this man is a hero and will no doubt go down in history as the arsonist who saved anime from moeshit
This man is a hero and will no doubt go down in history as the arsonist who saved anime from moeshit
anime is for leftists
Ok incel
of course he's fat
kyoani hasn't made any moe in years, only fujoshi trash
train-chads rise up!
In 100 years, FGO 3 will release him as a 4* Avenger with fire powers and an NP that does extra damage against moeshit.
Thank you, barusu-san!
The fuck is wrong with his foot
Reported you to the police.
I translated the text , have I obtained the title ken sama yet
Should have put a bullet in his head right there. Or if they don't carry guns a few blows from a baton or a good brick could work
He stubbed his toe.
>middle aged
Where have I seen this before...
He soaked his shoes in gasoline and they caught fire during his escape.
Why? You sound like a nigger
>being fat in Japan of all countries
Actually just fuck off edgelords, I don't care what type of anime you like/dislike, lives never deserve to be lost - especially in such a shitty way - for something as stupid as anime
In the mirror.
Emperor Reiwa bless him. He committed the ultimate sacrifice for his country
>witnesses heard him screaming "YOU COPIED IT" and "YOU RIPPED ME OFF"
So what’s the story here? Is he just mentally ill?
>tfw it's not a white sock on his left foot, it's his skin
>he actually managed to walk to his home in this condition
He didn't do it because of moeshit.
He didn't do it because of /u/ faggotry.
He didn't do it because of his waifu being defiled.
He did it because they didn't want to pay royalties for the use of a word he coined.
He's not your hero. Nothing you hate is going to change because of this.
no lives were lost afaik
You sound like you want me to put my cock in your mouth
was he a former worker?
I wouldn't say it's necessarily FOR leftists, but I have to admit they certainly find it useful as a tool for spreading their society undermining values like pedophilia and gender dysphoria.
>33 People confirmed dead
Just shut up a little
He didn't coin the word and KyoAni wasn't using it anyway. He was just "protecting" his honorabu train station from an English word that sounds kind of similar
can't save your parents from unwanted pregnancy
That's one interpretation, his wording can mean more than one thing, there's nothing concrete yet. if you see anons talking about trains and shit, it's still speculation with no proper source.
Confirmed already to not be a past employee.
There is a post apparently from him saying they stole some sax music in Hibike from him. Schizos really should be euthenised.
No apparently he wasn’t affiliated with them at all.
He's probably the most important japanese national since Otoya Yamaguchi, the guy has single handedly saved anime.
When will Yea Forums decide if pedophila is a Jewish plot or b+r?
I just want Yea Forums to leave Yea Forums forever, Jesus fucking Christ how did it come to this board being like this?
The amount of r*dditors revealed by the attack is staggering.
Holy fuck just realized the foot thing
14 is the ideal age though
Why would he want to murder dozens of people over this silly shit though? What a lunatic.
got boiled inside his socks and shoes probably
Moot left us
but 14 isn't prime
Autism can make you do all kinds of crazy shit
I can't wait.
It depends on the conversation
We love it but sometimes it's important to use it against leftists
Killers are as you said, lunatics. A lot of them are unironically missing a chromosome or two, or got a warped view of the world from childhood years then proceed to stew in it throughout adulthood.
Explain why or fuck off
no. this isn't exactly it
actual theory is as follows: he's a psychotic train otaku who "coined" the term "barisaku" to describe his method of photographing trains, using it in countless posts. (the meaning of this made up term is stupid and not relevant)
Euphonium featured a "baritone saxophone" which was sometimes abbreviated to "barisaku" online. This coincidence infuriated the train nerd because people were "stealing his word." He filled the Euphonium threads with long bizarre shitposts expressing his rage and ranting about train photography.
The perp responsible is a train otaku who got mad about KyoAni ruining the scenery at a trainspotting location by attracting a pilgrimage of anime otakus.
Also, Hibike had a baritone sax solo that people abbreviated as "barisaku". Coincidentally, "barisaku" was the abbreviation he personally used for another trainspotting related term, バリバリ観光してサクッと撮りましょう.
This is what he was screeching about and, according to him, got plagiarized.
Hope some anime fan Yakuza boss cements him, 2bh.
What a madman. If only we all had his courage, maybe some things wouldn't be this shit.
What the best fire based weapons to burn mOeshitter
Mine is pic related!
>Explain why or fuck off
Can we go back to the time where schizos are thrown into a ward and never let out again?
now STOP making jokes of the KyoAni fire!
Based as fuck.
Incels weebs are seething tonight
Imagine getting this mad over a fucking trainspotting location. The power of autism is getting stronger.
And you sound like a pussy cracker who lives in California.
It's divisible by factors other than 1 and itself.
13 is prime
Only libs want asylums
I think it's amazing that one man was able to single-handedly end one of the most renowned anime studios in Japan through sheer autism.
yeah no fuck this faggot
you are retarded. the anime itself does not have this intention, they just make whacky stuff and dont really think much of it. its the mental illness of the west that turns it into something ugly, just as they even turn gender itself or women being mothers or anything else into an ugly conflict.
A modern day kamikaze
>HEro 1
>Feminist skanks 0
*tips fedora*
Reminder that one of the employees chased him down while on FUCKING FIRE.
And his bloody footprints helped the police to apprehend him.
Everyone knows that 1+1 bomb = end of war, nips have a fire weakness.
Jesus how can one man be so autistically self centered?
I hope he gets the psychiatric help he desperately needs
revengefags fuck off, your polices never solved anything
Was this man literally Emiya Shirou?
Cringe and bluepilled
How did no one stop this fatass?
how do you figure? don't they glorify various mental illnesses as 'lifestyles'?
This, killing him would make us worse than him
Do you even know where you are right now?
Holy shit this is disturbing.
Eat shit shonenfag
It is just shitposting, user. Don't take it so seriously.
Have sex
Ugly fatfuck
2chan needs to be shutdown
The anger of a dying man.
>Is he just mentally ill?
He killed 30+ people with fire, user.
Good luck having magic man from the sky bring all the dead back to life and wealth to their families
Far as /pol is concerned, he is just as big a hero as the guy who shot up that Mosque in New Zeland and the guy who ran his car into those SJW's in Charlestown.
>Taking the bait
that's pretty fucking metal dude
He might have killed anime. This isn't murricuh, where it's Tuesday as usual, it's literally the greatest act of mass murder in japan in over 70 years, and it has fucking anime in the background. If you think there won't be any knee jerk reactions from the government, you're hopelessly naive and deserve to be isekai'd. Did you forget about the screeching, knee jerk frenzy where that one episode of Pokemon caused people to spazz out?Now imagine the fallout from this.
Shit'll get thoroughly regulated now, mark my words.
>There's nothing wrong with watching ani...
You can't fix serious mental illnesses. It's literally a guessing game with various forms of light sedation
Nogunz, a true anime fan would blast his little john with a moist nugget.
I hope he dies while feeling a lot of pain.
god among men
Only in Japan.
They want state funded asylums and 'free' treatment. Fuckers want to raise taxes so homeless crazies can have a 5 star hotel on my fucking dime
All joking aside, this guy was probably a legit paranoid schizophrenic. I once had a violent encounter with a schizophrenic, and it was an incredibly surreal and dream-like event.
Imagine being an arsonist and thinking you're top shit because you burned a building, then a fucking animator just chases you on fire and gets you arrested. I bet he was freaking out.
Reply to this post and OP's mom will die in a fire tonight
it's not a guessing game it's an actual science and the more we pursue it the closer we get to unlocking the mysteries of the human mind including why people obsess over trains to the point of murderous intent
you don't solve those puzzles by killing people, you just postpone the process until the next locomotive lunatic
I want the entire slice of life genre to die.
Sure the help he needs.
I hope if he ever wakes up from whatever comatose state he's in right now they’ll throw him into a padded cell. Straight jacket, muzzle and shock collar included.
hope he he gets raped in jail by the equivalent of nip niggers
sorry you'll have to be able to actually read, but the poster's summary of the theory is accurate.
It's not his fault bros. He was brainwashed by /our guy/ into doing it, he was the tool of a collective agenda. He's just as much of a victim as the Kyoani staff. We need to reflect anons:
He is a hero too
Leftists pushed us too far by invading our anime
>all of this because of a train
What the fuck am i reading?
>t. shitskin
Don't make us MOAB you again, Hassan.
he's in pain right now user, he burned himself after all
We need to start a gofundme for this patriot
I like how semen drips from my prolapsed asshole -(you)
except the perp may not have even been an anime guy
Those posts have nothing to do with anything.
He's turning into an infernal right this moments
Why jobless faggots are the ones complaining the most about taxes online?
I wish him a speedy recovery!