Was thinking of watching this but apparently it becomes bad.
What episode should i stop watching at?
Was thinking of watching this but apparently it becomes bad
Is the becoming bad like an overwhelming consensus "they fucked up" type of thing or did people just not like the artistic direction or something.
15 for the "good arc", up to 21 if you want the gunbuster nod end, whole thing if you're a masochist.
Episode 0.
Its the usual thing. Starts out great with lots of promise, possibly interesting anime that might strike gold if executed well. Then slowly deteriorates and becomes a mess. Its alot like valvrave in how you feel after watching it.
Iirc they switch studios or directors or something halfway through?
How about learn to think for yourself for once instead of being a slave to our opinions?
Can't you tell it yourself?
episode 1. If youre going to put yourself through the trouble of watching it then watch it all the way through so you understand how shit it is. At no point is it good, but theres a clear line where it crosses from bad to terrible.
It starts bad.
dont even bother
but i trust you guys
Don't bother. It's utter shit.
Not watching the ending is beyond retarded even if you don't like it.
It's just the usual Yea Forums collective mentality brainlet contrarians spamming bulshit.
Final poll after it aired.
No they alternated between trigger and cloverworks, then the last 5 or 7 episodes was only cloverworks. Also Nishigori only wrote the story up to like episode 12 before it entered production, so the entire second half was a complete shoddy mess.
It was wonky from the beginning. Some people argue it really turned bad after episode 15 but arguably the direction was already kinda crappy at the very beginning. The concept seemed kinda cool but they focussed on the worst aspects of the show instead of the cool aspects. Episode 5 was the point of no return.
Franxx had all the signs of being a shitshow right from the very beginning. None of the early episodes are even good, and if you're even slightly versed in the genre you can tell its a worse imitation of better, older series. All the side characters are eerily similar to the extra pilots introduced in Diebuster Ep. 4 (Shigeto Koyama only did mecha designs, so I don't think it has anything to do with him), but in that anime you're actually glad when they get mowed down.
The only episode that was even okay was the one where Zorome finds his way into adult society and talks to the old lady.
It got traction because it was this generation's "babies first mecha". Which is a shame, since I hate seeing 2D mecha getting wasted like that
mad shippers
Every arc of thos show is completely inconsequential and there are zero stakes.
>Something very important and power happens.
>The plot sure turns
>Nope it just fizzles down and nothing happens
>Every 3 episodes
The show is horribly written, it was a series of unrelated inconsequential events so i just got bored near the end.
She literally cucked the main character.
For real? I've heard the show turns bad but I thought she remained faithful.
In the first half there still was hope to end it in a non-fanfiction tier way
Then the interactions between characters became shonen mango tier and lots of asspuls happened
He's a retarded shipfag. There's a love triangle, where she steals MC away from the other girl who never makes advances on him until like halfway through the series. Apparently we're supposed to feel bad for the girl who sat on the sidelines and didn't do anything
It's quality jumps up and down wildly throughout the show, but it only jumps the shark in the last quarter and only especially in the last few episodes. Just watch it all faggot.
In any case, manga is significantly better so far
the pacing went to shit, the story lost all its momentum, the main cast got sidelined and the ending was a strange series of ass pulls. it was still sort of watchable (especially if you are like me and mostly watch anime drunk), but definitely a massive disappointment compared to what most watchers had come to expect by the first 2/3.
>feel bad for the girl who sat on the sidelines and didn't do anything
well don't you usually feel bad for the guy who sat on the sidelines and didn't do anything?
The first half only seemed good because of the the promise of a payoff which never came. If you did not watch it as it aired do not bother watching it at all.
15. You'll understand when you see it.
>well don't you usually feel bad for the guy who sat on the sidelines and didn't do anything?
Not really. I did a long time ago, before realising I shouldn't sympathise with characters that don't have the stones to just tell someone how they feel. The sympathy I do have is for characters that get cucked in relationships they actually have, because at least then they actually lost something
15 if you really want to start watching, but I'd say that you're better off watching something which is good in its entirety. Why watch a show which had potential and then shat all over itself?
The show is carefully directed and seems well thought out for the first cour (up to ep. 15 in this case). Visual direction is good, recurring symbols are used cohesively and it has thematic integrity. It gives the impression that the writers/directors built it up deliberately and that they know very well what they're doing and where they're going. Some characters feel very well rounded and give the impression that they're actual people instead of anime tropes (though others are bad or neglected, mind you). This is not to say that the first 15 episodes are a perfect masterpiece, because there are definitely fuckups and some inconsistencies but overall it's good and most definitely far above average.
Once the 2nd cour starts it all starts crumbling. At first it still seems pretty good, with the most serious issue being the very slow pace and quite a lot of SoL-like episodes in the part of the show which is quickly approaching its finale but is not really tackling any of its important mysteries or leftover character/plot threads. It gets even worse as the up until then careful worldbuilding is lost entirely as we get a full loredump-flashback episode, presumably because they realized they would not have time to deal with everything otherwise. There's an extremely stupid (and arguably unnecessary) twist and in-universe consistency starts getting dropped in favor of pure asspulls. It feels like the authors don't really know what they're doing anymore.
The ending is a complete disaster which abandons in-universe consistency entirely and repeatedly contradicts established 'rules' while also contradicting pretty much every theme built up over the previous 15-20 episodes. The whole thing ends in an entirely incoherent and incredibly cliche mess.
The pacing went to shit after the first few episodes, they try to pad for time with episodes dealing with teen drama that lead to nowhere with battles taking like 30 seconds of animation or less. People get dumber for the sake of the plot.
The ending shouldn't have happened, the space arc was as a giant asspull
Despite what the contrarian faggots say, the show was great up until episode 15, with 13 and 15 being the highlights of the series.
After that, it slows down for a few episodes, until they take a dump on the world building by making the big reveal as poorly conceived as possible in episode 19 and 20. There's a slight rebound in episode 21 and 22 where it returns to form, which gave people hope that at least the ending was going to be good, even with the awful twist, but then they fuck it up even worse in ep 23 and follow it up by taking a huge dump down your throat in episode 24.
I can't believe anyone could take this shit seriously after Ep. 1's incredibly heavy handed imagery with the birds and shit.
The whole show became irrecoverable when it didn't have the courage to kill Mitsuru.
At the very least, we got some pretty decent twinks.
It never had a chance.
>Trigger anime
>1st cour antagonists were the good guys all along
>scope of plot reveals itself to be far larger than it originally was
>tonally confused finale due to rewrites
I didn't see it coming either
>What episode should i stop watching at?
>1st cour antagonists were the good guys all along
>scope of plot reveals itself to be far larger than it originally was
Everyone already predicted that, considering it was foreshadowed really hard. It's what they did with it that was the problem. Everyone was expecting a rebellion.
It's bad from the start
Feels so fucking lifeless, like a western tv show
it becomes unbelievably trash past the 10th episode
Episode 15 is the perfect ending. There still a couple of good moments afterward and episode 21 and 22 are almost a return to form in how good they are, but overall after 15 the quality goes down and there's no other good end point until the ending which is the worst episode in the series.
>and episode 21 and 22 are almost a return to form in how good they are,
>dude alians lmao
Episode 21 and 22 tricked me into thinking 23 and 24 might actually be a decent ending, and the fact those two episodes are so terrible retroactively makes 21 and 22 worse for giving you the wrong impression. I watch those 2 episodes and get legitimately bummed out, because it was actually somewhat decent set up for a bombastic super robot finale ala GGG/Getter Robo/G Gundam/Giant Robo
the 'consensus' that herd-like weebs on Yea Forums reach is like a ouija board. franxx doesnt 'become bad after episode 15'
Eeo too episode
Fuck the rest
go back
Aliens is episode 20.
>you now remember deluded 02fags thinking she'd pop out babies
Hiro could have pulled it off if he just tried hard enough. What do you think they were doing up in that attic all alone with no cameras for a whole month?