Dearly crossboarders and Yea Forumsincels, please gtfo. Yea Forums is a comfy place for anime/manga Otakus fans.
Dearly crossboarders and Yea Forumsincels, please gtfo. Yea Forums is a comfy place for anime/manga Otakus fans.
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eek I wouldn't call yourself an Otaku after what an Otaku just did today
Anybody who uses “incel” in any context does belong on this site.
Your friends from /jp/
I think you are in the wrong place.
based and redpilled mugi poster
Your friends from /g/
>people using a tragedy to boost their E-peen and disguising it as an empatetic movement
Youre a fucking retard OP
>human did shit
>i'm not a human anymore
Really makes you think
Back to edgylords
>on a anonymous website
actually, I think I'll stay
why does Yea Forums get a bad rap exactly?
I meant the people on twitter and other sites where you can use the topic in question to easily farm for likes/follows with a hashtag or something that works similarly
Fuck you user i just want Yea Forums to be good again
>gatekeeping Yea Forums
/pol/, reddit, twitter and console warriors invaded the board
It’s a constant battlefield and the moods don’t want to do shit
moe anime is trash
Because they can't rhyme for shit.
it is fine, it keeps the normalfags away
Its full of people like this
>telling others to go back
/ck/ here I would like to talk to the Chief my studio is too well done
>sniffle sniffle
Can train otaku post here too?
Watch Gundam
Go have a look and don’t come back
>Yea Forums is a comfy place for anime/manga Otakus fans
no /jp/ is
this board has some of the worst mods on this website who'll delete your post for an opinion they don't like
Dont you have some random shooter to play?
>lurk 2 years before posting
>hey what's the animu from that picture
>Gtfo spoonfeeding faggot
>recommend some anime
>boku no pico
Yes. Yea Forums, that old and comfy place with open arms...
At least we don’t have to endure wojak and pepe
>haha guys wasn't that mosque shooter so funny lol? haha he played initial d music based /ourguy/ fuck sandnigger
Why does the word incel trigger Yea Forums so much? Could it be because its true and you're all pathetic virgin loser?
Make me pussy weeb shithead
>Yea Forums literally full of virtue signaling Twitter posters, ESL YouTube/Facebook weebs and unironic MALfags
>nonono don't you see Yea Forums and reddit are the real problems?
whatever anime genre you like is absolutely trash.
>the pathetic bordeline pedo moeshit lover is calling other board incels
Diversity is Yea Forums's strength.
>actually calling yourself otaku
I am more fine with calling myself trekkie than otaku. At least trekkies aren't as subhuman as otakus.
I agree with you but you aren't making your case any better by using normalfag terms. Please commit half-suicide.
Because it's the gateway board for normalfags with /pol/ since Yea Forums became irrelevant porn dumping ground
oh so it's just a falseflagger
>Yea Forumsincels
>Otakus fans
Yea Forums is dead
Cope cringe incel faggot
FUCK /pol/ and fuck /lgbt/ (and also twitter, resetera and tumblr)
You faggots ruined all of this goddamn website
Unironically using /reddit9k/ lingo ought to result in a permaban
>oh no people aren't joining my shitposting and fanbase wars!
>that must mean they're moralfags virtue signaling! Yea Forums was made for edgy posts after all!
I am not even edging you retard, it is just that the fact that OP is a fucking crossboarder has to be pointed out.
>Using the word "Otaku" unironically
This is real the problem is you ask me you faggot.
The vast majority of japanese otaku play video game though
/pol/anons are alright tho
t. Edgylord's army
Fuck you
thanks for confirming, nice falseflagging by the way
How bad is your reading comprehension? Over half of the posts had nothing to do with edging, they are just calling out the fact that OP post has elements that are not fitting for Yea Forums board culture, such as using the word "incel".
have sex