Why do people like this show so much? I've heard people calling it a classic, and super influential, but I'm 4 episodes in and so far while I think it is ok, I'm not really blown away. Does it get better? What does this show do that is so unique? Haruhi is a fucking cunt, and all the other characters seem kinda flat.
Why do people like this show so much? I've heard people calling it a classic, and super influential...
Are you watching in broadcast order or chronological order?
>Haruhi is a fucking cunt
sorry it's not a show for hypersensitive zoomers
I'm rewatching it today and I'm liking it just as much as I did when it aired.
I guess it's one of those "you had to be there" things, otherwise it's just a pretty good series with a crazy production history.
I downloaded season 1 and am watching them in the order of the torrent, so I guess that would be broadcast.
Bro she literally extorted some poor kid into giving her his brand new computer wtf
What's so crazy about its production series?
Was this the first episode you saw? If so, it's broadcast order. If not, stop watching and restart in the proper order.
Damn wtf, yeah I guess I'm watching chronologically wtf
I watched the first season in chronological order, i found it to be overrated.
Apparently it was a big icon in its day, MLP of japan. Mostly seems to be remembered for oldfag cultural stuff.
Damn wtf I just watched the season finale I guess by episode 6, is the rest of season 1 just gonna be filler now?
I liked more the fake movie they were making than the show itself but pp ddn deserv to die
Because it was. Back in 2006 there was nothing really like it. The series is alright, the movie is however fantastic.
>i watched the anime is the wrong order
>wtf why didn't i like it
i find your existence overrated
It's okay but it sets up Kyon and Nagato's arcs well for the absolute KINO movie
rest in peace Takemoto
Its real problem is that its boring as shit. Its most "memorable" episode was a lame Ace Attorney parody.
They delve more into Haruhi's progression so aren't exactly just "filler" but yeah the core story is those episodes. Just watch the movie after you finish all, may as well include the s2 episodes at this point.
>The series is alright, the movie is however fantastic.
meme opinion, movie is the most unoriginal normalfag part of the series, no wonder it's your fav
You're doing it wrong, the only reason you should ever be watching that show is because of Yuki.
>Its most "memorable" episode was a lame Ace Attorney parody.
the reference was like 1 min long you liar faggot
Nice use of buzzwords.
The fact that you hadn't already watched Haruhi in 2019 is your first problem.
Hence that was the only memorable thing and might as well be the whole episode considering the whole lot of nothing that happens over "muh big mystery case episode"
nice display of shit taste, normalfag
>the whole lot of nothing that happens over "muh big mystery case episode"
>missing all the implications to haruhi's development
>missing all the metafiction ideas of the episodes
I didn't believe it before but there really are people too dumb for haruhi.
Yeah, you fucked up. The show wasn't meant to be watched as six straight episodes of exposition followed by eight episodes of slice-of-life shenanigans.
season 3 when?
Chronological isn't as bad as you make it sound, just lack a bit of the oomph
It changed anime radically
Zoomers don't understand because they grew up with post-Haruhi anime
I suppose it's hard to understand why when you started watching anime two weeks ago.
why does she?
Maybe her butt hurts.
____ ____?
I only learned about the broadcast order thing after I watched. Should I rewatch it later in broadcast order or have I ruined it for myself
You could always give it a try. Having a new way to rewatch a show is always nice. It's not like it ruins it anyway. The novels are in chronological order. The broadcast order was a KyoAni idea. Like spreading endless 8 over 8 actual episodes.
So during the murder mystery episode, did Haruhi murder that dude and then retcon it?
I watched it chronological and still thought it was a great show. Kyon and Haruhi are strong enough characters to keep you engaged even in the SOL episodes.
It's shit and it does not get better
I watched it for the first time a few months ago and its one of my favorite anime. Don't listen to anyone who says its only good because of nostalgia. It has a hell of a lot going for it.
I mean she pretty much is a bitch. It's why her character is so good. She's great to hate and it really makes you feel for Kyon when he has to deal with her shit.
Haruhi Suzumiya was one of my first animes and one of the reasons why I've started watching and exploring more animes, this show really brings a lot of memories to me, I was like 17 or 18 years old back then, I also discovered this fucking website on the same year when I started getting into anime. I'm on my mid 20 now and living in another country, time flies.
I want to fuck Haruhi, Mikuru and Tsuruya.
I want to hatefuck haruhi
I love her but she's a cunt