If anything the kyoani burning is a blessing and something we should divinely celebrate:
>majority women burned
>meaning no more intrusive tasteless women barging into my anime
>meaning less shit anime
>meaning less moeshit anime
Truly something that needed to happen and it did. Next on the list is Madhouse!
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I wish it had been Yea Forums incels like (You) in that building instead.
too bad it was Yea Forums incels instead :)
Shut the fuck up you gachanigger.
Alterabro stop making us look evil and heartless.
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You should have been the one in that building
This thread is bad civilization
We truly live in a civilization.
but we are
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moeshit anime is made by and for men, delusional user
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Ignore yourself you stupid Yea Forumsermin
Someone take this bet and make him pay.
How long until EU pass laws against anime?
Didn't know FGO/Gacha fags were this savage, whoa. Take it easy.
Congratulations. You disgust me beyond words
people died here and you are happy?
you're a bunch of sociopaths
Fuck you for using an Altera image to make your shitty post.
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there are 7 billion people on earth
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