Why didn't they just jump over the balcony or head at the building's rooftop? Getting a broken leg or two is much better than being burned alive.
Why didn't they just jump over the balcony or head at the building's rooftop...
Other urls found in this thread:
Several died on the stairs to the roof.The smoke was too dense.
Probably passed out by the smoke. It's a small crowded place with an aggressive fire. Also I understand that the fire system in place was pretty poor.
Their chances from the get-go were grim.
Probably a human crush happened.
>why didn't they just
a bit of me hopes you people who post these types of posts get to experience a rapid fire that engulfs a three story building in mere minutes and we'll see how good you are at "just".
The real question is why people on here think they'd be some kind of stoic rational badass in an abrupt panicked situation where you suddenly can't see or breathe. Why does every poster on here think they're the shit because they have 20/20 hindsight of a situation that people died in?
This is so weird.
Like unless the perp was constantly raving about outside targeting people, you could easily jump out of multiple windows and barely get any injuries, and even if he was, he wouldn't be able to target everyone, going for roof is just not looking smart.
This. You just know every one of the survivors probably pushed others out of their way to make it out.
20 stacked bodies were found behind the door to the roof. Apparently it wasn't even locked.
looks like op would have been among them. rip
Cause everybody knows girls can't do shit other than suck dick.
if only you were there to reason with them
Heck even the greenery would help with the fall there.
Rooftop door was locked
First floor blew up and the fire spread to the second floor too quickly for them to react
>he thinks only women work there
you could even land in the garden! lmao
I think it's more that they just can't fathom how bad these situations actually become. Honestly I can't either, but you always hear of similar stuff happening so I know it's not as easy as you might think.
Because they lack the capacity to understand that it's easy to think rationally when you're completely detached from the situation.
>all the windows are open and big enough
>no anti-suicide windows
>2 giant balconies
>a bushy garden only 2.5 meters under your feet
>a big enough balcony to hold all the staff and give them fresh air to breathe while the jump down calmly one by one without rush or danger of suffocation
This makes absolutely no fucking sense. He'd need to block all the balcony doors somehow and I doubt he could have gotten to those.
See this is what makes it pretty tough to accept, sure there was the explosion at the first floor, but everyone crushing into the stairs was such a dead giveaway considering all those windows.
I have an even better question
Are you retarded?
Tell me, would you wait for the whole building to be covered in smoke before deciding it'd probably be a good idea to jump out of a window?
There's nothing stoic or "rational" about pure survival instinct which would be "GET THE FUCK OUT ASAP".
It's not a fucking master plan.
Because fleeing from the flames is shameful display.
You underestimate the power of herd mentality and panic
Because the by the time you would think to jump out the window instead of using the door you are either packed at the door/stairs like sardine, the smoke is choking you to death, or the rooms are engulfed in flames (window means more oxygen to fuel the flame)
most people don't default their exit strategy to be something other than the door.
It was an explosion fire. The smoke came rushing in absurdly fast. It was literally a case of there's no smoke then you blink and suddenly the room is engulfed.
>was such a dead giveaway
Dead giveaway to what, that two giant balconies were somehow inaccessible? I seriously doubt the balconies were blocked and it's the first instinctive reaction of an individual to run towards the source of air. The staircase cannot be the source of air because on the contrary that's where the smoke was mostly coming from in the floor you'd be residing in.
And you underestimate the power of basic instinct. Consider what I wrote up here.
Yeah I'm sure all of those people in the building filled with toxic smoke were stupid and you would have survived because you're smarter than them.
Do you also think people who die in shootings are dumb because they could have zerg-rushed the gunman?
This wasn't some this_is_fine_dog.jpg scenario you retard. People were trying to GET THE FUCK OUT ASAP. It still wasn't fast enough.
you're fucking dumb m8
And what do you do in panic and blindness? You run towards the source of air which is the windows.
You're on the third floor. Two things happen: there's some smoke coming from a fire elsewhere in the building, and someone runs up to announce that a madman is stabbing people and setting them on fire with gasoline downstairs. Downstairs is a hard no.
Go to the roof, and you might get cornered by the flames or the madman before rescue arrives. Jump from a window, and you might break your leg and be a sitting duck whenever the madman decides to step outside. Or you cut your wrist on the glass, slip because the guy behind you pushed you, and land on your head.
You can't see the flames yet, so maybe you can wait another minute for the police to apprehend the suspect or firefighters to create an exit.
Then you realize that you can no longer breathe due to the smoke and have to make a decision. Breathing is priority one, and the only ventilated area left is the roof.
>he thinks japan has men
>And you underestimate the power of basic instinct. Consider what I wrote up here.
basic instinct is to get away from the fire and go for the door, dumbass. Stop thinking that action movies are the norm and jumping out the window with an explosion behind you is the instinctive response.
You are fucking dumb as hell.
>were stupid
I don't think jumping out of a window is a 200IQ move.
If anything, knowing nips, they probably lined up to go out through the door in a peaceful manner only to find out it was blocked.
Not dumber than the 33 dead.
Doesn't this make it even more out of place to try stairs instead of balcony/windows?
>Explosion happens
>Everyone is instantly spooked and enveloped by smoke
>Instead of immediately going to closest escape/safe route, take the stairs and suffocate
Why don't you?
>Yea Forumstard
>most people don't default their exit strategy to be something other than the door
Wrong completely. The majority, actually all pople in burning buildings ALWAYS run to the windows. This is a fact. Go back to your shit board and take your picrelated with you.
What I noticed about the Japanese is that they are terrible at sudden changes in their routine. It applies for everything; if you throw a wrench in their peaceful living they stand still and don't know what to do for several minutes before coming to the least effective solution. Also keep recon that with the heavy smoke you can't tell how far the door is or how many people are in front of you, they underestimated how quickly smoke can kill you.
>You run towards the source of air which is the windows.
yeah, this is what fire safety teaches you to do. This is what professionals who deal with this shit tells you to do.
Fucking dumbass
Deep down they knew they deserved to die
>A thread in which people who have never been in a fire scrutinize people who have been in a fire on how they reacted to said fire.
>Not dumber than the 33 dead.
no, definitely dumber than the 33 dead. You were just lucky to not get tested with them. We were unlucky to suffer through your continued existence
>>Instead of immediately going to closest escape/safe route, take the stairs and suffocate
You mean the route made from stairs?
Do you think people get to the roof by teleportation?
No it's simply what people instinctively do because they subconciously associate windows with both the outside and the source of air. In case you didn't see the inside of Kyoani the staircase would be where the fucking smoke comes from and it's the same saircase that leads to the floor above you and thus the room. You'd not run in that direction.
From what I've understood, Kyoani had a children daycare for workers' kids at 2nd floor. Any news on that?
They probably went to the stairs to go down, realized they couldn't, then went up the stairs as they couldn't see the windows anymore.
Lack of survival instinct is not something to proud of, user.
Hopefully one day you grow up and realize that.
>The majority, actually all pople in burning buildings ALWAYS run to the windows. This is a fact.
>ALWAYS run to the windows
>while complaining that people didn't run to the windows.
You just get dumber and dumber don't you? Do you smell smoke? I think oxygen level in your brain's dropping. Please jump out the window.
Fire is hot and you're best staying away from it. You don't have to be a fucking rocket scientist to see that
>you are allowed to act dumb
thank you for allowing us
joke's on you, my apartment complex burned down last month
Hopefully you will just die so we don't have to suffer your idiocy further
They were too busy working on their latest series: Charred Counterattack
and they couldn't stay away from it, dumbass
most of the victims were women, have you seen how women act in a crisis? they have less sense than a goat
People are simply analizing the situation not scrutinizing per se. Kyoani staff isn't just a heard brain pack of idiots but it's clear as day that anyone, them included would not have chosen the staircase and roof as the first choice. Thus something else might have happened and perhaps the guy who set the building on fire wasn't alone in it, someone could have blocked the balcony or windows.
It wasn't the burn that killed them.
It was the smoke.
Stop spreading your fucking shit and go kys. Around half of the god damn staff are men.
they were just women with herd mentality, too stupid and cowardly to jump
Because ejecting yourself out of the window from the third floor in a sudden situation where smoke and fire are encroaching quickly and you don't even have time to assess all the facts isn't the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to surviving.
twice as many female victims as male
roasties once again lose at survival of the fittest
So now Yea Forums is full of Yea Forums and /pol/ tourists because of this shit huh?
That's too edgy for me, you need to be +18 to post here.
People underestimate smoke. They think they have time to formulate an escape plan as long as they can't see the flames, but if you can taste the smoke and don't have a clear path to the exit omae wa mou shindeiru.
Most artists are probably considering whether they are willing to ruin any future career opportunities for the rest of their lives.
That pun would only work if it were Sunrise that was attacked.
windows can only be opened from the outside, to prevent suicides
This. It's being told to do an escape room while someone's blindfolding and choking you. Good fucking luck
If you are on the top floor you are dead, the only way to survive is jump and hope you don't die.
The fire and smoke happened fast, the gasoline burned like it was alive.
Is it even confirmed gasoline? look at this amount of smoke.
>kek lel got em
because not everyone is a retard like you or the balcony jumpers of Yea Forums
t. seething woman
The problem are women unironically, the moment they start screaming it's over and chaos ensues.
It's also useful to keep in mind that since the door handle to the top of the roof is likely made of metal, in a fire the handle would heat up and be scalding or worse to the touch, making it impossible to open unless you willingly charred your hand to a crisp.
Jumping out of a window is dangerous and the fire was under them so they went up the stairs. It's something that they probably didn't think for a long time about because they could barely see and were choking to death.
They died trying to reach the roof because the smoke rose and concentrated at the top of the stairwell which drops you almost instantly.
>third floor
I'll give you that.
First and second floor don't have an excuse though.
Especially if I see a maniac with knives and gasoline. Fuck that, I'm jumping out the window.
Strange thing is when the fire alarm rings you are suppsoed to evacuate, even if there was no alarm they should evacuate the moment they noticed the fire/smoke. With those many windows it's really hard to see how anyone on the ground floor 1st floor could die....
>Why didn't they just jump over the balcony or head at the building's rooftop?
It would've been disrespectful after the arsonist had made such a large effort to kill them, so the staff was kind enough to humor him.
Oh, Kyoani. They are such kind people to work with.
Shit, user cracked the code. The anime wars have begun and they're playing hardball.
Jesus, that's a lot of fucking smoke. even for a fire.
yeah, "find window" people are full of shit. You can't navigate something that thick
Yea Forums is just as shit as Yea Forums or worse.
That shit would make you pass out in just one or two huffs.
wat? they don't have to sign their full name or something on it and fan art usually doesn't mean someone with a career in art
Jump off a window.
Seriously do it.
Right now.
>First and second floor don't have an excuse though.
>Especially if I see a maniac with knives and gasoline. Fuck that, I'm jumping out the window.
look at the thickness of the smoke You aren't finding your way out of anything.
You forget about the arsonist?
you would have smelled smoke and heard people screaming and the fire alarm before the smoke got that bad
I guarantee you most of the people who died were indecisive women who assumed they are too pretty to die
people can track your art down pretty easily.
It doesn't matter if they're too cowardly to jump, the question is where they went first since the smoke was thick from the gasoline and the fire spread quickly. They would have subconciously went for the windows and balcony to be able to breathe and once there they would not enter the area of smoke again.
Chicken or no they would have stayed there on the balcony or tried to climb down slowly.
I jumped out of my 2nd floor window.
I'm alive and kicking.
Think it works.
Most people who draw in Japan and create an internet following for it want to make money from it.
go larp somewhere else incel
>fire alarm
By the time anyone on the second floor even noticed the place was still on fire, the stairs were already beginning to collapse. By the time anyone on the third floor noticed, they were gone.
>you would have smelled smoke and heard people screaming and the fire alarm before the smoke got that bad
not from a planned arson. This wasn't some lit cigarette in the breakroom kind of stuff where it slowly escalated. This was a legit arson with fuel.
It hurts doesn't it, when reality comes to burn your vagina
that's some dense ass smoke
armchair fire escapees really think anyone can just navigate that shit
They couldn't, that's exactly why they'd go for the nearest window and not navigate their asses to the roof.
Japanese infrastructure is not that modern, all the buildings and houses are outdated for sure.
he was a raving psychopath, not a trained arsonist, stop making excusing for burned bug people
haha, yep, if I was there I'd be out of there lickety split, stupid nips, that's why they lost the war!
They probably wasted time trying to get to the roof untill they got cut off by fire and smoke.
it seemed safer than jumping out of the window so they chose it over a more risky option that guaranteed safety.
>can't see window
>navigate to window
>trained arsonist
It's a 4 meters fall from the first balcony, that's good enough to jump. 5 meters fall from the from the first floor, and almost 8 meters from the second floor. Maybe 11~12 from the rooftop. I think that they didn't jump because they couldn't find the windows.
Imagine. You smell some smoke and then hear some screams coming from the entry hall. Then some people proceed to check what's happening. They reach there and everything is burning, with the smoke quickly raising to the top by the spiral staircase. By the time they come back, you might expect some people panicking. Someone says: Hey, let's go to the rooftop, and everyone agrees. Reaching the second floor, the smoke there as well, they meet the staff that was working there. Some people decides to scream for help from the windows (8 meters high, they wouldn't consider jumping). Some 2 or 3 minutes passes, the second floor with plenty of smoke. Some people starts running to the rooftop, and then everyone panicks. 3 or maybe 4 hit the door first, they try to push, but couldn't open it. 10 or more people start packing behind them. At tnis point, pull the door turns into something impossible. The smoke rises, women start dropping unconscious, nobody can see anything. Everyone dies.
>can't see shit
>navigate even longer to roof because of herd mentality and die from smoke
it's rather poetic, is it not, that the studio who created modern moe and otaku culture was burned by one of their own who became to deranged from escapism to distinguish fiction from reality
>be in japanese office
>it's kind of warm today but there's a nice breeze out
>want to crack a window open to let that breeze in
>tfw it's my turn to rappel down the side of the building
>tfw government is considering banning this too cause people have been hanging themselves
going to the roof rather than a window is peak brainlet and any of the staff who did that deserved to die, they failed their survival fitness test
Quick reminder that we have Shirobako as a paradigm for the insides of a small studio.
Imagine this getting splashed with gasoline and lit up. Lots of paper, lots of acetate cels
>Why didn't they
How the fuck would you know what to do if you had no idea what was happening. It's called fear you autists
These are probably the worst posts I've ever seen on Yea Forums. Even worse than the Eva threads.
Now imagine the upper floors looking something like this
If only Yea Forums were there, they could've apprehended the maniac before this even begun. And on the off chance the building did catch fire, they would easily parade everyone in the building over to the windows so that they can all jump to safety. What a shame the brave heroes of Yea Forums weren't there to save the day.
Look at this overhead of the building.
The balconies are on the opposite side of the building to the stairwell, which is the first place people go when they hear a fire alarm and likely separated from the balconies by a couple of hallways. There's no way you're getting back after the whole place has filled with smoke.
its poetic in how someone could be as dumb as you
the nigbaby was a 41-year old man of a an entirely different generation and hobby. its like linking video games to some serial killer who was obsessed with collecting stamps and toy cars
>created "modern" moe
>all the furniture is 3d models
Once you start noticing this shit you can't stop, it's almost ruined anime for me.
Go the fuck back to bed, you literal fossil
He was a trainspotter.
>see lots of smoke
>gee I wonder what it is
I think everyone knew what the fuck was happening.
I myself have been in the situation. Its not that hard to remember your fire evacuation and basic fire extinguisher skills if you have regular fire drills and proper training using fire suppression equipment. However the real failure here comes from these following things.
1, Improper ventilation (NFPA 96)
2, Large amounts of combustible materials not properly (NFPA 230 (used to be 231F)
3,The municipality failing to address the fact a fire suppression system was not in place (in fact in the united states some states its mandatory for single family homes to have fire suppression sprinkler systems)
4, No fire escape stairs on the building.(NFPA 101) not to mention there wasnt multiple fire escapes.
They probably behaved like this: youtube.com
The rooftop door was a pull type.
Because you’d know when you’ve been in so many fires in crowded places huh faggot. Basic instinct is to run away ASAP nothing else.
It looks like they would have succumbed to carbon dioxide even if they successfully made it to the rooftop.
not the escapee's fault that the roof was locked.
If the roof wasn't locked you fuckers will be making fun of the people panicing and jumping out the window as retards
Is this the end of KyoAni?
No it's not, Japanese are figuratively unkillable. They don't let shit like this get them down.
CCS ended in 2001. Right when KyoAni were working on their first show. Trying to claim CCS is "old" means you're saying KyoAni is also old.
>making fun of the people jumping out the window
>making fun of the people with the best quick thinking survival instinct
By the looks of it, even if the roof was unlocked, they would've still died.
No. But whether they actually recover or if "Kyoani" gets bought up and turned into a meaningless trademark is still up in the air.
Details are scarce in the ensuing chaos but it sounds like they lost their entire archive works, plus some 40% of workers.
I don't think there's any coming back from this.
stupid boomer
probably this.
reminds me of that Station Nightclub Fire were most of the people died in the club because the exit was clogged with fallen people.
Nobody claimed Kyoani created modern moe at the very first second of their inception, you stupid nigger. Citing their very first show is meaningless, nobody was talking about their first show to begin with
Panicking and jumping out the window and landing on your ass would've been better.
It doesn't matter how ugly or stupid it looks, what matter is getting the fuck out and surviving.
If anything, this attack will cause their products to see an increase in sales and future projects to get more support. And now millions of people who aren't anime fans know who Kyoto Animation are because it's plastered all over the news. It might even increase attention of all anime.
The only way KyoAni would end is if the head staff are too traumatized to continue working. Other studios will sent over artists to help finish projects and one studio has already set up a gofundme page to help them. And while it's a morbid thing to say, there's hundreds of thousands of other animators out there they can hire.
Based as fuck.
Keep the retards in their place user
>Why didn't they logically think things through when they couldn't breath and were burning alive?
Golly gee OP I just don't know, guess they were all retarded or something.
by modern moe he likely means Haruhi which yes signaled a new era of otaku culture
It's over, best outcome will be if someone would buy their studio and become publisher slaves again.
>You run
Okay, good job. You died. If you run in a fire you breath in a massive amount of smoke and die. You also need to break the window if the office windows don't open. You just killed yourself!
Sometimes I wonder what posts like these try to accomplish. I would like to believe they are satire but whether they are or not I cannot manage to find a purpose for posting it.
why the fuck would you design the handle on a fire door to be metal if it had that flaw?
The gofundme is to help the hospital bills for the victims, not the studio itself, which is probably in big trouble if they lost as much progress on upcoming series as early reports claim. Plus their CEO is likely going to jail, which won't help matters.
They didn't create "modern" moe either. Haruhi got mad popular. But it's just one various style of "moe" which had been popularized by shows like CCS, Mahoromatic and Azumanga Daioh. And two of those shows were the most popular shows of their year, leading to the growing market Haruhi took advantage of at its peak.
You (not others but you) were trying to attribute KyoAni as creating modern moe. And it's just wrong. Everything from the rounder faces to the cuter voices to the personalities used in KyoAni shows were done by earlier shows.
When the alarm sounds you follow your supervisor out. They lined up then walked to the roof. Would the first thing you do in a first alarm be to throw a chair throgh the window and jump? You would look really dumb if it was just Karen burning her lunch in the microwave.
So no backups?
Nips really can't into computers.
>Plus their CEO is likely going to jail, which won't help matters.
What rumors are you basing this on?
Why the fuck would you design a 3 story building with only one exit? Because they weren't thinking about fire when they built it.
Okay, boomer
because if you actually paid attention to fire safety, you would know that detecting the heat on the otherside of the door by the hotness of the handle is the important way to determine if the path is safe to navigate or not.
Also what's the alternative? Use wood and plastic, something that perishes in the fire?
Jesus Christ, people
Firefighter here.
It's real easy to predict what you'd do if put in a situation like this, or suggest alternatives. Unfortunately when you go from minding your own business to watching a fire engulf the room you're in, you don't think rationally. I personally don't have experience with firebombs but based on my general knowledge I'd guess that all that extra fuel would make the fire burn hotter, suck up oxygen faster, and spread quicker.
Usually when people are faced with a fire they get tunnel vision. They usually try and go out the same way they went in, which can cause a stampede that slows people down. If that's not possible, they'll probably try and leave the closest exit. Problem is when everyone is trying to leave through an exit, it can get crowded. Lots of people pushing on the exit = people fall down = bodies piling in front of the exit. Watch the "Station Nightclub Fire" video to see what I'm talking about. There's also the lack of oxygen and smoke which can quickly dehibilitate people, causing more slowdowns and blocking of exits. Firefighters are trained to always check behind doors for victims because that's where they usually are. It's morbid but a fact of life and it's why you should always have a sound emergency evacuation plan for your residence and workplace.
But there is
The one where he's getting blamed for the security system not being on.
I wonder what the fuck Karen was microwaving to generate this much smoke.
Looking dumb is the least of your worries when you're trying to survive.
Not him, but the lack of sprinklers and fire exits was probably illegal. Don't know how law works in japan but in many countries in the west, you could get charged with manslaughter for this shit now that people HAVE died
Unless they are total retards, they had insurance and can hire new employees.
The the door was also a pull type, instead of push.
Inability to practice empathy is pretty textbook for autists, remember where we are.
Pretty good run down of the thought process.
In mere minutes the whole building would be in flames full of smoke. A fire like this can easily spread throughout the entire building in two minutes.
How is this hard to understand you stupid fuck?
watch out everyone internet's most notorious badass Mr. Hindsight has arrived.
How did the architecht get his licence?
Well the fire wasnt on the roof, and if the handle was too hot to touch for them to pull the door open, what the fuck were they supposed to do?
Infact, why even design the fire door to be a pull type in the first place? Surely there are fire regulations saying "this is a dumb idea, dont do this"
>160 km/h
nah man
Some reports claim they had turned the security off because they had visitors coming. They usually have a card reading system. If anything, they need to investigate how this "random" person knew the exact perfect day to attack. The one day they didn't have this system on.
A video I saw showed tons of water falling from the ceiling. And I don't think it was from fire trucks. But you do know that throwing water on a gas fire just makes it worse, right?
New employees who have to be trained from scratch and won't have the skills/experience as the old ones.
All of their current works will probably have to be redone and that costs money.
Their archive being burnt down means they won't have access to the old materials anymore to sell remasters, re-releases etc.
And that's not even counting the costs for reconstruction, refurnishing lost equipment.
They're all kinds of fucked, my dude. Unless the government steps in, they won't survive this.
Jumping from the window is no-brainer, though.
He's right though.
I thought japs had free healtcare or some shit?
This user is such a chad, japs WISH they were as competent as him. You tell these pussy retards, chadanon!
What do you break the window with? Your fists?
Windows may be too thick to break. They might have been too far up. There may have been another exit that didn't entail breaking your legs. Like I said it's easy to predict what you would do in a situation like this but people often get tunnel vision and can't make rational decisions.
The real killer here was that wooden spiral staircase, basicaly an open chimney through all floors. If the fire and smoke had to crawl up regular stairs they couldve get a few extra minutes to figure something out. Like this it seems it was over in 30 seconds.
>CEO is likely going to jail, which won't help matters.
Wtf? Why?
Real windows or fictional ones?
Yes. "Free" healthcare in the same way the UK and most European countries do. Hint: It comes out of your higher than average taxes.
>Well the fire wasnt on the roof, and if the handle was too hot to touch for them to pull the door open, what the fuck were they supposed to do?
that wouldn't be the case. isolated metal piece wouldn't conduct heat that strongly to the point where the ambient heat from the fire that it's not close to would scald you.
Unless the arsonist was so clever that he heated the handle exclusively before hand as an misdirection but I doubt the crazy asshole was that clever.
There's nothing chad about it, it's something obvious.
Under NFPA 80 there is no requirements for a set swing on a fire door. Why? Because if the handle is hot dont fucking open it.
apparently to let guests in, the security was disabled at the time.
Air flow control.
The rooftop is surrounded by the famous japanese suicide fences. Even if they got to the ceiling, they had no chance to climb over that in the thick smoke and the average japanese physique.
NFPA is a voluntary set of guidelines used in America, not Japan
I will try my leg first. Then full-body slam if it's jammed.
I will probably chicken to jump from the third floor until my hands are burning and I'm suffocating, though.
What no. The government for a small chunk until a set amount where they foot about 60% of it and 100% after another amount. A lot like how private insurance works here.
Why are you showing how dumb you are to everyone here?
ITT: Dunning-Kruger effect.
Its the exit to the roof though. Wouldnt it make more sense to let people inside the building push it to open?
You probably won't. If there's an exit to the roof you'll most likely go with everyone else there.
It's just a lot cheaper and hospitals are less predatory when compared to the US. So really it's like most other countries.
All you idiots should watch this and see for yourself just how fast a BUILDING FIRE actually is
That security thing is still weird tho, even if you expects a visitor, how hard is it for one person to go to entrance and bring them in, and not turn off your security and door locks.
surely they would have had a security guard at the entrance checking people in though?
>full-body slam
Yeah sure, with your 80lbs body. Or maybe you won'r be able to fit if you're 300lbs+
These kind of problems are sometimes overlooked by building designers, unfortunately. I'm not familiar with Japanese building regulations (in America we have very strict guidelines especially regarding fire exits and the like) but this sort of stuff can happen. Which is why you should always have a sound emergency evacuation plan. It can happen to anyone
>jumping out the window is dumb
>going up the stairs while navigating through smoke and dying is not
No you.
We'll have to wait for more reports to explain it. We're not even sure the security was turned off at all. Everything is very sketchy right now. Not only conflicting reports, but people are using bad google translators to get info from Japanese articles. Which is about as accurate as watching an anime with Hong Kong subs.
>You can think rationally when you're running from a raging inferno with oxygen deprivation and smoke engulfing your lungs
Its not a fire exit. In fact there are no fire stairs in this building. There is no code governing the swing of the door.
NFPA is a good guide to go by for most of the people who post here as they are americans and its pretty close to IBC.
How can you not nagivate inside the office in which you have worked for years, even if there's smoke?
If you spend a lot of time in a place, you know the layout by heart.
isnt it illegal in japan to build a building with no fire exits?
But as far as I know it's not used in Japan. Apparently some people who've lived in Japan are saying their building codes aren't very strict which makes sense seeing how poorly this building was constructed
Because by the time smoke is blocking your vision, you'll be dead after a couple breaths. See
Think we've been over this already ITT.
What do you do when there's a shit ton of smoke and you don't know what the fuck is going on? You go to the nearest exit, in this case, the windows. Again, jumping out the window is not a brilliant idea that only geniuses like me come up with.
Even dumbfucks like you should should be able to do it.
Usually Japanese buildings have adequate fire exits, but there's no post-construction fire code enforcement and the occupants tend to stack shit floor to ceiling in every available space and block the exits.
Is that how it is in yuroland too?
user I'm a firefighter I think I know what I'm talking about
How do I know you're an immature stupid cunt having a rotten brain with volume less than 2 drops of cum
Unless they used the main exit as the primary fire exit.
According to an expert on NHK the building didnt have proper ventilation, storage of paper and fire stairs thats just what im going off right now.
My school always taught fire safety, I'm very well prepared. Some old psycho set my dad's business on fire when I was young. If I were there I could've easily brought out Takemoto or 2 cuties.
Not every business has security guards user, wtf are you smoking?
Might wanna get a new job.
yeah and zero fire safety drills encourage you to do what you did because it's fucking dumb. Window is never the first option.
Might want to get a reality check.
Stop projecting.
I know this is a joke but just to clarify, you shouldn't risk your life to save others in a situation like this. Seconds matter, it's better to save yourself than to die trying to save someone else. Let the trained professionals with the right equipment handle it.
>not using your katana first
If the whole place is looking to go up in flames why not try a chair or monitor?
Tell me, what would've been the correct course of action for these people to survive?
Anons just a retarded badass kid. He doesn't need no expert telling him what to do. I hope he gets on his senses soon because dumbfucks like him tryingbto be oversmart are the ones who die first in these situations
why didn't they just turn on the taps in the bathroom and put the fire out?
>yes, let's physically exert ourselves fully in an inferno with dwindling oxygen supply.
This isn't Hajime no Ippo. There ain't no oxygen in your muscles boy!
Sure retard
This, it's easy to imagine yourself as hypercompetent when your lungs aren't filled with smoke and you're sitting at home. Autists here have probably never been in any sort of dangerous situation.
This desu. Just turn on the hose
>jumping out the window is being oversmart
You're dumb, user.
Would have made things worst.
>mfw i learned the kyoani building had no exits and everyone had to get in and out of the building by climbing to the roof on a ladder
why does the japanese government allow this?
I would've assessed the whole situation with a mere 2 second ocular pat down of the room. I'd take some peoples hands then sprint to the nearest window or the balcony and show by example a perfect jump into tuck and roll.
Can you blame people for being confused that one man walked into a building by himself, set it on fire and killed half the occupants in broad daylight?
If they had the second amendment someone could have shot the fire
checkmate libtards
Because they didnt learn from the Great Hanshin Earthquake what makes you think they will learn from this.
>gas fire
stay low to the ground, put cloth over their face to avoid inhaling the smoke. Everything else they did what they were expected to do, it simply wasn't good enough due to the intensity of the fire and the smoke, and the general layout of the building. Some times people just die because the odds are too stacked against them.
Double backing toward a window could've been an option, but as we seem from the webm and the photos, the balconies and exists are on opposite ends of the building and the smoke was too thick for navigation. Precognition was the only way to prevent that from happening.
It depends. Some buildings do have standpipe systems with little hoses attached to them that could be used by trapped occupants to extinguish a fire. How quickly that standpipe system could be charged and whether or not the hose is able to deliver enough water is the question
i really hope the next arsonist targets men. or some woman becomes spree shooter and targets men because males fucking deserve it
I guess they just didn't find a way.
Ah I forgot it was a gasoline fire. Just roll down on fire. It would've suffocated. Wth why didn't they think of this
Sure sure everyone can see that
Well by the time it extended to the upper floors it wasn't a gas fire.
Because normal people aren't fat like you that they can roll over and cover and smother the entire floor with fat.
this thread is a great reminder that men are monsters. men should be mass murdered. i am glad that men commit more suicides than women though, men themselves know how shit they are so they are willing to do the job themselves too.
if an entire floor's gone, bathroom taps aren't doing shit against fire.
>Someone left in the building was begging for help from a window. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman. Their mouth was bright red against their blackened body covered completely in soot, even their face. All I could tell was that they were crying out "HELP! HELP" again and again. Soon they stopped moving against the window and burned into it like a shadow. Then I heard the din of ambulance sirens and helicopters flying by.
Seems like it was so damn fast
They actually make buildings like that for security reasons. Only one way in means they only need to secure one door. Japan is also usually so safe than no one worries about an attack like this. When I first heard this attack took place, I assumed it was some foreign terrorist. Most likely a raging SJW, since their next big target is anime and Japanese culture. Which just won't bend the knee to intersectionality. Could still be someone like that. We don't know much about the attacker.
Then why didn't they just get some milk out of the fridge and pour it on the fire?
How about I burn down your house and we'll see what happens
that's some haunting footage. imagine being a couple seconds later than this in realizing it's time to get the fuck out
I jump out the 2nd floor window and survive.
>Tell me, would you wait for the whole building to be covered in smoke before deciding it'd probably be a good idea to jump out of a window?
I'm scared of heights.
>Explosion happens
>Run to window
>Smoke be toxic
>Breathe it in during your panic
>Get to the window half blind and with your body shut down
>Unable to properly open the window
Isn't this what happened with at least one person?
I myself would have used my bulk size and power to destroy the door through sheer force and let the people escape onto the roof where I would then instruct them to jump onto the shed down below for a less hurtful landing as a jump head first into the ground and land with my legs.
Firefighters are trained to always search behind doors and below windows, because that's where bodies are most commonly located.
Me too, but I assume burning alive is way worse than breaking a leg so I think I'd jump if I had a raging fire at my back.
Yes, a lady even saw it
If I'm lucky, a cute girl co-worker will jump first and dampen my fall.
What I get from this is that fire master anons here will die fast
You would be surprised. More likely instead of leaping you would cling, breathe in the smoke in your hesitation, drift in a haze and drop. You don't see people jump out of burning buildings en mass like lemmings for a reason. And as it's been stated multiple times in this thread people die at doors and windows.
This is not being oversmart at all
Everyone would die. Everything was noticed too late into the disaster.
To be fair, this fire is extra advanced, he dug some hole int the building and dumped dozens of liters into it hence the explosion and huge amount of smoke so fast.
>die by not doing anything
better to do something then sit there
what ever happened to stay low on the ground?
Yes op, we now that you have watched a lot anime where the main characters can act and think clearly when their lives are in danger, but not real human being, seems like you have never been in real danger situation (and that's good for you) but i just could imagine all that people screaming, trying to breath while the building is burning up and the air so so dence that you can barely see your nose.
Next time don't be so dumb or ignorant, if you don't know what are you talking about is whiser to stay shut than open your mouth and show that you're just dumb.
Well there were 70 people in the building and half of them got out it seems, so I'm assuming most of the people who were on the first floor had better chances of escaping the building.
see You aren't escaping this shit unless you bail the moment it starts.
Calm down, reddit.
I'm not going to bother to read the thread so not sure if someone already pointed it out. The people that survived this shit did precisely this kind of things, jumping out of windows and shit, everyone were trying to find somewhere to escape from, thing is that the people that ended up dying inside took the wrong choice to search for that escape route UPSTAIRS, the smoke was too strong and knocked them out, all of them died from intoxication before burning to ashes, same thing happened to those on the bathroom on the firlst floor.
If you are ever in a situation like this, going upstairs is never a good option UNLESS you are sure of the escape route to follow in these situations, means that emergency drills actually save lives, otherwise always stay down and cover your face with something. I didn't bother to proof read this so sorry for the bad english.
and redpilled
>Inability to practice empathy is pretty textbook for autists
It isn't, only the low end of the spectrum.
Yea Forums has more empathy than any other board despite the edgelords here.
The "suicide proofing" of the place probably ended up costing quite a few lives.
The ones that lived had quick thinking, many anons here are way too pussy to quickly get out in that situation.
They assume that just because they would freeze up in that situation, then everyone else must do the same.
This is why Shinji gets brought up so many times in self insert threads.
They actually think you must be some kind of badass to quickly act. It's pathetic.
I don't see CCS as moeshit. I see shit like Lucky Star, Kon, Yuru Yuri as moeshit.
>take your shirt off
>pour your water bottle on it since it's summer
>cover your mouth and nose with it