one cares
>some rich cartoon company steals your nickname
>everyone makes fun of you
>tfw you just wanted to take pictures of trains
This is sad, kyoani deserved it

>A lot of Schizos have a hard time believing in coincidences.
Schizos are mental defects that should be locked up and lobotomized, but this day and age, we're coddling them for the sake of "being humane".

This is the best Carlos pun that I've ever heard.

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I hope they institute death by train just for this piece of shit.

It's too late, some Yea Forumsutist is already preparing to put ten pounds of thermite on all of the tracks in his city.

So the Noid hostage situation falls in that category?

I want to join him, where can I sign up to join the rebellion?

Trains are stupid and so are trainfags, they are like the footfags of transportation

What the fuck is so exciting about anime?

This is revenge for that moefag who made a thread shitting on shounens. Who's laughing now?

CARLOS that's so inappropriate

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Imagine if the time flop faggot on this board decided to burn down Madhouse

When reality itself becomes a parody. You can't make this shit up.

It has waifus. I get that you want to have sex with Thomas the Tank Engine and all, but take your shit to deviantart where you belong.

>muh edge
grow a pair

autism has no borders

at least he did it for the lulz, this arson minewhile, was a pathetic man with only delusions in his life

>Apparently an employee chased the arsonist away WHILE BEING ON FIRE
Here is what the burning man left behind

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Okay, so what do we know for sure so far
>around 70 people were working in the studio at the time of the arson
>33 dead
>36 injured
>suspect is in captivity
What else

fuck off edge fag

I really needed this after having a shitty day. Thank you Carlos.

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Events in a story usually are made to contribute to the overall story in a bigger way. Reality is just a bunch of shit happening at the same time. That's why you see Floridaman fucking alligators or something. Personally I think it's fucking stupid when people say shit like "haha the world is like a parody xDD"

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What the fuck is this shitty motive? That freak needs to get skinned alive

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I didn't ask for things to end up this way.

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i'm not sure but i read there was another guy with him that pussied out and left

Literally this

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this, I can see how he would feel personally attacked even if such obviously wasn't the studio's intention, and most of Yea Forums would complain about it online if it were to happen to them. Clearly not a justification, but him being apparently also mentally ill just massively increased his way of retaliating.

For a second, I thought that said MUH BARASUI and I was about to read a post saying he had died in the fire or something.

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Those are trainspotters, they're a special autistic kind of trainfag. There aren't that many trainspotters on /n/, most of us are more into the history and engineering stuff, along with a lot of semi-political talk about stuff like urban planning and transit infrastructure.

fucking hell, Carlos

jesus finally a good joke


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Supposedly the Kyoani girls on the trains caused a lot of friction between train otaku and anime otaku as well, from what little sense I can make of this stuff it sounds like they clashed a lot over photography spots and stuff like that.

You're on fire today, my dude

god fucking dammit

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we found the perpetrator guys

Joshua Graham would be proud

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>select all images with trains

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is he fine now? I remember him being sick

How many fucking train otaku live in Japan that there can be "a lot of friction" between them?

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>some of the most talented hand drawn animators died for this

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It truly is sad.

>Be Barisaku-kun.
>Build a "legacy" for your passion of taking pictures of beautiful locomotives.
>Your catchphrase "barisaku" fills the hearts of millions of 2/5ch manchildren.
>But one day, this emissary of darkness known as "KyoAni" with this musical anime uses your beloved catchphrase for a song.
>Say your catchphrase to the public hoping to bring the usual magic like you always do, but people now just stare and go "Barisaku? Isn't that from that anime?"
>Newfags say" Barisaku-kun? Oh, so you must be a fan of that new anime!"
>No, no, no! You're Barisaku-kun: The Beloved Train Photographer, remember! Not this Sound! Eufoninum fan!
>Life goes to shambles.
>Get fired from your job.
>Wife leaves you. Takes the kids.
>People see you taking pictures of trains saying your magic words and think you're just another Otaku, ignoring the legacy you once held and love that came with it.
>See this Sound! Eufonium getting plastered on your precious engines.
>"He must be a big fan!" the voices of the populace say.
>It's mocking you.
>They STOLE from you. Your livelihood.
>The air brakes are coming off now. No Buffers are going to stop you. Next stop: KYOANI! Choo-fucking-choo, motherfuckers; or should you say: BARISAKU, motherfuckers!

>we'll need to wait and confirm the facts
Yea Forums literally never did this.

That made my hurt happy. Thanks.

Here's the actual perp.

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The whole reason we have an /n/ board is because of the train otaku subculture's prevalence on 2ch and other Japanese image boards. It's an artifact from back when this site was still heavily tied to its roots as "America's 2ch populated by SA goons"

daily reminder all the horrible posts and kyoani haters are underaged normalfag Yea Forums crossboarders

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Fuck me

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I hope this piece of shit suffers unimaginable pain when they execute him.

Poor Barisaku. He didn't deserve all this.

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This is the most bizzare aspect of it all.
The guy had the most pointless motive I've ever witnessed.
He literally killed 33 people over a failed meme.

delete this post


I guess I always thought it was just a loud and proud small group of people and not a prevalent subculture.

Perhaps the internet was a mistake

Trainfags are some of the most autistic people around.

I've heard many stupid reasons for killings over the years but this has to be the most retarded motive for mass murder I've ever heard in my entire life. Congrats trainfags.

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some of the key people behind maid dragon, nichijou, and haruhi are apparently dead

so long to S2 of any of those

if it turns out euphonium caused this guys autism to go berserk those fans will probably get a lot of shit too


i want to bully train otaku now

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I'm not talking shit about that one vegfag anymore, he will start burning houses too.

Next time you're in Japan, take a dump in a train, snap a pic, and upload it to their boards.

This. This is the most insane shit I've ever heard.

I've known the net was a mistake for years.
Social media only accelerated its problems.
This is the kind of consequence I've been expexting, although the way it happened wasn't how I pictured it at all.

>those fans will probably get a lot of shit too
that's because those fans who would give them shit are retarded morons who don't know what a baritone sax is
>next time
wait i have to be in japan to do this? fuck, i am not a rich person

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Bingo. Schizos inhabit a world where elaborate conspiracy theories are much more common than in our world. The likelihood of Domino's choosing his specific name was extremely low, and I doubt anyone at the ad firm has a good explanation for why they called it the Noid of all things. All it would take is some shred of evidence to suggest that the local Domino's store was out to get him, and the malicious nature of the Noid ads would suddenly become clear to him.

>Litterally killed because they made moeshit and made a train moeshitter mad

God's Justice is absolute.

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So, all this time, it wasn't Moe, or Isekai, or idols, or Shonen that was going to kill anime. It was TRAINS.

There's just so many otaku is such a small country, that anywhere that their hobby can be experienced you will find them there. I can see how this could lead to clashes when two hobbies collide in one location. And due to the nature of otakuism, the opposing parties either don't understand the other side at all, or outright hate them.

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It's a pretty big hobby there and they're naturally going to congregate around anything special going on with trains, in this case the whole anime train thing. Also the Japanese herd mentality (combined, probably, with the desire to get pictures online before anybody else) means they're all going to show up in the same place at the same time to try and get pictures despite the fact that they could just wait a few days or go to a different station or whatever where they could shoot it at leisure.

Fucking Carlos does it again!

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Well the slogan was literally "avoid the Noid"

Honestly the Japanese people will probably beat him to the punch. Maybe not shitting but there is going to be backlash against train otaku, and it could get violent.

Not bad.

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It doesn't help that other trainfags were apparently pissed off that anime is on their trains.

ack got locked up, finally

Put me in the screencap

interest in trains is just a symptom of autism, there's nothing more to it

To be fair, Japan does have a really impressive public trasportation system. If I were growing up there as an autist, I'd probably be a trainfag too.

>I can see how this could lead to clashes when two hobbies collide in one location

Attached: 3408423890.jpg (900x810, 55K)

So what ya'll are saying is, we are seeing the result of the upcoming Anime vs. Train war.

So the meme of train otaku being heartless motherfucking killer is true.

/jp/ was right.

Good, I've heard a lot about this ack person but I never met him and it just made me think of pic related.

Attached: ack.jpg (268x188, 10K)

Somebody is going to take some kind of retarded revenge. I guarantee it.

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be careful about messing with trains in asia


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Barisaku-kun is the true victim of this tragedy.

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All of those aren't Kyoanis properties though, if the publishers really wanted another adaptation it could go to a different studio

Attached: 2o8V8Xt.jpg (891x960, 158K)

Jesus fucking Christ Carlos. Hope you go to hell for making me laugh.

>Anime Otaku redirects the rails of an upcoming train to a ditch in retaliation, killing almost all the passengers.

Lads, dark clouds are coming.

More like it could lead to crashes.

my friend's younger brother is autistically obsessed with trains and now i'm worried

>Killed all these people cause of a shitty train meme
I fucking hate reality

Attached: 1534029802605.gif (460x345, 492K)
Isn't this the barisaku faggot? If so, how the fuck did he post tweets 40 minutes ago

Get your brown boyfriend to rape them.

Well this is years old now. Someone needs to update this answer again.

Either get him into boats or helicopters, or tell your parents all of you are possibly dealing with a potential arsonist.

They really don't, user. The vast majority of wars throughout history are over resources. Religion is just a useful tool the leaders use to get their people to kill and die over those resources, since the truth isn't very motivating.


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they give him one tweet instead of phone call

So he did that over a "meme"

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I'm rooting for the trainfags.
Trains are marvels of engineering and serve as the backbone of the transportation and shipping industry. Anime is drawn by underpaid drones and promotes LGBT-related mental illness. Imagine if all the money and time that was invested in anime went to trains instead. What a beautiful world that would be.

>And due to the nature of otakuism, the opposing parties either don't understand the other side at all, or outright hate them.
Yeah, and I'd bet it's particularly bad with train otaku. They probably have all kinds of self-imposed rules of etiquette and stuff and one of the big things about real autists is that they not only impose a lot of rules, they also have a really hard time understanding the idea that other people might not understand or follow their rules. Add to that the fact that Japanese otaku, at least the kinds hardcore enough to go out of their way to photograph a kyoani train, are notoriously obnoxious, pushy, and rude (by Japanese standards, at least) and it's not at all hard to imagine the train otaku being completely outraged and enraged by the anime otaku's behavior and the anime otaku giving the train otaku shit in return for being autistic about everything.

Back to r*ddit kid, kyoanus dying is the best thing to happen in fucking decades

Attached: Motoko Hmph.png (125x306, 46K)

>we'll need to wait and confirm the facts

Ok this one was genuinely funny

>Supposedly the Kyoani girls on the trains caused a lot of friction between train otaku and anime otaku as well, from what little sense I can make of this stuff it sounds like they clashed a lot over photography spots and stuff like that.
I don't buy it. Anime decals on trains isn't something KyoAni came up with, and lots of train otaku are also anime otaku.

Yea Forums(nel) tops the net once again!

A 69 years old man stood on site, he said his 21 years old granddaughter has been working for KyoAni for 2 years and she seems to work on the 3rd floor, but in the morning he found her name on the missing list. The grandpa met her 1 week ago." She always says she's working hard, she's happy to see her name in the movie, and recently she bought me a fan book with her own money as a gift, as she knew I'm a fan of that baseball club"


Life is always stranger than fiction.

Hideo Kojima has been stalking me for a while and someone left three burned matchsticks on the carpet outside my apartment the morning before the fire.

Do you think there could be a connection?
Personally, I think it sounds crazy.

Attached: 1546640259363.png (1200x672, 608K)

Kyoanifags are not the sanest people around, wouldn't surprise me at all if they decided to take revenge on trainfags

Train niggers clearly have a higher power level than anime otaku in Japan, but how numerous are they in comparison? If the anime otaku are not only out-autismed but also outnumbered then it's going to be a short war.

Or get him into guns and see how he reacts to Girls' Frontline's anime whenever that comes out.

he's in prison or else i would
he would rape train japs so hard he'd be building up his own train set out of human japs
choo choo, motherfucker

Attached: nanjou.jpg (456x810, 91K)

the fuck did you just say about trainfags, you little shit?

Attached: Kuragehime - 02 - Large 18.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

I can feel the tears welling up. Goddamn.


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Fuck back to discord tranny

Is this guy an actual retard or just a complete and total loser? Does his mom get a check from the government to take care of him?

I said they are shitty faggots.

>Now we can't live in a world where trains and anime coexist side-by-side.

We truly are in hell.

You're going to Hell for this and so am I for laughing.

Attached: 1486547739887.jpg (200x200, 4K)

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

21 years old, finally living her dream and blossoming in her new career. The crushed hopes and dreams is the saddest part of it all. These were some of the small percentage of Japanese people who truly loved their jobs.

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Just typing a bunch of buzzwords doesn't work like that kid.

solid work carlos

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It's just one studio being burned down.

It's nothing compared to white genocide or the jap genocide that is currently going on.

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>Roastie that made moeshit is burnt to a crisp
>mfw they expect me to be sad

Attached: 32c.gif (399x369, 39K)

Can I trade my life for the lives of the people that were killed?

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They should all be pushed in front of the trains.

I can't wait for the news within the next week that some anime otaku at the train station murdered a trainfag over this.

sperg here. I promise you that this level of delusionment and retardation is a different mental problem entirely.

>old man looking at the end of his bloodline


Many important people just died in that fire, a lot of talent was just lost in one fell swoop. You don't understand, it's not just "one studio", the people in that building worked at many studios and may have done further work at others. He just had to pick a day most of the staff were in the building

Murican, take notes.

Unless you are Tarrant-tier, stick to arson and explosives.

All it takes is gasoline.

I can't believe I hadn't seen this joke made until now

Right on queue npc

ironically this post made me go there

I'm sure your friends a Yea Forums think you are cool

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This isn't real, right? seems really stupid.

>yfw a shinkansen derails and kills a bunch of people on board as revenge

He should feel shame he had a roastie for a grandchild and double shame she worked for kyoanus making moeshit

Lot of talents of just ONE studio.

There are many studio in Japan, and as long as the japanese people live, their talents will survive.

It's not strange, its fucking inane. The world may be a stage but the plot is poorly written and the characters fucking suck. Seriously if you put this guy in a story, you would be rightfully accused of forced drama. It just doesn't make sense. And not in some moralfage definition, like "Oh God a senseless murder," I mean this is literally fucking stupid and lacking in sense.

What is your characters motivation?
Just because lol.

That actually is the one time to use cue.

>Yea Forums

You’re 3dpd human garbage yourself I care way more about someone who works on making cute 2D girls than some ugly genetically garbage faggot.

Actually earlier this morning there was a raid on /n/ and all the threads got axed by mods. Took them like 5 hours but still.

BariSaku is a meme and you all got memed hard
The actual reason is that KyoAni apparently ripped off one of his novels

Real life train wreck.

I did not expect that

Cringe, of course some r/anime fag would care about some roastie from another country that he's never met

That's some top shelf pain right there. Wew.

I guess he just went off the rails.

He's probably mentally ill in a biological sense.

Is that figurine OC? Why the hell would you make that?

>discord tranny calling others npcs
Again, dilate

You can't force a meme

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>yahoo news

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>Lot of talents of just ONE studio.
No idiot, the staff there had worked at several studios and worked on a bunch of other shows not made by KyoAni

NOOO! It can't be true! I want the great otaku war to be a reality


Kyoani fags.

s e e t h i n g


What the fuck is this 1990?


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schizo mental case does something crazy huh.

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Roasties don’t like anime normalfriend.


Kyoanus lovers

I mean, stuff like this happens everywhere. Remember the guy who thought the Pizza Noid was mocking him because his name was Noid?

that hurts

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Looks pretty cute to me senpai


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I've been 100% on team barisex from the beginning. Select all images with bridges.

Why even go to Yea Forums when you can have the whole experience just by checking this beautiful chain reply.

>schizo mental case does something based huh.
here's the exact same story on the official Kyoto Newspaper website

You might not like it but Yahoo is still relevant in Japan(as a news hub)

You'd be surprised how stupid the world can be?


He tweeted about trains and Kyoani so it looks like it's him, maybe it's the novel thing after all?

The world is all about perspective.
If you were to be able to see another person's entire life through their eyes and feel their feelings you'd understand them.

If this guy was a random character in an SoL like Shirobako yeah, he'd seem like a shit character.
If he was the MC of a psychological work about someone being driven to madness? He'd be pretty interesting.

All that needs to happen is Barisaku guy needs to start posting again

train photography is hobby of peace

imagine this guy trying to explain his reasoning to the judge
>sir, they stole my meme, I just had to kill them all

>kyoanus fostered gay shit
>paid the price for it


Hell yeah brother you tell him

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t. child molesting arsonist

>try to kill 70 people working on anime
>pretend to be an angry anime fan or part of the industry when they catch you
Surely you people aren’t this stupid are you? Although you obviously have an agenda because you sjw anime hating faggots won’t even take the free thing to its logical conclusion that we need to gas and hang all faggots for being mentally ill killers, pretty pathetic.

>discord Yea Forumseddit invading the board
The fuckhead who caused this deserves to be publicly hanged and burned

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They are still currently staff of ONE studio, nice try.

All he needs to say is that he's trying to help the birthrate by destroying one of the moeshit producers and they'll fuckin let him off and give him a medal

well now they're staff of no studio

And they just aired it on Fuji TV

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Meant for

Fuck off to /pol/ retard

You're dumb as fuck. Someone who animated your favorite anime could have died in this.

>implying everyone is as autistic about their hatred for moeshit as you

I hope you didn't post this as if it was some kind of justification and not still sounding completely retarded

Please tell me the death count didn't raise again

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Has nobody noticed how barisaku sounds like ballsack?

Too late, information corruption cant be reversed and this guy will probably die from the burns before we see a true reason.

that's his age

a fucking lot.
go out on a spring day with nice sunny weather to a place like Sumaurakoen and even in buttfuck nowhere stops like that you'll have a few dozen trainfags with their cameras out, literally squealing with joy when a certain model of train or design goes past.

If you look closely at the scene where Barisaku shoots Skull Face with the shotgun, you can see that when Kazuhira helps steady his aim, their arms appear to blend together at the elbow--like they're shooting him with the same hand.
And they shoot off Skull Face's leg, and arm: the same ones Kazuhira himself is missing.

Is it revenge, or are they somehow all the same man?
After being so badly burned, he could be anybody/

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Ah ok

Judging by the state of the board they are.

Burns fuck you up man, like 40 people were injured on top of the dead and a bunch of them are dying due to the injuries.

I was in one of those trains when I was in chinkland. Pretty tidy compared to the kraut ones.

It probably will. People are still in hospital, and this kind of thing can take a long time but will inevitably kill them.

I fucking hate you

why would he die? He only had thrid degree burns on his feet and lower legs and second degree burns on his forearms. that's perfectly survivable


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41 year old man

Attached: bueno.jpg (408x260, 51K)

Listen to me user.
I don't want anybody to get hurt, okay?
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT! Force my hand.
Look here, its a picture of a train I took.
Nice? Isn't it? I ASKED IF IT IS NICE user.
Good, you are good user. Now repeat with me:
Be sure to take trains pictures with the light source coming from behind the camera!

Attached: 160112_0128-700x4661.jpg (700x466, 62K)

Anons were saying he was in a coma

This whole situation is making me realize that I should just fucking kill myself desu

This, I want his death to be streamed for directly affecting Yea Forums literally and figuratively.

KyoAni fag here, put me in the screencap

Attached: serveimage.jpg (728x546, 70K)

he's unconscious, not in a coma

I live in Japan and you can see them everyday, they're the guys with massive cameras standing around train platform. They come in groups too.

All we know for sure is that the building burned down, and there are cadavers. But were the cadavers alive before the fire?

I can't prove they were, just like you can't prove that isn't Ellen Page in the center of the KyoAni exercise video.

Attached: 1527388497896.gif (245x300, 1015K)

a medically induced coma, something that is done regulary in cases where, for example, they have to scrape burnt plastic out of open wounds. Or other shit that is extremely painful

Not at all, just a piece of info that might help with understanding the motive and the contributing factors that lead to this whole thing, if it was indeed this Barisaku guy.

(Also sorry if my English sounds a bit retarded right now, I've just spent the last few weeks dealing with Japanese people nonstop and my brain is still kind of fried from it.)

For fuck's sake

Attached: oh shit nigger what are yuu doing.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Take Yea Forums with you

I'll never take a picture of a train, you bastard! You people are the scum of the earth!

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Sucks for the people who were badly and irreparably injuried but survived though.

>wojak angry 42
Everyone should aspire to have Yea Forums's quality of posting.

i didn't make that, and it's not an oc you dumb shit

Honestly more I read about this fucker's motive the more I think hanging would be way too soft.
Kiling 33 people because they "stole" his failed forced meme, fucking JUST.
Imagine having to explain this to the families of the victims.

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such a lust for revenge

He didn't invent the word in the first place, just gave it his own "definition". He can't stop others from using that word either.

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Thats just scratching the surface of my collection

>He didn't invent the word in the first place

fuck off Carlos

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The arsonist isn't BariSaku
BariSaku is a different autist that's still around and posting
The arsonist did what he did because he believes that KyoAni stole his novel

>tfw his punishment is breaking rocks for gravel in railroads during the day and forced to watch Hibike Euphonium during the night

Attached: 323523523.jpg (551x600, 107K)

Small bombs were used to kill the kyoani staff and the fire is merely a cover up.

Attached: 80B0BE49-287A-4879-AFAB-B81D8038A6B4.png (921x1219, 623K)

>wake up from a coma after weeks
>hands crippled, can never work as an animator, my dream job, at my favourite company again again
>face mutilated and now look hideous
>my job and entire life has been ruined
>why did he do it? Did my boss rape and kill his wife? Was his entire family watching Hyouka while driving and drove right over a cliff? Did a lack of Haruhi Suzumiya s3 drive him insane?
>you stole his train catchphrase lol

Attached: Untitled (3).png (306x311, 56K)

>still around and posting
pics or it didn't happen


So he's still a retarded psychopath. Gotcha.

Yu Yu Hakusho is Pierrot, right?


You actually can. Even without financial compensation from monster.

Trainfags have once again proven themselves the ultimate autists, sonicfags and horsefuckers pale in comparison.

This dude's obviously mentally unfit for a normal legal proceeding. They'll probably hospitalize him.

Never trust a trainspotter

underrated post

remember to rabu your steshō

Newfags ladies and gentlemen.


>all you want was to make cartoons that make people happy
>get set on fire, feel your flesh burn until you die


Attached: kumiko loop.webm (600x480, 180K)

I thought I was a loser, but I am actually a goddamn champion

barisaku barisaku

He doesn't own the "Japanese school band" concept so any similarities are probably a coincidence. Don't like having work similar to your then don't be author.

Attached: 1563431959397.jpg (960x1172, 186K)

>Breaking rocks in the hot sun
>I fought the law and, the law won
>I burnt KyoAni with a gas jug
>I fought the law and, the law won
>I miss my train set and I feel so sad, I guess I missed my stop

Attached: 1409814.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

I hope somebody bombs his favourite train station. Come on, there must be some jap crazy enough to do it.

His legs have severe burns. Even if by some miracle he didn't get the rope, he'd be crippled.

There must be a number of burn victims who are talented anime/manga artists. If you were patient, you could recruit them one by one until they all work at the same building.

The ones who "died"? Charred beyond recognition, who can tell the difference between a dead human and a hundred pounds of cured ham packed into a hollowed-out sex doll? It could be days before a coroner tastes one of them.

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This sounds like ACK shit.

It's not a train autist
It's another autist that's angry because he thinks that KyoAni stole his novel

Attached: D_zJBDQUIAYP2_d.jpg (1200x675, 161K)

Something like this happened before with Dominos.

Attached: The_Noid_Dominos.png (260x201, 107K)

people think "uh my IDEA is being ripped off" is the same as copyright infringement, but that's fucking not true at all
it's like the difference between a class definition and an instance of a class in programming
the idea is the class definition
the instance is the way someone writes it
so all in all
this novelist is a fucking retard who needs to learn how copyright actually works, and it's not much different in japan either

carajo Carlos
what's wrong with you

Which series?

He was waiting outside with his jug of gasoline to burn anyone that made it out.
A goddamn rope isn't going to hurt enough.

I fucking wish I thought of this first.

Oh great, another paranoid with the thought that the whole world is against him.

as you may have noticed this wasn't some dry cut legal argument but a madman setting an office building on fire in homicidal rage. you don't need to be legally in the right to feel wronged, expecially when you're completely fucked in the head

nobody knows
that statement is from when they found him lying on the road
he's currently hospitalized, unconscious and in critical condition according to the latest update

I don't know how anyone thinks it's him when he has a LoveLive train as the header. He's not a train "purist".

Shit, really? Deets on that, is it a story or just speculation?


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he wasn't, stop spreading bullshit. he went in, poured his bucked of gas on the floor, lighted it up, set himself on fire in the process and started running

What I want to know is why the hell a guy would become a fire-user when he already has lightning powers?

Holy shit I've been here a decade and never heard of this board, how does this site continue to surprise me

This other suspect is a completely different guy with no relation to Barisaku, from what I heard elsewhere he claims the Free! movie's plot was based on some novel he wrote or something like that.

Its Japan, he will hang

What did they plagiarize?
None of what kyoani did was an original except for tamako? Their shows are all adaptation.
Barisaku makes more sense

So this is what the papers are reporting based on him shouting "they stole it from me" on the street or whatever that one eyewitness said? The same info we already had? I thought they must have gotten new info. Couldn't they just be jumping to conclusions themselves? The guy was still in the hospital yet to be questioned I thought.

More proof that we need to hang all mentally ill faggots

No war has ever been fought over anything but land and the access to land you mealy mouthed euphoric cunt


imagine committing a mass murder because a TV show stole your original catch phrase, "bazinga"

Attached: Gori-san.png (504x952, 355K)

I just looked and all those threads got deleted
Are mods actually not unicorns and doing their job for once?

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>before a coroner tastes one of them

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that only happens in the united states of sjw where we coddle the faggots


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several news sources already broke down how the timeline went
he most likely burned himself while starting the fire because he only used a small handheld lighter to do it, which is how they found him injured lying on the road and why his rucksack full of knives and a hammer was never used

The "they stole it from me" is from a witness interview
The statement which specifically mentioned lightnovels and the brand of the lighter he used was from the police.

it must be done

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haha, good phrase user, I'm going to put that in this funny nerd sitcom I'm working on, thank you.

>utterly insane theory
>this is in news articles
I believe it

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I wish I was a talented anime/manga artist who died in a fire.
At least I'd have been talented at something in life.

goddamnit Carlos

Honestly, I'm little upset, because I just googled and apparently some gay rapper stole Booyaka from Selphie, my favorite trainfag, and now it means brown people things.

Holy shit hahahahaha

I get the jokes and joke threads and think they are actually really funny but saying they deserved it because they produced moeshit is really edgy.
Those guys and gals worked there and probably either got burned or suffocated to death.
About 30 people died there...hmmmm
Do you guys think someone will make an anime adaption about that?
Would be really lit lmao

I love you for the pun, but i hate you for having thought of it before myself by far.

Oh fuck you

Attached: 1526188523304.jpg (579x709, 60K)

What a pathetic little faggot.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

Thanks Carlos
The 30 deads probably laugh about this too!

And now if he survives and gets into prison the inmates will run a train on him.

It's gping to be a guro hentai where they have an orgy in the studio and them burn to death while fucking.

user moeshit "jokes" are Yea Forums. If you Yea Forums you will know that Kyoani is barely has any weight in moe industry now.


40 liters of gasoline please

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I actually wouldn't mind seeing a SoL anime made by KyoAni about KyoAni employees and the fire and the recovery. It could be a really nice anime.

Holy shit

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the most bizarre thing about this whole situation isn't learning that a man may have senselessly killed a bunch of people for a perceived, mentally-ill slight regarding his autistic forum signature

its learning that train otakus exist

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Might as well claim he created Battle Royale.

wow he is literally me

You never disappoints me, Carlos.

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>so why are all of you here in hell?
>we laughed at some fucking carlos pun
hope you are happy now faggot

how new?

>running away while in possession of several knives

Damn you damn you to hell

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I hate to be edgy, but if I was in charge of his execution I'd draw it out over a week of extremely horrible torture first. He needs to feel the suffering of dying in a fire 33 times, and then nearly dying a further 37 times.

but he's being chased by people who have god & anime on their side


and fire affinity


Attached: 100 percent mad.gif (540x304, 535K)

Surely there must be a way Yea Forums/nel can be blamed. We take all the shit for everyone's doings.

God and anime and possibly fire itself if the thing about the on fire employee attacking him is true.

The "パクリやがって"(They copied me) came from a lady that found the arsonist lying down on the road
The lady was hosing him down with water and he mostly likely started saying it out of delirium

The statement "小説を盗んだから放火した。チャッカマン(多目的ライター)を使った" (They stole my novel so I burned them with my Chakman) was what he said to the police investigators that found him.

Genuinely the best Carols post I've seen in a long time.

How the fuck are people into anime and manga not know one of the fundamental OG otaku?

Attached: guga rindo.jpg (640x430, 58K)

I'd crush his knees one by one, then his balls one by one, then throw him in a cauldron of boiling water.

shut up nigger

>Yea Forums(nel) 5channel they're both one of those "image board" things people will hardly care if we don't say the exact right one

/n/ isn't shit.

40 liters = 10 Gallons

Nobody would bat an eye at you if you stopped at a gas station and filled up two 5 gallon containers of gas.

I hope there is still something like public execution in japan. I want that faggot hanged.

¡Carlos, you nigger!

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he had it in an open bucket which is probably how he managed to burn his torso

Those dead buddies look now crispy and black enough to cosplay as one.

posting in an epic thread

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Someone link the article the OP is translating

Tie him to a wall, crush him with a train that isn't supposed to be scheduled for decommissioning.


morko morko morko


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It's 2chan posts but they region locked it recently so we can only get reposts on other sites.

Kek, no you wouldn't. You'd probably get hung up on the first knee. There's a reason all the torturers and killers in war make up a small minority of the participants.

You motherfucker. This has to be one of the all-time greats.

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Kyoani didn't write the novels so it doesn't make it any less retarded.

Yahoo is super popular in Japan
They even kept the 2000s layout for them since that's what they prefer

what do i do now, Kyoani's the only studio with shit i was looking forward to.

He just needs to have sax

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Its about fucking time to gas all spergs. They're a danger to society

I think for the continued safety of everyone, I propose we genocide all trainfags

All trainfags need to be killed.

hahahahaha only a nigger like (You) would say that, Carlos

You tried

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>I hate to be edgy
Doesn't seem like you do

>Source: Dude trust me.

>muh human rights
He's not human anymore.

Well then that, along with those twitter posts from the person that seems like possibly the train autist everyone is talking about, who is not half dead handcuffed to a hospital bed apparently, would lead me to believe that we may have been misled for some time and honestly, the thing that upsets me the most about that, is that it would ruin the emotional effect I got from Carlos' pun so I'd go back to being sad again.

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Nice one Carlos

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what the fuck

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So, tomorrow's episode is canceled?